ms pox nous The Not ei Ed Errgl iii RUNNINOTWICE AT ORANGEVILLE Zrtumlue dour to home and II that em exciting world ot lumen ruin tmngewllie were ymelo releanlitherport eaten at Inciteme tho Inperttle talk on ruoolna twice this weekend on both Sale on and may post time tor end it mo program going It lth alone oi the top drtrell Iyolod we recommend take trip down titratean way HOCKEY PLAYOFFS UPSETS TV SCHEDULE Aod it the Derby aroma coo Iprad eoneidlr the problem ot trying to prouem tor tetlvtelon tho current run tor the htInIey Ctr Upoet bal than he been the riarrte oi the game and no no in min to predict deitaite win lien NIturItly we are petting the annual crier lrom nonhocirry lane about the pro apart mono poliring prime time and we own eomond diet the leanhy tn mdatioo oometlrnrl bocomet little trying even to the met avid Nlil toilowrra llut the playotla mutt rank hipher on the lat oi acceptable programs then the current crop at renrno that go together to It tho vicqu hotrrl between hoelre content At lent ito Can an content No one of eoum enperted the danItic Bruin ta luddenly pro to pretendera And Iiter that vpaet who would tho called the Minnoaota North time to loot more than itve he ilr tor weekend viewers there are iour poaaibin combine titmo cm the CBC bimld both Montreal lilnrresote and New Yolk Otlcago eeriea go Ievrn garner both will be hown this weekend In ltontreal It FIISTBIILI LAxavrtw llAIIIY Lalreview Dairy oi the Dude Ind Dittrtct Senior llml Suit biliiqzlmPVIirii holdl prlctite Ii ens ton let IM pm Another to Ichabod lot Monday evening It Izod alto at Queena Part AM IlIIIYhIN AW oi the intermediate lea roe hove tehcduled practlco re allele ilrt Sunday at to Int All militant with the club on ltlll to be decided Interro ted perm are welcomed to try out with the club LMliith Illiliil tilrkwm Itotri oi the limit Ind liiatrlcl intermediate Menl lnothaii league will practice tonight It Atnc hirrrilon iIrir lire tryout rterlon heglnl It rhwertrlnnllnrnrt lultman also or the will retire tool or is teat no lier who wins whet Best Home In The Derby av ditth IttIIv Sport in is 45 it tr at Egg its oi 23 iii ii =9 gnla until the at Drorern lntope dry to court LMOIIIIIERI T00 we pIrcil win In beaten diataton to Col lune lhey racetrad the henttge Farm serotee trophy rum non uni lraIi Iller linebtlhil Stereo are Brides Philip Mir liar Daryt MAM Pool Barrie KBliIlllild DIVISION Stern Melinda Itoh Niehota ilhlleo Ind Cord Cameron and Karin Woir lIch Coach ll ltiek Rueush La SpotLyell By Harris BIDOIIINGTON Minn CPI JIM loco oi Ted llarria to NW Neath stIro lIot Juno lane ngirtg hole In the toil aide we ltontreai Canadienl do not noech AI nearer to aatlr iied todI the gap her bare Ide quateiy lied Youll yet In idea why they are rltllng harpeu ruin the teat eot growtnr rt And will rllue some at the puma being oillred in the field known to some novices II trots eerily on par with some oi the prenth errata In the Illlr on who her bolero dio dIi my area heptn to en lo llut the people It the orange villa leech nreto he eoltyrltulIt ad to once IrIln bringing eome line earth to In em within my role oi Barrie and die pro aeturday aad in Galena ll pm Sunday it ally tho Minnesota ailm treat urleo goee elven and it lull mtrht do that the leltcut will be pm Iupday It only the New York Cni cIro seller goca level which Item Ible It will originate trorn Ieego at prn blindly And it both aerlet ertd to limit and they could the first game oi the Stanley Cup Iinal will be hroldclet Sunday It pm also from Chicago there It thereiore old one definite American to demo and CBS deemr It actually Ior lunday aitemoen hoelrly eon where Oh yea In rare youre wonder ing the Derby runs on TV be ginning at 5pm Saturday We give hobby Orr oi the haplell llruino quote oi the Stem loy Cup pioydowna Altrr hta club loll that seventh gIrrle tn Cnnadiena In Bolton in la quot ed Io lIylng Im guitar to yo home and practice ptIyIng hockey No doubt he waa nehotnr thoughto oi Dooton auperltnr teImntIteI who now mutt pre pare Iti cuntrIct tnika PRACTICES at I710 other matters Irl plan ned tor SundIy pm at Queena Park and Therapy drill pm It hhclr Inrk Thorn Inter elted In trylnr ottt with the club In welcomed PAIII IUBPKNIIEII WINDSOII Ont ILIi The rommlnioner ot the Interna tional llotltry leayua art nouneod Theedly the Intenan auapcnlton at two piayerl aiter allckllyllt in gonna itnlurrtay tht Iurt iiurun torward tliii ioCalna and Des llolner goalie Glyn Cooley received which gemn penult ea following lirht In the Turner Cup playrdIo hmrnluluner ltlll llenpnn rrnld the tight wot the moat tlllour he lull teen to any hocirey route Iort lturon won the prone 50 TIIY EXAMINER WANT ADiI IIIIONI TZMIII lienNell here tor tonlgiltr alxth lIntI oi the Stanley hip we In your try It proved he can hand till mt vacated by lilrrle Ihe CInIdiena lend the best otlevrn eerier and the It yleroid lapotote toyed eotld role to bolping cane diena In their ulreh ior In no precodaoted lwh ltIniey hip Guyutm come along well letd well at the elltoot ibpouod rookie delencernln When or lost mil to llione role it we him chance to pogylugubeion ad in the 13 re In ru ti to develop mo CAIMIIED iIIM liliiOlIl liaoNeil eeaehed Lapoinll with IloatrIIl waymum the American lloekoy league tut leaner and with lioonton Apoi loo oi the Cement League the previoul year Thin season Leontntn blow lomad II National lloelrry telrue rogtdlr Ilthounr hie er loita tha hero nverrhldowed publlrity accorded the reor tng lento oI several other ilrlt yur pllyere Tire Bangers NEW YORK CPI Emile Praneil hopes hie New Yorit ltIngerI yin well arnitut Cititm liar itItllutnnight no they did TucrdIy nipht in this earn 1hIt may sound eruprielng liMI the Ilangero lost that game Inlt the ltnnrer roachrennet monoper think his team played neat pIme deaplte the lore All know lrInrla IIld Wedneadoy la that II we not the name great etiort irom everyone tomorrow tilrurodurl night and arain in Chicago hum day afternoon were gain to go into the linIlI nrninlt thrr illntrell or the North lm It Parnell doevnt pet treat ctlort from the limo lonipht there will be no Eundey alter Lapnintn playad lull 75 Iran schedule and peeled poah Ind wilted on to others while Ipending ltn minutes In Ibo penalty ML when the Canndleua loci horde tiarardior the Itr tt year with tractorad leg midwa thread the salon Lepoinie bealrpe ma more tub portInt to the club III walled rlnrtllty Iioon ride terry itIrper llc Le rrietlaodiCne IV mad ho II Irticuluil etit vo art the ie point to Montreal power plays IIOAINS IINACN lln elected the action with ralh oi gotil Ilowed lorcwwhnt in the record hell but regained hie scoring eye In the pleyoiir 5o iar ho hlI thrtn grain and three Iralltt in it postseason glrnee outlet Bolton Ilrttlnl lrd lttoneeotl ltIrNell raid he also wu planed wltirlnpointnl work II pcnaityktllcr Stare are green and edit hu tolmnourletlllthlatr ewer oi more value to no th year then some oi the guru who will yet all tho attention or tttn roolla oi the year Iwerd llncNeiI raid that Lepolnte although Ipparlnll reticent and somewhat lhy the ice in anything but recluse in the toe er room with teammatea and with clean irienda llao real term men and lint Downcast nirevm Nationel ltaclly lelrue Stanley my eerniitnela and could wrap toy tonlpht Were not down Fron cioonid lm conildrnt well re bound with supreme eitort REVISED LINEUP irnnclr reviled ilil lineup tor Tuewinye me trenchlnp Ted Irvine tlrure IIIrGreror and hero Baton Ind ptayiltr lien anther lion Stewart Ind lied Selilnr In order to get more checking Into the game lm rtlil undecided at what form our team will to tor to nirhte grime Irlntte laid the aitultion danger trom amp in lane 11 con elm chnnre within the lame could start the lame Twolday lined and male noon to chicgo lor the Blue rhlrto Cnlelgo teede the heel FISHING NO AND Ne Ilealrra lielee liitiili DY Nulliril IINNOWNNI PIAIIEIIhIIIN DISCOUNT IlllCii MENS SiiNNiiiS rtrrlcuurtr IltltIi FAsst 597 WORMS FRI SAT ONLY GENUINE ehnoreo heiore game In over 7m IACKIE AT DISCOUNT PRICES MITCHELL 3W SPINNING REEL iWOItLDS FINEST MADE IN FRANCE lit7 Itltitllrll Null LDC TOD Lapointe Ably Filling be deep hlI Ihan oi hooltnl and hollering the Imtnnr Photo IIOGIETETI NY tAPl Compillrttl tram piayera oodotlon have brought us justice nrtmeot lnrertl Itiort oi tha Illnnll llockey ague the ltochrltrr Demo crat Ind Olronlele reported to my rrtornlnygrfaditlomb cop not Team the paperYarb die Pro IIItIonIl Noekey Pin era Also delion had auhnriti 11 get oI Individual player comp ta ta ioderli tnreotigltora the iultlce department who Iltounded It the amount and contentl oi the Iniormatlon wo rovldod told not telchner Iasoelltioneganeral court set The ateoclItion represent 83mm in the American and Intern hockey tea Let ehner said the Iaeoc tlon baa licence 197 DIDS current Door linrdlop with no Yen enyr lno Tltlhohydrrr automatic power etterlnr power but radio widtlwelia wheel ditca electric rear window dctroatrr Vinyl to irrirrr to match the llyht blue ex iorior paint llninncn ot the ti ll iIetory warranty Ltr mint Surgeted liat lrlee Ittn triad tin Kirk Stern it lad St Durham replying lor the totem the ltarlllo played dropper game then to their prerloul three uriel Ipptannreo but couldnt cope with the line oi Dionno Simon and Pmpler who aerounied iour at liawk goals 1I Till IAIIILIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL ll 1m Justice Dept Investigates Hockey Players Complaints rhnrred tilIt National llockel league taller here unilirir toreed merry pinyero out at the game also cont pialncd oI InIdrdu mrdleal payments and ot rtlenn claim which bindl player to hit team We Ioel the hoclogl plan erpcclall thou art omtnor leayun vel Ira being or plo ted lairhner laid the Democrlt and Chronicle sold turtles department rpokernten had continued the Investigation up Well he electing the van loos National lelrua terms to the near nature We have been obtnlnla Itaternenta Ind tater matlon me other Iourena Weve got the best cars the biggest deals and the 30000 Moneymiles Sweepstakes Juat fill out an entry coupon showing all the rules with the millage reading on tho odomah at your carortruck tornny other carynu aaioctr it can be any moire or our You have opportuniton win up to $20000 It you live in Canada are I6 or over on hold valid drirarl AND CHANCE TO DRIVE AN IMPALA 0R CUTLASSI l97lICHIVIi0iETIMPAIA so re 23 319 and when Itnvnto oltIhot the Mindoro 1500 tern Cataracts Close To Title Chance GAUI GP NIIionIl rtepdlpl are lIrttr tor oundlend teams but rettI clinrnetl are very to that at tho Canadian ameteur hector title the Cttararta meet Gait nets the Ontario ltorley elation Sealer wionlrt docielve illth came at hosteltile Eutern Allan ttnll hero Ionltbt and the her play Cattery Stampede tor the ottiooIltl iln anybodyn game llIre Pic etta to titt nIttrI who ooarhel CI Itil The Catlractn Iltlioupl ing the ntlro mice road Itmoat eoeltl till home teem at times there In eIlIrnItrd mo Newiauni llnd native living heir ettoooo the Newleundinndere turned out to lure plooben in banner and gvoc upportto ctoPie must make ehIngoiorth itaai rtIr deieoeoman itnn It liniohod tor the Item llerrttt mlitrod Iopatated leit Ihouider when ban rd Into ibI boards period at ltrnedlye victory tor tlrlnd which round the lertao Door llIrdtop with enrlrre automatic atecrlny power dlle pluhhutton radio walls wheel dim mntrheo the light Ierior Lie Ito mm Surycslod List Price RAPAIA lUilES IJIP ltrg Our lrire ltl lrlltl tire 21 bar Price 111 40 iltltt Hey Our irltn lll CRACK m3 FORMERLY iUXOR 1497 ERNIES storm BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Originally will It 11 SPOOL CHAIN LINK FENCES Protect and beauth your property wldr gItrInired led colored ehIia ttnk lancer tNotv lrIillblI the all new gmn emit inltaiiod CALIFOR rraa asrrunras 7267835 CHIVIIOLIT OLDIMOBILI BRADFORD IT BARRII Ann it not iiiirieiiaiilird ilimi II II It Norton Oman Lewinoion Murray inllitia by RM UM Min OPEN FRIDAY TILL moral Dlneortllld in Jack Tudhopo mttll Bruce Dlnperlllld Gen Selle WWMRMW rhetinrrwlehint ye ImupMmymNMTHHF dmeuwamuuhaowimo