Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1971, p. 15

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ior expelled IAIIIEIOUNO pulpieex Ihnenloterell in saint mih Ia InaoIl mm phloem thI thuudl et polluters tell to the roIdI durinr their sdnolholtdsrwtieunlsllhlr petroleummalno ewVvr Will Info 71 Photo Hope City Will Be Ready When HitchHikers Arrive him of todays such Is PIiil Richards Illmreurd hitchhlhlom II roll lchhoi Itr bIek his contention thl yotdiiui Iotlli wortec cited trlnlteat It rumbled Gounod In Oolnieil the but Iialtrrier PIul whochldsm lIrtheIImIl broutocaroiltceorxilacol nurnberoly lepe In the hit Invelled North Armin inducing stopover Id Iiultd by Inde end be but em pried lhtbornile trip wbldl dulled sell term Rhto youll on the sold you Iooo lulu how to Willie yourv sell gvlgnlum nd you to In tntlc people Ill kidsshould lrIrcl ItI Mediation YaterdIy Plol wIs sharia trIveltln experitoca with other blinded to the presen Itioli on hasten Yrrrth II Into 11 lilies an estbible noel our coon IhIt needed crest dell el publicity in the issz medlI IIII yen Ind will undoubtedly be entered extetulvely leln WWW sens Sar sle III well eeouIialed with this loo With the city to wed on rnIla tlsnraalda route rnlny youay hitchhikers tend to rush DIrrIe Is llsl llopover on the way to Toronto oruthlilrll no thewanorth or west Whit school holldIyI hppmhtlt Jig lanePullman It sItd ereIrelotnltobIIllIInds oi hidI Mignon In Berlin WI summer III help the citys luliil Ill be FINA ltrueuti pl Iloclniworii er with All Sinltoe Oottnty chil lireiir Aid Society said there Itll inlay miIconccpllonI Iboul kids on the road they tend to bo stereotyped Is lorryhaired dour ilcnds There this hrttkitts your lids Ind mine be In Under the clrcumrlsnccs with students hlvlup trouble nding summer toils llI asturll tor them to consider trlvrilinp while We Ic At this pill Dlre loolrrpsnn whe Ls Ictlvety involved in youth work in thoelly IIid It would he consume to expect um shall minority oi these lids wouldnt bIrs mental or emotion ll disoldul he did Ihuserl etc But be Ines with the studyl eooeiuiol that they Ire dellnllely rnlnnrlly mp The rdltlrn It into 11 empties red the enrnlnrnltyl re Iponslblllly lo trInIlent youth locltl Ith Im II medleIl Iadi serrch lad Immine dliion hIst yelr several rites Ia Ontario tried to meet the le lominodrtinn problem by Isth IlshinI hostels Approximately one beds were IlIiIIble tor tren Ilenl youth In Toronln Ibll will increase in too this summer liowevlr hir Than point cdout tht the word allelriill hIs rieIItive connotIUonl In North Amertcl Ind tends to be IIIoclItedwlthltntL nlell min serum or llrre IIIIa he leetl popirlor mileoueeplioas Ire to blIrne Ind lbIt hostels blve lolly been re lsblisbed Is In Integral put oi trsvellin to mow However liter listening to taped messllo outlining the insulin oi youth boslcir Ind In Iliernative plIIi ior boarding lrIvclIcrs In private homes younp people responded invor my to tho prospect at buslci bola IslIhlIIhcd In Blrrle this summer Iltbeupb recom mcndntion to this riled was not put at tho Ilped iiiessrpe Seventeen peer old hrrndI thornplaas rllctlon III trui cII WI bedly need youth bullet this manner You wont hellrre the number It Ist who will he outlay tbrouph Me But Blends expressed sleptl cisol that the rib would eodorlo such Merl ii the III does come mood to court or II the II problbiy tIlk It to denth la the punter will end said theyll Id be lIlhIdl Ihe IIid hrcodl hIdnt been lllhioy to Aid Jim Perri Ibo rIld Ieb locally let soniethiny ho to he done shoot the problem at trlasienl youth Ind yolIh hoo tel is the bell propootl Ive belrd yet ell cInI hide problem by Igor Ill Ind ii could II rnIterilllres it will In my support hI said It remains to be rrcn how holpltlble Barrie will be to turn Iicnt youth tth summery LIst llanrricr Ilrsoded youngster who ronlIcted this eriIru oi lice twirl othln meli llchtl Ind Illy overnirbt It the roller station it he wlnted For the most put the lids lust noted mell city wcl Ilre Idmtnistnlnr SlIve lilacs slid Three rulers dont remain to II tor Iny lenpth oi time 1ny III hesliar west or solar to throttle Yulerdsy sevml youths cl pleurd the view thIt clly ml dentI would oppose the cslrblieh iinllI possibility Ill Illo lulu ms the postildllly ol moving toelsrpIileuuchuthe um more Ihich would ll ior lien more orssnhltienr to pIrtlcipItr In my event ltr Purdon leit thIt ycatsdtyl exposition bod chitrtd Its cool It Icoiutnl Iny the public with prnlcsllonll services IrIliIble in the coal munily there is la ol public to Ithy on some at these topics be laid People dont Irnerrl ty tIlh about them ill wII right Young teens lad Ithth dont mslly sit down in bite on In lidltorium tloor discuss birth control But ibaiwII wbIt hlppcned It the centre oi Ooliler Street Unit Church ball when Ken loop prvIrIm coasulllnl with the mute Division oi the OhlllA wu diseustlnl lIrnlIy pllaninx with more willinr to tilt hlr lupp exniIlaed that his position us not In trle rides onnuohlssueuubortlomorlhe Itsoornonusoolrlrlourblrth control methodsI but limply to crthIish loudly ulsaatn II sillmctbiny open to public all llterIlure being distributed Tue Annual Event where deserted wile broom brr truInl hissblad to root Isl in llllltttlIl support ior herlell Ind her children Chit Mldrlld process As one cc rerouted Who not to be ily court Iudnl Rev Jilin to mill ni Illnellnl United Clinch cllted the session treinendoul learning experiences 21th rgieugnnon Iub Wt Ill tlzblcarrlr Ilemhtrl ol the her III hdclli Piranha theuicii so vided Ialnrrnltlon lad dis bir led questionalin designed to determine socili needs the PtInoiaI Oouaeil Ilso hId disptly Inn Willitill the 11de ol lnndcat yosth peril utility in the cm oi provid IrIl hoeicls or biUetln Inc yornplers oil the more other rtlspIIy IrcII pmldcd Inletmotion on social problems such Is drug Ilahrilism un oecl mothers Ind old Ill Venereal Disease Prevention ll Health Unit Priority Some statistics on soeIIl prob ml storma howled AI IIIle giggly limo IIIdl Iieatien tbs wold hostel in barrio Ind youll ccl Embryo thrown but It you Even thoulh It less dil icrcnl sccilo lltorclhcr Nevertheless In addition to Aid Perri several Idiiitr when asked blcktd the ides oi youth hostel Andy WtIImIa mIrIaI opcrltor tbouxbl more publicity could be Elven to the lsprct that the maturity oi trun Ilml youths Ire students scrk Inn tubs Ind wondered out loud whether pllnI are blind triads In mud to cslhblllltlnx hos lci la Dorrie ycstcrdly Fur exlinplr Ibo lacidcnrc oi looorrhen In Ontario per 100000 population stood It soon to tilt More wavlznwro than hIrI DouiiI lactaer pub lic health nurse with the Simeon Doubly Public Health Unit ex plained Ihlt this ich Is one lcl soa the ltovcrnrnenl has In tbori health units to step up their Icllvliics in the Hell oi preventing venereal diseases This involves pIIclnrl the lads hetero the public hlrs battncr sold it is not true thI cmrcli dilly eIIeIcII bu In limits drink at as to els or shall tonllcti IrIclnI rootlets ollcn Iry voivre ml dell oi display by health personncL With this mwiny rocIIl prob lem health uniiI relay to be plIclny morI emphuls on control lalcrvlcwlar But hopefully In alarmed public pertIcuIIrIy school thitan will reduce the sits at the prob Icm by rtici ting ln liilo tl Ute sullen aunt IIcIlth Unit as taking step in this direc an uncommon 0N reneicrl disuse III provided by the Sim Oosoty IleIlih UIIIL hlrI Donal tactile public Emu LISA 35 giigtlgri sisriral iiiiirrir rnsEncrlr 5E gigg Eiiii Enroll med dont think pie should pIy but because Iwnebody leis II the Child cIa aisle us ply he lsid hilybe we should test hlIllh nurle with the unit us still to shower questions rc Ited to the problem Illum loer Photo liloclr Earnily Court Sessions MadelorlludienceInvolvement Ill ONLY PLAYING TRIS PART This wII the responseot Joyce liIrrls when the questions be clme illlie loo personal Ind problnl Joyce Grade is student It North leptsle wIs plrtklpat In In much Imin court Irt up drains told 71 Her role us that el In on married mother at tonner oid boy child tor which the thiIdrenI Aid Socle wIs reel Iay temporIry Ip Judy hIIdorI IociII tractor with the Gimme coolly CA5 Ippelml Is IncIII worker Don lIthsnn IocIl director served Is mntlcrItor Ind iIrnlly court KI llbst tho hall decision in the humourlie Ihe Indium tecns and Idth who were ob laurel to question the psrtici poaLl leo choices were open to the modem either return the child to his mother undcr the supervision oi the society or make the child erd ol the society Evidence In court revealed that the chili bod been moved from home to home by the moth er The llllcr bad rclchrd In Impasse In IhIt she had run out or homes In which in place her son In my etcnt the soelsl work er backed by doctors rcporl tell the boy bsd Iiliicrrd emo tional depriutton on Iccount ol the numerous mom hebsd been lublecled to Nonetheless the mother mIIn tllaed thst she loved her child Several mcrrlben oi the Iildl race lrkd tn csthlish how real this late was In trying to prove that Ilia would calls cnnd mother Joyce Idrrilllrd thI she would be prepared to my home to the child but In on crslnnll Flinn wII every Mrl rlrhl This word lllnx brntht III Im mediate response from the IudL race who wInltd lilny Mined At this point Joyce readadcd cicryone present that shl was only playlay the part She In Iccp her Ion Oius linolliceat mint lotlbthh ed by member ol the modern III the tract that Joyce tthe mothrri had not applied Iur ll asnrlal Islsiunco under the Family Drncllis Act with this possibility open to her the IudIcncl wild to return the child to the molher under the supervision oi the CA3 Ilcnillrn toss lcnlttN II the III with trisls held thirlnp lnlo it Some at tho nlhcr crsrs Iniolv ed drltnnucnl lcennre girl molhcr Isllnp nancial aid tor her childrcnInd an unmarried mathcr plaiminl to place her child ior Idoptton lmmnmmw 3Llicrrwtlssrlza An onmnumwuuuen lcunannouncedwmmmnuunuuuznimwmmm Board Will Support City On Sidewalk Applications The county Iiourd oi education last night voted to support Uhl lie in In Nations to the Onl Irlu hiu clrtel hoard tor Ip provol oII deaik construction in school areas The bond endorsed Iccvrlu rnradlilon irem Ils Arcs built in committee which met last luck with the public worls corn Itilllte oi city council to discuss Ilcoi Improvement prvllcls The board compiled with re quest born the public works committee to lpopiiit oliiclll re presentltlvcs to spelk tor the board It heIrtars lilrrio Trustee theims Corl hurn told the bolrd she had Ip plnrcd It recent session ol Ulltt hcnrlnps but was not rec vyulred Is In olllclli bolrd rc pitsenlnllvc llosrd chairmen Iiiorley Iord hurried hire Covlhurn Ihurteo tleurpe Inapslnliv ril It rl Ind menthol oi the ndllilnlsirh lion Is olllelit rcpressntsllvcs lVlDG Employees Walk Oil The Job Production at hieulllelil Ilene mun Gcncrai Ltd in Ilnrrle ellip utd lrst nlsbl throulh what com veal president lichiullrn duscribrd In on ttlryul work Whittle Avvroiimsltiy to pro duction horkcrr in the passenger lirs lliiiilr Wulircd all the lab around the pin liULLItIlN ill shill workers Itutrd tplrrtap the pint liter 13 select lousy The com on Ills ruled the wurkerr tlourly employees cited an en cinccrinp time Itiitl intlltuted its the company as their specific Uiitldtlit in Meyers on the midnight and day liiiils lttltlvrcd the wrllloiil ii trillinr to cross plclict lines The study dcripneti to evalu lle new incentive rate slmclun rs would result In or rule tor some workers IUEUlIllIIl to In mildon who we minted to hit Iieliullcn termed the Elliott IoeII union problem Ihtl slid Ill is IIu boils Ivr this priciilme us it was written into the union conlrlcl Slrtkin employees are mem bers at United Itubber ttor hers union There are npprnxlm lleiy ell hourly workers lnluli ed in production work The innl is idle lodoy hir hichlullrn said be but no hits on how Ion the walkout would call linuc Company oltlciiiis Ire not plan ninl to meet todIy with union oilicllis in Illbt oi the IIlclul naturn at this wIIlout hlr hicltlulicn sail were writinp tor the union to elllbllsh tltllllll alone the normal lele psilcril estvrduyl wIlIIut was the second Int dirturbsrwe It the last wilhn year Int tall walkout closrd the plant or sevcral days hir tctiiiicn slid the comp any tool immediate action ullcr ycstcitloys wuikoul IJCCiIlIIIC s0ltto oi the some men are volyed who participated in last years wort stop Ire this It so our Illustlon said 9A urently the international bee punters oi the union hIs representlive in hurts to so lost the million The board llso Ipprnvcd mo lion lrnrn the commlllto In re quest that sldcwsihs be Included in all subdivision plans prelenb ed to tho drplrimcni oi munici pal aliolrs ior Ipproili under certain conditions Those conditions were Imcnd ed to the motion during the media as in situations where it is Ipr between the plann Iiir hour concerned and the lo cal board representative that sidewalks are essential or the solely oi school children Scplrlle school representative ltoy Glriepy oi llnrrle told the board it shouldnt insist on side walls in all subdivisions tic Isld new home prices hit beyond the reach oi III bill high wutc corners and that in clttalun rl sidewalks In subdlvlt slurs odds to the price pi home lch It is unreasonable on our port to insist on pulling side walls in every subdivision he said but where the ralcty or children It concerned it is acc essary OrIIUa IruIlec lltla Ihelus crtcd that cost must he cnrtsld end but she nddcd sidewalks should he pill in with the rub rlivtslon Otherwise they lttlt dont ct not In Man Charged With Escaping Custody lohn Arthur hlellrinc or no tired address has been rhorltd with cttlplttl lawful custody its use remsuded In custody in pro vlntlul court Wednesday inc one week or trial on two chlrnes ni lhclt charge uiidcr lilo llnuor Control Act and charge oi breach oi probation Ilsll wIs let It too Mchrlno ls locused ot wrillny out oi the provincial courtroom Iilcr his court lppesrsncr lhe chum was bid liter hlciirlne wIs pIcIed up by city police on Collier St Ille Wedneedly allcrnond T0 DINNER County education lnisltcs were invited Isl alsbt lo loin ltIrrIl soicly pnirollers tor dinner and damn ltin It The bonnl hrnrd lcllcr ironi Constable Ilobcrl Thompson viii police solely ollltcr niornlin ol the plrly planned Inc all usllnp lrIde patrollcre The dance is timed to coincide with the slut oi Sslcly Pltrot Week It Is possible that Ilnrrle truse lccs Ihllml Cuckbura tieanl innpstslie Ind ltly alrlcol mnnp others will nttlnii Unhappy Birthday Shanty Bay Man it was not happy hitthdsy lor Norman lircsro oi till Shall Dry Iii prnvloclll court Wedoeidly llrcsso who told the court it was his doth birthday wls third total or tllu plus corLl ol til Iilcr he pleaded guilty to chIr III at leaving the Issue at no accident Ind bells Iatoslcrlcd In public place lircssos inurisel David Iluge bcn suggested that in light or the loct list it was ltrcisns birth dry Ind Ihlt he had led the durum Irislnp out at Dec ll Ircidrnt on Codrlalloa St he be rivers stupended rent race but Judge it it Iolter lined him tire and aloe dolier costs on the ltlpway lrIllle Act thlrre Out Of Prison 11 Days Pleads Guilty To Charges ZbyeIrold youth who but been on pIrole tor only it drys train the Collins hey Peniten llIry bctore he began live dly lprctt oi luto Ind other thefts wrs remanded in provin clIt court Wednesday one week ior rcnlcnclnz William John StoclmIn oi no tixetl riddles pleaded guilty to two charges at auto lhclt one charge or lhclt oi clothes valued over tit and live chIrpcs ol lhclt oi wallets and contents VIIurd under eso AU tho lncldcntl occurred be tween April It and April It Sloclmen was Irresitd in the early mornlnr oi April in Aurora while driviny lol en the previous day item ilsr rIe car chIershlp clown Attorney John Alexan der usltd ior tourlollie year penitentiary term Inc the youth Ilo obvously hosnl Broke Probation Iailed Day hlIrls Ellinc Vicira it rim Ild wns given minimum onoliny lsll sentence Wedney day nttcr she yielded guilty in provincial court to lrpe oi willully violetan the terms oi probation order Probation olilier Cordon ltlcth told the court thIt the ylrl who is on twoyelr probation ior conviction in Toronto llll Seth lrmbcr bod illlcd to report to him Is required between Jan to tail March Delete lhrt period and alter it hrs IIid she ha been reporting regularly lie recommended that probation continue my counsel DItid While who rcprcsenlrd Illss VIclrn slld tho plrls mother but been hospital IIed during litIt period Ind she bod remained home to look Il ter er three ynuolrr brothers Ind sters lie Ilso asked Iblt the exist lny probation order continue Drove While Impaired Fined Aurust rreiberrs oi oi Vie loril St wIs lined tied to pro vlnclll court Wedaerdly liter he pleaded rullty to thus oi lnipslrcd drlvlay III who charred Feb 11 liter the rlr ho wIs drivlny collided with Inothcr on teem St It Pleads Guilty John lilyoe Clipps it It Go wIn SI wu reranded out oi custody ttntll lily it ior leis teneiny Wednesday Illlr he plrsded guilty in provincial court to chlrce ot Icy rid ill pre sentence report wIs or dertd by Milli Ii Font Anne ht Tutsi Orange in the Iccidcnt was estimated tits Crown Attorney John Aklsnd er told the court lrelberls was unsteady on his ieet but to hold the side oi the car lor rapport Ind had Ilronl smell II II coho on his brcllh when be In Irreettd TO by hiding Iilrr Cripps Idrnllied he but previous conviction ioc lhclt Crown Attorney John Ateslod erloldtbecourtOr IIvsI llllernrnt to pollen mltttol be bad tlkea car from tired lord St on lot Dee It Ind in the neyt lew dlyr drove it twice to Toronto tad hath Icnrntd by crpcricacc iIr Al cxandrr slid rrlrrrlilx to Stock trusts Icnythy criminal mord which showed he had spent most oi hh time since 1901 In rclvn rpnlury and other pcnol Institu torts He said bluclmnn had been released on panda April il It didnt lhl lillll lung in ct brick lnlhuJ trouble llr tlcxumlct Ia ON DRUG Counsel listid Whiteytho rep rescnlcd Stuelrnsn loldthsl Sloelmsn told hlni he but been biyh oil drills tor the it days ho had own on parole and that he will on dnins when he was urrrricll by poUce liil only dcslro Is to have the pics err charm dealt with llid back to Collins tluy be ill hit Vllll0 sold llint ll Stoch nisn bod learned his lcsstm lcnltby prison term would serve no purpose In addition he sold the youth will tree the elltcls oi breaking purple loose it Foster told he unnlcd proscolenco report Barrie Cubs Meet Tonight The tlrst meetlnl It the Ilsa rie cubs locII baseball club ro lIy In the Snth Simeon litto hrll helm will be held tonilhl tn the bolrd room at Glaelll Electric Bradlorcl Sh bcplii ninx It 130 pm All Interested In helplit with the club or plsyInI this seuori Irr build to Illeud er coated John Dublin mil to the Ielyuer Insult meet up last nisht It the ivy orIayI ttllt Dells Arnold oi Ivy wn reelected Is president tor the IVII lelsoa tic Weethrooks oi learners wrs reelected Itcrtilry School Parent Groups Approved But Not Mandatory Alienatiqu reboot commun Ity mp Iirned It increr lag soramualty Involvement in or oolslathernuatyhevert celled the olilrlIl blessing ill cotme educetlon trustees the hard but aim Ipproved monendstioa irnm III bile relliions committee Clll at ior statement It bolril policy iIrannr the inrmlllon It school community maps The ancy II permissive It Illm such Imps lobe torched urn not in iiep school connirtll but does not re they Ibotrid or must be to to Iished Stlch Immldhslhome Ind school Issoclltion or tilllet Inothcr alioe but Its function would cblcily hI to provide Inertia mind lot the prolee slonlls Ind the people Annie hlcltly superintendent at IeIdemIe Iitairs told the bolrd mlrty schools here been doing what the policy prescribes ior number It ycorI Iruslce IbelrIlI CuchtIm slid the policy us out Iimed at iot clu Iormstloo oi school munlty mupl We would lilc principals Ind parent to think shut it and see tltisnilnytolueto their school she said Six Months For Assault Norman Ilorrh t3 Ivrmerly nl Sudbury was sentenced lIcd ncsdsy in provincial court in six ltiolittle in jail by Jvdlo IE it Foster on cbsrco oi us ssitll llIrrls pleaded guilty April lo the charts Irl Iltcr hc lol luwed woman In her Dunlap ht Iplrtmcnt and checked bcr April IE Clown Attorney John Alena dcr Iskrd Atdco Foster to im pose lilo maximum sentence ior thn ehIrpc two years it view It itorrlls post record which in cludrd rciormsloly lcrnt lur IIsIult cIusIa bodily hlrm res duccd lrorn meltslnusblsr and seven years in mental Institu tion on 106 wounding char on which he was broad truly ly by rcsson or insanity Ills counsel Vllldmhn Ixrml that It was cry orb Ions Incident Inst that In sli tisllon whcrn liurrlswas not drinking be Is very dllicrcrit person Ills behaviour In court bears this out hlr ttlldrrlun Still Mr Williams told the MM lost luck that lilrris bad too lumed large ousnllty at It cohol on the day the choking in client ntcuired Parents Oi Deal llelp Request move by pnrcnts ul dcsl children in the count to have wiseltrsnsporttal elrehlld ren to school It billion paid by the provinco hos rescind the Illport oi the county board or rducltion The board last night heard lcllcr Irons the Desi Parents Association CoUinzwnod hns Id group at parents at St dell Iiirlenis between tour IIitlIO ycrrs oi Inc who tornmtde weetiy to boardial school It billion the lelilr slid psrenls Ice now rpcndlny till week to bus their children to school Ind the Isked the Minister ot Edutlllon tor help with the cost the bosrd Ilse helrd reply lrorn Idlriiller oi ahicltlnn ltnb ert Webb trying the cdueI lion deportmcnt has no Iulhort iiy In the III to provide Illne portIiina ior Iueb children lbe sotallerI letter pair had Ind lesislltlon Ire under it the baud voted to endorse the pIrentstetterIad urtrd his Notch to InveetlllleleslsIItlon snthls nutter It Inelrty Ir

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