32355 so Ei EESE at SP egg is $3 3er ii its 555 ii 35 ea it UIIIIBLII legs or $51 gas =sr E3 ii 3335 EEFEE EEigze Eigrg 5553 EEF es mreiore when two or more term partnean or ed term believes and are each actively engaged to the overlion oi the land the out nership or corporation will now be etirible toe double the grant available to single individual it or sodium NOW 00 Pm CENT Whereas In the pest capital grants have been based an very coats whether he will use all oi his capital grant allotlrlent tea sinus protector it he wishes to apreed it out over thelever at classes oi minds available tor lites TzoquMumau to tl Joe on the protects aseieted by lAHBDA if fumplo lield retoen am we er naps and orchard relnout number of additional items are Included in the clarication terns drainage and term etruc tine eiiective born April tell these haciuda maple syrup elm Page Scholarship Awards Available HAWAII ail Pa scholarships in agriculqu an home economic will be reliable once again in lost It was annosnced by Alan Scott eutculturai representative tor North Simone in statement Issued at the use eateuihsral ottice here Mr Scott said it is anticipated there will he scholarspr tor student entering in de gree course in agriculture atiniier Wit sdtolarshlp is avail able tor student entering home economics degree course and into one Is available tor student entering two one diploma coarse in animation it was explained by tile Scott iluies require students to he residents ol North Simone In orally Applicst lornss are available at the agricultural or fir here or irom gtaidanco do ate at secondary schools at the nee Itingmarllul net basket holds lniormellon ltd pitta eepecisily boIpIuI tor you Celt your Welcome Wagon today rim mustr more tidbit sit 5n are $3 555 55 real 3E bhsg Installations electrical wirs Ing strlaelural renovations and the provision oi tire and must be demonstrated that pre sent lecitittes are inadequate Ibe hinhand wile team must have attended trainlns eotlrse or be considered ctpeble oi host mutational and have made slernacomnlltrnenttothe pronam The isrrtily must also IN to melnisle accurate to cords irom this venture Grants Pick Iersey Bull For Gold Medal xlhmtilin ttalllBiass roy tiedemirates bulletin lo Janey cel llemess oi the em Annes rating on deogsters overtiveyeersinetwtthanes erags production at H511 polnsds oi milk and $51 pounds at IIL Brampton III Acme was bred by it Bull and Son Bramp Ins and was proton In the herd oi Bally and Sons Brookiln lie is son oi Bramp ton Acme excellent gold and silver senior century superior sire itis dam Brampton lies Atns Daughter excellent Its clasr leader In toll and date deter oi Brampton Basilrus medal ot merit sire ItAItRIE gs The at was signed on beith oi the Ontario Oesrli Pm elm Marketing Board by no will Goddard chairmen nd lisrnlrl htsrtln semhry man asr IAlilti BRIEFS JERSEY CLUB DANCE GiiTIiitit lSiaIl large Itendanee Is expected at the an nual spring dance and social oi the Simeoe loyalty Jersey Club which Is to be held at Guthrie Community ball on Fridsy even ing April ll hiaurlce hiIlIera orchestra will provide the music PLAN OWEN OW AUDHIMT Stall Ml uslurel Socialite Isl Alma lb have been Invited to make iloe al displays at the spring ilower show planned at the Simcoe Curlew mlsseuns here on Stnaiay biay to Where In The Well Is Your Water Canada Stallions Among 10 Leaders ithanadianslandeedbred slastrrsinilHheonbolher laiiienshavabeasplacedislihn its Cam rise with two and top Is on the continent it was three year old periormers top mm In only gig males at muted hy the WM sins tlooooo last year was the srrlail unto Iound in mm tingun Newportmtemwpcdbyhtnn til Weld oi Brathroy third in the leading it behind the perennial U5 leader Gene Abbe and Tar lieeL Toto other Canock merrier ed stations AdinaPitk tor om Dr Brad own at Lloyd nlinstrr Sash and hemp Ad ins owned by Pierre ievesone et Word My Ibo made the Iistoltop iotnpotnioiwinners in North America last year Since these records have been kept ll marked the tint time that Canada plated three sires In the top 10 While the Within gross money earned by Newport Dukes its ears and daughters radar last year led the based In Canada list ltaeDmaide son at Adina was rsssndiy trnirnnd In the wit ally broadest list oi money win nba by twoesalthreeyeardd paiormers Adios liir owned by hltrn Farrel inc oi 8s we and standing the VI rea son In New York State topped tbs two and three year old gross list with titdlm earned by his il two and three yes old I30 Feel The StaRita Convertible Jet System Pumps Welar From Shallow or Deep Wells Your CoOp store Is egqu pod to install and service Sle ItIte Pressure Systems Just ask Dalton Sleeror your hump men he has theltssowledga and the experience Is 0qu employee with your Interest at heart We so sioelr complete line of ADS Plestlc Pipe and tiltings SIMSIIE IiISTIIIiiI tin0P 259 Innlriil St 71551 SIAIIIINGSIINDAIAPIIII l8 WIDER iOCAi Alile No more long distance charges on calls between and EiMVAiE APRIL I8 customers in BARRIE can dial ELM VALE direct and without extra charge Just dial the SEVEN DIGIT NUMBER to complete your call it you call Elmvale frequently list of their new digit numbers is available from ice 728240I your Bell Cohodo Business Off This Is port of service improvement program which in cludes the introduction of dial service and Direct Distance Dialing in Elmvale Iiolltlenalie outturdmodbyilmdterw new islbhtebe IO Feet 30 Feet reed Freight Aid Plan Explained mAlAAuiadtmliln IrtesILAtBodtoIsenhasalo worsted details at the Feed might Asam prorans tor the year rm no progress which Is adminIs by lite Canada realm nlottho tramporuttootwtsonlhonlove nlalatdiaednipalateedmin easternCanadaandBrltiah Col nmbia Its oun laid that to mod arena oi enters Condo and British Cdlmhialhelairsoi as alsieneennderthisprngnrniw ibelittnihcelyrarwilibe maintained at the same levels aainthaycer intending He went in to ssy homer ihmrhenges are being met hr those areas where antlicient ushssareproduendtomeetlha requiremean oi the Iimtoch sndpaitryieodermn these areas the program beenrrlrsless ll manrnnnulnlll CyrithtoolandSonsot Mghsdhng hitheday Burk the am breed at Ind 130 Mr Oink oi cattle at this med breeding purebred cel breedsiaoltedthallo tleyraraegra program which her nipported mlyeiewhlaldredtonaayear will be removed I4 Iherateotassistancaonabtp it meets oIOntsrin growl wbesttn Quebec and the Atlantic Pror Islet has been pxd on the same rate basis ss shipments oioatarihmtAIIIISN per ton less than the on shipmean ot western gains to three areas itinoe elilullments are also be ing nude in the sales at gestat apce to Nipissln Cotlnty in Out ario and to the rouner at Bar lelots Richelieu and thath in Weber These edlustmenla are being made because oi changes lss transportation erlcrable RHHMId lteedow Geno whirh stands at owner Fred Robertsons spread at iinrnhy OnL lleedow Gene was second ren lid in genes my behind New portDuheonthe alipcriorm ers list with Important as the need or out side supplies decreases in aouthwrsern Ontario pro greats restriction in the level oi mlahnce psld on Irstrrn iced grains shipped into this are is planned the rate into that re gion has been rrdlaeed irom FEW SPECIFJ TAMBLYN DRUG STORES vWIMlllnnniiiluuiiltiiIt PLASTIB BOWLS BAKE iili 39 COFFEE PERCOLATO New 99 srsclsu 5m DIVIN GARDEN HOSE lt aven I66 mu it rosanom NGLASSES Bureaus rt 50 ronatcrtuwrmsarsr lBRIGHT SIDE sunuroo 93 In biiill ilIIEAI SOAP 17 iii IL III II vs SPICIALI SUSPENSION easeclearances it HISOHE hilt sxrrscsseussn lumlltgmuwiu MAIL helmetsnee law can IIETIIEIiIL lIOUID AFLAVMI venous laminaram srseiau wuss GILLETTE FOAMY SititE titEtl rusee Isanuts SPICIA LI FIIEEaiiiiia ASAP 88 iEAVE voun NE null or new row DEVEWPN awn thniiwp avn ncrslvc tor mssw ltiit or anvil we nuts awn wwire nu sooncolnu visntti mom IPTCIAU lusts WWW SHAMPOO ersrieu Dees neuronppm All IPICIALI WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO vague TAN 99 lltn till SPlliAIJ more SOFT DRI processors HAIR SPRAY YltTII PAUIIN NAIIITS Iitlllbb listen lull mm settlement NWIIIIITFITIITS uwanhaewellh is ALL ma TAMBLYN SAVES VIII MONEY