it ThXPlt Depots summation fordtathmlcmssthtas prorpaetswith Retro ilasry tumam rutsing Mmthadtbqaranol or errata PM it flgigg shit gt our in it it is is E1 E1 tie Egg gi =a Macmillan Pisa More assent nannies roads and Sir Zoning In Ilos Is Under Study ELMVALE lStatIi Action on an ofncial plan and molar bylaw for township has been delayed pending study of the Wsaaga Peseta plan it was explained It lowe dtlp olllce rnriueu has Illplanplpg and sorting advanced close to its its at stages with new zoning map Mm lora Gerard lforaa Ales lintJ and Dmlld helL Connclll Koran batman oi More Deputy Pteeva hlIeDonald roads Journalisticli IAII M1 having been received horn the consultants Because oi desire to have the Plot area oriented with the beach plan It may be delayed for some time it was means DWSSOAIS tlrlrpast weckthecharry trees are in blmsom in this nreasridingmembemhegw arnmenthasbenaheaded by dglttprmluLTholaloIilldp tires on Oct it ill whats Idln Joseplrlno Casey wu defeated at lhe party slapdatd bearer these bu been sable ills eral activity in the riding high lighted by the stall last heirs of Ontario llberal leader Itob En is if Egg sgig EE attention In the tiller lhs chlet mes of govern meal revenues tor which taxpayo its use rnentldmloistrallreaendclitlog down on waste to aneifort to relieve rotate oi the burdens on hard preued taxpayers Aformer warden of Simeon Courts Arnold Vandse who headed the manly council in list In the retire riding pml dent farmer himselt who uses at lift Slasher lir Van else has disettsitd the decline in economic eoodliloiu on the farm which is threatening the nature of the Iamlly farm in contract to different groups oiiismii Iiy MM lL EPDNAGLE Shims sympathy is extended to the family at him Allan Don ney whose ttsaeral was held llarcb it Dineh was served ailerwards In Dalston march by the United church Women During the morning worship service list plaque to honor Dr Williams was ura selled by member oi the farm Ily blrr Iamdy ol Gravenhurst Prayer of dedication was oliered by the pastor lies Allison Ifny ass This topleior the April service was based on If Jesus Came to Canada in ml The service of Communion was our taken ot afterward at which the new elders blrs Cough and it chknr assisted bliss Shirley lereao has so copied secretarial position with llaoteld Deprdlp General 01 UCil truermos Thirteen members of the UC attended the April meet ing held at tbehome oi blrl lfsrk Sponagletiiorahtp was eopdurted by men Jory lira il Worsted bad charge or the program using the study on the Americas and conducted an in teresllpg contest on local and torelgn trade lbenest meet ing play will be at lira Ootrshr film will be shown pointed dilated alter the is per eent federal goreth sales tax is leriled at the nnhldactiaers to re Various aspects concerning fordvablc loans to industry de signed to stimulate the economy in backward areas also have been raised The Brockvlllo case where mom loan was mldotoanlpdustryonsnagree metal lt woukl provide at least to lobe was among those men tioned in the Ontario Develop meld plan it was needed in Toronto this Inshts used the closing oi another is rot in llarn llton which was employing so EST LODlll the current riding member llr Downer who has been continuous representative since October 1m also is said his ly to have contest on his hands for the Conservative party nom ination lisyor George bicCa gue oi Albion has been the most pnndnently mentioned smug possible opposition candidates lfsyor licCaguo said some time ago he was interested In the nomination III was Simeon County warden in list and eur renlly is chairman of the board of gomporx of Georgian Coll ege During his Downers long ten PAST ALLIllDN TAKE ALLISIDN Stall iown til Allistvn tax rate three years ago was sass mills reiidendal and 5959 conutiercial ibe retool levies on homeowners were shown as hit public school and liar his debenture tor blghse uol Commercial trxpay etc were tested lost or public schools and list plus use de bentures tor blgbsebools before the change to the county an tem the following year Separ alo school ratepayers the tax rates in loss Angus Recreation Meeting Tonight ANGUS sum An open meeting has been arranged tor this liiuday evening at Angrp public school to discuss Angus recreation plans The meeting was ensured by the Auras and area steering coanintttoa and it is hoped there will be Ilrge attendance With the assistance of George Outline oi the Sims Cointy recreva service day camp Is to be held at the Anglia play ground during thl last week at July and the first week of Aug elt ephiarn was prunier when the Dimtroon eles was Manhunt listlth littand harryCleon became preniler lot few months in tits tort all ismun who was minister of education in llr itphsrta cabinet is tbs elmth to ram since his Downer en tatd lbs liaise Alon with the hernia the NDIs been using an no live early campaign in tha rid hag with Derek biralwy Orangr ville eotmclllor the arts tlvellrliorlcy also has been pvtnr considerable emphasis to thapeed maladies plum arm the changing economic scene Requests Heavy Ior Wall Phones ELbIVALE Stall Numera our reepauts have been received trosri former Finn telephone com pany subscribers to Bell Canada to retain their old will phones since these are being replaced by dint inxnrrncnts We have had good many call here reported iobn Itob ertson clerk who said the re quests have been iotwlrdod to Dell his Robertson said he was advised there were nearly 200 requests trom people who wish ed to retain the wall pbnnes tor souvenirs its said he was advised tee of on has been decided tor those wishing to retain the old phones The changeover to dial calls is slated to alert the rnlddla of this mooth Owing lie the additional use to which the badltin is now being drapes has the Marin dot of municipal attain Issued do Clllla letter to implcipdlllea ad vising oi the manner in which additional employment mists be arranged lbia Included assist am to obtain development team and other nnaoelal casts trace to order that special works and prom night be taken on the mandamus The letter was placed on tile for later eon slderatiotL illth HAIL CAMP Alexmkehownernttbepro man the top hi the 1th line put at lirlltab Columbia it was surprth to suddenly coins on the trees in tult bloom and real lao that we were not in the saith but Iliht in our own Can ada This foliage Is not yet out on the trees that are part way up themountaln asarrars when am living in North Vancouver but down near sea level many heautihrl trees are to be seen bill bloom of ower trees may be out by Easter weekend indicated Plus atheists were stated in be ausioais to get along with their planning aimed at regulat hag development and providing more easthla lard use controls WILLMANAGE Gus Nlarbos inrmcr motor league catcher will manage Quebec City In the Eastern league this cairnper liillonahicb thellltp racing maelsnowiueaMhaaa milled tor permission in es motor trailer and mobile borne camp sharks the bylaw now permitting these camps to open ate in the township This site would nodoubt make an ideal mpth home camp and should be very attractive alteter vis itora oil the 11 highway Milll FLY CONTROL The en oi the protection services committee together with the inspector pointed to sup ervlse the app cations oi the spraying are authorised to at tend tha Instructional school to be held at either llndsay or Wallt kerton in order to familiarise them with the requirement ac cording to the set lnhtrtil en gaged lien MacDonald as inspec tor for the application oi warble va treatments ills salary will be on an hourly basis of tail an hour plus to scan per mile for the use oi his ear llr ltny bfatutus oi Owen Sound has been engaged to do the custom spraying at the rate of limits per head up to to bend on lots ofio sratohecbargedsttrt Medonie To Avoid Increase hIDONSNNlI ISlaIIi bled opte ratepayers will be paying about the same taxes as last year it was indicated by town spr ilsvres The township council has ap proved the some local rates as last year it mills commercial and 17 lbs residential and Iarrris The county requhltion oil lie durito asked tor timer liar rosdsandsuintsoo general In Tax it down traces from last year Coime road protects listed for Mt include crown toward bridge at Esdy and tidbit tor culvert at llillsdale the board ot education levy on blcdonto asked for Whit down fmm items last year ltceve lngram Amos heads the bledonte council with Diloroee Vasey the other county repletep tative Councilors are Don Wood row Johnston and Boyd littl ler with Howard Robinson clerk Now Playing Tall pm and mm rst transposition usi Average lgo span will be he six to it years We are trying to make this community place when all children partlctpatotnmrny sld list It Walk er eecre explaining the committees aims this day campisoniythobegipuiag oi If at ms so or urn out of parents to tonights meet lolwumldohrlirnlifalkerln shearing the need for general commame so operation for the program It StartedOvt AI Five km Stories It Didnt Ind That Way Platilll INHIII iioil ddMopSMIosrio OniJZIdddl Follow the leader Datsun 1600 Yllllli tiillrutitrii it cur IIll 21 list all rally wins its long illl cIepIirrius ntttrirrry Ami till the yoke to put llll IltlC lill lilllll to be Out in front So dont lilal Illllllw rIic IltlrItl Drive llzrtsriii IONrind let everyone else ltillmv slll it it Heres what you see Heres what you get Heres where you can see Its from the Insider on the outsider Everythtn vegottantasrir llMlldlldlblIllY IIus alist ot cxuasrhardontcosrexrrr batouredhucketseaislrerllning in lourdoorsedan and wagon Tinted glass 3specd heaterdefroster udrrtlullwdi Frontdischrales Allindependent suspension Smart styling in two doorsl mar doorx or wagon At any of 150 Datsun dealers woos Canada Any one ottlaens will be happy to arrange testrdsive Hereswbstyouree Collapsible safety steeringoolurnn Headrests harnesses and padded dash solid unit body for extra protection 1600 re 96 hp imamhearing overhead eamshals engine that squeezes up to 35 miles from every Film at gas Dual barrel cash Allasynrhrpalonthellodrlsttartalartl Alternator 3speed automatic an optional extra wsaqyuias rwalnrhlou Vnmi rotsilo won REDLINE impopr 363 Iioyilald Street Barrie Ontario lherearemorethsnllOODatsundeaiersaerouCanarlaandtheUSA Tel 126ml