norm byCansdlaiI teen liltiill Benefit Nation And The People Canadas first duhyourself census will be taken this summer Practically every Canadian will receive tom to be titled out at favorable time when personal re tords can he looked up and family mem hora consulted before answers are given tinny ma feel the government has no trainees as rig questions about personal actions Income and lifestyle in do former prime minister John Diet enbaker labeled the census as another Example of snoopocracy iihere ls much talk today about Inua sion ot privacy censushowever could be looked upon as sharing of lnfonna ties between the citizen and his govern ment Censustakers are not interested In who falls out queionnnire The object of the census is to obtain broad picture oi how the populace lives works and spends In fact severe penalties would follow disclosure of census information eernln an IndividuaL tvha then is the point of this whole ralegatbutn of intorsnation Basically the informa on will enable the govern ment to assess what progress is being made to achieve employment income housing and education from coast to coast and to plan programs to cope with deticlencies There are many more spodiic reasons for regular census all aimed at improv ing the public lot Without census gov In ernrnent departmenh at all levels would have to work without basic statistics the first census was taken in Canada In llifl under provision at the British North America Act which laid down that census should be taken every ten Alter century there are millions more Canadians and more urgent need for lntormation on broad basis to en WW WW Diver to fisheries research lab thinklve Discovered The Cause tihe Shortage able ovemmenlstopianfortheprmnt and etulure Therefore the questionnaire should be regarded as part oi cooperative effort to better the lot of the people any department employee l7No other government degorlmenl pol lee force court or any at er agency is liven access to census infomiatron cont IO YEARS AGO IN CITY Barrie Examiner April 13 that Flare pp in City Council between biayor Will ard Klnaie and Alderman Earls Williams re or red cutback in public works butt get ermen Les Coo Frank llersey and Gerry Roberts support llis Worship wanting to proceed with tiveyear road Ilall Cookslown Presb lertans hon god bliss Evelyn Currie or to depart for Iml ori lllltlSlIO lidsork pager arry or press pre may negolbank Nov Setan re eorgian thecturai design Jack Colrhy it opened real estate office in Barrie Olivia Wilson electeddireotor Dn liuritcipal Electric Aseocn otasrnte upped by two mum 4y it it reported fire loss no verlast Police Chlei lid in annual report to commit aha les Jon requested four more men and tar ed radioeouipmept Gerald on resident manager in Barrie 1or West Bend received company recog gttion on completln quarter century ervlce Osmon itowe QC elect 51d president Barrie Conservatives optract to build Lions Community swim pool In Barrio lot to Newmarket itCAl Association Wing 4t resented wheelchair to tour Dr l1 oi womens lib However New Jersey employer ound that it is impossible to please is plus two different levels of gov potent according to Commerce House report Ittieenis that New Jersey law limits be working hours for women to to per apparently on the assumption that rerouted should be protected against etildbe slave drivers In the New Jen If hlalaasclectlos otedl Hats nseumat lepirs slated frons lha Mllllllld in Mill MN sys hotel Quebec humid to intend to declare war on uagariltederlme by at tacking one of its most pro lific aspects sambuns it we are to believe lirarnlnlaier oi turtles lIer orne Clroquette nittrack Ming wotdd be iegaUrcd and ptgp wotald be regulated there we have in truth In tngaouopsneas and gulleleao nus which we cotdil be com tat to little at It bfr tho did not add that meadow action against crime mu be pow cnough to make thous erwerlrt feel that it la in in of vice and understan Quebec wants no is pllf the justice minister has onruitod tho numerous Audi an organised crime at tushouldknowbrtter anyone that gambling is In excellent example illegal andelandea MMMI Ill case however pimp employeet ought dlilereplly leap ln do both general mana plans of Nort DOWN MEMORY LANE Woodstock made presentation to Bill Kellough Criticism in House of Com mons over new CGE price ulde drew rebuttal from Robert earnings of its vlcepresldent and manager of companys small appliances section for my mu Canada Universlt Womens Club rliunday was liberal om brought Spring Thaw to sellout audl Den of sormmiiurnber once at North Collegiate Darrte his Den pointedout that it Skating Clubs ninth annual ire show was dazzling production directed by hiss Paul Emma with musical accompaniment by Collegiate Band Lectures by Law Society of Upper Canada at Osgoode Hall attended by Barrie lawyers John llu Bruce Owen Peter lillls osm agram QC Judge Donald llsclereu oi Sirpcoe County addressed Barrie notaryclub on Canadian Cttlieu rhino Oongre ataun of burton Ave ted Churchv ed to extend trail to Rev David ll Reeve oi biagnetawan to succeed itev Robert Trimble was ac cepted call to Wesley Church lopdo Annual meelln of Copaco told coo alive meat at err could look for sales or year by James Simpson er City Council foiled gale Shopping Plans to es tablish on Bayfield St north Kelly elected president Barrie Navy league Barry Conn lIu hes appoint ed managing editor Barrie saminer Del OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MAKE PLEA FOR MERCY Wall Street Journal Trying to please woman can be diffi tilt some men would argue but It sel is impossible even in this new She claimed she was discriminated against because she could earn only two hours overtime pay the men could earn more lies contention was upheld by the tonal Ergglpyrncnt Opportunity Commission whi pbyrr had violated the federal Civil Rights Act of loss So now the employer can obey either the state or federal law but he cant hated that the em All he can do it would seem ls plead for mercy and hope that either the fervor for female equality moderates or that tree Jersey quickly resolves its conflict with the tederal government over who with the connlvanca olrthou sands of citizens ltalao seems illusory to think that such an activity desired by large part of the population can be eliminated by the lswhooks or by police intervention For it must be adrrdtled that it Is no longer win to reluee society the services it wants when the criminal world is more and more capo ble oi providing them at enon mous papilla Arui gambling in perhaps the prlnci oi oi these rerv Ices arsl laritancs blurchz Ottawa Le Droll leo teachers discontent knows no lpolhlcrl bounda ries We have hot seen it in Ontario indignant about budgetary restrictions of the education department members of the tadarationolhecondary ooi lbacberr are threaten the overnmerl with re the Chronic log vocabulary wall known canon ng peittt the ceiling on expend ther under the law woman should be more like man awararmnamzuuumhmmn scat Lisztmo THE QUEBEC PRESS SAYS lures he tells Edttcltlen lflnlder Robert Wale or It will be the ceilings of the schools which will be blown up We want to believe that his words went further than his thoughts biit it is obvious that his Foster Is not happy Warping to save money and at the same time please the taxpayers whose burden gels heavier each year itr lfclcir resolved to curtail cer trln costs Preachlnf by ex ample ha first of at reduced expenses in his own olllce move everyone applauded Concerned about the quality oi their teaching the teachers on the other hand are relualnl any out which would entail rs duetlon of the quality of their teaching Thuathey oppose an in crease in the number of pupils per class it remains to be seen whether their tears are Justified but their lndisnatlon Items Irom noble motive Tho public will perhaps agree to support this but It will not be able to approve oi series of rotating strikes which even rriore than an be crease in the number of pupils per class would compromise the duality of leachingtiar eel tilgm llfareh zit Automation ClCl or In Unemployment By Don onpApN One other member who got close to the heart oi unemploy had notheenlhshlhllloeoull dis automation tbs elleot at computer and cybernatlun in welsh the current crisis its no ed that even the service indtulrtes which had been looked to take up the gap is evil ployment broupr on creased productivit mdlgl ate co ng And he arcra lllll They werent at deep problem and or td the have some of them might be questionable lone us that there be two year period of national service tor youlhi but at least he did grasp the extent ol the problem and he was trying sriovrmo Oll The reception given in his speech particularly by New Democratic Party members therefore didnt add much to ooos opinion ol the calibre of the house When the liberal member mentioned the impact of auto matte vending machines lilac ltakarrhult Iirantford NDPcr luterlectrd this Is the level ul BIBLE THOUGHT tGadaaI lelalhs1hca up sssat shalt be new Of that tied where III the thlltl be which that hot pnvldedt lake use Prole who bury themselves wtth ylng up earthly treasure are and to discover that it has cost them tleavea lien ought to me their means In the Iprcsd oi the gospel in the winning at the tort mw LLnll lilp Dorrie Examiner li Iattleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7mm Secmd Class llaU ltedstratloa Number MAI tteturn porters guaranteed Dillil Sundrysrlnd btidutory flolldara excepted Subscription fhtcl daily by carrier we weekly $1120 year ly single copies the by vnalt llarrie ditto yearly slnieoa County tlm yearly balance of Canada arson yearly All other countries tuna yeartyi litter throw off ditto yearly National Advertisingolltcts its University Avenue Toronto oio Cathcart ht lionlreal llcmbcr of tho Canadian Press and Audit bureau oi Clitltlls ons The Canadian Press Ia escluw iver entitled to the use for ro publlcalion of all news dispatch na In this paper credited to It or The Associated Press or lieuter and also the heat news publlsip rd tbercln malgarrlnte claims yr or yer dollar and editorial material cre ated by its employees and re produced in this newspaper Copyright iteglrtratlon Num bcr Mill register ll mammarme the thrill one mile driver invention at llewss completely oil the point Ibicb was In no way ad routing doing away with renal ins Earning as he was again on on ms clothing when he ban paper panties next And Phltlhk Lawlcr the NDP member or Tmtoukeahore wasnt showing the Intelligence of whlcb he can be capable by when be interposed You are bit yoursell LISTEN PITMANT Nobody would Iver want to Irons par giva cry necessary lift arid bring the hoarse down in earth and the more oi It the better but let It be humor Not gags tor lbs sake oi showing oil The two members concerned could have spent their time protltahly listening in and as scsslng what his lien had to by llielr Interiecilops they showed they werent really lis tening And one wondmed if they had listened any more seriously to their own colleague Waller Pli man earlier In the debate For his Den uaentlally war elaborating on considerations which to slim ma first put before the house CANADAS stout Siege Oi Fort Dramatic Event rlylioh nowuau she onl ha lowldlmtuhelp aaya force was her One at the most colorful and ma dramatic stories Ira Canadian gitm1 dyg cfgbllltl history is the siege oi Port Ia ugllor let Charnlsays men Tour at the mouth at the to the enclosure while lttad John him now Saint Job is NO Charles labour and mRLSImJ DAulnsy do tbsrnlsay had on buy gammy been touting tor the control of swap Acadia for several years La numb om rum 11 Tour had been given main my me up my mg is oly of the tur trade alonfntbe St mm meg John River by the it and with France and he had also been mam mm to made ltaronet oi Nova Sculls by the King of England it was mm dlftlcult to tell whose side he 7m mm In mm mm sequel Cbsrplsay was drowned DAulnuy de Chrmlssy made when his euros upset to the try his headquarters at Port Itoyal water of Annapolis Dasln II which had been established by was said that an Indian helped Champlain In idol lie was is trim to drown by holding hll lms rcilstlvaofmcaniilal lllche head under the walerl in lnen Charles LITptIr salled try to have IaTour put out pl pm my my ruaded Madame Clsarnlsay to on April It lets LrTour had rnarry blmt So the rival tse gone to Boston on bustsiess Io tlons were united and perhaps Jalrplsay decided to attack bis lived happily ever after lost its and his men not Mp mm um story ot broken heart soon rough recepth because hlad mum rme LITour was little and are ganlred stubborn doieiaco She Ollan APltlL ii EVENTS was an Amazon cinema and JillUniversity ol New retitled to surrender although Brunswick waslncorporatcd LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Till Clllltll Dcar tiir wish to thank you tor welt Pirate enjoy the try for what It Is ralher than mums uh It toe what it isnt May sur rope around her neck She llahlngtha letlcrlEaamlner or umi from lira Nevdiold in gsrdlngaborttcn and the pic ture which tells story by it self Yes indeed wiry murdert it gives me the crrcpsl Yours truly lira lrank llsrlcy Phelpaton gest oh ancient one that your age is not an important cri teria for tho making of liter ary rrttlc Yours Lyn Downcr Student Wasaga Death OPINION 0N AIlDlITION Dear llri Muslim in ad Unit at the letter written by nurse on abortion am writing with retards to would wish to resent an up your editorial of April itll lnloii of an farmer concerning the poetry In Win thourhl to admit her ap VoiceCeorgtanasiudcntnews prohch is far more dramatist paper am not supporting our condemning the peeps llcwevrr do irks clients to your view itccsrtro we are young you svl titles at Nrrt we lie chastised because we express otusulver In different manner than some Are we to be criticised because of the color oi our skin next or does that come that In your bland llltlr worldt in any case poetry is an tempt to bring written art in lure starved people like According to law of nature some animals that rsolisq tho failure to perform illin the is solo as mother devour their slit springs How did It ctrst lrgallvtlo minds that mans awr are oh tatned from ttoly erit Namely The Cliches it our visits we man wtlli child ard rt bu Its Yours truly llubcrl lecprr investment Report May Create Shock ray PAlthK witnesses Easter like Spring was lit til late this year Snowflakes lingered on Parliament Hill where the crows should bloom ard tho liPa Easter break flame unusually late in tho sea on but at last the sun makes it warmer tor the daily tnrdge of protest by the la rinse hora circling the lllll mapy alga ntlleantly wearing litques oi red white and green the col curs ot the Patriotea oi Ilia re belllon oft with only so deekrof plilln my menlary wick rentalnln belore the booedtor adiournment on the eve oi our national holiday the roughoutllne of the let along record is already visible it is the session of the mistaken priorities Yet It bu been the Crlth Sca slon it opened under the shadow of the throes kidnapping and was still young when la porle was kidnapped and mor dered Within days the more in portanl blPa were working and walking Ind sleeping under armed guard When such decl alvs action tapered the plnk the government won praise which has been tempered with eritleLsm as more Information and second thoughts peanut cahner review But was the layering more than mlragsl lists the under lying causes been corrected or did the anticipated trouble not take plateonly because deep snow does not make for coni tortable demorattsallug and easy kidnappingl NEW ANXIETY rhe weeksahesd may show that time bomb more devast liig than those oi the Pin has been ticking awry beneath us in short time ltevenue lilnls ter lierb Gray is expected to unveil his report on the effects of torelgn tnvestrnent in Can ads the proverbial little bird who chlrrups away to those with atlundrd ear auggests it will be very nationalistic report This will not encourage torelgn veslmeni tor nothing is more timid than million bucks is cool welcome home Cana dlaas will thee the menu pluytd will not imamlure itll ago we ahould ale curbed the power ol welcomed torelgn clpl tat lust as has been done by Mexico and Germany and even by US Ilsell neuron to no The Gray Report ml cam shock waves In the landll marketwhich will depress the international exchange vahia ol our dollar but all years at gov ernment traction In the face of mounting inflation have already done much to depress the do mestic worth oi our nickel buck Priority has been given to ucondary issues and the gov ernment hu needlessly delayed the work at Parliament by Its arrogancesuds as its Imncceo saryandtoollah useotllaoew osnnlbusalyle bill which has been properly resented and op yother parties TIIDIJILE IN GREEN lies the government pm chued too am on iortnli On all In rpm entire messedgir stating llament Illll electrical fiasrut green But unification promotion oi the Match lan guage had already tinned many in the forces green Anglophone officers are shocked to toe the leaps which are carrying their hancopbonr brotheroflleera ahead oi them One captain became hall colo riol In three years for nebeo kers are very thin at top and they are bets given accel erated promotion err on merit than to on the Francophone quota Want tub paying ateszo to startt The government aims at it Francophone trill coloneis this month last August there were only it it wants Ils lia tors starting at till list All glut there were orny 299 there are even it vacances fur Cen galsII they are lunchtime an lillllary circles are also dis lurbed by their lllntslers blitho assurance that no separatist could get Into the Irmtd forces because he would not swear the oath ol alieslsnce On the eon lrary tbs tonnaIIon oi Trench speaking units within the serr lees has probably fostered lull what he denies but prior attention In NDIIQ ascnas directed towards the in plannrd acquisillon of an ar made of civilian let airliners eed First It was lotrr Boeln ins then tlttb was bou last month Now there is talk ot sec ring 15 more Not to tacitl tale world junkets by too polltl clansI hut tolbo uscdufor mili trraspur as are pres cye and for naval antisub mlrino surveillance initiate maroon cl procure Didi EETWEEN Victoria two ubaomarosumriiuir aulillii meander Filip won tutti igloo were lit