sh IO oberttou Pills intlekh Is he recess second best as cstdter sy rru ASSOCIATED rssss Willie Stlrgell held hltln In Ilse predous Ippetrsnces at tho piste in the game rapped pitch he srssut suppose to go stterior Istogletohnortln the mewlnulng nsn blooday night Pittsburgh Plrstes out lesgoe win over Poll on omu StIrgIII who had mined honor by loot in the ninth Honing sod had MM Diwtth two men on In the seventh storied the corn to MIgninst reliever Dick Selma In the 11th Rest came period pitch Myron rr ttsissssOty Royals became the Host victim oi Dert lily leven Illustth Twins yesrold pitching see In Ameri can league play blondsy lilylsveu tosseds Ihreebitter It the Itobe en route to so vlrt tor his second ronsecu live utout Lest week he blanked bill wantes Brewers on tour hits The victory coupled wrh till wsutees so loss toOsklnnd Athletics put the Twins stop the American teugtse West by ball game to their quest tor third strsight ehsrnpiouhlp Embers Boston Red Sox out lasted Wsshington Sennars tot and Cailtornls Angels nipped Chicago White Sos ts aislestn become the youngest pisycr In the rollers when be Joined the pitchingshort this last June The llrst butter to Ihcohlmhitsbotheruhhtlthe won the game snd finished with to record sod 31 esrncd run sversss HAS MORE NNTROL lists more control the rhmborgurllelra hssid dseler or orne ut beiorss record crowd at rm including Satchel Pslgo rouwbothruw outthstirst the Dlins scored oil Dick Drsgo in the scemdlpnin on llsrrnon Riliehrsws double Iod Jlru Itoits single and got their second not In tho sesenth wbcn limit is Iodg drive to Phhrdslphls Pttlllles rem lrnilelder Willis Roulette In recombining oi Monday IIl wss lsrsuncd sold Start go mthe pitth liters wanted It said Selma Still Slsrgell drilled It Ior the slope that scored Dave Cosh will Pittsburghs winning run BEN WIN AT LAST Hsewbere tiendsy tincinnstl Ms won their ttrst some bett Ing AtlantI Drover 74 with tour home one San Fransisco Glsnts shut otlt San Diego Psdm St dull Cardinals clipped Ilorsteo Intros Ind Ins Angeles Dodgers topped Oticsgo thtbs ti Oessr ttrvsr doubled Ind Rod Csrew singled Itos gels to be great pusher sol Mns monster lilll Rigney lie has the ability works hard and theres no lim Its in the heights he us such The Red sex who had lost three to raw enrptcd for six rum in the seventh Inning three more In the eighth and held on despite iivenns Wuhistgtbn counter rally in the on oi the ninth iieid to one hit tor six innings the Red Sos broke loose liter walk to Dunne Josephson Billy Coolglisros single Ind Dong mos hunt single loaded the all HITS Pitcher hey Culp drove two run single Luis Apericio best out btint and Reggie Smith singled Ior two runs The titth sun scored on In lntleld out or sit Lei nights Pints Phlis genie In Pbilsdciphls Cstdscr tlm lite Carver writs Ior lets throw Cuithad opened the itth tor the Ptrstrs will writ resort to third on ltlchls Itch nets third hIt oi the game Rob trio Clemente struts out bring Iag up SIIrgelI Johnny bench upped his rst too horns stars at the ur so pitcher Jim lIcGIoth sided his own close with home run In dodnns victory The seven rout the Reds scored In seven Inning Igsimt the Drsves equsllcd Ctndonstls total tttns tor the llrst tour genes at the sessoo Gaylord Perry ttred three hitter and Ssh Francisco rele brsted Its home opener hy htsnklog Sun Diego SCORE IN SENND The Glsntsscored ID their runs In the sccmd tuning with Ann Gallagher tagging Ill run houses sod Padre pitcher an ttlrby contributing tour walks Ind two wild pitches to the slits Jose Cordeusl drove in two runs and Ian Ernst and Ted Simeon rsppcd three hits each leading SL touts psst Houston Reliever Prank Linsy nailed down the victory sorting out ol the bullpen In the nirth Inning siter the llrst two Astroo bod hit saIeiy Richie Allen ripped his llrst homo nsn tor Dos hurries and Steve Gsrvcysino connected Is the Dodgers edged the Orbs Chicago cstrher handy tinn dicy muting his first sppesn Ines oi the season so pinch hitter to the ninth inning twtsleti his right knee lesving the betting box and had to be curried oil the hold on stretcher drooti aggro ii is orig one so costs oi them this season and Its going to random thst wsy The tests sod Rangers meanwhile return to the uson when they Robbed the mood some at their series In wild lessiog donoth run president Gomez loll Campbell could dest with the miter oi tines suntctims today with the train expected to shoulder the bulk oI the lad becsose ot three hrnthdrsring lmktents usher to the season Garlic Ed GiIcomIn at New York sod Bernie Psrent and IsrquerPlInte ol Thronto In sy The can pretty well last peer and besides tut yrsrs series wkh Ind IhoRedWlngsdldsIotmorsto this the plIyers emotions thIn this series did relish the Inuit tth year he continued fie oi guys who wit hoaelst Ion Psp in sod Keith uson nrlIs Both have knee troubles Rcsy said the black llswty here done everything spected Canadians Play Table Tennis IlgainstChineso expected to be Iiogerrd Ior gel tin tnvotved in the meter and Ranger winger Vic llsdlleld one oi the Iestnred combatIan wss labeled the villain who threw Psrsnts oust Into the crowd it was never returned Campbell who viewed hints oi the game sold the mask thming incident wssnt on centers but Ilsdllcld hos sdmilv ted the misdemeanor which could cost him more in lines TIILINS VIOLENCE OVER llIdIreld said in Toronto Sun rLy nlgit shrr ltangcrs dawned Toronto to even their trriu he doubts therell be recurrent ot the ill letting thst developed truth the two early games It New York TOKYO tAPl CohadIIn and Colombiandebts tents plsyers visiting Oomrsoist thins ed snatches sad es wlth Chinese ptsy ers in Peking Monday the New Trial News Atlnty NCNA re ported today The agency gets no mulls oi the matches played bit It sold the Ouinmblsn players demon strstcd good skill to unsshtng Ind chopping with ilesihls tse tics The Canadian NCNA sold out lino prrlom me against the Chisese The agency said the Colomhb so pure mum plsyrrs Co tamhisn coiles Ind the Council Ins pinned on them bodies oi the CahIdisn Tslie Tennis As socislion The Chinese in re turn gave the CInIdiIns Ind Coiornhisns table tennis lists Ind bolls the terms Ire smons ioreign delegations which wers Invited to visit Chins iollowiug the ttst world table tennis champion ships which reminded in Nic guys centrsl Japan April The ootbones connected to the herrdbone Thinlcabomit Vbouyonploytemiisyou wenrtennissbocsWhenyonwolk yonwearsoodwolking shocsAndwhenyou workyouwcarpropcr footwearioreomiort andproteclion Toke agoodlookotyour shocsMakesnrctheyre notgcttingrundownutthe unconsciousness Andcbecktliesolcstosbo thattbeyseinroodcondition Suretootworkbeginswith propcriootweor Selfdefenceltworks tYourWortmensCom nsstlonBoartI grossttnl 0w it treat rtwo streetcars Burst oi the shiedInn route native who played In six NHL sores this ysxr betors tree the Eegs lecvsrs in goal rather than risk somber chance as sclerars Id Johnston strutnu was to toe the semi series game when ttndruL trsiiing or re hotntded with six strslght goals IN let win Tho Minnesoudt Louis oturtrrtissl glues every indies tiun oi going the toll seven runes It the detenm Ind goal leodinl tar hotII terms hold up Every game In the series to been lowseorlng sltsir and the North Stars who etrned the set Sunder with It hometcs win sot htip irons In nnrx peeled source Vetersn Bobby Rousseau who scored only tour goals all see son sud Turtle burns whose mIIn Iorte is checking notched the illnarsota guts ltousscsus gosl which tied the score 11 ended Minnesota scoring drought ol tit minutes the rugged series has knocked three pluyers Ie the sidelines but eienremsn Carl Brewer expected to return Ior tonights gsnie Still out will be hints Dill Sutherland Inrl hilanesotss highscoring Dill Golmwarthy who ALIGNMENT the purchase of shock absorbers WI Limited time oliori Buy shock absorbers get professional wheel alignment tree Firestone Riding System experts adjust camber caster and toeln using the latest precision equipment 88 DUNIOP VI Mil hag oi Nuts 74 hi who our 7266585 Wsitcr Demcl oi Wat Geo Ionships It lourtk NWl tie maurprepsrrsiortbetlm wonthermwtthsttmaod senior mans rim oi the Top come it Photo otalhsRorIdSkIOtomP Middleweight Contender Iolran louw Ilas Quit Bing EDMONTON Cll Johan intsw who came to tile onl Inuw 25 No contender tor versity Irottt Putt South At the di middleweight rice to study Ior nuts de title has quit honing cm in physthl motion had mm mm woo silhis It protarltmsl lights thsotsnd decision to Donny Ster Sill ting ot Ergand tor the British Commonwealth title In light llorch It said he plsns to do vote sit his time to studies It the University at It became lust question oi priorities said Iotsw during the weekend rde put tlon when had to mate rhoite hctwecn luilttme boring or my stories AILROUND WINNER TORONTO CF Use An sennolt rt llontrerl Silhouettes was the IiiMind winner Slitlb It the Scarborough Invita timst srnrnrstics meet tilts Artensuit pimd llrst on the on even born sud second to stall tnl Ind brisnso butts hill IR second In Door exercises hM95 Fa Chevs Plymouths Pantiaes Olds MorrisDodges FERTILIZER Weirem it Wow OperiaFirestone BudgetAooount We ornseyour