Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1971, p. 10

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it 235 it It proved the tiling blow those lest ism mdu the Illu stars that things wrrs solos their ws snywsy rsrw ml to the whole Nations Ilorst teartte series between tho two clrrhs Scwart ryseanshile tsls rs titer philosophlrsl about the whole thing lie come up with suds rosch the remarks as three series ero how to reporters scored llrst in the first three gsmes then sent on to dom Irrnte the actions Tonight ot course It the his game In the series Itll be intce sun to see who gets tint first root And now that the tests had some out oi their system Ind their third per iod display Sunday shows they do they will prove decidedly handler mod the Ranger drop om Ior Idbits oi Into crs win bcn Stuart In Country will stint Is not to terribly excited shout gs more goals In playotts vrStruort and the Itsogers oi mine had had their troubles In the first thrro times at the series with the beats They won The sbole thing must Indeed he relrcshlng Ior Deal tans They had little to cheer shwt lost season Ind some rated the Tosnoto club little better thsa MDEN IITDGETS torched by At Shoot rerenuy upturn the We WIIA ltldget thsmplonshlp by do testing lliltoo In hostelse vrn series Earlier in the res had to present the North York league title to heeome IbotlrstAleIisIts vrlnhoth theth Vorksndpruvinchl titles In the umsrosr On hand to present the crib he York to tan with Mt lchny wll dried Vile not Oliicer James mood OlllIAYk pram Ior NuthYorLtEnmlheerotoi Borden Midgets Honored With Parade Reception mwmuub Hum CPI Dorden AllOutsrio llid appropriate reminder its the this yesrs hockey wsrs We expect to see the this hit ting tonight And we think the tent loss will have mush to cheer about Ior ORR SNATTERING CANADIEN HOPES II teal tum wrre sonscwhat riding riotrd nine prior to Sun dsy hint the tons oi lionlrtal unsditns were It the ssme time somewhat rudely dropped as well thnnts to guy known as Bobby Orr The Perry Sound super dr irnccrnsn tired three part linol real goalie Kctt Dryden whose antler had the Cansdiens more top part the Bruin machine The reott soothrpsr record the mumltomso to score but Dttdtt ihlt ttllt II mthlnunsasrlluntml hepa considerablyr It was must game tor the Cotlsdlens Should they be won they could have taken the Dnsins producing the big gest moss oi dreams in pro sports tor some time the mob and or myth our recently soon Its going tohc extremely hord Ior the llontrsal club to come back nou though with guys Iitn Jean Deliscnn and Tank hlsb ovlieh anything can hopper Orr probably sums it up how ever It woo great game to win and It means were going hsck to We with lot at con Iidrncc Thats all Boston needs on Iidcnee oddcd to names like lhll Esposllo Wayne Coshmsn lien Ilodge Id Wesltsll Derek Tandem Johnny Burk John Hominid guy named Orr wind to mention isw It Indeed tired to trustrs Stanley Oup tinsl this ya without Dmton Bnrlns In there waiting tor the cup As tor the opposition would you believe Chisgo Sorry Lest tone but that bubble will ultimately burst grt OsImpiuts were boo yesterday In parade and re crplion It the base Coached by Al Strand the Iior den llldgcts became the iird term to capture both the North York Champioruhip Ind the All Ontsrla crown In tho somcyear Borden won the protincial title by detenting tuition in best oI seten series These victories highilydcd tremendous season tor the CFO purksicrs the rolled to to wins and seven ties In outings In competition against sod All terms Delere the reception and In phy presentations team memb ers were paraded tour ot the residential tress oi the hose Good anode partlo tdsrty ot youngsters gsthered to cheer the loss heroes Tcornlmembers then donned their blades and were Introdue ed at centre lee stlhe Andy Anderson Arena Lieutenant Colonel it Illll Terry representing the base commsnder extended oltlc lai congraiuisiions to the team sad team csccntlvrs With an wru OUIltIIIG TROPHY Tsehirhort The trophy was presented at the Iisrrle curl serln skipped by or log club by not Csidwell Hustlers liustlers smail lsisloot Ilvntocht centres be able to Oriiiil Capers John Palmer Jest tilt Inchtsl Ind give titl Dorrie sovsdvs priieet sra sort In the Sirocco Onmly hlcns Intermediate basketball Ica tion will be resumed tooldit Essivlcvt secondary school In the third game at the iesgns hosts Gsme time Is rdtt hitters have built up to Ierd In tho hosteltire series with bsckIobnck wins sod or to wrap tonights gntite up give them ate record In the county loop lhs Dorris men had little trouble issndllng ortills to the game at the series but were lucky to pullout tbs vic tory thnrstlsy nlprt when they wreaked by the Sunshine Lily mums Pthner ma points In the Iihsls Seek more man he scored in thr two league glmes sgslnst lluslierr but was held to is it the Iccond game whether he can he held and lisnies lino outside shooters ssn lind the range will deter mine tonights winner Doth clubs have six pilycrs in the nineIcons leagues top to scorers so the breaks may have lot to do with the outcome at the game Thursday night barrio basket ball tans were treated to one oi the host comes at the limb hustlers were up It points In the tint hall In row the Irsd dwindis to one point It the hall OriUls lrpl DUIIIIII on the pressure and got ohesd by 15 points In the second hell heloro tho ilustlers were site to get their game together sgsln IIIY IIXAIIINEII WANT ADS IIIONE ITMIII president ot oli Johnson lram loll Vslttt Coulis lead El Crswtord tics htr Caldwell his Trcblrhsrt and orcd srcIs motto Its the Common lty that Develops Itockey Play ers Not the till Colonel Terry pointed out thst the teams success was not only triumph tor the hue ltsrlt but ttprtscth ted In achievement tor the en tire community ChieI Warrant oihccr James Jim Ilollnnd OillIA strepto sidrrl Ior North York presented the North York Chumpionshlp Trophy to team captain hon ttcilsy The Olllllt llidrel trophy was pmcntcd by lilalor up Watlsrc motor oi Borden to eocsptntns Glry Ild5hmItd sod ltsudy Camponl third swardtho Ilcd Cap Mattie Dtimp Year wss presented to Al Sblnd hydcpnty rnsyorttslor tilts Wilson lIIttIger wally Mormon Ind publidty director Itiii Saunv den were Iiso Introan to the mud Thememhersolthectllmld gels Ire Ales Lllletie tarry Itsstnrocho David ShInd Rso rIy Componi Dart Squires Jim Grsdy Iten Saunders the Rand Rota ilcltsy lien crtrrnp John Forman Don Vi chi stld Armltage Gory Crsndell and Gerrsrd llsclsslc 032d Strand commented in tho trementh ciiort produced by his players Ind teit condent the team would ho contender next year nth corn oi eight tnsslx mils Trophy tor the Ooach ol lite plsyers returntngr Ottawa 75 fln tOiSeven Opener OTTAWA tCI SitYp Shut scored three goals in the third period hlondsy night as the To tonlo lllurlhoros hcol Otlnwa his 16 in the opening game oI their bcstniscvrn rl lioetey Association Junior seminals lllsrlies led It sllcr two pe riods but 67 battled back to der even on goals by Peter Gsw and Ron hohhette early In the third period lioweycr Shut look over and scorcd It 1301 again It tom and added his final at the night into so emnt net with tour sec onds rema ng Paulin Dorrie lcau Glen Goidnp Dare Gard ner nnd litll lisrris scored the other Toronto goulsr Dobhelle searrd twice for 61s with Dave Lee law and Pant Sbcord contributing one each Ottawa goalie Donny lnr ocque was hit to tho ilte It 1355 ol the tint period and did not nish the guns Both tennis scored two goals spines while ptsytng with soon In the pensttybos ottan outshot blsrlics but over the game but many oi 0t towns shots were Irons long tense Win One Tie One Dorrie URW Dsntsrttr detest ed Kingston Ind tied Burling tiordon McLaughlin irrcond Vics NIINOR HOCKEY MINOR HOCKEY Strand Ontario Week April it Atornr Elmvsle Slroud Eimvsis Tonrnsment Slrond Goldwater Strand barrio ll Unlonvllle Stroui Prewrsr hlidlond Stroud First Game Lcaguu Ilniiti Elmrlio Tournament tor Strand Itiiiston Stroud ttsstsm Strand Coidwsler Strond wins Rl Amos Trophy as least Chltrtpionsl ttlvaIo Tonrusrneot Elmvsle strand SIroud Coidwater Slnynrr Strand illldlrti Itlroud Goldwater lhlrnud wins tlailwln Electric Trophy at lesgns thampluor Canada 91 Dunlap at MeroorlatSqnaro 7261848 Ion 1A2 Saturday It the Golden horseshoe Toumsment in But lington Scorers Ior Barrie in tho llrst some were htsttis licttirk and lerrymoa In the tied game trolls were scored by Dunn and Forbes Eimtnic win Stroud her reotlun Trophy us league Cbom plonrt Novice sag IL 35 ii ti Egg so fretted ii Gig Former Danie Fl rs coseh Around Dept list has then plated conch oi the Boo ton tinllni new Arnerlcsn Rock tremIeIIrsntesm lie was torwsrd Ior Bruins ttnlgbts In the Courts Itocksy Associstioo roster Junior ser ies tthnllat ltd tolned Bruins In ltlt It spo II III couched the limit tesrrr titres seasons ago Vice Skips Spiel Resumes Tomorrow Night Pisy resuran tonight It the Dorrie Ouling club tor the yeIMDd vieosklps honsoleL E35 ltorse plsyers could so the dining or eockllil Iscltities et tracisnot in operstlon sod watch the roses over closed clrcolt television hookup sites placing thelrhets It Jockey club rnntuet nuchlnes him said the pooh ior Increasing betting lotsls It Jockey Club tsscts Is not new brews soon sross open nvmrsuwbsr Wednesday night plsy will re sumo tor the horns Whiting hlcmorlti tor coropet Itiou between Ii trophvalnning rinks during the year Here are the results It the end oi yesterdays plsy Vleeotlps Densplel tlsrold born Bruce Donnell Jack lovell Jlnt Oithbert Illll hierrlsnt lion Spencer John Frills George Sutton llorry Ilsdden 11 Jim Allon tIerIc thrdicoit II Emerson Swolol Dntco Johnston Doug Comp bell lrcd Smith Roy llihsikin Play resumes tonight Ships sIsrt tonight lama lthllittg hirmnrlsl Lorry hurt Knobby Chris Dick Smith Bill Johnson llsrry Illichle Dick Card Ce Cook Vern Adsnu Ed Isehirhlrt Dick Smith crtrs cod TASTY FRIED CHICKEN TAKE0UT SNACKS Piece with Prtes Ito IDtsIes pieces with Fries Cole Sissy Dinner ttsils us brill Du pieces Itnrkrt ti pieces with Irlrs ousmt 2t pieced on Ask For Our Ollie TskeOnt lllesn HURONIA RESTAURANT us Dndlord st smut Take advantage of out interest on savings ust RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES LTD Lending Outdlss Mobile llornes Ind Trove Trsliers Guentx Glendale Northlssdcr sad the superb Truths Complete Soles IId Service lit Durtol Ave ls Dorris No it Didth new one on In sI 1m Pro my Adams on on 65 serous Sec 212816 so tools SANDS It stonrnnt Open toys Irnt Irn Hwy til Angus Gilli litdrool DUCTORY OFFER NO PAYMENTS III JUNE BEAUTIFUL VINYL SIDINO AND STITEJTONE CALL TODAY FOB PROMPT FREEiEhlllllATE SIMCOE ROOFING SPECIALTIES LTD 7236103 bingo WIN IIATCII WEEK lthd through vertisemuttl III clears the one eontstntsg tlts Illtts ot the hockey team you Irel will score the most Instr In the cousin week Clip not phone number is the all sud send with your nuns Ind Scorched es The Essmluer The thst cor rect Inswcr drIwI each week will receive msns or ladys TDIIX wrist watch tilsncr at Contest No is bliss Sondra PIIteitdu Ross 5L Dorris Hussy PROMM INOUMNCE AGENCY smut tit Dem between Queen Ind Peoetsng ytorsssllototlst wsst Is sim Irvi1 Veer HIII bl III Iursl towing mass Isstsrs ltlnnesots BIOMS lensing Service soc Nlpitt st mitt Residch Ind Oommercint Free Estimates New York lvsstrs ts es Spill lawsuits Sewtls no ttultttsg Cestro lit Dntep Atonlrenl Uil lthOMiidl XIIIililiVdii Awntlpt old Itslllssl Mrsrjgusrsltse Reynolds Aluminum any The Best for less Free estimates budget Terms Is ALUMINUM Stvoud 4162079 13627 New Yrsk Genersi Coninctor tternodetilng New homes Addltiotrs Alterstlnu Our Prices Ire law but our quality It lllgh lteteresres sisd Estlmltcs on Request CAL NICHOLS MOVERS AND ITOBAOI ETD Ageul For UNITED VAN LINE lCANADh LID lllovers with core Everywhere 128Obl III Dollop VI lhllsdripbls Dorris OilTruck letting 5mm HOURS Mon to Fri tl em to 630 pm Sslurdsy IMO Im ITITO prn Chlcsro um um

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