TIHow Wildliiei Preservation FonnedAnOddPdrtners lattstsnowaaoiecologicaidwrre number nirtotuboteutlrely pre dictabianaarrlageoiseemln groupsistakIngplace to ram aoo IN sown banquettcd local rink oi Sully Meredith ski Doc Shnon Charlie Beelby Simon which won grand aggreg ata at Ontario Bonspiet In Toronto Also the lialdt Outgobbepartment ot lands and ttmbft II mansg at timeless ad abundantaregen aces ior spring omits It mt suds things as lking bird wa berry and not picking In addi ties to aim to oy oi enjoying nature minds bunting be arcas Include Tiny srsh Wye lisnh last Rows Park and Holland limb or cars handlers and snaiera have iorlbpreservsttoa ot wildlite and tat They have done so Isronglsogroupa such as the Ontario Fed eration Anglers and Hunters throurh smaller local clubs or as Individuals or oorarse their motives have always been OMS lt1 summer nonhn lnilsiaa somewhat However In eaarninln metals oi these huntingsts is clear that they oten people to call tor restraints on the hunt to wed gts newsletter oi Prom have been combined with on government agencies to enhance preserve habitat Angler and hunter outcries against pesticld abuse and pit hate buildup were ringi cm long beiore consumer groups and or at least ior purposes some John nouns lot lpolicy static ng corps are lbs first tag oi certain spades among the tint torooogntss tion at environment was more deadly meitaod oi Hills asne lean anyhum her oi hoaters idsstrn such as lhacks Unlimited public muse exitingwiMili tag on government comelatel Ikttion the tight Down through the cars there has on crossover mem robin anglerhunter aasodatioos and natunlli associations particularly at the DIOVUis ctal level Whil opposed to hunting no one seems to ilnd It In his heart to rot aboutspoor iish they have recognised in many cases where their common goals meet and illnmthlras riu provtndalh ting use un areas provide case In point Its rea sonany sale but that there will be tow unarmed hunters among the bird watchers patrolling the muddy banks this rprlng and summer between many nabrralhts are rted the others DOWN muons LANE Barrie hammer shortage In Simcoe County James llathleson manager Halter Plotarlilliatnliarrie entertained was Churchill Brovinlug skip liauslleld Itsrrlson liac Stewart and Tom Retve which won Junior Tankard ior provincial honors ilrst time liayor Duncan lichalg was Sports editor oi Torontolkiali is establish dental clinic Barrie public achoois0iiersbelng property on Blake st where ruins at old collegiate are located rom St Vincent Park was destroyed by tire in 1916 line irosl being can llnliem nleliBa of spombreUdinic ai When lniormation pulsating int rt sonie were ea ossth used as propaganda vehicle Perhaps this is no to be the case by lniormatlon public attention carries the title Our Country Is At The Beginning and out man and woman naked ere cept tor maple leaves placed in strain poster iust pltt out egtc areas The message is clear intormetlon Canada In Interested onlv in brlnrtin across the naked tnalh the bare iacir the nnadorned realities Perhaps more ltsrlaw lianor or Ileo car and truck dealers Speech from Throne at opening at Parliament Ottawa was read its Str Lyman Duii iormer tesoher at Bards Collegiate grain to according to Curling Club rink oi Bill tosstmaster vredtih was deadedthrm received tor It was across ilvinrston at that the agency shoots umbrella series lavo to CPIIB was lsslgl Romanelll and his ng Edward Hotel orchestra Fire damag ed residence at Harry Hodges on Pe St iiev it liaughton invested as rector St Thomas thumb Shanty Bay at Barrie goli course opened ior play on six holes with temporary greens Rev Neil Campbell BA had conierrcd degree Doctor oi Divinity at Knox College ceremony OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SODV ENGLISH Saul Dali Star nsda was set up by the Federal Government as Gov rnanent agency responsible tor com ormatlon to Canadians now Chiei Justice tor the Supreme Court April IO MI otCanada isrmsss continue to teed their livestock there Is possibility oi grain itre destroyed large bank banouel at Central nlted Church when speaker was Arthur Morrow oi colleg state stall Toasts proposed by Lloyd Partridge Fred Kciland hisrrhall Cnan iicr responses by Kenneth Houghton It is Richardron Robert Ilgitlloot John Sasolet contract ior building new theatre to be called the ItoxyI Supt ill Way oi Allandale issued complete dental oi sto tended to cancel eve ng train from Toronto to Barrie continuing died to orlllia and Midland Ortiiiar art was train wouldgn ontd ll that ONE in ordlknd as props could be said but lor now well lost II BROLLY RSVOLT Portland Oregonian Down with the big black bumbar Now that more variety In color is be ing seen in mens shirts and ties more shades in suits and slacks we pr one that the trend be extended to incude variations oi the big black maletype li othercolosed mens um brellas are on the market they dont show up on the streets Beige light green or gray would be easier to see onovercast days and nights contributing to the srtety oi the bearer llgilter colors brighten weather and reduce acc spirits In gloomy enta too WWW oumus pans MctCkey Is Following In Robbs Footsteps Dy DON OTTEAliN volio ago tonnes Toronto Police Galeiiamesblack suc ceeded Judge no as chairman oi tha liquor license hoard Then Is an indication that ltr liaekey has been shaping himselt Into the contours oi the liobb chair Thv iudse was notable In his long career tor ad hoc poUcy It appvared as though his leit hand was never too clear on sntlwliat its bad in mind tor his three tttra gh band Recently Iir liacirey closed down ar in Shngeon Falls iortttdsys The suspension was because otaatr sci nut ytbls holslt There are reportedly two other lounges in Sturgeon Pails with strip acts There In other lounsss ottt Ontario which tra umatblngJiesvlnTo ronto there are numerous bars with topical dancers and one en tabllvbment with the rather bl urre uttering at public body painting Are these establishments now also to be restrained lIr liackey didnt say That would be abroad tnn punt pol icy matter And in the tradition at Judge Itobb the board seldom sets out brood policy BETTING BONANZA Then with the horse racing season in lull swing we are once again hearinf the rcossrsta tor olltrhck belt rag And with them the usual pro and con arguments centering on possible corruption There Is current piece at In tormatlon which may tend to all the governments cosssclenca when it considers the matter This is report out ol New York my it tells that the city going into its tlrst tssll year oi bettins shops is iorecaating prollt oi its million over It months Theres very handy change available in this particular area at at tar as government rather desperaiey in need at money Finally thera the latest ea am to at the old axiom that to po tlclsn his home is always glass house liort members here take drink but until now they have not taken drink publicly to the Prrliament build nga their home away Irom home They are working up to II In the new members quarters lush lounge has been provided not though meent tor bar to data the only beverage availa bls Ia ratios The members havent been able to build up enough courage to agree to license the premis ov Idiot inmates ii Iheres One Thing Lille To See its Grown Mon Cryl OTTAWA REPORT Trudeau Government Creative in FindingWaySTo Spend By PATRICK NICHOLSON eld in which the Trudeau be new betoro seen In barn on Essa Road owned Oeorge government is anlalns with Leslie Dads aona hed annual Canada Is one area oi mails Ity It is creating more ways oi spending more at your tax mosey with men wanlosneaa than any pravioua government It Ottawa Compared to Prime Minister Trudsau prntllgsle Pearson was ptker Tile Pearson an emment increased Ia eo gona oi your taxesan sugges bi cent so years raising itftotsl levy hosts can billion In the last Disibakar to can billion In this last grass in contractile Mess consonant ahbougl tn pchdiut gm this year whirls It per ml oi that In the last Dielenbakrr out Among the ultiertng exhibits the unletteaad lelander mania are some oi the reports =th 011pr by lloysl Com as in into the status oi wmen ch cost trounce has lust published Its iolsrtb study entitled manpower utili sation in Canadian chartered banks price ti As Canadas 53929 bank em loyoea include till source or woman although our per cent them are psld less than 000 year But is it really necessary tor commission on women to waaia tax more on ansrip stud cont such isre evant trivia as clasp teronnbarteredbankaincuru Ilnanclal system stating that the chartered banks are the own malts source at short tsrm credit and managers oi payments sysisnn Tbs hoary old Itnyst Commie sion on Pilot which has spent thaw In lot long dre months reviewing the aitua on oi Canadas btdmsrlna Wu WMEXBOIUM Id Baylleid Street Barrie Ontario Telch Witt Second Oars Mail Registration Number MM lteiurn postage guaranteed Daily na and Stuutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier we weeUl int year ly Single copies Ito By mall Barrie 120 yearly Slmcoe Coun oo yearly Balance moo yearly ll other countries neon yeary Motor throw all two yearly National Advertising Ottlccs Iii University Avenue Toronto Mb Cethcart St liontreai Member oitbe Canadian Preal and Audit Bureau oi Circula out The Canadian Press is exclus Ively entitled to the use tor re publication at all news dispatch as in lists paper credited to It or The Assoc nted Press or lteuter and also tha local news publish ed therein The Barrie Examiner claims Colyrlght In all original adven tis and editorial material cre ated by Its employees and so produced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num ber sonata regislcr ti II writes sonrr nmrramn pilots has lost issued Part IV oi tare soas aeslnngand pric as it Iudcs such expensiver researched gems totally irrelevant to ml condi tions as When the Jesuits iounded their college at Quebec In ms hydrngrs by was one ol the subjects tau ten years later lntendaat Talon MUST HAVE ACCESS Our NPa must have lull so em in all relevant iscts to aid them in their Important work Thus they enjoy useful ma cbhsery at being able to obtain written answers to their dues lines to the government On February in his Kennem Itob ipson Liberal MP irons Toron tolsakeabnrs asked this ques on our sconour rs but wllbotit cos irseivi iii islmmiasa However Mr Robina was told inimrataly by Pulse Howard at Pauleteo answering surest charm so what extent has tbs nuan ber nl Iataiitiea on highwa been reduced as result ot recent changes In the Criminal Code regarding driving silences canceled with slcoholi tide was reierrlrlg to the Introduo tlon oi the brssthalyser on Do cwnsber tars And how many iatalttlca occtured on highways iur each year two to 1m inclu sive where alcohol was signi csnt iacioll Recently Prime liinlsier Tru deau asserted that There Is no intention on the part oi the gov ernmrnt towithbold intormetlon in answering such and he complained the many thousands at don oi taxpayers money spent on some answers So one would ex pect question to be answered ration quired oubebaliottbaiihistrybib dostry that If soddui lig lunggwanotyeiaasttabiehudsr PumiA MI AC 1S Egg ii egg 35 as 95 if Omission biaybatha Baoean at his ties three days vioualy lied Itr lscwud poked at them he would have sees that trains deaths drop filth cm th brealbaiyser is he to keep dnutks oil the res Ids tier std added that the statistics Fun ncuuM irrelevant to the question It is not Nhllyrnent cl mil man who works vary hard the law dollars and showed to keep atter paying taxes and endows menu spcn oo use there are thousands oi lol Im who altars this view po or No doubt there am such thou sands but many oi them suites Ia silence Ioatud as arlltns lets tern oi protest at Ilr Etublcy did No postage stamp is re on your letters whether at prslsv or at protest to your own or any other NP or biirlia tcr addressed to him It the Home at Commons Ottawa Its your money recently New Prcoutions Soon On LowPriced imports Dy FRANK mm OTTAWA Although Cans das overail trade plollcy iavora progresive lower oi tarlii and other barriers to the ex change oi goods between coun tries new precautions are being iakcn against disruptive inroads oi lowpriced solids on the Can adtsn market message to this cliect was conveyed by Finance illlnlsier Benson rcccntl to the people out concerne the Import ers lie said Canada Is more vulnerable than most countries to sudden plierIngs at large quantities ol goods at low or die truss prices Such oiicrlngs do nothing to thriller the dcvelnprnere ot healthy and stable international trading system They sometimes occur when major orders tor goods destined tor Ih States are diverted to nude Canadian producers at similar gooda hate to be protected Ap asently lie thinks he can do is without backing away iNirl current policies oi ldworhsg thrills and pushing ior trees trade The textlla policy stow being operated by the Depart ment oi intutry trade and commerce Ia cited as an or ample oi the new approach Recognising that present pro toction ctrrtea too steal cost to the Canadian consumer at certain textiles the department ls moving to make Canadian products available at lower price GI Iisnutsctnsara are encouraged to transtcr capital and labor sum the htsbsr cost lines to lines in which they can cont pete wllh Where nvc essary to Iaci ta uch adjust ments there may temporary restrictions on imports In making new pseiorrntlal tarill agreements with other countries the torrrnmcnt rc acrtes the right to withdraw prelesences tor particular prod has It imports prove disruptive Such action against uniair Im port competition ls Iegillmnta under the General Agreement on Tarliia and Trade The GAII also persrdtl the turning oi countervailing duties In cases whereim arasuls sldlsed bicarer countries era is owcver as yet no de tailcd agreement ors procedure in the application at such dut CI Increased governmental con cord with the mnnuiacturing in durtrles makes sense tor the BIBLE THOUGHT Jesus said onto him Lat present and tor the More The population Is growing rapidly More and more jobs will be needed Agriculture highly mo chantaed and becoming more so will require less manpower in the Muse Cossasssontss urns CMEEIEDATST Quietnesle liens llltlt till LlNWiiAiOFFlGLAU ttittttmtlt llNDtliiRlllSllliUtE the dead bury their dead bat so than and baths kingdom Toe preaching at the ospel must not be casual or cold It Ia truly tile ordeth matter lie that bollevclh on the Son hath llic he that bcllelelh not the Son shall not see lite but the wrath oi God abldrlb on mm Mopeds to Cabinet liiralltr am small business sites it was that sama departmmt that iooilahl aitla easy gran rubiidtaed his degree Jurisatherelavalualnllta gbls dense titers Ia not greater value to providing or Aunanlunrrr Dear Sirs Iamwrldngthlslnmpam to out article am nh with Iliad that airs Newbouid Ia abaoltu correct to her no ments more peopb were to think as she does am sure this orid world be better place to V9 Shabsa lust stood up tor tile lite that every living creature has rim to share no matter how ynlmg or old We are not peaeclul society it we were there wouldnt be so many having abortions it on many years ed alter all the aetentltlc and technological sltccesa that we have met with that it wind help make us naora suspect lot better living and an ever more geoelwa society But In stead what do we lindt Th is some people Just dont care ea eept tor themselves that ls wish that some people would wake up Lila was risen to each and every one at us to live and no one but no one has the right in lake It away your mother had had an ab ortion you srllght not be here today Allan Bullock Fimvaia ZUFIRSTFURNMS illiGMOtAENT simulato constitute laws mushroom nationalities horoscoku