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totaloi ll Irentonr LOCATION Georgian College o1 Applied Art and Technology itlain unnu 101 DueNorth Street herrte Ontario ninnln Oltihllhl CLUE tat aeIlI Ind toneol 111111 TIII 11w All eltUGS in WM mm DACIISIIUNDS nounnuico it lrnyvonnoirnin omldmhhil rnun nsnuATEs The vermin 111 it XI Al Nubileomwer Ill butt III My WI it Mr CLARKS Inmoomuzomtrhri lit WW Clip and mail the torm below along with your died 01 RETARDED money order llblnlnli heiaLIIAcypallum Acmnnonnnon REGISTRATION each pattern tor linlvchnr ing and apeetai handling iIIle realdeatn tdd to eateI Print plainly LEE NAME Dtll STYLE NUMBER bond order to Anne care It The iihrrlo Exantineri Pattern DIM Oil Finn Wet Toronto Ontario NEW FASHION PACKED sortnonum cata Irltu Willi1111 am mom one bedroom PRODUCTS LTD law SALES WM pom noon emote dune In lt 113 lib vault no may Will mm PM oi iii 01 11 on mbeltl nine rm OLD BUILDING POULTRY CHICKS STARHNG mu IMM TtlW 71 mmmlll mm FEE Inca than Intittil Tm pomUAN mm plenty o1 um mom 71 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channel mm or oollan my level or more om nu luler Ainlable TN Mlllly VII uh we no um FRUITS VEGETABLES Ilindnlit Wit mm with all mom commonly Air WOMENS OLUMN mom order ior mo 11 mime tern moon the Double lein In all Inn mm or wtin rieele muma no me SCHOOL Alli i151 Ma TELEPHONE No my em in to Ellttd Ive Oetllin in til earailanl watch Iona roonmad NURSNG HOMES uniT New mm mm ADDRESS Iran waver one new he of WETITIII an beInty culture lit Iew roodern way rm more room mm Ialrle am rhte potatoes an mm PIVI Lat Moraine um euIaa It In Wc We lnwd CONSTRUV TION EOUIP ma II II run aanana lawn ommm mm 101 warm MIT Mel ml 113 mwhplli Iamn we mum uni Hille unnnui iiAlltDiiESEitIO SIGNATURE mm mm MobM mm Mlnlrllar noon let are 1a with 111mm Teterhm TO mien Ill Indy to mm mm the no or mm lma children Phone Mmmgturmmn hoht tea Ionialmu tlelu Vt1 In at BOATS AND MOTORS NAME pAVt lllltw medal ere I032 lite mmwwma mm Im Whit Wittii AUti WW1 in 170151111 ll win ioIear Inner tint ma out can Lu