Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1971, p. 10

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is gig gill rial 25 iii iii or wina 95 Eggii E3EE Egg or ALLISTON RETAle HOCKEY TITLE rhl srtlstslorsp inis mooSongva Wm or the second as IT Anuthscuosyesrsgo IthsAlltstoa rmth ngmm In rolled linIl IIIIIGIIthM games to too the Ium tour routes were unmet in random Itmticslttolmrrsvrlth an me who and Thth uuagu plir pm Ind also scone luIIl Ind misled others rum with Kelly Door Smith RIM oIury Bloin North sad John Markos ruin1M delenm lor tho lam cuhIinrplmI1beNrDmdtwtm 1mm rumId Ken and Call up one ol three ellretlro mud lint with Nick moo Dm Iorttrner Gtorro ElliI Ind Monty Elliott were obstr to shoot wihlnother hint him in ilnsinciu ded Doug Graystooe bill Gaul er Ind Guy Hover Alto mood K01 gitsnhilestblrd Ibeu Alliston rsn riot Intho checkers Ind Ibloocorerrs drain nmetorsckuysllo tlosier Km Wm Igiwsrlienltt Altatrailinglntheesrly WI dmresmumhowm allotunhsmshsredtbastarr momma mm yddasntshltldlwthtlw mm Ivhn hhlhattiotnutolninltbotu hm up III WWIWIIIP J03 NAT oi the Bull ROI the OIIII linens Bobby Owlm llid to tuck IIIyI short side plus during It llns who the Ontario ulnar Hacks AI Must Win Today muonpemoAAtlnslIIt srrio Arms lhmdsl We rile violated Boats 51 to meouunIndollthrstul lisrrlI Poona hsvo huh Igsinst the null Is aunts mm umnhv AM It in on Osbldga Aeru Postilnsrlosrs Film RACE psro Purse Ono title Whilst hIIl Dslly Double Betty Cutie II Scan Candy Kirk II Ellis ma Bay IL nun Adios SIsr Win Troy IDIn Carry II Youns Seldom Oman Andy Counsel Wm Pom AE lsandrs Stuart II Schle SECOND RACE trot urss mo Ono little Sewnd hall Dally Double Em Bonnie Wm Novena Filth Voln Mkme BelIood Boy lid Corbett Ambrn lIunty Wan Troy Moorelsnds Jun Noose uftdyIl Normal bloc ran IIli lSills IC all silt It mymmouclniimuotsuour IIIIIIDRACEpnter Purse vldnity with msth in Irhlovanesls oi the two bootonbuystn thoNItionsl ltsgue nsnxly WIyne oi Boston Bruins Ind tnlhcrladqosiervdlbbe tltod Wings itoIvIOomvsI glad to tools tiarlztonvsmdthonu nurhwlthztgoalslorbok on hiring the ruin schedule madly conchxied WI has done mud bettrr WI the alter slow start lotion gstndewhldmnthlsntbera Motto lull Earlier the or buy us svhh Ihiss Oll gr but lImI club lintloerlord event to Detroit vlnu lrom IIIrnIIton where no standout goo tender or the junior ocloy teem Elbe Gottld brotherstsre among other Man boys who ItIVe been Itsodouto In bah doctor and basebsii ranks Incident title In tlilil man Isuosse pisyer oi Ibiilty he perInrutId tor the Orangsvliie Dullerios huh In the on when the 11 men lleid gsnte was popular belore the titer Cross was portshirntolluhuss Item Oars on recall the early Ids when Sim county tum oerlormod In In It tesm loop with York ottnly sad the distritt oi hithoh Orillls do totalled but hrsdlord msnIgrd towinoutlnlmtnsngrnbrn Tet row the trio Don Wilson this tunes and galler Bntno Corolla now at Sudhury wen rtIndontI Orillts won In till 53 dulhenwuttontovrln lite Inn cup In three event lul run In Inoouslon rm Elmo turns which Isyrd In tho lint yeIr ol box moose Id yesrs Iga were 0r iIIII hrsdlord Barrie Comp harden Punting Grsrenhurst IIIo was In the rtrcull Ihe esgua moved up to 1d ICAXIII tho lollowiog yesr when landlord won Richmond Hill Iiuntavilio Ind Islrr Alliston so elded Ioma noteworthy II crasse clubs liters Cross Is mwg sport enthustssts who rot or IIIroars on psr with hockey tor spectator excitement Ind interest Is glad to see the Isurentellort to and the rain or iIorouI setup various psrts at the county HUGO RIDES BARRIE HORSE thoroughbred raring lans who have been Ittendlng the Green flood meeting were glad to rub come the return oi jockey Hugo Dltliuhtolha ruiagscene Ilttr recovering torn Itth lntur ies Ind innuenu Ilugo rodetha Iisrrte owned tun yur otd named hsrrle Flier to sixth place to inur sadth Iurloag me out oi field oi ll earlier in the week Jointl owned by Gtarga Dang upon the Itcldentsoeoe just see onds Ilter the stub le ur IIII wreck Hugo Iuilrrnd brolen right wrist which him lrom rid Ing tor some me One at Con odsI hurling riders he has liletlmo ml at nearly 2500 winners been mood 24 times Ind third on Mil octsslons His mounts hsva earned Mimi Only It rldou hove mInaged I100 Ono title Gerrys Inlvht it Jenkins Dewey Norbert bl Kil Iuhe lord VIIIInt It Artnltsle Johnny Darnesu IIorIlI hlesdovv Dino Null iioorelantir Don hloorel 7P Ilstor II Young All bliss Dulo Demon Grabsm NURIII ILACE pate Purrn 50 Ono IIiilI Qulnolln litilhdy hi Voting liable Gralton mill Elscult Iiox Ellis Itlver CIrol ll Schooler Blue Plyer Wm Itoy Union Scott It Faulds 1er Porteous IePeb rre All Stsnorms IIiIIIItlts FIFTH ItItCE trot Purse 1130 One hlile IIr tVynwood in Young Knuth Candy Wm Illeg run Norisn lIiIrn Lockhart Llomnr lerd Camphtll ELIIIII II Iliu Lamplighter MacArthur To The Members ol Council Inhabitants Daron Sound Null All Todd IIIIIey with oils Sllml ILAHCE we Purse $100 Ono Anglo United It hitQuIld larriy Empire Wm Iroy Itsdiotlionny lugsrd Firefly Ilrsttan thl Schoe lcr Canal View Way Nich oils boon Sam It hrrrsn Quinta land tP Slowsrt Nurthwood Gabe It Do yaw SEVENTH RACE pate Puroo $150 One Mile QulnelII Ambro Inlet tit Fieldh Dilly Tee Indulan Nisbnrd Ensign II WIpleI Onlmler It 0mm Mrmbru Jester CImpbell belrnont lerry ll lorgen ldn In III VInco EIGHT IIACE pm Patti toot0nnlllie Eastwood lrish Clout zhtllp ItIIr Artandl Sharon Sots It Gordon Jr Mr Atom It Jorlenson lhoughltu Weller Gslens boy It tnran Judge Chm Williams NINTII IIACE pate hrrse trooo One little Thoughtlul line It Wip lost Iliilwarths Chosly ti SehsoL or ICihdy Van Patrick to Nip Atom It Cltnsn Siilgh Class tile TENTH NICE pate $100 One Mile Emlor Roddy Direct Woodland Bruno Norbert It Field Dlo lllr Sohaeinr Croccoa Adios Emul on tnson Parked out hiaalienriel Direct Paul hICCIuIe Al King Oman WG Wain andttat aomolthetn ration ofiholleiwinhl olOm 90er silighly Lucy boy Jorg We have on nod the mo financial statements ol the Corporation at tho Towmhlp ol On Our exam ination included general review ol the accounting procedures and such testsol accounting records In other supporting evidences we wondered necessary In the circumstances Optlrntl Elnbtrds la Oshridlo Acres this liternoon the mm In IltOd vrtth lbs rarity oi IInnInl It they have to reth to retention tor the Ontario Nine Hockey Assoc lItinns moo AA awn Iaey toutdni get on luck It Barrie ArenI Thursday night and who not ontho short end at bl store 11qu the Ionian Ont suburb rlub Ilrc oi the needed six points to late tho title Young tton Paton toured early in the game to put Oohrtdgo up BOWLING TEAM STANDINGS Eetiy lirlte ltd No Plus iyo 706 sndlI III Three Plus Psi rto Kellys items 7y Narm Indy iddvPretenders nth Bea ver Ill Squirts Ibo Sqnlds 5h The Who 491 kitchens WI om IIIgbs uni lilgh Av ngo lsoh Symts lsch Symon Ilgts Single Jack Simrs 26d Women Iigh Average Jean hIIrton tin Itlgh hints Joanne Maria 511 Illgh Single Jeanne Norton III Nightslulu liters Dave hlnrteo 59 Chester Wake 56 Ray Blight 314 Ilrsdsbaw 51d Ilsrry IMntly iii George Iianae 92 Ilolnx Sporr lit Jack Symes iii Dominic Sacco it Iton llitburn Irt Syd Stark Ill 35 Pearson Isl Pottr Itennlo llgh blaster hlrn Dare hlarten It Chrsirr me Ill Nay Bilght IN IIorry Beatty lid Art Daniels 181 Edhrod nbsw Itd Bob Pearson 172 Geor ge Thorne Jul Symes in Georte Noose tit Nelnr Sperr Ill itdn ItlIIbum til Start lsncs 110 Stark 163 SURPLUS NOSE Jsrnos bounce oi ysyntenis turn us rose ms million In Feb runry from surplus at to mil lion you esrlirr Unapproprlatcd balances Iivioorleatwo on IItb on tillil meet today In BannisterPhoto Ind nrnnlng ills loIv shot but Itsrrie goalie Doug Kano the short side It 181 and the tint Iry ohm seemed hard pound to grt on track thenslter Alter melon it turns Dov Walla dim Comp boll Ind PIlon mind to to Middle eonnrund to tho helm BorrIIs Shana Pesrull tooliygothtscluhnnthomv board It mill Brlsn lrIuIton rounded out the our still with grill mo in the game II Dorrie tbotlld win this other noon the two rluha villi plIy gstn It Itsrrie Areas Sundsy alternoon It sno nigh Triples Women PIt tchulre tot lronna Norton tit Irene DonIghy id lamina IIIL hum too Lyndl Syrnu no So dy Ziegler III blIrilyn LII til Debby Norton no it In ilms III Pst Pesrron It illi lsn lze Ill Illgh ours limes IIt McGuire rrt lorrsino hillburn in Lynds SyrooI ltd Jesnno Norton 159 ulllnn Lee ti Nancy StoddIrt 1w Irene Don rst 555 gas ugh i3 Egg if Roi 55 33 923 it is II tlielar1huodItBIybutlurA mine at the dither TASIY FRIED CHICKEN TAKEOUT SNACKS or Plou out Prta Ira Obtsser places with ODINMINI mmm Ills Alljom Ighy lot PI Pearson lit hsndy Zleglor so hetty Dsnlels 155 Doreenhrndsbavrlbi Where In TirolWt to any Is Your Willard 39 my Convertible let System srn Yosritrxtiiitpodioolmll IridIIorvlu Sis Th Stlttt Fellingtrees cuttinglence ts lirow ondprunlnq Itito Pressure Systomsluit Isk DsIton Slower your erademonglmonsaii Imp msnta has tholrnowlodgo and the oprrIIncI III II CovOp employ with your lnlmtt It heser WI Iloo stool template line at hint Pip Ind IlliIrrgr rsttrttoor srrrtorursrttttrcuur Jlttltl 259 InnIIIII St most 7mm TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 1970 AUD IREPO 071 223609 Issued rublect to our re 11 dated March 29 Omr Flemming Rolland Co chartered Aeeountstm THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO Notes to FlnIntIsl Sistemonts Char II for NI Long Term Liabilities totalcharges tor the year iOt net long term liabilities were as follows Principal 950 Internal orz The hunt rnlntel In our opinion these nancial statementr present mmIIWI it II ms m1 ih nancial nuo th Co th mm mm Tails of If magma 73m in llil corrovsrlow or run TOWNSHIP or can sum of in operation mm endedy In ltsiomom oi MontI Ind lspInditurI tor the year cordanco with accounting grin pies generally meptod DWI clustlled tinder the spproprinto Iunotlonal headings lor Ontario muntdpslitles applied on as basis consistent mm with that at the moon year limnuv from laxitle 637452 No Long Term Liabilities my gun my minnows tom other govornmottto 249510 rotor on tam mums incurred by the mmm Ilium Iy WWII II III end 2350 Width CIpltIl Out to be RIeovmd In Future Years Some capital oes not represent burden on general munlolpnt revenues as It It to he recovered luturo yosra loom other sources Special charges on benelttting landowners 34150 1500 victories or more In rstlng $2822 history Iltese char to were paid lrom the generalrovnuo ol the mu cipality and are Included in expenditure erllel and Art Pnuet nmle Flyer was lost making his see andedotalrt Ind dItill getting oondi or no gtr no yesr old DItt sch III on his way to liberty BANTAIII Bell rItetssth near Pbllsdelphis Barrie uvltsn Elmvsle Iut December 21 when on Scoring lor Itsrris Cour who hurtling over hit sey Scoring tor Elntvsl elllng the wrong wsy on tho ex Amber with two NoClung mun 0mm prumy thoumt tor Inn Columbus Dunn NIB Wind Mmhm 1m that Nugo VIII dead IIld Ad rum Eshihltlnn gnlne ptsyhd tn mu our um am no licence Number 3828 llihllllllilli THE common or rue rowusrur or ORG illiteltltIretrttnihl shoot Comolldstod BIIsnroShIIiItlemmbIrlI mo ImiittlllmlildtstmlImlptoyortyIdltttt LCONA GOLF Club iuhitt truths to mg hanttttlon Inst itiotli rottvrvrt trooo ll HOLES PAR ro odors White IeeI mt lsrds touristlion nl IldIIlIt Amnmmw WI toorootton ml romntmtity urvtm 140 on Tees root lsrds hEhIIENBTIIF AND Itnnndot expensive 248 211259 air so vou rm Diurotltm MIAMI Capital mm to be mover in lounty oluro oi rsyotuiltuto littm luturo years 12350 Toumsrnenls Irrsngtd lionin to Frldsy Other Wit 225809 tattoo Now Club House PsrtIItltI urotnrnodslo Isrth sell at Bush II IIIIIlll bout no moon IstlI not It Township Plrl III Alton moth norm IIIII oi Contoltdotlon Iho Consolidated Balance Shtet reflects the and liabilities of tho revenue tund tho capital and all reserve lunds ol the municipality During the year transfer was made lrom the reserve lor working corolla to cover road expenditures Ind amount included In nxotas uvvxrrhnrtuttu uvvrt mm mm REVENUE IOII IIlid VliAIl 1645 SURPLUS AI lIIIi IIYAIINNINII OI IIlli YEAR itll DEFICIT AI IIIII IIND 01 Till Ylitlli Ill Ilto scrum unylrr tttios aru In Integral art hi this IInattrtnl rtutcmuttt LIABILITIES Accounts asblosndscuutd ilsb es 2606 Other turnout liabilities 2220 282 12350 3732 During the your transltr was mndo from the reserve or working capital to reserve lor srana mmiruoiion Thoamount oi this trsnsler Not long ltrm liabilities RonrvoI and reserve math 350

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