in reins i1 Us Table nms Club 523 Visit To lied China Alto Invited to Fella for am In teInn horn Endand Colombia Ind Nigeria The Amlrlnl did not here st 53 535 Err $5553 rhetrteoiuWIhmnnIppre herniom lhevtrtt whlohlueeeuI mdlhrl in Step when rations re ntlted honInrinvitation ea tendodhytheurinoutlhtrtnr III team durinythe world Ihich ended VlednndIy tn Nagoya Japan Allmlntknarllantnbieten niaheItnhaIItrIvedinPetin Ier eerie It exhhitton matches the New Gina newe Ireecy Er E5 55 er Podrmy unlined third Iller Premier Alexei lineyun who mud pincer rith hirn IIII 0r edrtqurooiaiIhIWooG dolled hornet mice in haltnorm mlthtlnvitethealnmt Intheiihhntdidnot iitheCIineIIwmIdhr tn wept Ind rIId mid afne 555 as min in rm e1 Ihot WedneIdIy Niant Romanians Iillowed In Church iltlntunnrierltnodtohethernelnreoommendatienotIIpeeiIl nut euperrirlon mr ItrI Ilot tery manmnededoiheinxtnenivedtnthIIitempttohdiVuxpeiIv jOplythmllundernlllItsirllddeiHltlllthlhhlihm pereentphoe murrledn methanalreh imp rIntIze shutter rIld ItoIiI wnald lt pniptI overlooking the Itoly Gt InIIn VIIitin hiI lilo Inse Sunday Malian dellndrltlnltted to mm ed tho Unirrnity oi ourqu mg ma Idedleeicerlrehilrrh thrior woudummm treatment oi what dodonlg mwu mm mm Ihotmnda oi Greek Orthodox eitowxetnirrlettonrrrkon Ihe antodian oi the Ilon lard shrines Itev Er nnnlo itonhrh led PridIy night III dortot raid HoItII pm l1 NW itntiII lawyer MorrII Shenher raid III runit oi the visit herdottou report the illw home to Ittend unit is mtleh Improved They no mnnIIi hInorlet tor Jerk Gold hornet We DoIIt IeIrnIter Ihe lustre ent Iaid leIder Ind irtend or her hur no tlrnI been Iet torllotllr hInd reewtinr the Svitlhh Police Ilrrest Suspect SIOCRIIOLII Minthem police todIy detIInad Iwrth ArnhIIndoIVtIdlmIrRoiorII InI envoy wIa reportedtobe Illuwm Ind Intuitiui tondiilort In hospital where he LOSLNGELES AP Erno he been In reepirItor IineI In emergency operItInn Itter he tionai prohme eInIed by the devartItInl Feb euthotllho In both IurIrated hy oonIt nuinyiterlhoch mental heel Inert lhe enthquahe thIt tore throuph III populour Sen Fer undo VIlley beinre dun more then two monthe no killed oi perms Ind eIuIed million pi doilIn In damage Much oi the mm In hetnr re But rychlItriIta Ind psychol oxirte the tiny northmrt at downtown the Anteler try the emotional rnhiemI have been in Most Phosphate Detergents INDIANAPOLIS IndiItPd new Ill mateI indiena the tint Me to In early III phoenhate determia blamed hr eon vatIonirIn tor the ecolotieai death at home IIkoe and Itrllmr gt phatehy wIiIhtmathIoIdIlterthIrIttetion you Into eileet Jen In 7me ihPiIIe munch oi Enrilnd reported today under pronoun to than divorced people in rernIrry In church mmmlulonret up to monitor manta Ind divorce The bare on iItIIrIMllchnChunh that he llII hem whither NororWlll Minoan Paperl 0iI Nen Will Nttempt Today PEMBROKE tCPiIiuor Am Glnwheil raid Mil moo hammer in June to intimidate whatr mine on at no Ill Ipparentty got the inn ItterIn IppeIrIncI on the local televiIInn ItItIon tart hipp dty haw Would Phrtionlordan Ghulorriilar Io Quail Last NEW AP Oil menrnoveintodoytotryto much the lat til well in In AIIIIIN IAIiJihe dordInIIn prepared In um Mg MWWNWWM mountmane operation at yuppie tniormod tour mu hetrhtu menu hid hem Mixed to amnerty law which would rILn now In Inll to tile III in Ammnn raid today llama remhlln kin parathion In fall from Ship NEW YORK IAIlA critic urod U1 lie health vice phyIkIIn wu flown heredtrldnrmoou BILVNDMH todl Ind Elf mm men to mount Itter III overhoud Irnrn Uh Gout loud at mfg In on Shell Oil 0h iszeil control ltood Id Itllil in putter III weather MINI in lh North MIMIC ill Com Kill ohlimn VIM nIiIIIore oil fire which has cost ted hy oneIroid titham It steentnver praideni II the us run omen motion meted tht hrtdrl 51mm In employeIru pervieor or drink 0m Detroit uld II he Ippmohed ml to let reported the Canadian were pine erm Iekonr when they arrival In lenl MI leadlnr Iporta oitlniIiI were It the Iirport In meet the Canadi The wekornen Inrtuded the torn vorId romenl ehIrnpien WM thnanyen Iirrnret VIIlden oi Toronto head at the Canndlan um tnld uremtuuumn that Ilthwlh her team had only It beentnuiinetorerhorttlme lured have to discus II th them lint Althourh puny oheerrerr Ind perrpepers nor the run po IliIcaIIy rinitlcant the pIIyerI Ind oidnia empharlned todIy that they no going to NM Ir IthIeiu end not matched with politics rportr writu itlchIrd hill INIIM Uh Innl tIhIe lennia Iinllrs champion In compInyinl the turn But preier to think oi my Iell more We ternrir er than touraritti on thiI Nth Jrhhnrreranrrmtheree yIEmpirehavediedrlnrtOctI hotnep Friday tutu timer IIro um IIIidem mg 30 BMW nun when reported he most Mental deIthI thla IeehendIeven Ihreo children Ind their umdirther died when the Iwept thrntrrh irIrnI It Fort Immhhlhm pemonr wI uddenle Ontrrlo bed Invollol MW in pereonr killed In higher In ddents on In tlru one drown Inr end one struck by trein the Canada SIIety Corinth has predicted thnt record t5 median will die In mine It etdente during the threed weekend ten more than the previous record Ior In Easter weekend he hoiidIy death toll brourht to 21 the number at penona killed on mnndII highwm In ruoi theIIetweekAtieaethInper IttbeSepnIdrre Grilth Ion harI died In IrIliie Mit CAPSULE NEWS ISevere Emotional UpSeIS Resulting From Earthqugke more severe Ind longer lastinl than they expected The primary Ind etnroundinx communities him then too Ilterrhoekr Ih to he ieit have been recorded An Iherrhook IInInh SI InJured Ila person strong Iron and dIInaeed 300 buildings the rumuintive eiiret in nut erid Dr IiII Brrhen men psychiatrist whoerr his practice hh Inmated suh Ittntlnliy because oi the earth quakee eiieot on peopie Oiishore like Is tort oi woter Io mitt oil the th otNew Wm coast Ion OrieInr workmen died In the hint Ind two dird later oi burnl Since then Shell hIr pirled oil the wild well one Iy one Imotherinl them deep bonerth the bottom oi the dull oi tier too with the bin Ind Irperuive hitienleil technique lhe method wII Idopted to uid my on pollution Ihl could have come irnnr eiIoetI to hiovt out the tire Ind try to up the wild write It the IIItree reason they Iaid In the Ittethoch thot rtiIi noualoneiiy iolt San Fernando Quebec had one tenth tatIi thyornd one perrenkiiied In Reportinl one hlrhney derth unit were Non SoottI New Brunswick and IIInltoha Saskatchewan Alberta New torndlnnd Prinoe Ederd Island had on Iteldentai deathr Ihe rurvey doe not Include Industrlel Ieoidentr known rui Experienrln several rmell lehoeha is none thIn one IIer Ihock Individuals are develop In Iort oi preporrtory voi nethiiity IIe Iii these IMI ehorke cIn compared to bat lie iItipue in Ioldler raid DnJohn Wondhury psycholo drt with clinics In the em III he treated more then no per rone Iileeteri hy the euthpurke Ind the ellerrhocka Pienned ro run German President BONN Neuter Wart Ger man poIirI todI tnvertlratod the baclmund Ind rundIteI pt menold nrdenerkeo cused oi pIInnln to terminate Pruident Gurtrv Iieinentnnn to protest the Errt European poli cies oi Chancellor Willy Brandt Police ldentiiled the man II kan Enert oi Illinle Ind raid he broke Into the at the maiden raidenee here Thursday night Ind III In mien dare to III hnIIdInl cIrryIny InIIe iieinemInn III been on VIII tion In III Black Inrat IIncI PnIlroJIhothelfr rert FridIy nllhl Itld Euert ch Idmltted he vented to hill III Irma hereon oi hmnr pot try It Improvinr reietlm with intern Europe new new 1mm Beat IIkiItIni secessionist torts Ind the Pakistani Irmy Ire towed to be We ior It leIst tlve hey town in East PIkIItIn the here that It indII new uency reported today There VI no coniirmanon oi thin report iron any other we Press that dollar room But there III no evidence thIt lioeyxtne iortonee were on the me the 67yrINld pre mier reId to the counter the ieIdethlpI recond motor re on thI IntTI veeyerr Il NIiIhNAthNEW Fournenrnenwerenanudtn tntn hrerhne Ind Iii in col ielxorr on the poilthnru III mnmmu nitIInerrrnenhatheuun IdItII memberretnetrtnmim tItive report reaching CII cuotI IIid thI ilrhtinl tune Itter Irerh reininrcemnrte ruched the nu FrIdIy Ihe PIhlrtan Air Ioree has been in Iction in Import oi round Impl In IIIIIhIhI itInrprn Ind Iesaue the re portr IItd Htln hrnke out when thon Iandr oi civilian attested In Irmaed tnlrnrnr on the more irnrn ham to NaIehIhI where the IkistInl Anny In re ported to have been ioreed to without hiday PM Ittni reported he mention Army or EISI Pnhlttln political lender Sheik hintitrtr RIhmIn raid Friday It eIptured Najrhahi Ihe PM Irtrrt report Iaid mm In Ibo in prone In Syihet In the tar northeIrt tor ner or Bart PIIIrtIn and In ComilI eart oi the provinelal uptiai oi mm the reports roid thick rmoke Ind tire could be Ieen tor ne erai mils Iwa Itter intenre bomhin rIidr on rIIIIrer near Juror in the eoutheut 1hr PerisIIn rIdio moni South Viet Troopi Itepulse North iittack On Fire Base SAIGON 1A South Viet nnmoeo troop heat oil North Vietnamese IttIch on besieged Fire Base II today or North Vi etnamese inrree hunched new assault in the mini hllh landr South Vietnrmrse hondquan tern raid North VirtnImere commando were killed end that the government dcienderr Ieired three riller live rocket propeiied pren IdI Irundm and some expineiver which were to the been tired to blow up the hue He or laid there were no South Vietnamese rIIueItier Four hourI alter the IttIek II beltenhaeh South Viet nrrnese leta hornhed North Viet namese poelima Ibottt hrli 111le the Inn Ihl unda epohoeman IIIII in Noth Viet namese IoItiierI Vere hiiird and the homhI led to reveal reo nndary expinrinns indettny III on Immnnl rim Morter IhellI ret oil hrel iIrI inonenithIItIachIpnthI north It the mshipr kept up their Iround theelook IttaokI IrIInIt Ito menu at three North Vietnam uI rIIInIeniI In III rulon to prevent them from overrunuinz the South Vietnamese positions ROME Nitnl TROOPS hit Stretnioriresser thI been dropping tonr oi ploaires on North VIetnImeIe troop cwneentrItionr within two or three miles oi the mountain top Irtiiirry hare zoo miles north oi SIIznn our the trlhor der Iuntture oi Inna Cambodin and South Vietnam titer the hILr stnrcir Friday mailer US ilrhterbonthert and heiicoptere animated the jungles Iroond the hose with pIpIirn In In eIIort to btnn oil the hery mirth drier cover to the North Vietn Elsewhere NnthLVlItnameee Ind rViet Cont trno Iheiied inn CInthodrao alonx In embetited 15m Itretohni HUI whioh Iinb th Penh Ind CImhndiII only $70 IeIpnrt It Knmpou III rlahln party not an VIIdimir uhtiahy premier oi the tiknlne tored here horn Inhnrr In cured the Min pm and radio Friday nith nI tuning hintInt lit Ind minehirvnru pmpagnndr Ihorrt the IItuItton In Best Pollttan An oitIdIi rpohunun said In Dunn today that the Min reportr In no reIItion with the reel rituatlon in Kent FIXI ItIn the radio said he lad nl the rnItter III that the IntlitrItorr from India had received within him It the hands oi the me tin Army nperltin uIinrt gem Inolxneemk 3m with patro Inre he laid Wqlunifltm heroin no report reac indien loon oi near the hut PIhirtIn border Prera itllrt IIIri Westlhklltlpl ions retreIted horn Nlhhahi Indtooknpposittooetiamiies ma oi the tmr tntlitrry hare IreI Ilte Iiherniion Army eIIItned romplete cnnttd oi Ralehahl the Item sold The report not the mum Air Forte made rtrihu withiniehoursoeitatehahttu tnilea northwest oi Dun and only ta rniierrtrorn the indie bordor Tho West PatirlInI pullout from the nriIitIry hare Iru in the late at heevy Ittth hy the smiled iiuhti Fold tiree dnm fighters probably II III prelude to heaviest phIrI oi IIr tome bornth the reports said Press Met eruption report reaching Shillong eId riunlet irreea airo cItiured thI niriirldy It Laimonlrhnt In the tar northwest oi the province and at ShIiutlutar Ind 5am shrmarnrln Syihot district in the northwest Radio IIhinen said Irtdny night that President VIhyI Khan hu pmmuIsIted Inether martialth regrdIiionthe run Toe revert addition put rertriciion nneha were do scribed II euspecred perrooe MIrnrsrrucr mnvra it titer power to Inheritiee