Ego 35 57 ii the lie oi are ii Kgi is ii Egg EN rec Mll wt lIItrImwlrIIIhI gf 25 out here Wham barometer Gletsl Six Months For BreakIns one ll waI to mlba inlallllhnrlday Iy IIItote olrlrebarres tour eihrulultexrndtheiieoe oltbehlnduneotlruklnden irr are Agata Bel Ia etpeo nchuitbnharxesteroneoo emrenttyihcchrrxerwmiald IMIuuoibrhIna in lento and the Immdllil township tut lily end June Itchtry Ill remanded unlit Thundry IhIII on rent ence report wan preprred Bnarn Owen reomentlnr bet at Ilrmrlb IIll term on better tor bIIn Hu rIld II thonrh Belahey hrs had two tenor ct protection belerw In the time elm his Irreel Iaat rum er be har Ihnln htmsell em arEEa in ii Arggzi fr 55 gig Er$ egg gig IE Egg re been Inclined Ii he didnt allow up Iorpbla ronaolailon round me Daemon Appeal rout Htsconvicnon odleooi upper or the lodg ment and aerttcnee Iglinst Funk wise to at Toronto Ins llkd Thursday two hours liter provideIII Footer Iound Wise Ity oI denyerous driving in connection with In Ircldent that chimed the live ei two may alstcrs Ind lolur ed third last htry It Judie Foster sentenced the yo man to NO months in loll Wiscr lawyer Davidson then IlIed notice at appeal with the courhy court clerk tlse was released mthIMoudiAgl hlrti rope or the appeal will be red AprIIt in county ewrt Jude Foster reserved bla de clalnn on the rhrrro titer heur ln the evident and numeric two week Inc In nnnouncloz his verdch Thursday he Inltl It on his opinion that the deron oi wise It the time oI the bi cident on In runner inoper ous to the public helore Ienteneewas passed hlr Davidaon told Out the accident had been very ahnltcrlnx experience Ior tlIse tie rurrcotcd that It won core Ior line DIvId bloat Toronto hunk mInIter whom itlse be worked tor and heenlriends with lor the BI three and hriiyerro arid ered Intenser ldenl lIo raid be Judge Foster no hit pub the court entire rut Pinch oi trehmtmrtoontueoem Ereemm Bantamscoiildllhvn thittimrcttnnedtotbepbw Ind Iimnrlsprnduced Ihoteot in or triumpbnver Berton was Ireasoorhly hrp young mnn heIore the Itcldent hot alnee he Ia nerrwr Ind bar to trta medIeItIon to It through the day not the none pen run Inevr yerr end hell ere blr tiers alltL Crown Album them son arid that to he was rynv pathetic with the mmtrl In Lvh oi Mr Wise no Imorot oi punishment would brlnnho two girls killed In th accident back He rated tor rhort lrll sen tence to act In ulmpln re the llc knows we will not later hie ihb type oi driving Tertimony It the trial allowed Ihrl en driven by wise brake ed auddenly on Concession oi lnnleilt It Ipprorchect run our parked on the ride at the told The ear skidded mot Ibo Md Ind struck three girls standing In my verpe oil the road on the ether ride lillied In the accident were Mary Lyn Armored end her rLIIrr Elton not no the ehlli Another ulster Laurie was Ihiured Mr Davidson eunlcndtd that the accident had been closed when man eluted rcroee the road IrcnI between the two ours It Wise rpproarhed erualnz hint to hem and rwrrvo to avoid hltlnrhlrn careless drivlnr uhrrre Ir gniostltlae wu vdthdrrwn by the crown Foryvlterbaniellrea MenFined For Possessron iormer Brute me man who now llvesrod works the United Stateswra Iloed it lhtwrdr alter he pleaded edit it to haryI oi possession oI mnrllu Cilrh hicDohuid it we living ll In till Dorrie rcridenc on Illther that the time ot his Inert OIL tie vies observ ed rollinl II ciylretie with ruhetance that apperred to WOW ltoyrl Crnedlrn Mounted Pot and Ontario Provinctrtlollce oilieere who relded the bottle hay ol ruhrirnee that moored to be he Gallo Peter Blotter loll Di continues throutb Saturdry Ind Ol Marijuana madluana war IIItInI on In one inimittthirn Analytic oi the eluretIo Ibmk ed It contained rem oi lorr lium rl promoter linch Owen An Inth oi the he rhovedlt eootrlned 301 grams otmirtlurnr be rid ea oi pouarrlon 01 mn ltIanI TxIlnt All other mood Co once Carlo can with Ind Ed we Truclah lllllnl out ol urne lnddcn were lethdrrwn by the Crown murmur BANTAMI rollle reeeived hernr wel come alter he was instru mentII in peueev IhIIoIhelnluoodworterInd militia hwilhncktrt lielused Breathalyzer Test Interim mince Tlrn moronIn photomph was Inventor tor his tern In Consolation bottom at the heap when this mine Photon CC lame ryrlnst Beeioo Net Stroud Teams In The Finals Three SIroIIcI Iculns hnte nel vmed lo the nals oi the CC Class at the little Nltt tario hockey tournnmcnt heldln Creentore this week Today Stroudsoulrtsrncel Keene in both the Squirt Ind Bantam championttdp games and streud Peeweee tree Thout Mk II WM the Strand entries will compete tor the grand channplonshlpe on Setur dey tulny the it clear winners treemore Baniins have Id vented to the nish lhl round and the locrl Squirt and Bantams have Ihots It the con rolatlon cc champiooihlp EIInvrIe Peeweea Ire Itllt llth tor the championsth crown Ind will meet the winner oi the ReihtrnePowusen pine on Sahadry Breton Peewees are rtlil playing or the consul Ilion itle Tho Creetnore tourney Is rre oi three province wide events held held thin week Midland lI bottle the and BB ciueea tor tenlrea renting in mention Irorn tree to 1500 The Ind AA tournunent Ire heiar held In reterhomrh Ior ettlev trout Itooo to 15000 end over St barrio terms are competing there Little Nilbtotnnatnentr Ire deviated to that centrer oi euro pmhII rlee meet crrh other The province lr divided into men tone with only the there ptonrhip em to each tree ro vraeln to the ImminentThe These Juniorh which coin cities with Squirt AIIL wlilch l1 Poem and NHL which is Bun tam Ax host committilLV Creemore entered alt term In the tourney one etc In thothrec dlvblonr oi both classes Others reprcrcntrsi III the cairlorlos were Powasrrnt IIIL Ihttrton Bebeyum Shelhurne Dundrtk Newcnrile Schomhrry Eimvrle Stryncr and Berton Among CC ctneslilcntlonr were terms Irum Breton tioneywood Kerdy strand Drhweod Keene merullia Ind mut cheek Today chrmpionrhlpa Ier CC Ind conciliation CC will be do cldrd rim with Consolation The N1 CDIleutshlp name will be nycd Srlurdry morning Itarilny rt At noon Saiurdny there will he special Itmrny Tyke cr hlhilion Ionic Icrtnrlny lite Iclma Ircm Crremnre Ind Bee ton IIerenl Ior this tilttl will be Wit Timmy Denls hpnime lrom TlrnnIInI crippled young rier who has Irnrned to abate on urilllrlnl lczt Starting nt the xrnnd corn rolution chomplonshitt lanes will rinrt It plts the consolation winner ualrut the CC eonsolr tion winner In each oi the Jr Alli and NIH entrzorics At the tint oi the Itnnd rhini ptonshlp conterte Itrrts unlit midi iiii not ea preeen the winnlnyterms It the con cluIIon at each decldlnp game Friday and Saturdry MONDAYS RESULT ICC Jr tloneyrvood It Breton AIII itoneywood beeton rent licrdy it Breton Cl Jr Ahchernbern Increa men Alibsheihume lice when YiexliunOtIIOISpmething WeIusl DispatchA Volunteer Proylndinx more than meals day to hunyry hockey plryerl but In erry test It certainly heiya when there no to many voIIaIteer wothere diet It Isnt even oecenery to rchediie ehlllr This Is the Iltuetlon which pre veils It the thermore tlllIto haII when too hot IIIer Ire he only exceptionIs the lWNPt In provided daliytor hoyr cu In mm which is Iliowrd six on tics CTNNDTIMIIOII branch ill is rpooaorln the torr ncy which reuhln the nut rupee et IInree melon that will rIeeide OnlIrio ebttnpiorv the rhlpr In all there are tutor in volved in three are orrclrlas =th and lens Ittcrdlnp thr lJllle NIIL tournament thit week teem tattoo lelra Aux llIrry end the Creemore iioctry hiotben raced to Ihlre the awesome tear Iwetotne Ior the town It cmmore he cause It tried donbliny or pop ulation tor the week lhe cxpeclrd dJIIIrtIIIlrr hate nt mntrrlllllacd IhotIIh lira Marl Mela preeidert oi unitary more volunteered hiI crevices Well not exactly everyone Mn 0va Robert IIid WI con everyone with two luvId or err Inimdolnr rune thinl When we run out some thing we lost dhpateh Iotun teer topicir up the occcetrry rttwlltd The rupptles teen rolleIII in By early Thurcdayvrter potode oi had run pervade oI wt to omi oI vim Indiodoeenmeatpterhadbeen And up to no Illdhl will Nileehomhcrg Dun 03 Jr Stroud Gee more All Siroud Cree moreottimStroudleICrce more TUESDAY RESULTS Jr Atoyner l0 Dundnlk Allblilrrtvrle Dundqu NHL Sbelburno Elmer ice Jr Mime httoden AIIbCoboconir IbElmlirle Nllbtircoe 7Klnrooinrt Jr AIicwcestle ltrlt Inirton AIIlrlIIllburIott Nmnrtle NHL bobcryleon gt Newcastle ICC Jr ody It Astor ville Alli Trout Creek Tioctlyn little Trout Creek ltochtyn VEDNMDAY mum cl Jr Aiowrmn more AHbPoersan Ion mention Nubcreemore iPowualn Cotuolation CCI Jr Aldln den SIArtorriIIe Abumrrlr Miochlyn Nlilrlttnmnt Rochtvn Championship CC Jr Keene Indy runner Otter Wobocoilh NIIL hrene ITmot Creek iConsotItloII Ct Jr ADundalk Hailhurton AIIL New cutie Ithmdatt NHL New cutie mryner runner mu tgrmplmhlydi tll nI ruItoiroe NHLbon cryreon iShelhIIrne Dominion CC lr ACM more com AIIDBeeloo More Nllbttrcemon lTriennialponcho cc Jr stand IIIilh Alli Strold attenmood LNIIL Dundrih Powrun Minsing Man nun who rcIuIed to take brenthnlyxer tut rat hlay wu lined tilt In metedl mini lbunday rlter he yielded ruli ty to rhnrre oI relualno to comply with demand to take the test the chitin was told usIIut Victor my oi or no hllsr ealny rhzr his car wu Itoppcd hin in by provincial police Ilia err we observed trrvrlllny It him rate It Ipccd on their way north at Barrie Ind wervln be the pimltil Irne rod drirlnllrner When the police oitlcer de manded notetit umple mm trey rcth without plying rersoorhlr excuae It Tiromp rort crown Attorney Irld Bron Owen who re resent ed Chaney utd the tidal tooksgim It the time when brill Coluuhlr court had rui ed the hrenlh text unconstitution II hlr Owen raid that pelt deal oI contusion about the breath trrt existed It the time unit his client did not reallxe be had to comply with the demand Charm oI Impaired driving curries drlvlny and button Il lackLighling Fined $75 Each Three rm men were fund total at 15 each in provincial tou Thursday utter Ihcyrltrro convicted or charth under the Game Ind Fish Act oi elrryin an uncured riIlo It illth In hunting Iren Ind tockllrhtlnr ibuntiny II nlxht with llyhll Tmtr hircteod to oi Edie hlll Drive Roderick Owen II oi RR Ernie and chm Forbes lit oi Ui tended not guilty to the charm They lore charted Dectl II ter Ontqu Provincial Police oh Ierred ltaht ashing in trees Iionl Concession it oi Vienna llmahlp as they approached but near Fort liow when the police drove er the hill tooth er cor rped Alter Inliaw lol the cor Ind tinnliy cropping It ONO rliie wla Ionhll ly In on the liner oi the both ml at the cIr horned reeled hcrrn epotltrht rm Itco lyln en the rerr mt tloor hook to wiru under the dull mee rnunda ei aoao Immnnltlon wu tornadorthererrrertred an other tour mode In the rim computment ot the car MM leatlllrdi Ts Fined 3125 Inrpldceoiherthanrresl eocI alrlnrt Gurney VIII witbrhwn by the Tim Stole Snowmobile Gets Probation Imy Went 2t oi Annie wu Ille on prohrliou tor two years Thursdry for his put in Lb Oct theII of nowrnolr Ward plerdrd unity to the chm two weeks ago Ind wet remanded until Thorndry while mitten report to prep Wui the Morel David iiorhen raid Ward has been oily minted or the out veven month and is on hLv wliI end the Ilrlh child is on the wry he uid To Onorlaon him now could crust him eltllculties in ilndlu lob Irler hlr item added He also aald the Ward In on two yerre probation Ior Ilmllar In ridelit tilut mmd within meter oi dart later He does wont to become decent cilia on he raid Judao It Toatcr said hI would give him anotlzee chance on probation It he cant abide by it he cant hirme it on the court the judge raid LOCAL GENERAL mu WIRE John Mater Hardy tl oI htIiI Sheet Anne was lined hit In providedl coint Thundry rher plchdlnl guilty to tbett oI rroiloico rwtreiromrnr hardened rspra Townrhlp hulldiny Feb 21 Itrrdy was the with break enter nod lhelt room bun with the Incident tin plug to or on on Ii etudodchrm oI thett aroaa museum Robert Michael Mccuthy ct Base Borden wls lined no Thursday alter be oriented gull In enviedl court to the