my Ildaeyiipmlurler0rduh Iunprhomynommmunw momentum mire rte cure insatudledhytlrveMSimcnoleym oi cartoonthe planw totamte here clearerWitii nmmmdmumui minutean limit at Anne Iieiiay aulstant director ot lniiiepali Certaini the plan hungreai education ltaa ottered competitor realt nrerit Indepme it will be given merchant lie sayrmteiechea lympalhoticconalderetlon by thsboard inistntioayrce au me rum1 Wm mid by the board ihie week home or the be Itanysot theeaetodents areyoed In Veonteertbjeeiehet poor in oihen ih talheip rheiow nmuoumvmymm tntateeawhocaliedlordeiertatieltihri throat and eodai environment tor theae mama liriitrignir Withhimiihhthil ltria quite in rtnnit ciaseee became their lwmdemtgela tnust icel this mm mm ever it the DIWDIIUO integrate ciaran mhhl mv 1m is lentiblo more li tenure to be been advertised by their alien etc at till ll 110 will team to rider time claneo action fPip line Political Game Anyone who watched recent roprant enuolly laro pool oi oli er orershbpe en te ariston entitled the Can an Are to unearth to central naar ets and re tic will have acquired good idea oi the lineries Millie ail involved in It WWI Oi There arehowever many other onto the northern section oiour country liner to consider beiere min eitne mil numeriamumedne iiiaso rtrto involve the lion the Mildewrector Canadianagreva inmfhmiterhl ller rt with mm mtl1iiiniilde ziauna and the environment and toner 5111mm limit Will will Mciherriurnlltnheedlnlllme prime mtnhterandthacablnet mm 1374 the live um Ittnteemt danger to the jttitrre etthe concert ml the pipeline to beacon PM It tremorn en the In some Ialety mini amonltbolew =1 tarallvliiy nnilnekacro Aaiiahtao go Whittle yairaa up Wags on Mummith wdlaivgbnlto nyeoo sapoan more II VI gmmmfgw mll1ggj matting shipped rcrora the tea to itrl 53 hI mg Burr menngthhngu na common my iWlmt This mint hrtnn good deal oi pm 51 gm eraElm ngrmemm mu rm erily to northern clnada on the other diet In wwwmhummu admih Emmett Wmmggl Ind it might also brin ayooddealol mound theircouaideraiionthaiiebeta My muml 1me car wylneplraiilo and incatcntabte dam git mfwud $33313 tonne to it the lhoeebehind tba thruhhnld ib tt tin it lnViheb fiileel iii iituaialnSliierlareenratobavecon gytywiwpw remen pg there roblems end may ur Dr BYth otter CC1$FeFor Free Drugs or heernedicalionalor Aoorreruttnurtaierm PAWHMNOW togglgatuodercarainahoo mtedlomatbatllrJinard gr =5 In tout Plrtvats dilherrltbjra the In that titlin out waa economy mmummwuu all moiicnputi arduntherety iewmiaapentenebnuracoai tintdayeltaeaaionOoLt truth tanner manydoitas by Dr iiynard its trees the hoepltai care optnloar ol this rotten be itynarri tode comment should oath aaaanole dithII mmediate eontiderrtionIIo lie rat in pneumonll prortaion oi tree daul lor iaken in time ionr penicillin parsonalnrecetpiotsociaiirbieiaperdaytnrtourdasa We commer ochwrench or on norm an who are now covered by dptent cue oi pneumonia But Medicare withouiIihatpueieiiiio tlepe up may The Conservative tor Sim lient must be Idtnitted to in the direction at the provincial North loch tom minutes iaill thue is want this case the head and enter on on auditor mentioned here yeslus Puuliei counter we and neurone to who ten partial prohtetnlbe rerun day and teneraily practical Vindnl mil whirl built up an ion tour weeh htepital It in Mimi innumerable case in to their bed in Ottawa today typically on the ten but peedi0llier wattaiencd no eoaiamwdlr Wth tentively and with oeetltidl he by teem led 1mm Jackmibnoimmwhehu agreement to Parliament dean initiation which rave lamp rel dell IMMW it medical doctors wboiatrnl merit expenditure at on on illsalien microsme smalls respected tor hla drop 11911th victim may Ila ineierandee be titled knowlede In hla preleaitenai ultimately ml the taxpayer mmcilllmdw lteld Mid in botplbal can in daw III the talked oui in it behth Ienuioritreiandontiaaonaba lot nth Wmnhthdifdhnh oontent mmremkiillto otinten In how we are coin to build one an DauanuuiedCarfriadawgewillittrund eitherb gnibrgiidllll oinsmio we or an without rotting mind to bring the be cit already discovered arid Igi 33 VIE on It Penetany Mel atom liou momennteer rtnkoiAleiiaboitkMledd and larcenretnmrmrm cool iitnntyiicott won primary event enter mm STORY Barrie ahipped catioad oi entities lop rink were skipped by trio Die GnndIronh Ilaiievaytodatnt John Boys Hunter Kennedy end Bobiiai Historic New Bronewick vianrea Vair rent corruon Trinity Anyilraru won or iianrd war in tact pin lion in that nonn bill is the thunlbatomidnomlo in ariaad oi poiatoea trorn Sirncor church hockey title with win over Si in Wit WWI Milli pointin medical cua plan it prorlde lamllya anxiety and tha ne lectora county ower to Winnipeg How Andrew Prediytertarta Winner were my in hit renounced lhrt eye rpeelaiiot led by lien Aunt and Iordon Iieokinp wtml MaCdonaldI Ii hoapllcl oar tor lnaitaed CanaI sick worker Canadas Itch poor torrid he at his jewellery eiere one day Lou Vale and titan Illus were ireei lor rod etliwasBrovnttltourad ery nrooilrPIriiaitteas oi Collier StAndrewtliarrlrilrtetler0urllny ornnteet trem ND St lithodist torch writ entertained Club won Graaaetl lrophy over Barrie Ml it deieatln it termirt con HMIBWI Wuhanetthhtmrmitetm 3mm rt rhtio arty club dome citizens temptinto tbtui between to John live mufn save comgrlimentary drinkinr contain at Five Politil wiibogtuih 103 03mm Ittien fed river tickle to Boy Scouts for Lord Baden pedestrians havinrt to walk around hotter 5L Mm hm Wm faminelam glen Poweli day alter pmde rent Barrie tandiny at trough Frank Carpenter oi the liberal party in aborit political tab my mmhtmtugy yttrium purchued John binrhams butcher bus their clllllu heyan in the tweedidmhimlign g5 traction or reason at arena open Home inersatBarrie market Grand Oranye lithium oi wed in till or If was appearance oi Edward Terry tamed iodoe oi Ontario liert convened in Bar er rntur urine mummy my and mm um Mum at when Brown joined rm ml mm mm mm mm my man an hm yes meet immature altimew the American don romeo Barrio Citizens amt cone to Himudl by chip from Now my gm mm mm iwm va tion to political putter the colonel own mentored Toronto Symphony Orchestra York ior two week John Powell 1th mm WM the two men when Canada not tion with development in no mwfflmg if it in concert conducted by Welematt owner oi Grind Opera Horne purchaaed elderlion to Brillaiigdlt try the army rnerrareo there mm dwwmmm The two Barrie curling club are new piano item Garrett Heintitnan Mm ID Wm Intel courted In annual competition this week dealer Barrie temperance worker have amounted their readinesa to gut thenteelveeratiierthan an my loband over our to coali the eu err in power MEI Washington opinion but the Dediarion ceremonies held tor new dropped their scrutinyover localop MW ii SirllhrmornorialwinsatitoyrlVictoria lionBrrrteCtrrlayeCoisworkiny mutualionliumoutttt Innv ha not ahoiiahed civlitIn Wrilw it cttaded Itaedonald Brown Car WW least IHWWII During tunerel errvlce tor at tuli capactiywlih no men employed Mum postre umntred MM them it In imde liohert lieynolda at tile midrnee on Manageriohn Barr reported it DIltytitudayeand WWW4y trim ii HAPPENED lit CitNADii ary Si combined wetyhtoieomourn Entireell announced retirement irom Wlitliii acroes Atlantic and it oaused floor to give way and all tell busineu alter many yearr Frontier in eeyneti street tiatrie0nlarie Telephone venom WI mm Tbe Minire had been too roll on ieltiaia in soled til Ehooibo enniio into batement but with no serious he will be occupied by itcevaa Jewellery Em fu 03 rheLYeveeitnou was juriea Barrie curler took many boo and Olympia candy works Not titntttttttststotttsrizt to come OUI or TitEAitCiif 51 co my trip to the Darhwahltti too over pen aboltahiny aam my um heathen carrtaye drawn hienoaei ocratic procedure gt horror they carried County ulIoo yesrly Balance Not that any aeriova atudanta ot cadada moo yearly All 234 gs oi ailair oan cail itirtay da OTHER EDITORS write oer retartertv Vancouver sun The urtlvertil cannot be immediately reievnnt like mornln newrpaper that would be its rulna on Let the news media take care oi the headliner the tartbreakinr ttory college education should be relevant in providin the perapertive neceraary teaort err what is trivial or momentarily uieiul ltoliotiid provide the ilOlilldlil by which rlcvancea and need can be acrultntsed and understood IOur concern educa torc should be to mate the pursuit oi knowledge an objective as poraible to th hat we come to are relevance not sirn rt peraonal latter but as part it larger world in which we live it is in title sent that reievrnce should show us ind our common humanity YOUR OWN CONCIRN tbnndon Sun in time at national trials civic and municipal election may teem like email retainer but dont ma the mlstalre oi hinltlny they are total internment both civic and retreat board ouchea you more directly than any or the center ievela For yn policies and constitution al reiorm ere important but it at the oral level that the issues which concern you moat direety are aetiled Mitt rate are important lie an oil utalional poilrlca the htrlnp el teeehers planning at new educational pro prama Storm sewert on service no creation polielet these are the Inner item which are settled at the local level and it it in your boat intereat to concern yonreeli wit snob lattice commitmentst other countrle new yearin Motor throw oil new yearly Nations Advertlainy otiicee til Univereity Avenue Toronto Member oi the Canadian Pm ll Btirllii oi Circular ilte Canadian Pride is exciuo till entitled to the use tor re poo ration oi all new dispatch eaterhlaacradttadiotior Tile Pitta er iterator and else the Intel pm pubtiah ed therein the limit lttatttiner claims Cornyrilht in oil ortylrtai adm lia and editorial meisdal cre ated by It employee and re piodsced In thin newspaper visit illustration Num Ihar ii nutter ti shooters to about at tha crde alon the wt Iiaedenaid hen iabetot aaior brown and said la at the rose nantinuold chap titaedonald wu ee year older than Brown ahmd tilnusii to he to expert with the peashooter BIBLE THOUGHT neatly brethren pray ei Ir inatttewerlettlelerdnta have free new be lied area at It to with yea tbeoelelellla alla my new spear and tiinu Forlorn memoir on ed nprayerloryourui and Pray tor rm and this eel tlathye may be tested the old wot in ltetoi Illa thatI lwill tum sort ea are net eeaaioa rnooracyt there no demooc raey when the army bu so much power over tha civilian thrteinltnalnrnty to the re to obtain it immediately TM is clear demenatration that the aaatpeweriatnthehandaotthe army Ind not in the handa ol the elrltiana even thorns demo mile lornta wave preaarvsd there war In tnwortant our in the Milan army whit did not want to brown democratic terror let these men were known to the lid and were not met any aupoert by the CIA the central it was made clear to the Irteh otticera not the Americana that Inuence abolition null elrure in tireeci on the other hand atrrtllar titration sot outet hand to tilt the Americana asaia did not like the civilian meet with unequivocal til die time they one tor another pi