Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1971, p. 1

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In deleoee III II It Il mnlIliIiII II lrlII iLIolilIhI IlIlI cIiied throI wilneIIII it hId uiiod II In tho trlIi IeIIImooy lathe IILv ohm ended than our ehtered In 10th moo ldIrIIon did not IIItlIy but the III mogul III vielod odmillod oipItlon Iliilnx II III IIIIIod Iir oth In In mull 1M Ind more II III tlhmw In on no m3 WW 11 Int deiemwltneu lm mayhem IIIu our ooeidnt tho heoh inon the itv Illiio hoequ no the two Mom in onion ho wu rIrnpod In remote Iron wlth on tiriIrleod In tho IllinII New Mom crlli cIIvotIolmonIldemldIth IIIMUIIIIIIICM MInmootmm ouchquest no Go Private Trip nounnut cottom hIilInI II no NolherlIndI Io rived here IIIIIdIy ninht IoI whee mtrh coIIIIIIII mm it on EEs PE Ime In uuunm tuimllihdw thmnpmentlnl In Illnh Ihm oi the houdI Ieoulre out In lhot not run rm Ihlt melon those munlelpnh ltiu plid in in thIn their none In lllhnnd they hm to nuke It up Mr Illhero report uid deId Ind municipal olliolnln worn Inn II prohlem only In men IIId III My prIIIIo vIIIl with herdlIu dI Ioi Prion ariItlnI IoeQuoenIrrIvdonhoIIdI re III Icheduied KLM III II hmgidnlnaidvlow lm panhandleIv Illxedohe In one VIIIM himlreIl erIitlrmIntheIIIntlomhIr dIu Iorwhoin hnennttldrlnn Inielohnt llroie Inmt DIody IhI IpIIeIrIIIn lor the Duleh oomulIio IIId Qoeen VJllllIIiI Pidkelotdone From ChmlerleI WHICHMkon It ChryIier ol CInIdI 1th 1110 III lIIIIIeIurnodlooorInIItodIylhon minute to than oiclou The engineerI memhm ol hotel In Unlon ol IIInI InninoIrn roIchod too mine Mltln lob Known with the worm amid Moro Emphasio 0n Outpatients OIISC Willa lcPtIlenllh are in Duluth In thin dunde will to Wortumutttmmuu MITmm unicorn iidnplIIl mu Commluion VIIHWW Ilv Ch god WIIII Mutilation Murder IonIo loinInn now In oi Toronto ha been III order In wuoottion with tho mullin mzmhnm oi uAlrlhur Michel MIMI o7 Pollcould liIo IIbIIIIorrrIlonlIoddmrlhethrnuI mwmrldrgjh Mnhern Iplrlmelll NI Illllerl body Ind nor lIIod with broken IlIII Ill low in his buo mt IpIrInIInI sundey GoilionlrhlIorIIowsprInlIreightern ST TWINE CPI Port Weller Dry Doth IM III Wle thul oi mlIiIon order to build two llhlnlldor IBrli Ihlpolnl The lmolon IIIIpIuI ho by the BurIIotl soan or NowronlloonIyne out trotle NIIleot Idoln Eutorn CnnIdI to Grout Brlinln gt tiwltliiumos Rolulo Ioiluthllond darned lelPE oI II uner it WWI Tint tied IIIlomenII oi Ihoprovimultdho III thorn IIInIlohI launched the lull oI don Ont Ind Idierprovln Ltd Nylaiahloznnlul December The romp loco in mun mm Inidnnnnno IIIImI hy the pruI Muimmmwmw will heIIIyinI with lrieodl Ind wllimt IoIvo IIoolIIII during her my in mm mntlonon Tnxolxon DIportmoIII im having difculty with my Mom on in ownu or In In Ine lovleto we In in In corn IouIIIIIllon III III or Inn In In the county ne Iont an to tarry Ihout anyone mudmntuoehums ilo med the bond Ioeh Inm to IIIIIIIII the diIIrioutlon oi eIItI StIrtlnl Inna Barrio hon pIId In overIii locum ol Inn ddd Ioid III Downer SIIy nor led In Inereue oI tn IIIIIIIJI About ll time the leo oi Stunor hI Inld There is obviously with CANI ll mom EthIII IruItze my Sprlnn uld tho vllIIn Ind Ilon townlt Ihlp III Involved in IhI IImo Iehooln but one went down end am not up it eInt he rlIht IIid hir SIN Bond chIIrmIn hiorley Nd mulled concerned tnnteu meet with the hoIrdI IdIIIlois Irnlion In lIlher III the trier problem Ind then decide whnt Ietlon rhoIIId ho tIIeII Educlion dlrectoe IIInI uy IIId wIlI lIIiormod true lees could wovt with the monk IIleItIeI hit with increase to Itirmpt to Ilnd Ioiulioo th ohlInI mm to he multiplying or In low while II being roiievod other In IIid Vrets Being Eorced To Retreat To Frontier Inn uom votm AP or mohiiity no they mu hut mammal qu or Itepentod North ViIImIoII on Illurlure drivin tho 5th In Ind hick mud liIoIr hm der with hem Iouoe Uh bolt not Irom mm in them only one no to denihrlho ltn VlotnIrMII out oi olr bun in troll mod hId dndll1IIIIM ot plJAIIoIIIIreIilId II rout in the Int live dun Sou Vietnmue tho IhIodooId lips Pressure 0n Israel WASHINONN mentor United mm In Increased lII presore on IIrIII Ior on nIImInI Io ulthdm lrotn II Inoot Ill ooeupizd Ann Iorrit Ind Io relyon lntoroIUoII IIIrInIeoI Ior MiddlI Ian pom oolllement lIrIIll Tonil in If MI Eben who to on lIidly II likely to lli cult Ind delleItI me with onto Secretlry MiliInI In nho Ilreetod lilo US tion It um Ionlorence IIoIdIy IIonthIuntly told lIIIoI IhII ll Ihouid InIII with mm vvmvv ToWiihdranronI llrnblands own to pII wilting nron tn IIxn Indira pence Iotliement More time run out Ind new on ennuiln tho Itlld dio IIIII ousoihly lending Ihl third win we OIILY politicni moment not tho nIIIIioII II territory rould pron tho neurlly iIrIIi III the IlIte Ioeretrn IIld iloIIIII III IndIeIIod tomuouuhto ore ma Mk III Ind lhIt ho LI min to exert Ilrm orenure Ior In lIrIelI withdrawal Irom Euptlln SIIIIl Vvvrv Iire Nun Iouth ol Intwent melted in mils now In Ihout it InliII horn III South VIIInIrnIoI hon Brow Ill doomod Sm WW meted out mdy to an Winnie Int lion IIIIdIntI eonan oIrI pl ml nnitla and no Ithods this order II It mom II mum the govern ammo mo III M11 worm Iod IIIII Seem NW mdlnettr oi the nine manta pnnum Md Ihl GUM VIII 3n Into yeu pi III an to Mon mm PM ISM FM The Men ItIIdeIII peodletod or IIIIIII IIme Intuit Crisis IIoIror Solution mm ohm Yldldnmmnte ewmudnh II IodI tth Inlm he mood monogram ll they no moon omo MI IIII counlryn needx Althoth the polltieIIoI held my reoemtionn this duel opment Ior the lint limo opened lho IIy to oomnromLII Iolu lion obnmn Inld iAIdIn oi dinmimd Premier Ntymln Dendrelo lIIII Inn party whieh hold hero IIIII pin mnlority In the IIIIIoIIIl AI nemhly Ind oi the roller oppo Iition Peoplon Minn pIrty ware to hold IepIIIlI houolonn mum with the president other prrly irIderI Iro Iohcd Iiod to meet SunIy Inmdlv InlormId rouIeeI IIid It no not known whether Domini who homlted loinl session only ieIdm II the prenldency during the weelrond mid It terId todayn mllni with 8me or whethnr ho would rend nomontnii der Into It Mamet Zones quite low enemy IuphiioI Ind who even out the Ho ml Illnh IIIII In no or two Elmo IIId one pilot Ihey main Ilvootd to may hum men or or Mn IIIIIII holl ol lot ol equltiu min liInoI aid the kiln munht cormnnnd In InoI hII orderrd Iii III Inoopn to II Ind InnihlIItI th guselm MM woo lam MIAMI Thule 0mm tlon Itlii houlh VIIlilllizulll IIIMI to It under too Int mortIrI IIInI room Ind IrtllletnIlII eoI oron hId mum 11 We live rollII to too WILWch III North Viol Molorhtn In 0t foe Iiuopnlo to mom iom took IloIIdIy town were tItinl no charm nitht Wedoendnylnd ounuoorn in oyheoidew little too hie swoon IIId men II In IMIImI III IImdy in am In tmlnutn mtg In den IhI Idan Ideally Ioeln it on get em with OTIAWAthm leedintoopenliu iIh open1 the vineeIJurrltldnrdu magnum Inliiiontoueunlohllndtnul hen hy oppoIitIenIpotunun lawmanhem hurl It the woe If Such all III nodutn mid III Pellet It lrhzllnl Ive inundotherneuw Asimov NIWDLLIII III Win up le If annoIoIn IIyI Itory IIoIri DtIIwI IIIII him thI pmhohly do Iwa with no ommeodItlonn III the recent BqupII commlulon which Io dopendenliy Itodied the ques tion ol MPI IIIIriII Ind Ilvo IhImIIlveI lourpemnt yearly ply Ill Iltln would he reIroocIivo to Ian tho yIIr momherI int re mind In Increue hlrmhen currently melvo moon Ill Iry Ind $6000 II INT en pem Illonlnce IIEIIIIS ONE Well Willie your IiIIerI no Inn to may me IIwrI that tor helm New You IneIn youre finding null It even hi monthr pIrli Ieetionn winnlnn oIthe III contented out In the Ill house gt President GIII the IiltullonIl heed II ItItI prompr Inked hire on It lorm new government Nib In her ministry lhIt mined earlier in the day The new lovemrneni will uh oiiico Iridny when pIrliImenI will reosoemhlI Mrs GandhiI IeIeetlon II pnrliImenLuy lender Inn ln mnrled oontrut to the up Ihn wu eluted the two pmiw llmel Alter Prlmo Illnhler Lni II hndur Shostri died In JInuIry mo lirn Gnoth nu ehoeen the lender oi Ibo 0mm PI Ilnmentnrluu In hIIdimht mo Ihnl decided hy vote oi Isa to in she dellled hn 32h poIiIleII Ioo him

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