stod oithebondrnsrket innit 53 ears ago eminent srltl lnrtllnie it at monumnmnun dewaldhisndtrprmtnreat pve relied to those in Canadasd brackets eaoeseteeam abooottntanai onttorfmorertrh MIhhmcrdtndnstriu Thegovernmnntsiaskof evelopmentvrbenthecail anmnouuiu lily ltr Bensons is not enviable lhatltie 23583 Bensons credit the hooded the oatcries and will come up yr pathsoi Wiasi mi ussiais Fine Hand Seen badprcsr thelntenlioulrto la at roe The coir chairs withtaxcaptoprodum the amount or revenue thestandpointoltba the to pare done the budgetand retrain irom increasing tansior any negmcnt ot population rdoroiia in hit Benronamlndandttavllihoin witbchaogestbattoseervhatheeomesupwila Mew tonsilEgypthn irerel never ins cemented torosertto Regional economic expansion the premlimtten religious and which means creating lobe in Ionldbe lays by circles Nicholson THiToviiwr notioniron IT city OTTAWA iiPoir lhree acaica theta latlglllba de tiblll yrtrategtalreasonn have declined return enisa tndrnirylnlhsocononileailyrc tardedarcasolcanadaisa basic tool in the governments lemio Jordan torttaeiirstreasnn Jerur fight against persistent under mine is most sacred cllygar tar as all employment Tilll Jeans are concerned bee Neither do the leuswant to ive ti lhote toriesusedbylordanhashail wondered the Dad policy has is given such high prion itythatitrsgnvernmenteetupa tint at regional eco wantontalisman restorethe entrancetothc GullotAqaba hugging the United Slatca bor Iielr enemies rder and running tram St Nild ard in the lmetia aroprcparodto ne ottaio rm to their opponent and to in estate fth tilt in ihdrml train many WNW so LFusmiecs oi permanent peace or iron ere They won the 1961 war and there is on lateral aid in inlustriai dent er on earth that should expect them WW Wilt it nnv against tidathueoonnlrtesd ihettlddtemoittiddaior etc Intlaetntrieate mono rainy osraotr moon Detroit res rear Detroit bustneaa and labhr leaders have been asked to put their money Mimimo in to obtain mom in pledges to start svork on domed downtown stadium so in has had good response its going to late lot at careful pro paralton ollte stadium nera sre thinltngintermeoiati mlllionatia breather structure on the rtveriront 0b talntng that hint or money will require proper legal saiczuardr and thorough aid oi Ch reputation Wmtheyhavctoluaotastltheyhadloctlt eChatham Daily News vrert oi Coho liaii will generate interest in denim it is an essential part oi the communitys program to mate down gm town busier rater and more attractive In mm mm CltEElts eon COLUMBUS itsnrtiton Yet another scholar hos conic to the rtetoph Columbus historical author ahociatiru Roman landed in llcatoo some new yeare beiore the iamous Italian navigator Other researchers have had the an WMWMIHMIi mum rags across the prairinsiirtlrrg Jasper and down rte Grand Forte 5o lhia area slated tor ada except our uninhabited lite already prosper our areas oi sonhecdern On tarts anti sotsttrlll brillah Oolurrdala some prairies aulcub turat arena and Vancouver in land in addition individual alien lion is being given to spe ctalum some wields these limits these are developing to runner and reptiles and needy urban or scmburban centres such as Pembroke Ont Quebec City blood and lie Spectator GIANT WI unom la all these areaa traverse meal rash meta are available to assist the establishment at mannilactirrinvg industries some orocessln ibdintricsa Irencvarau lb The thirst is Canadian Ing plantar So the emphasis yhmmv mhi Vik is on laborintensive manuiac dent twink eta general agreement that the lugs and lynestans landing on Amerl luring industries vhirh produce city needs new sports stadium and that the site abide has been selected Just many back mantra vwmdzihll roommwoiin Threaten Invasion North Vietnam srshaletrrlrolhcratlactr Iy retire bray heist Allatrs Mint against the enemy tar have demonstrated not take Iaru numbers or irreg uara to pin dm many times their number in regular troupe tn North Vietnam no less this is lot Vietnam there or midi time vas many so mutton ahich armed like the ll some at these tribes have teen need against the Oorrrnnrnirte to Lara Cambodia and those parts oi Sallie Vietnam whim hate 1slitllocabeldtrribatilethalt tbeso tribal millet him at been an unplanned success tut they have been worry tor the Communists cui ram ntartu ran shores well ahead or Columbus And John rather than highlymocha gsme or moderatntlon oi linesme their theories with evidence in these tribeem have tribal relatives in own vktnasn and the CIA has long been training the South Vletnsrnero tribes the training lerod iroin tea at the south Vietnam ibreea tend to treat nonVista narrlm ye roughly there own are old HM closest mid cal diitrreaeea by hundreds or maybe thousands at years the US has been trying to protect the nonliemmees icibesntcn in MI Vietnam turn the hat you ullaorittrs and troops it the has mended la varnith erriihtsot nurnhcra at loyni tr lumen and has also needed in training them and motivating them veil then they totally mammalm gram has sub Sontoeithe tribes which hes mid pose serious threat la aired extractive operation the grants are available on iliytlatrteamitter is mu Street llarric Ontario Telephone minus Second Class liaii Registration Number WA ltetum postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Sitotary Holidays excepted mutton voice daily try carrier the overtly tit year iy Single copies rec rigI mall rum armed llarrie tit year County tth year balance at made senor yearly Al other write out year Motor throw all alibi int sum it Canola The Canadian Plrtl is excuse ivciy entitled to the use tor rc publication oi all me dispatch calnltiispepcrcrediirdtotter announcermm nor oi hova heotia ho eroding rJ rBasicToolTiQPGoVt not included but scribed intensive or it At lion rorn the departments oi Mushroom common tranapUIL and the area oi southwestern and eastern onurte enterihlWallbb Already at ebec central timing and Ilorila ii spproatrnatstyuitonlraai to lion program annel torneaii Inc in air in the tint per cent oi the grants ment to need to as mpcraliodrllh coatolua ernrnrnt studch tether up to store per lob mated to ustries lncludtaa burr 10 mot snd momma not loud amsuoto my miidib WEW 11000 The maximum grant for need there cannot be puhll any one protest is its million chair but government apples liut thia bury nev department man told me ha is cucodiovf at government In not merely Wilt dlrpcoacr oi stibaldica ltaira assists in practical vraya carry cme no mm acres and local studies Oomlder throale tor aaaen pie tint traditional mun centre in eastern Ontario rarv has significant unemployment roblem in art through what eupbcmla lty called struc tnral chants in one large textile plant which closed down line oil production ilul Cornlvalt does not auiier the longrange handicaps loved to some die trim it has many obVlous ldr vantagea as an industrial site excellent transportation lrciii ties including port on the real ray and good road and rsll services convenient alto ba lveen oilr lrvo riaior ms machete in ltmtreat and In mid and pool oi skilled or retalnabie labor IM GROW sea if An interdepartmental govern ment committee Ina set up here to study movalte stint lion and to naatyae its slim Ss prestige oi attire ibls vbob program is not to create temporary to hard times inc to uni profitable continuing industries which prosperous communities may gm up this is rcsional economic expansion crimisSioni First Canadian To Fly Airmail lyhOIllOlnwt not it loose their am at trial badva bi tlapeltrat usiir became liaamae er the duttactloa oi nm the am all ii 312 Other rncmtrersscrs another Canadian engtnocnr iglaidvtauland libual lti says he is ihlallal of quitting the iedcnl boils nod ranntng provinclaiiy ltr lecnaa public aspiana lion tor his possible sbdksilon is that the Man pvt has runs to deal decisively with urban and enrlronmcnlai problems Bot cotild it be boredom For the tome mayor says iurtties tbst when he not to on lava be thought he might have borne Whatever the rest reason ho hod bis disillusionment Giv enss potential switch to tho pro vincial arena ie lood tor the oi liberal leader Robert the liberals have been mal ing concentrated short to per ruada some lederal Eludbbencbers to run prorte it Even more than the seats the men relight ich trp lie Kim is looking the lustre they would add to his party in the out election prominent tedersl private member carries cioso to the ramapubltc sous vliictal cabinctnmndntstcr pafiadbcrv when one aalichee to the pro vlnctat lirtd it adds credibility to hie party And It gem oi Liberal liPs Mid make the sviteb it could mean great deal to Mr Nixons chapter the bin retrb be has been an tliog tor or course is Paul IT HAPPENED IN 33 DuluthPARK of 33 33 in E5 corn Id HIM citr er urination gromthe governrnerd ottoman tto em II mm hhntemmakavuim being purer ot metropolitan city Alter it have to an Ottawa hackbench tepping trorn halo horse and him in the print lcrislaim nerv rrnm Minister Eric Vietlcr and Oslo Villeneuve PC riroin tltengarry and tsDl merribcr Walter Pitman oi Pom are all iplltta tederai mem Aod oneday soon there may be real surprise For George Doucctt torvner provincial bighv vays minister and dcpnly pro mice to Leslie host is thinking restorist rt throwing the led ersi house and running again ty tn Lnearl in the next election ciiini the tietnamcrs ohnrc erourrxiu la rugs mm mm aear areas lravcreedbrtiarporl cm taro this at communications En ee Ec IgtAh