an 53 WEE $3221 3313 aliailothaiahe lronathebay wherlltninlinihtha remade ii 13 En an ohd llohartsrhaa Pernandtiuindcn the new min inletmalice and havlny the Departmen Inter ni tourism and 33 mm in is menus the trin cuiale their operaiin Former milliliter oi municipal oiilln Darc hItKMith il it new Ontario treasurer and mu uterine new new liornea tor alum where previotaaly we might ouieoidl Allele kn ma ahead with only but hell that utunber lainedthe uncouth rower abieiuiitiltioolilil ial aeaiaiancetn motheil ii mad aeweaa uncuttinder new The llratalep toward brine In llydrolhtteiele Picked earl oi willhawk latte capacity nl trounce kilowatts tue li armor the three taxi eel nuclear atatlone in the wort Ibaaocoraiturltieexorciedlo tbeaeedandior mm oi anoint and iantily eervlcea nan elei ambiance Under the new re will be liven the choice with ml lPlltI itir rotation ant per bed or of arranrini Keir oru tintactic by borruwlnl untrue Stalti Oneoi hotiorary mm dente hi Ml Iiiiidlhir rahritarrr has our of Willi appeared in Its Itrai ytar as it tievliiarutatue In no room who nanieto ihie area tromoain awn in the horse and rprriarn th rite ehovaeirrete he codimerrlel and other uuuo lbe Sieilcrd lionee and tortilla Noose hotel brace snail tout rillla realdent iandrriarte have been amonl the many building which have been ion peered one bidididdpaiiu leii alandhte are the loot Pecthytcrian ruanae nn Neywarh alreei new nianse wu built on the sonic treet but the old piano etill The lira hiatory In 1061 lave practical ly all the bulldan on the main iiiiiai aireei iront Dunne battery to the lakefrobi Idoat oi thorn were rcbaih agd oaiie oi the latter rtll alan Ilhe thornas hluluaby Iinio whkhhvea opened In race was located ai West and tile tirsaeeeireetr Later the lam renerat alore wal moved rice tar street which toolin histology er the heart ol the ritye inoro extended builders ecliou ma old on Outhoiie ihturcb rope yunlncliaatreet Norev flenstu build on site were slaw re pItligordiheaerit Guardian Aurel while alone church on West built to tilt Oil alreel hitirdwar mummnm third electric erode rrtilr mu tor ri where rear take place oi its prev cheered end the yin tas clectrtcalnnerxy by the end oi this year while the remelninl two unit will lllow Ill mil oPicheritd la the third nuclear Ontario ilyiim elation In which has cooperated with Atomic En any ul Canada United The two previous are the NPO unit oi 20000 tilowatie at holphten and the atom kilowatt plant at Douxlaa Point in drawinl attention to airle ment by the ch oi the Ontario Hydro Gunmisalon Georlo Gethercoleyiir Event quoted him an eeylnet The un cerialotler oi supply cotuhlned with the upward trend in cool ol tonsil tuels makes eccen llaI that Ontario and Canada move Into the realization oi nu tartoariuoaheuatrnaunrar anl intent timoaptl did not late into consid eratitar the predevelop rn it done The culvert on that An bum other centenariep death war that at loom lleriry Ayern mihiirmiddtid mm by rumble wide no not added to the eatide orthoroiairoauwooaram corrected the having included this in our etoy COMMUNITY crunch liar Waiter Lee haa been piv en permit to ealablirh non denomination church at loniaill Park at uheiande and the lib line lhia ntleaion will be part endear It charre my tin with taut and trailer and pro in inade may add awtne count uatniuetiCochrane road permanent structure so that larnlly were enter the orian eeillera on the road The to hide riled mlthl be called oweah reed an the Cowan lant Crone deed the term onthatroadllidr liken lenienan revertwarren The only eeveunrarted lclooncr ever built war who euncltud in in clear eneru Ior electric potter IlEtElltEtttiEt tiliiiiitllESi Htlliiliiltuilutili Stpcilaltii perioiiiancashy Sisannahtoit and benign iicottt tlhttttt mammweefpuHAvVKlNSrrh oi the0w item and public library Wt Ina Goldwyn hirill deeded the market riyin etownand also Motherly which not tonne Victoria Park An active Drillla reallor tor yearr binlittlcalty in now an LAST rt ME TONI THE Ifyouseenpihing clsethisyedi eratrd Wome imtiiutea oi Orr eity oi Guebb on Wednesday and thuredlr April and to eneoadiill bit notice received here IIAYNKII aieermo STAYNLR tsialii lierrrbera aI anemone Horticultural Socety hare bear invitedl mallard heck rim iloorticnitural society on bimodal amine liarch It at the Uni ed church hail wennntoe womb mm ounces DISC JOCKEY URIlMMDWILW heieulalal Dire helm Wmmamuaaurnenm Yeirr mar mama erKtncitotsortnveertsvrtccsnmnea heel Nawl MMwwmmamamuwau lHOINMMM DONI illY run ILFSI sandmanme TRY Tim 51 your or mu rauio NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARDS CALI ronomo comer INCLUDING BESTIEIECIUlE ZINITII 1H1 rum memor For around halt the price oi an ordnery tniett you out truck that will get up to thirty miles to the gallon erulea at 70 and carry ion at anything Even elephants For around hail the price ol an ordinary trueic pet 96 home overhead camehait enoined tLaieeI or iIpeed ait rynchre eitllt heavy duty suspension duo eervo brake system and whitewatie Dalsun truck is built tor 100000 mite iellabllitySo it will no ton way and do lot olwork without causing lot ol tioub thout costing lot oi money The Daicun1600iruckls all the truck you need turhaii the price youve been paying which is one reason why it North Americas beettrelllno imported pickup Tbentoreieryouorneney inteir DAISUN 1000 PICKUP 2225 Iaaaee entail non Vanceaver Mine new laiohl erode Wrlaaairl