Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1971, p. 4

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auturhmallnntheehaur adieu to mail leaete to neleh ra eeth and otlow burlnesa leaders time ereatlnt innit mallArewetudoinoaiiveopioaoi ireveryerldenoelliatlhedrira lilac iiarrii articlelnherlap wmnurtatdutructtonpi our Oneninat praeerve eierreeoi propon enyirontneoi mreiy the tin greateet lion In all this mledlrectcdiervor 0b utaoniin bog vloualy the outta must be on iheindlvld ii uai not to abuse and nature worthwhile and uaeiul obtecta it ie moneiroru to pretend ae liter Harrie doee lttei bed liar 4menriiaciurer nyhahouldbevheld re We gmhvandaluadbandona cm due nu Iheiactiaiitat with aiittleeare any yahorttontocrowine ic treeponaihle hereon can eururedhat hot on yard us tineeotieideim rdoer not ularbla environmont sll urinatinl Itould be back groc tell to that roblena which an umuno jdeedee at iood etorea can to ouraiariied atore Emagll enynunaberol otb milieu aiew oitthem ital to cut down write atop allitereo mininiire mans deaecratlon oi prae advocate abeurditi brinp ridicule convene our ndlinc arnaniil his woridhbttt their eiiutie minimized eureiy Iiieavliarrts muetbe awarelha newsman are the reateat iorce oi all in the trio co rol pollution No only doihey lniorm their readere oi the halo entire impractical and ledown htidlotlc in the pub retitled iornronth Iiob tr Fog PA midi iime to oniptou Ieiir Gordon Lon esident or We Younl reaented excellent entertain he meni at If Hell on Collier 8b prer uni Family Court Production war dlr ected bybirr William Cronlatid mony periormera were due Rayon Sm Hairy Cull Ethel Croealand Ia Moore ioe iiyrne Arthur Oren ill Brennan CharleaCrouland trombone veto Giarlea Suo violin solo Walter stubbinyr and iirnert lilrerd rooel duel lourriuke oi iiarriemrleh bea by men clones In third annual competition Skipawere Dielr Carroll Doc Simon Ion hair and Sully hicredlth Kiwanii portioniuironsd wows Condom iilll ta er el it People Club eponrored tmocearin dance Mammoth itinlt where Manager Sid 6helrioclr had ice In good thepe with music by Barrie Citizensttiend directed by Boyd Sylrerter Central United Cniraderv won Sunday Schoolriiocir Lcapue game against Trinity Jack Wale in goal Stanley Partridae Roy Ilouplt ied Dymcnt iini Anderlon Clarence Corbett heel ior Anglicans Prank lirinnrton pretent ed olier tor old Queens Hotel properly on Dunion St Dr Leonard Simpeon elected lPGli Darrle Scottloh Rite At Collier St United Church rervlce John Weldon introduced Ronald Friedenburg Premler oi Ontario Older lioyr Parlia merit iroin loronto iiuuh local inter lit in Pacific Coast pro hockey league where many lormcr liarrle Colta are ion etarred ior winners in non BOWMAN there ie an abundance oi hie province tlhei could be ex bidratnatlelormr line iaecarbct Ibelirri at Prat Iioyal in told it railedhtie lheatre oi Now rand war tried in boatr on or waieri ihe ieiid between iAlour and Dnaurnirny whiter reached Ila oeiirnaa tntleill would be net wai readily with its auntie nmwnmw terrier metro sleur dc llob cry war emitted vioaror oi Canada eh meant that ac or dhmmmm not hia bwn expedition to Can lle had an excuse beraiiae itobervei dulayediiia depotlure until no enrore inspirediiltr oi tun aiwae the inection that readere lake in newloa era down and duan lap prernrna havepaperii coneideredreeponi or la Iioherval inlendcdioeatahliah iietnre gt eeiitetimaud titans eloriogmaieriaiin the Atlantic my oi the women aita and ybtilmlilld lei aweptbyvtinda that bowledi haneheee An old puree Battieruie went 0n aahore with liarruerite and llobcrvei ieittheutwi muetata end ammunition then int not with and linen iotha land yltvo ycarv tale iltittnr boat Eneiand eaw emoiie on the iaiend and lie men were brave enoum to to ullon Edi they aler eerre to wrap the arbape ine Iunciioneren more lutpn ant the ecology 0rlllia Pachetand llrnee clients he we are doiny now whit Win liarry nun toorion zruinerinyt vm nk Poyrion owe PeeOiark travelled mm to North liar to are his contributor star or hockey in nets tor lra ereln Nortiaernrtlniari latua Hindi led prerident Barrie Poultry or Dritienrytwdiwinnne pitya nwi oilie and itomd St at corner Dilubethdied renh Hammond lawyer elect to oi Knights oi Columbul sanityih Hindi wee named deputy ln Ontario Pm um rural hockey ptayoiir Ohmlren lndiane on at from Branliord dirtrlci beat Ninesintt al Jimmy Crawiord lu nets lilierrorih Crawiord on deiencu and heighten MM ro tDabel Adam on rinht winp were heat ior lilnertny CNlt beat Prpieuionei lien in town lea hoclr Eu elbertuilm Colee HoracevColee IMPORTANT WORDS notion Daliyi ittrruryy mWotni median Cooled mwiihqda Eiiioti aovuuamartnn mi and and ehllrattourtaatca cl John Dobron riarred ior reliroedere lino lIaurtce Brien Stewart Page Dr Holly Dyer bert Ipr Pror er provincea rrerrinr In tin cernin Iailonllliifhulll mm wae respunalbiiiy tieide eon Ience and tarrllia and would Herce aehort courre in human role alto aair Ottawa to continqu lions compliments oi iiiii Doiterty Cork St tluelp who eaye he received the werde Irom hie daup ter in Windsor ilte nix most important words Idtnii mule mistake olieclor mlitD ALTERNATIVE Mootan no ind eiii oi the the ederetion Ar mod ea orriacy de Conunoua whenever rip dnrrtuile mattert ihey lhouid be debarred horn hold the any Cabinet portioiio wlioee on wee excluded trout ebec More tuodemenlal to thle point Moderation is tour mt under which each prorinca will oi aiatue area It not Iltyoialahire the Nine Illlld it as lnloleiabie iht Quebec turbo accorded stable wblehth were rrr con the conaiituilunal poaliion alter total he then would be much more rcarcut the Nine one he would cut tiuuetaa beiore eir rotunury rnarrberahip and mice in Ca nadian cheratiou The liremott important words lion ot titia tome elemental You did good job The tour mort important worde ruueet 1an the IederaliontoIt Whtt it your opinionl The three moe important wordsii you please the two moatimporlent worda Thank you The one moat important on Dhe leaei important word ahoottnr polar apparent tint tlobcrval was iuiiour and airtmerlte aabora on the trim oi Drenona oil the cunt oi New loundland ihia island war aun pulod to be haunted and driven rnen never went our it it tree it terma tor conicdcrallon in Canada Canede in Mr corporation oi llootreel and babrhad dled liaretterlta lied aurvivod bi beers which the used to loot clemaandrheh ter Eventually the not ll televklcnplailandraren monarggnyaaems the At adopted tlone with HP etil eyvlerri ItiiriiIehColuribie le iature accepted lia pro tootAlberta coal mlncra went on atrika until December lmJiairtiilonvnowa dealer um mm itewa pubiiehed therein mimirei be vmmmlfwmm trim and editoriel malctlalero notional that an em up mm it reel nrruanwntlgrrlmim mutt tkgtpitllion Nun vettirate Marguerite war there Pipeline between Alberta mi bcr melt certain it alone the route roamlire the aeparatiatl Peril Ditch the other nine metrics wou aarce leaveorornoii utrreney tree trade open border with the newly ependent Quebec tityr Insole It Dhyhuld Street Barrie Ontario telephone muesli second elm Melt Registrationth not hectare poataye reunited Daily iiurdaya end statutory Iioiidayr ercupted Subterlptlort vatee daily by carrier too weeiilt lit to year ly Elntia copierion nail barrier 01m yceri Eimcoa putrid County taint yearly Balance otCanadar anon yearlypAil other cwoirl ten ornee monarchyaura noon throw oil to eceivedneia Nellonai Advertising are tinivcrrlty Avenua hitt0aihcart Statioitreai and Audit bureau ol Circula Ihc Canadian Prcia ta iiir riualrnly entitled to tbeiise republication hi all nave die palcber In lhir paper credited it or the Aiiociated Preaa ioa Iiarria Etrtntlner cialma Copyright in all orleinal adrer aled by lie amptorrel and repro duced in title ncvaueper iiember oi the Canadian Preee It DON IIIEAIIN in hla initial rpcceh alter tab over attire Premier titli lain Davie care liar ol riorl tier Ior hie comment enrr vlrnnnrrnt itrrbanireiion eco nomic nailonaiiam unemploy inen protocol and atria tio and amendment ot Car nadlan coon Ioii la rather eweeurne liat oi problem III which when dwelt on mutt be rethar terrlly lnuor anyrlcarlerpror there are no quickeureali roiutluna toanyoithehiattereoriitAnrl with come at them their at the environmenmhero la nueation tmhetherztbey can be contain let alone clued Due oi the more inlerullnl line the pew premier becauae it is relatively new andaliecta the core oi ya it tile in urbnniaation daie nobody really haa been able to do much about ur hentratlocn llia incrculneiren Mllldl inc llrlna hea been accompa ed by myriad environmental transportation and enclal problemr Yet except tor arirris urban re tie done anywhere to meet the problema or counter the trend hir Davie be indicated he eiruciive action throuah encourv urine braineir and industry In decenireilie and locate in matter communities In aieo ta anbnt to care aa the cvcven tidal wave last rear and thin in iiuli in enough to underminethe devel opanarat potential In vital to the tax in the other ntneprer Ineea by about onethird below present iavela or coma entire eat cut in other Iuce 0n Perltairteet IIIII then would be come radical chaan ebee ni ccurae would eeaea to hold the at train in the he nate it would lieu been all lie mil in the Iiouu oi Continua ibat wotrld unseat all to audio litter tour Oouaervetlvea and libcreie In the orator ilouee oi Commons The latter would In clude Prlrna lilnialer mdeau ard eldti cl hie Cabinet toi leayuee istan tinieaahed by the when mlssedrlvinptheclobewhaare thia cbacrrar with more iniereai than what hir Davie etlempis and mannerto recompile in title lteld Some who arrument can be brouehiierward dirt throuph urbanization aoolcly bee ac tually been retrograde For Inriance olwhet value In the nhoater work week when the in tratclilnr to worti or in there any location in mint broapecta ct any new lyaareieina cottniry Wlll Alli DIDANDII not want Plhieibil tradition do the contour partner in thin blaaire marriaea oi co phicall orient partnere would itee be in dancer pl din lnlecratinn ii national button The Went conalrta ol aectiuna uneven in their dance or it wealth the has lorttnrata or them lick with their richer helmet in the Puniab cob Ia lone er the inuence oi the lat ter in balanced at the national level It that at the Bennett in Earl Pahilari Already there haveheen alpha oi Internal conict In Went Pak tty oi secretion by the Earl Arid while the central covena ntent Oeaei be iiulltary muecles in an attempt to head cg Eut ere CHI 0D NH mmmuwm worr tbheiituiiod eh or are cular con corned in view oi ibley extra atralna placed on what remains ni Commonwealth unity by Dril TOTilEEDlTOR Dear rrmarnurnaootounnr auyetnharamnentcaneedtoiba aerviceclnbeoiliarriaiarul tlrcnatbaieiteroia ritlaeia who vim lamentin the cancellation eltlte Into Cappeilt thoire trip in Wind tor and Detroit It ahouid be noted that hid on written to air oreavan etc and to data three have ree ponded one heeaiiveiy another raid it would hatw elven had it not heard the trip wu cancelled and till another anta door lion which thali return would like to rnaha very elearthatidouotieeilhoiahy club owea ur anythina or tor any reared sirarid ieol oblirat ed to donate to its even it we had run tor thalidth On the otherhand iwottid hate to here loukinl tor good acute to vest in the opportunity oi levee tiril in my choir Alain tor Inductee to any eervlca cluhr who nil beta been embarrassed by atelier and my aratltude toe the anony imue clilnene concern tor ust Sincerely yours BERNIE hldllll herrla it rooter iii time rained in more than uaod the value oi Iiie when thetmpe tue la towerdn mailer and alert llriue accommdailm toul ale and naive the thin conditiona oi our people today are belnl more ed and more dictated by their work And the Ioclie oi more and more areaaoi work it vcentrinp on the hip cltiece Cari lir Davie etop this our trendi it in cratliylnlhetoiee that warita to bull to aieelionl dorbte that he can do it BIBLE THOUGHT he will retiree health no to thee had vii heal thee at or Router and alto the local development there hna been iiiv tiry wenndl ealth the Linda be cause they tied than about cart aerial taia Ia lion whom nau mlelh alterer the lord melon in re enera lion and reatorntlon lie oble to do the exceean and the abunduit above ell that we are WW Nothinpwiil be watched by able toast or eirn think then ounce interns ntttniintutttrtitgtuuartu Wiiiiiiiiiiildit pinion Matt ninenwnio outrun droutwiitcnootouttortmtm Miami Aillili mwmmwwdid WMtilmm WMZWWWMWI lomhimzm pro4mm WW money

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