II IWIEIIIIIII memo Iered and dIyIeI IonlycoIII lIouteIodIybeIorIldr ueIIeI IAIN edlodlbeelllinuln IIIrdenIeerdrtruW lhlueekw MdIII IIine mgeederlhmeeh lehl WWW Wang IIII dw AldNelm on iron udil Ihould IoIIr IIbor eoIII mIIIIen IIII coell drpreeleiien noel Ind Iupeillon IoIlI II Ihere Ihlnpr ere than dulgn II III prqenl IInIeI II II The dl ronIrIcI IIIIGreIr TrInroorIIIIon operelon II III II II III 948 ens nhrIIn Iurrecoll hooped II IInIIInIeIdln Ihe Bernie Inca lo win over Ilene nrded In Slmroo CoIIIy MenI lermediIle Buhelnell IrIlon IIondIy AlIo IIIlllny In IIoubIe IIIureI Ior Ihe FIIIIIEIOMOTI DIII lIlnnIon Ind Bryon Murray with The unlIrIn Municipal Bond II hrIIInI nrldyerlerdey II elly hull Ipprnnrd Ihe connirue Ion oI IIdewIIkI on boIII IIdeI dI Nepler SIMI holnecn Oed IIIIIVOII Ind Steel IIreeII under me local Improvement Art quI III board releulrd IIIy IpullrIllnn Io build Iidewellu on Irelh IIdeI Iuxrl SIreeI under Ore IEL peIIIlonnhIrellnx In Ihe IIIIIIrIIeIIon oi the Pulel lreel IIdownlkJ wlIh oinmn urea wu resenltd Io Ihe OIIB Ihe III II oldeth will iCIly Iouncll IIII IIIth Voled Io Ineke Iwo IIIIIIIIIIJIII new Ionlny bylaw end oIfIIIII pIIn III Ipprnvod Ihe rIIIriII Irom IIIIIlulIonIl Io muIILIInIIIy or IdenllIi ninlnl Ior IlvIcrI porcelol IndonIh bride IIrI School Ind Ihe Our II JIIuI chrlII II Ihe him My Shinin Council he Iirendy yIIrn pro DnIIIIIIIprBIIIIII Ior IoIunll Innnh Io develonmrnl nn Ihe Inc muse Ipprored III byIIw IuIIIorluny dunno In Ihe IIIn duds lo govern oIlIlmI park II II Ihe downlown eonrmeo eIII Ione time In Ihe IIIIIIII III we Io pro IIde oII IlrreIIIIrklny Ior IqIIIVIIeIII eouere IooIIu oi III InlIIIIIIIhII om oeelelId III II IIeCumh neon nun operI oi new Inlldlnir IIII be noI lever IIII IenI Iyllem or IuIIldy bued on mlIeIIa fIIrrI II no Irm Ilre Ior more emde melee Aid Genell it Barrie BIIIeI Deleal Borden nanennn II pohlI eIelr Ind Boh Irmlon III II IIIII Kroner lei Bose Borden IIIIh II poInII Ind wII IoIIowrd Iy IIIrIey Gem Ind IIIndy Thomson with In eneh Illke nqu led II II II Ihe III NapierSIreeI Sidenallrs Approved III 0MB Hearing Iervo pupIII IIIeIIdlnI Johnson Slreel Inhoul School Oounly Bond II Edu rIIIurI IruIlrI mime Oockburo Iuppovled the oily IpleeIIlonI Ior III IldeweIk MIIIHKIIVI on boll IlreeII Abdul III resideth Ihe eIrIeIIJurnId up II heIr Iny looblecl hidewelh lolIlIiI Inldo IIII IndenIIlnd In eIlInIIed III we will be buiiII on NIpIer sereeII Ihe IIIIeISIrreI cellon III Ior IIII lIel II all cooling In IIIIInIIrd AWNIIIVOIOS IIwoZCIIengee Ibo then Ipprevrd byIcoIIn III nude ye Ieellon IpplyIIo bulldan lern own belore III parIInIeIIhen ronlnl blew Ilorn down IIIer Ipprorerlr Ihe planner Ilneele Ito AEIIAItOlClAL 033 on II eonI open Iored by III IIIrrIo CIIIIIn club Ill be held AhrII ILII lino cnnunenIII III no room II open to boyI under In IIIInn III II IIII IvuleIIwlll In on II III dIIIrIeI IInIiI Ibo held In Newmnrhrl enuncnnuynr IrlnlIy AIIIIrIoDIureI Alive IIrlII Ionim II pun Pente roIlII OIuKh eholr Ind Dru ll Onll Unlled Gourde porn nrlalnlnner murhzd Ihe beyinnlri ol Edueo II no new quunm men Motion Week In Burk PIIIINW Mlehul Elmer pqum AP xnIArIIII Ire peo eoII end hlendI IIIIIIMO Ihe Oakley edIooI IIIdlIoII um IIIl nidel Ior IIrIe Ihow presenled by III III Oakley Punk unensnn Ilelll Ind III IIIre III II plumwwu Inch In llWKlIIMAIII1IB IquIrri IIIroornI II plum ode peolily box IwIn leeI oldker II IIIM dIrnIye Ind IIII rem people In helpth III Ieeldenl occurred IIIII III el Irlod Ind drlllio Inove redub IllBeIrh Breed Id IIIlinllyeI Ihe hiehw Inmlndnlrll Modal Berrle In emu out do IIIIIIII IIeIrleeupon 11M do Iordb oI III ein yIIIeIdIy IIIII eIIIIed mm IhIn Two Drivers Slightly IIuII Incident Closes Maxim In men In Almoda ol Orldnla IIqu mum Osmium an ol Mord SLBIrIe boozlrlg yealerday Ior III In lee rIr um lhel blocked IIIIlruy oI Ihe elly yrIIerdly Inornlny huled Ind Ielrurd Iran Iele Ind AIIM Nixon II III Mldilod PolloIIIdroIiIled drIreII oi InmIIIInIInIourIIIIIIdIm NenCharged In Conneolion VWIIII IIiIIlnIIIiun Accident BIrrle Innn III crimin II chum oI IIlIinI Io II II lenl eerIpe Ilabllily In eon nrdlon III III Ind run reel denI SIlIIIIin Polka In III owned by IrbIIIrd Page II Bose Beran nu ported no Brrrry SI neIr PmelInLSI Ihme bolero Im SolurdIy when mood rIr IInIrk Uen Ilrle nl Ihe parked IIhlrlde rIuolnI In eIIImIIrd Inrn Iom number on boo run one II III my Winn IIIIneeI II Ihe IIIhI Immin IrlhoIol Artmcts Audience or 250 Im memher Giro 1th my mum IeIeeIIInI Ior III rnIhIIIlIIlle Iudienne which oe Iupled every IIIIIIIII IeII In Ihe IIIdIerIum Win CILII prineIpII II III Iehool rnodueled demonIIrr Ilon IIIMIINII IhI eludenlsllo pIIy IIII er liule lIle wind lnIIrurnenl roup II II IIIIIIonLI up now being IIughl Io plIy Ihe IIIIIII rnenI In IopeI II IqurI pIrIl IrlpeIIon In lieu Noth Iollepiele bend lIr Lhw IIld Iho VIIIer show III III III Oakley IIrlr IrIIIioI IIIedenII Ilon Week IoBIrrIo IIII nlxhl Ibry perInrmed for In AMO Irnce oI IooroxlrnIIer III III IIudInlI Ful on vnrlely Ihowuhlch Inc uded ererylhlnl Irom IornIoIn duel lo mol urello roullne IocnI ennrnII IEI IIIow PIInI Ire beInI nude Ior the Barrie IlenI annual pel ehow Ichednlrd Ior sometime In IIIy SIEIIDS NM The IIIy room loIIi nl 5mm In rehrunry Ily rounv rII IIII nlphl noted In euIboIIrI Ihe yrnenInI lire February mun IerIounII AMATEUR NIGIIT The IIuIIInII counril oI Iron In Men wmIeeIlon IIUI IloyII eIorII IIIIIonII School IINurIlny wlll hoIdIIn emIIeurInIIII nIerch III eoIleII oIIrlerII YIIII Borrow $2lillll $3500 I5IIIIIII event In he held during EdurI Inn IIIrrI IIoIIry Iub will Ilon Work union eonilnurs be 21 duh WI lhrouph IhiI neck record nerIer Ihow on In pm ha by Ihe Inlennallele IluoenlI oI IIIkIey Perk rchool WIN beheld Ihumlny In Ihe rean IuiiIor Iurn lho lurIlor Glee club will por Iorrn Ior perenII Irldey lrnm IoIIo Inn PerenII rnIy IIII eIIem II III eehool Iutedly Thurs liAI Ind InlornIeIIon concer IIInI mole and opm houm In oIher reboolI In Ihe cIIy Ind me my be oblIined by Irlr phoning Ihe Irhool MN veeeIIenI or InynIIIIr peed IeIIIIn MonIII In III MInIhlyIIInInI AI low AI proIlIrIIIer moo Ihe mlIh omumd while In Ind one no IiVlIIorII IloeolIIi wen IN mm on GhIrIIloe Ridge 81 II Elno mm InIIhIp In Bruce PIui Grey ll up Ior more Ihelreoeelenercldenl wIIblo nIQumnSI Pdlacloudolilnvmlll commune Berriellhelnhll lendedhlhedm Ion him writ In Ierlmr Ioodi IIIII driven Paul and TI HIglIway nnnrnnlnny llI nun II liIled In IIIIIIIeeIery eorxdiliar Also In IIIIIleeInry emdllioo an hlIrIlyo Arum Ind Ilrh Arum mu III III lIeod eIr Ind hm III PaneIIore Imam In enr drIIen hy DnI Mel low 03 II Porl heeled Ind relemd II nun Ior lea IerIous lnIuIieI In nerIIIIIIeleMuenmll annnenInInAuInIIolj np RB II drlven by John ol female The IoIIhIp eerumd nally Iller noon All yehleieI Involved Im Ioulhbound DIrnIIedwhlrIeIpoIiIIeI III Inku Ind DepIrInIInI el UIIISNI In conneeIlon III III IIIlewaI Inowolnu were lined IhIo III mile on Ihe IIpInIy 904 IgtIiI THOUGHT FOR TODAY AI rure Ior worrying work In beller khan Ihlekey lhomII DIInerI In Ihe pileup III ep Poiln Ihe hlxilny Ior Edison AMGIAYIIN cnnrer COMPANY lIMIIEI IUDIIIIIBLI Inerm 9lt1FI ll WIIYIIII iNO BONUB QHAIIBEOIIHIDDEII Fees WIIII mu world In menIInIr II you do No gonue ohh III III NeranI bIoIIIIIpoI IppIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIQ um Ioucnsj pronrnnr up In due Cell Ih Irolnrd purple ConIIdInIiII InIanrnenIe SPEEOVSERVICEIJIII Ior up plan Ior you Irnme IIOPbnh dontmiss it mram ident damage pit dont destroy ml reenll he deonthseItI IrnIoonhnrernur PHONE 7364496