to Wedded Ittscustonssrylorwonscnto edontotttatrotitlialitseit lllh butwewooid cglint own rsdldandtatertatoo most tbelearsabedover Idio coveraxe tintrudeeer lent tatertnsdausweddin ponredtromtbe extingroratewdsysfaodzl eyesotCanadIs per prees on hmolmhemum Atterall dethemgdmonbg are erence een inrahmdlhlrymberetbereegooo MthmtthIod rene andbotchadu mom em tahsveatevellloseitecttn madman35 Andonecouldhardlyregardtheprlme Mam hum erasaiiokdniitemudoldboyu dsesuptottseweddln rail Baidegwetblnkrnanisgeshouidbe liearaiebettbat onlythiaprod oodiortboPrtnsaidtnlster derttsanthetrreyoswerotheircet thta tallslnlarew Formlrudeeuotoourseltwasa manneeeuse tbewaybekandthaa typicallyunt waotdointhioa pmisetouttodasnebtmiitbe bardhm worldka an new r1 ihudasu follows tint pattern nanoced the engagement lrnitlred that we ismsld be able to expect some inl tor all the publicity it was worth then pmemeatt in his tsnplssye at team MerouryPOIIution Problem Zno Whine seems second obviously supply the bulkol to mommnmlnayuuw txymmryiwndireetnmsrwsiarr now considerable time ago The long and short oi the is Omk REPORT silage decanted whim otooa xmouwhmgmmnqolk ew ctslrandttseems sonneouoeenst coneottbaproblem no Mamtcumng Home talklit Iborll ll WEE mm hm Themerrttry tleesitheboitomeithe areas be dredged mine on pro late and the rivers pets converted beta prams are tIltred shout Others speak bigth totienrethyimerrury and gets into at dosotivstlng the poisonous element gt the unrans who construe the restarts Mm By PATRICK mntarsort to caused in Ottawas chad not on his allow1m torrosettde becoming attected bythe by my ommmm mm else have rlIInlnntany clt out also the press fhetli machmmmmw WM 4133 Tl asbyiarnuehaado oent wrrsalirehedslared abosetastyaar Thtsw necea the clettnterestlor in the same iSweden litvertiglled this robleln otn toha tothe ernl untenable WInmrwrltai that hand or ulrl tracts in the lobes other Sean avian ediby Ilire awn oi the water on the aimglwwo laitaxu Helm Essay lhn 33 rafter if MErmwplh rrnoountrt IHd Japan did the same and memesy itselddisefptsly poisonous rm amuwmmnw abladior loops are the also amon newsman always or ittupeipin otWlth look too aadtaaad lid llediood magnum mm ummifnmhb mg WW3 Mam WT it mpg he not moduli hilltlliim 1W6 Whittle man man Ito Mot iii till it limit it in my lit adrnntnoelnssoamuuony nlaa harlelii are nae Ilene ltda clean lehowI tint the subject is deluded into waittny or better days gamhjgiimulo verttca put universality lrtllrnbvsdyl other scrim Berrte at the tree caramelny liedoiil old and be issniiiaato tera lha bl momlmm End in sand with coo tease peop yaro up to their necks tn de and no reason usually ven tor er the national tan sis us want relretlully or rm trembleer wcilareotibeeonlmdls hevena eoiresumtn their trIde th lrbl is th lion with Ontario lilopmn tit ll Sornettm marshmallow lilytlymgm mm WWsolswrellsullmummwglm rlrrolllhllrdfou ulnat Morderylmumlvel wedme Itonce lllnmoimrltnenns muglier that to Wqu alas oi our ttPs hurried intoth Inn sr ohathamDIltyNewe lna nuenieusmmnvm qummlwmm mmwmm are no or fittrrrnedbackmlmll moot nasty to as mm lebamber when the division bells OTHER EDITORS VIEWS First ot all certainly cant date all And there is nobody to hand me re ireshins drink in other words in the name oi prarreas heve been chanti ed tram pampered truest when travel to nervous who does all the work IILINGUAL PROBLEMS Kingston Whiltdtahdardl The pro neederosion oi tederat bl sinnusi dis air under the Ottlclai Lan urges Act is misdirected ettart wists could cause wide unrest Accordion to Jerome ll laradlshwrlttni adtan Bar Review in the Can recen ty eople in Quebec and the Western rovlneu oerrvsaueolsHILLowaoonouwo should be subarcted to an intense educa tional eampetn betore these distrtots are actually created oursr an PARLOR Enos the Coniederaey is about to be rubiect em ed to newlowin historical tsetelessners it plans proceed alter enthusiastic en New York Times Gettysburs the hlthrwaier mark at pioymeri errand One st laymenlr rht biontrealSlari provet by Pennsylvania county and tour Remember those wanderiui parlors care there highbacked easy diatrsi would alwsyt start trip on parlor car eappeIr bury Out would by trying It interests ht will be built to overlook the bottle ile dominate it and desecraie its mood All tor In admission price at course monster tower 500 feet beblrd arilamentIr motion at oeconl once more asaiost the sovemmentby PI ttyanl heisthaltitromihe artet hardhil Toronto who recently quit the liberal party in protest and now ails as conservative ttla molten condemned the iodcral overrunmt tor lie latte use to metro and eotmteract llllluilIMhQWId till the esralatln mm which Otta wee unempoyment policy wwidl on the social aw atstaoce node at the minus and nwsnlrieaitiirs In its tail ure to provide emersency em aro mi we be wln works stmt Ir to the progam tsuncbed under are are iietety laminated the liberal Iovernment NEW DEMOCRAT IUPPONI The New Democrats endorsed this motion addlns an amend ment to rare the tadarat sav cemamy hrtetease But eventually the by brectsetin lettysburp National mmpnnsmuumr steady lck oi the wheels would get me liili would roots with the motion at the train and in no time would be dosing the deyawa ery Perk th berrafto oi tried chicken stands and commerc turns tn one term or another the mean ing at no rrest beilletietd has already at wax mus liawever Kurosaudtthlngaweratoo been muddled must that Gottysbur need to last the automo lie ilnaliy is also national cemeteryand dedica the Canada Assistance Plan to esteem to per cent It present Ottawa pays to per cent oi the coal at writers the province royho rcent and the munic on Durine the oneday debate on moved trom being luxury item to ed II euohb the sixteenth President that oomnllteace motion ro aomeihlne everyba had they had it the he to melt Penan ally think th war stepbeclrward lie ting along superhighway at 70 miles an hour is not my idea of genteel travel Its QUEENS PARK And once matter addllonat commercialism even Will Win Wt riled more deplorsblo Gettysburg and sim ilar htetorle places in the leatvdltlppelr the landscape to this country deserve to remain hallowed ground varsammunit Premier Makes Gains By Reorgcinizqtion it new villesue TORONTOFreud William Davis probably has made some political settle throuth his rabi nct reorsaolsatlan 0i hle mater appointments two will add to the PC strenath on the huellniia ily alevatlne Nobort Wekh to the education ministry and Allan iawrence to attorneyvm erei he has elven these rnrn more stators lloth are need no iItlcai speakers end with their new prominence will add er to the partys raster at po ltlcai and election spalltera Tliid NOIIlt hiovlri icrnend Guintion at later into hllltlote cabl net posltlen as minister el tour tern could substantially help wills the rrsnctvspoattoe vote tar deletion It not only ate event and politician but he hue connections to Froncholrcin Namlnt lea iterator ei item are nllaistrr at mines end northern Iitelre means that northwestern Ontario new has minister said that three cabinet posts are held in the north Commercial Ailalre Minister Arthur Wishart and Lands and Forests Minister itene brunette areliho other twei This con tnlnly should help in the north west where the moment now holds only two at the live seats end it also snisht cut down on the ND and liberal Ieneral northern atrenrth XMALMOWN VOICE The ttlata ot iermer hockey ater dyl Apps name on the rev erntnent roster wont hurt at Ill Mr pa hes color and as mtnlstere correctional services he will add touch oi air to the revernment lmara strentth prehebt Ia added in the rural Ireas appelntin dormer iederat rnelooor an old so politician Eric winater letoiravenut Mr Wlnhler slice the rev her voice which will be credi his in smalltewn Ontario some thlnl they have needed Then naming rebel Dr iiicle Ird ioiter oi ttulnte certainly should help the acnrrai mm at the novemrncnt and the party The presence at Dr Put trr aside tone ot iivellness Tilil ctrittlt The one area in which the new cabinet may not be oi too much political help is in the do es There is nothlna obvious about the reoryanlsallon caicw latest to help in the hishdenlity urban areas The dominant sharecter oi the new paramount in tact lsrecly reects small town There are only us bllclty nice in it Iii from Toronto and none at themap Irently very tstron in potentle Inliuencins the Holly vote Also at course this could be the meter emblem area tor the ernmentrand the PC party In Iovcrnmcnl tn the nest eloytlvn shewlnn how usitare caste Itiribuied to the hither uncnv titre itrrtr interiors id Bartlett Street llarrle0ntarie John tlravee slmcee the llrst tlouteoanhaavmsor ot Upcr Cenada wanted the caplta to Telephone rooster Second Clue Neil liesialratlan Nurnbcr MM ltrlurn Willa suarenteed Daily hundays and statutory lleilttays armpitd Subscription rates daily by carrier ode weekly time ysan 1y Steals copies lite By mall harrie ttldu yearly dlmcoe county tithe yearly latency at Canade Imeo ysIriyt At other countries whoa yearly lttoterrlhrew all new yearly ionsi Advulttstns Olitcrar iii niveulty Avenue Toronto tilt Catthrt lit tienirsal hiemher oi the Canadian Frees and Audit herein at circular lions The Canadian lreea is on elusiver entitled to the use ior republicalan at all news dlo atrhes this payer audited it or The Associate Press or Neuter and aim the local news published thereto th barrio Examiner clalma Coryrisht in hit oristnai adver tls end editorial material cre ated by its employees and repro dueed to title newspaper Cepyrisht itesistratleo None bcr mere ralslcr ll awrmm mam ir Wintltpoa It is pa tia that some politicians seek air choice oi wards tram their desire rather than their brains 5o topical and ar was the motel ai tan tone at this debate th many area slantried their with to hit part in it ill unanimous amement mother were limited to to minutes tor each pert able spokesman end to tor all others This led to brlIlt and teatim Inl debeie emeritus that may speeches should be short en WA NM TllliiE tlowever the number at lire lislrnlne to the epeechee was lower than the importance or the subtsct merited Itt one int about ttd pm liberal in inieriected see only eight opposition members nreaent Then at about told an metheznliilhamarked era are ye elem ment members present credi tieta Moder Neal Caouetta critt couriers sronv Toronto Chosen 61 appealite psr tlas voted solidly that the Liberals it is an ntoresiln too hairlied their in lire been present they also have eutvoted those too Mn tea at the re Con servative iiiPs were abasnt tram the vote those not present indudlnl liesara Aiken Dan to rt Dieienbakcr llelee MacDonald hchtiuald it ml and Scott Fortyreaven the lat liberals were absent irons the latoevenlnx vote lncludtnr hlcsera Andras when Greene tans hlcllrldo Roberts and ltoy Prime Minister irudesu supported by it at his ministers me there to vote The Credh tistcs had the worst showlnl with sis oi their it We absent and the New Democrats the best with it eithelrze resent and valley lnciudine leurs llroedbent Daurlae Peters and Skobers No doubt some oi the over tour acara Ibsenlece at that midweek vaia were ill its New Capiial By non BOWMAN bevatprelentday London Ont bot lord Dorchastsr the lover nor ot Canada Inatried on it rnnto ba bimcoe dutitutlybutit the ospltei there but he didnt like the nuns which was indian tor Noelle Place and chanrod it to ortt inhooaroi the Duke oi York who had been wlanln some battle in Elmore Actus the orislnal name was probaby ihlaimon as it ap peared on map in tree when the area wee occupied by Seneca indlans who later save over to Misalldlttlll lierir grow quickly end by 1838 had 1000 citlrsoI end to tIvernI entrain community that the oliturta di not like the name York and petitioned number at times to hate it rhInch back to Toronto their petitions were re ted until March tut enToronto waalreerporaied II cit AL dermaa were started so they chose one at their members William Lyon liociteoele to bs the that mayor One at lieckemlee that acts wee to order wooden sidewalls to bebullt and drained When it became known that work would Increase taxes by threepenre per mouse livers was riot in whle six people were tilled and others injured Ihrra ycere later hisctlrntie ted the unsuecmtui Upper Canada rebellion Ind had to flee to the United dtatrs so Toronto at away to turbulent start who travelled there with some liurons irons Georslan bay In ltti hater brute was killed and eatenb ohcriiurons ides in place wee cer tainly an appropriate name tor the area the iodine and later while furtraders and explorers alien Iatllercd there as they parisaod between late Ontario and teatplan ttay Toronto atlll Is an important meeltns piare because many conventions are Alwid there Titlill EVENT ON MARCH letsComrany at too Asso elatea trans erred nortrade rnte hepol ta CInatllana but re taine selenorleiriphte llltAlexantier liackenrte became leader oi the liberal party tauFree public library was established at Toronto tubToronto the destroyed Zoie novels Isa oene italNova Scoiia coat ntlnera went on elrllre until he tttaitoeotar alrmai service besen bemeen Wimlyea and Vancouver teatSupre Court oi Care in nuiliilcd cbecs padlock aw SovietToleranoe Towards US Moves rmur name rise comm Peblol propasandlets will had their view that Russia has ee cametatally eanmltltant and rourtANCI primariLv concerned with itll This sort oi Soviet analysis own drive to aiituenee Ameri clearly implies toleraree cen style the meet autisaite wards what Mr Nisan is tlve Soviet touroala hsve bee in Laos and Cambodia dearly Held Moscow believes the lid in them and coreludlne not II treaties tram lndechlna rather they once did that the us will then tales to establish aer reilet tram toternei trou manent here there This analysing Uh policies erl hire by Interior in torsion Id attention tot those oi the Utl The pus Iatho ltlualsn commerhetare wilihava to turd inward becaube irritation can only be modeer it wsr ex 511 V1 l0 ditures are no lhhiie tnltaton In huh tons to ma continues social problems in WWW the th men who is ioolrinl nanced solutions The eopte oi menu will tlnd trouble the Uh went dome prob eanra la mine saith the lema solved more than they twill repay nhhtlhlilitlililtit IT Hirrrulo oi CliNllDlt MbgWD vlmlc meow odd NII giggle even victories in tareirn lb no eriaararur renlre Alleles AIIlyIt tub or mth in some stabilisation Mt ailments in repeat 50 vironment can be trnprovad vice commentary to support mum sotrehol rectly coetr to the Pablo ventures but ltet because at in line whirh ma ntatnethat teroai troubles Washlnsten will is Itlll tryins to stay in retreat tram involvement in the shins but at reduced cost world scene this may well be Uh ilvu that he wantl an indication lost the hunters late the tint bases in Vietnam also tool they must pay more tram ch to operate asstns eir own problems the Chinese mainland it which so atranssiy resemble be Imaau as gent uninteller verse serenade mg ecu one sale We so ill drltiiruttrtitbm Wmmwmdmw Mue