the uhoot clinic gaze iii 55 or 1i Egb 5e of 331 If 35 ll are $333 he is 33 as E3 is 55 iii ea 35 252 132 if or Iliiti Witnesses Plan To elittend iterrie Meeting 22 egg zififii Egae no TEE BNIIIIIE STUDENTS PRESENT nyDltlIerHMlItilI oppre lounolheureerhn lime throne in AmlII bmslurrtwhloemlu mohllrelluitDunnDttherr rout marry no Juchto thureorrettu heudyte noun Duluyelhtt hood ruin lchbe Innuener now now other Den Decline in uouruun tirtunito toe ohln loom Wet Snow ForecaSt For Area newtonileum ol wet Iu olitumowliul our eet uno or rulri ore inmost lor Inlwthe duy dim Ire by mm thode Irrtlrl edbehind de tin Iodtonlxhtthouedtmmdiut WI Surnlu St Throne tendon cheoer cdmlnl rioiudy lhll moruln rod Iolluwrd hy mew leolgdLDuh onhutduylnrwth doymowt olttomer utorm centre orcr Ohio thut II cni Outerio 0n the other tlInd AIM merino horthwurd the weuthcr will noerully reo dyu weethee dump Itiuioricurundooid northeurtol enter or to to on It more um um late aiperier lor the weekend lllyh loduy our ill low tnrii Nuren to otluhetnu eurty thlu Ilctro Ihronte unruly Ocru Iototihtnhmluymlale morninl Iu Inleorltytny end will riml period at wet row or tall or run Iiurrler unrl Wind he coniln routhrurt it ted Ind hunt hold II to reulh el uu tro donin piuuuterui toh tote note Ihe wuu thut were normutty humor iioleiiiuolocul IirLruIredln Milton III Wool ullil ilvu there Ind iter deetru to tire ondwlr our home thut hrouulll her hiitdroiohonithe wert tout WMIII loaded Iohwith thoruttw utter uhun MN Iult ubourd the rritlch tied In Indul dole horuuoo ot the mullBIT CRUISE It qu to he threeweek erulco With It in Nowell Ind other Prcilio Iudr but tor tome reuron we chunlud our mtodu Ind ourhed in our tlehotu to lo tohhuntlul In Vuncouver Ar Neicn lotto It there were no lohu in Vuncouver when the rule Iturted Ioollnr when the uppllod to the ruliwuy the urn wer wu Dont cell or well roll you llu cult her they did rtrllt ul ter rho rot hoene lrom rector one oi her lrlenda oil on truth but cool She rtortod work It route ulde Ind utter while our onto to worii her wuy to lot It unto cumuloni retorvru mo denim rho ol the lmminorl retire It liurrtooperu tleion not not up she be little howls wommwnu Not iriiolondoln munu on romettmou rho hutototu munu Ierhut huu too lruto Munro on halted by tho lemtnlno loco on wet theotheruidoelthocounlume Sornedmee urgent rneurueeu huve it lielcn ri to the mid dle tile eulh emergen cylieutyeorucoricodoitourV lute from Mexico who hud been exported to rublou were known to he hlrtny throuph the hurrte Ireu lleuureu received by Net oa were retruournittod to police end the people were louad Ivo trend the need or are out ol eornpuurlon unit per cncu In thlr lob lIelen uuirl trout people live tlvet lined with hytbe detieute releeon the dherondolthotulr they tool the cent In mode Wool with on open hotioe Pun entuwtiibotavttedtortritctun In erroror trolled them ebuo we The buutneeu el inlorrnt the pie iu utro pure at ile nu lor nowomen Ill pyer dini coo Oouttly Ind beyond here ltd their utorteu to her the re Iuy to wuiilny edtturu la tomato 1th in uuother port oi the job and el tile thotll Ilnd loo elnutlny rho told IOM tlroeu Ieel or it Im rtybi on the upot idbwlnl there nowI ulor too or they develop over the teller The lot not without ttu rot tech in tho eonrtunt chatter ol muehlueo cuuree herdeeher Ind the bottle oi hood lotion on her dork II in ulrnort conelunl urn to prevent typewriter hundu And therer no wuy run my ltnycmhitr It III the umeoed doing und do whut like World Dciy 0i Pray IS Observedjin Barrie Approxtrnutciy ill children tethered yerlerduy ut the Trin tty Mulioun Church tor World Duy el Pruyrr ucrvtce lino ot the children prune were Orbs Ind tlrwrnleu sov Vcrui were uceompuuled by their puicntr hlrre lhelmu Coelhitrn Ichoot booed triuleo rpuotlnl on the uuhlcet love Otto Another used the culture ehuructeru teenutr to tliitrtrote her therno We mint Icce Ind tour liluoplu ur they lie hlrr Coct buro uuld We um never enough to expreu our tour we rnuul uuo uettori John VIunney hulk where tho women Irom the lottrchurchou In Ititunduto thered hire Trunk Kelly on the theme new new 10 sho III tut with mild timer we mint Ieornlo do our own thin in cohutnrctlvo muriner chlldrenu rerrlco will he held It 0130 hieriduy It the St acornu march in At eiurlolplli shorpolo on the theme It New People tor New Are the our leer oi the tntemulionui commit to tor the World Day ol Pruyor to Ceriudu the Womenu litter Olurch Council oi Conudu tremor the dry or prefer Incl Iocuteroilortnpe Servceuuru held In ehureher hoopltatr run utertunir IchooLe Ind homer tor the Altd Leut your more wul eeileet ed to provide tootuuiid thril tiuo Ittcruturo in Cuandu Ind uroind the world Verlour Inui Ilalloru oryuiilrutionr Ind uoclv become motor utorrn centre ruin tolly Ind lenient openly over Ohio tonight Iloin Ind roew lupertar on to Inowllur rnow hue Ilroudy reuehed Iltendndrlnduuoutheurt Iouthorn coturlo th precipitu to out It in hecontinx ilooeltlhemuloiymowtnour thll Ilierooontuod nurthcr uo oothhcrn redone eurly My to it on Sundae tilde toduy our to tow tenlyht poor to Nilh Noddy neur hit lmdoo tlulnllten hie IIOIIIIOI SIIIIIgI IIuron Iqu Onturio Ntuuuru mourn Oeeollun hurt OlTootilNlerlret own or tall tuporinunlltornnliturrleuund Supermodel tood rhulnu uro windy Wind routheu to rust centrdllno thertrlnuelthoCm II heceminx rttriy tth Ilter nudtrn Iood rnurlet Door Wit noon Ind horthroriiy no to it on lturnr rhulcmun oI0utIrlou Sundry Ilirh uy hi to to loot mull uuld lhmrduy line our to hlpb Sun Indliirturl Ind topethrr they huve trIIIiendour poore tn sum northern the market ptuco ho told the Plan Open House lit illliston High ALLISNN tstutli Itu port oi the lqu oouerrooee ol Edie cotton Weetr Biotin hlemorlut tilde School will he un open house tomorrow Iluerduyl even Iny utortlnp It oclock Toll is In excellent opportun Ity to toe our reboot in open tlon rutd notice lovitlny the Erotic Iltend und ecu even Ind dry rehoot eiuuror Irurn Include hrlol Inc in the uurllterhnn punet reunion or pertmente oI both duy Ind rdth rchooiu uhop tourr luhlon chow Ind rynuiuutte dirpluy New couneu Include computer ucienceiheuire urlu Ind pot tery mutiny mm rue2112 orrzoziea PHONE Mtlt ituroi iueIrniny Aurocluiierio lTII mulettny Iornlaur It thin community north oi onllle ulr Wiltiumu uuld thut lood chutnr were only Inlercrlod In merrily volume Ind mulniolrtlnl murder to pile them rudrluc tory mu net proIllr ibclr procure uru tourh Ind cinundlny end It Ihouyh the purcheoo lrom ecu luln reilu euppileir they do one upolnultho other he or For Promptueuuuud Courteuy VALLEY TAXI Owned Ind lOperuted Ii Don LoniIII Ind Den Itrlrrr Ie tlleur hcrvlre Phone IIOMI lWNl IIS TldIr Till bl Tmcmtri II II treoton odor THOUGHT FOR TODAY To lnlun good holltht lot more modcrululy cultiruto thermith mututulnhtohhh you human CARPET COMPANY much is Dull SI mill 004 usssgaaaauss cuuuausszgas asssuuunzsss Indoor Now Lowcost protection in one complete package ti Economlcnln nNombrnctng Homootvnnrp Policy in in model oi modern insurance packaging It combines the vitnl forum of pro toolion into to nitrate policy tailored exactly to your needs null It Iubutnniinl raving Your nonrby independent imurnncn agent in well qualied to handle your requirements and tnko the worry out of home insurance Cull him Loom how to until money with Economical Insurance and to count yourenit ndoqunlely for tiny loop that may occur Youll be honored of courteous rorvtco and prompt nltentlon to chime pnymcnte About no oourrtrter urtle lpulr to World Dry oI uycr ouch your The renter to pre purod try mun ol en la the Calhoun eolmtrte under th urrvico wur led by ehtl drcn Itn ollertay collected trio he need toh hoolu Ind puporr tor blind cht en uervtce wIe oluo hold It ht Highest Parachute lump Sci You eturt irorn Burrlo You pounyptuce In tho worldYou hoveovorythlnpirrunpodteryou Pmpertu Virur Vutctnutlonu Trunrportutlon AccommodottenuWhoreuor youre ooinp World WtdoTrovothelpryeuplunundcomptotiyourtrlp World iIide Iuinoorl By Toronto Men lit Borth TORONTO term use remote loronle mun ukt lrt rtuy nl ht he hud taut out record thehlebeut puruetlutr lum In Cunudu til Coleutreetunrephotor rephcr rutd in an interview he lrom error lect eurtlrr tn the duy over the Conrdlon gore hm II hordcn our our Cote rutd tlw preriour record wuu H000 loot rut ntty in September nor by intend llorruy smith ol toronto cote told the trmperuiioe you it dopreuu dolor rero when he lolt the finite lIe uId he did not open hlu forecth until he wur uooo cet treat the lid The only tum ho Iuliorcd wuu ululohcd right eye which he btunmd on turtuteneo under hiu tree rnuu Dole wrr honnrd from the On lnsnrniice leriiities With experience to com pIeIu the trunuuctton or the irulncd people nudiun Sport Puroctlute Iiuo clutter in tree Ier hi trom plune without chute In chute hy unother perwbile in decent end or cupcd ituiniured in ovorywuytiivo uruetli orpuyuuoylrttletuu ohowhowmenypeedthinprwehuvopolnpleryou ONTAIIIOMOTOR IEAOUE MI oouurttorsrtit rusr 7261893 ECONOMICAL MUTUALINSURANCE COMPANY Erlrbllrhed 1871 Held allre Kitchener Ontario HOME BUSINESS AUVIO cite1sruvunsoiun mu DuniopSi um