witnorno Chiiiornii II it 21 Era uoxn IIGN Inna at ttontreil Intel to Drtrnlt mum my hm HM am the CInunhI tree In dIienhito dotting anonhum mint mm cdddhtmw 815 Will torrenrteirnInitu Glenn tlnli out Ill IIGIII nut COULD month tn Downtown him mel if ter the tut two new tie hrlrliigtitilrzlithhutun InrieldioosttnndontieI maliwugag ohm mm or or Inn It they tut every note It mm Imus LEG nidtnn Iddhntt 1mm Welt liy In the by ten prodiotlon orhmtontoplrnniirtnthi uncouth Alt who hit Iitd hi wtiI win with wood ind boniu ibiilty did any WIrI got to rot Ill Ill powIn then dim m1 Nobody con to without in lite on or not he tiobtorn LlYorh rhrriu the weekend Printer II to midi In it mum in MoodInt thi Gu tilt Forum AiiIr be In low Nothern Ontnrlo win Ind Iiinltehn wilt continue thIlr tithi tor tho titio Dy norInII on orthnrn Vpetltion to em Inntend oi lobrniioo eywithiontboIrolbli morn lIIIIIIIJD mottontoiin to route the term tbnt not In Into the hidiy him In bonito In It record BADADVANIAIII III ontorod tit Iith round with on one turn on Don Du oi tool ind Deb II erlnl 0i Avonoi Set he needed wt to nudxo Kin hudyn Printw Id lnod Iounome But It wu iteidy who am Flt Iii turned the her art tbo Northern Ontario rink winninl the Inn ind IItlInI the Icono tor the Mall Durul detention Cltlldiltt Ind wor chi ion Ind PIcherlnI hid nire muredtherneelvu oi pirt ot the nlIynii Ioturo by ewrdl on their men may lsrottrnomrs iiihonodlnrtn III method the Militants by in the new lilltl Inert NW 10 lot HONTREAL CPI Dohiio natural torrur ConidlIn wol tmi boning ch in loo to option heilox in ndddtewelohl the IIyenr Itontrenierhiid In In Interview IIItony Im not rein to box my honor in the entom but will never to no boninthn llldit In my indtooneinrolnlln them My mind Pndunno tort WM hli cbirnnionnhlo int month In Clyde Grit oi Toronto Dtehlntonhldnnlmnl old Mr laid hi Iiter to IbeywerIONno Gardner Dickinson Leading $150M Doral Tournament ItlAhiI iItPI Olrdnlr with t1 III III tied It thnt motion with tour rentin Glob tlon torthe mun be In ntlli iIIdMIIiyeI lendiol thi tunooo nonem 1mm Georgi room are open roll Imminent tied tor mend nlter Ihnndiyn need tho money the wet nornintround to bid ernn oi ihnott to ean on tho do Ind win In Itth pine with III in onortrote lend IiIrr Only other cinndinn In tun to holes rite the III out win Ith Nina tin noted tho lint oi bi ottiontmiJIIhIdiiIIridiy men tour victories itntoot two not ItttntnL tuning tho out were Tom Ion hen Kern ttt Wiyne Volt Iner oi Vineoutrr it In ind Giry DeerrniII nI Toronto who Ion knocked it Itroheo ott hi ItI onn ol the but Iotde Ihundiy Ienro with but the yin this you he inld ItIii wound up it Ito itler woundor In on tho In it III were Iwottntn bout with int he hloonter thnmplon Itott 5W Inn room It to Dorit country Iner PM It ehotder Din Club ten him it III with one stootdoo nod mend whe Iuohrnir overan oer oi the Mien Open In thronhe by Iron er who no Mott the III Milonll Eliiter Either Ind DIWIII nnIIteur rbirnploe who bu hid Weirer bolted Into contention humuulinmtuniwl emunnlinwhnutor city Ihh hittth titted it min nteeindhhthntlmepoworwu reetorod nomI oi the more hu melntu Ihiyi hid Iottnd Illi dent light horn in nunilliry or unit to ilter tbn necro with norno mm thnt won iintiItie eonnldorlru they mowd only than or tour MM FORCED HANG The were thron roundI ninyod Inion tnitnd oi two men blinird hid tomb poet neInent oi chodnled Iburn lllhum It won the tint that to hintory oi the climb und plonihln thIi rotmd bid to be ooitpooodlo tbotoiowtn any my iomrtd thodnnt In nnuro ItldIy hlybt intent thn Prim Edwnd itiind IDIII wrnI III bod drown the tint yo ind omittown nrni Ilo yed tho Irldlt III who nhort on villi drorl Width with Invent tthoIt nttan in the th hi Ibo rirlouI dei Northeordyodtuio bid unload 131 touthrgmtnd Icon to Pick ote tum anon columbinn tlevtn Smile too while Pinkerton bid hii prob lnmi nttinl htyord nittbhorn Nowinindlnnd rrIir nipped by Bob Dole the three Illlhth drew late to on who who et th bye in thin morntnIn ro with Du Iuid eniorrinythnlucty ono Ilett ntny the winner It the IletorlnITetioy ronieti It pro it In the tint tlmo ilneI 1m thnt tbreown olnyoti bio been reeuiredto oelde the ebnmplonshly ThIt yoir Ernil Itlebilrdwn oi nSuhhithhwlh won WANIIID HANDINOI In iddltion in the thru to Imll olnyed lrId lbt there were hih hid nn meintn iitor tho tinII Ilnndlnu Novn ScotlII Punk IIonr rte leitod Ibo New hrumiok ieuo lhtM oi Piul hordite tin with Ddrnentonn tint Itthwtn Inlded his Albert rink in to win over Quebee hut mt IIob Chirtohoii Ontirlo rlnh hid the Itnnl bye Wow the three pinyoii rinkI the toil Iiindtnu nbowed 30 Ontario ind Alberto Irouped to rtthnr with thi wtnn ind III II on tinieuoditnd Ihd leneo Ed It you are getting married Thin bIIItot hnido Iniorrnntion Ind olItn otnoolnlty helpiul tor you Coll your Welcome Wnoon hoetm loony wird Inlind hid ldenticnl It moods Noni SootIn Ind New lrttniw ch etch hid thm wtoh Ind liven mm white Quebec Inmate gt our uhll Iiomid III our advICe on incomeiax proble isfree and Confidential Poot Office Mondoy Moreh 8tn Friday March toot Otfloo Hours Thle lowhorowoll he to pro vide Innworoto any Income tix queitioni youhovo it youveconeultedynurguldo not youre Itlll having prob tome drop In and In no noxious to help you ECONOMY GRADE RIPIII Oitttil IIII iion litter RED iiiiii Fidiiiiliiti iii$9809 gt loord thresqu ttntll iii lit out th N1 While the ion EIIIS 15$ 0lIlt So OHIPBOIIRD exs327j VIMtuition hiloi MS mottlth IIIWOI OI IIIMIIWIIWI CENIRLS it SEIIVI YOU Eli 4x8 $99 This tmn AND OTHER 2x48s WOODGRAINSI lqittttitl on key XIII ctr Ail Keith tenement OI Siloht Ilptttih nihilde PREFIIIISII umtttthllii AIlltltt hitttttol ll This PANEL hilt tiUINIlii REDUCED SAVE NOV MPWWMW IIIcttontr Ixt use hiddrntddr 32xitillii0tilltli worms III Immiouon Intudintuhttnloomolo ll tilltolo Innln tldIh HIIIRS $15 Mr Glh Antolltio Your Coihwoy Monogor Sorting Barrie Orlllio and your the From Our Loootlon Junction Hw It North Old No II It Writer Iton Extro Shoppinlitoun Frldoyo it Hiltttt horrle IorrlI ntorio