Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1971, p. 10

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hth4A uses wee sag the EL 395 eizge utter Optimistic in It Emile rnmn 5M1 hm ilreidy been Inthlnl oi In other tinni between Iiidlnnd ind hinnilt ind on ieut It In beginan to rm sand mvuu oth untitleilv on inttelniied Inn ihnnwien Stiyner It ind harem then who in battling it re wtthnrdyoneinonlnziyimcw the 6mm Detained In nlltl 31than pineal rt Ir Indian ind thou itItIt tintnhod donut tonltht tor the at the butI tlnil Wynnfliutlnu whlio IloII cnmuon Ind Don wII titth runnIoI oithi Queen Pilultiluili June It It wee Kennedy uid In on well on the wiytn recovery Idnir IIItDov emnwlermcmp my run loft hind thrownold boy colt tottttlltltuthiin In ind mother tttttl ind IwIIIInt Wit done hint pod lientloy III Ito now well on the wny to recovery trn loin Io Hort dn trtdny to nee him ind Ill know morn ibwt hlntrnlninn uheduio when return Dut Ill Irdtenilonn or that hell moth thonlntei Fullerton the tmtetntlli hafnium lithind Iiii hit Mn little overirninutelettind the Li rd idded mother to tire OIII corn Pnnnihlto tinned point nhot Into tor the harm with to mend minions Nlnurtlnr hoI reiilg wiy Itidlind won the tar to title by Iitinr Firntite tour DIM in 01 tptinl cttewoite IN FINALS odwitb memories oi their lnotion by nth the limo nor Limb vii oiII not it Dnrrie hymn It hite vowed whom content In theSouih hntoe Lennie time not outer tIt on merit netndndin en edtotetto to upset the ivorod AlliIton Item to IIIth wonhno ple the oil oi Incinumtnut hwmey nonred the tone won tor to whom by bloltdill the out KIMWorL Ilter not trivia combination nliy In Kerry onm no Iorn Bnrr nIeItIeldo nilo cret too In uooet by ihndlngthern ton Itonomtne to hoot lien neonbnottn Ie tor the winnern thnnou nmhed the Ihornion tornorrw mint hood but bone chin In Iwrnonuiieri chino In the inklei indin owilioo remov the chin miner Dill Edmtilon whohnn hid good Iucreu with young rn Art StoIIIIy at Toronto II bmu In rmnt yoorn II randy tor iin twoyoiroldo at Itlon tor the nothint oi tho thor voumhyed rIclno IIiIon It Greenwood Itnrch 15 The ltl Ill American hrtdl laid ikintiilon II In be ieIr enoonntve to new CnnI Idlltttehltdl but It the auction ioet III went in IIIDOIIor one onti mono tor nnolhrr wu underhidder on both So went to Kentucky and tted up In nrlvntely They been tllttltt well hirevtthnrm In trnlnlny out there it only one dont own IIIILIIAX tCit Iiinir ilicit Iidion the Iormrr Btiillti Em thi workwith chuth youth yrou work he continued up until II glare Ind ConIIIInn mlddiewrl xinl champion who died Iy dty it the no of mi wui xen ite lndlvtduei who yrnbobiy thould never hive Inno Into the tittl Dill he romeJronI titht enun trythe lndutirlnt Cnpedtretnn IronInd he IiInwcd uriy nrnlne thit tool to hold true Leno and blood Itlnir rnio thrnth the Conndlnn rnlddio weiuht rinltn to like the title In the entin hitrr II who at Irrnven in bloody bruinin Itroun tierln the ItoonIy Ilnllieit Ior tun In whom oi the tort Ieil out rrowdi In Novo Scotti but In wntehed the yenreold Cnno iiretoncr tnhethe lllle irorn Ireiven In bout that ended on lttllllh tiltlditli Greater the Inter went to dance it toel club one the Ilyht unto Irdton thiwtnner went to ho nltnl tor obmvntlnn IIII dotton rod pnIIilIIo rIin dirniyr 11mm runon In more hendauhct In re rent month thnt led nation to diicnyrrthti Ilurhnrdton had i7an tttnterwntln 1er MI denth In Dr Ian honyltnl Fri totIIrdIottwonIlIn iirlllilt intnlro iTIIddIlWlMtt thin with ttrnvo vlcteryonrr 011m oltihr Bnhnmu In not Idhglitlt won hittylimtony But lItltInlI thi ltlohnrdinn nurnriud Iven till iriendI with NI decliion io quit III incited tIIIIIr in Ild ndh Gentieihioiriiiohardton Dead KiliedByBrain Tumofihith the chimnloo tie nlIn MInled to eutnnltIo In Itudler In Dooton nod to denth It tool ntndoni tllolr eornetl hit Iiutorl detrce in wmtltuttl cntloni lid wnh oroionnnr North nlern Unloetiity In Ilontnn END IIIII GATES IllI decIIIan in tom the tint brought virluni end to hip Inie bannI In thin Erotlnco which pricier itIeli int num her at Cenuilon rhnmplont it but omdurzd Ile won urled In ntoltn dehltk hutdo eilned lIn chnne hln Itudiei Ind itIlIolItll people Itce Tole nnnrlr editor enIcrIlun the throniclolirr Ild In hII booittho FIrIt Plity Venn noyn oi Itiohnrdoont Sdrnewhero Ilnnl tho wny II he niunoed more inI more to youth work Illehinitnnloot tho with ind It the heiIht oi hlr cnreer decided to retire Illehnrdtonn dIItIItI IntI hiI IlrIi proleulnn wnI Iwa even when he win twin outed In one gruelling bout with to DeNuIIl ot llnIiorI therrnwd howled irr hint to rnnieh De ttueeli tow blown hut illchnrd wn Irnt hln punch Inttld do Ihnt It ilIeIIIIe inn It hl hexa Ibiln wiwnhr quit WINIMTITLBV LA PLAqNE Irineo tm Jhtnurllno ttouvier oi Prince thewontenl downhill oi direneh thi dithnthidttehipt bine Ihm Innrnlnn In wepan htilinnwhhrled once to III nooks ctlmtl when the the two rlubn II cntilnv It ltd mooted Ihornowe It muhltho hum up In luv inmnnhhht hitch Wildrenmumtm II illtentwotorioi me tin Iientinnpton who It Itho tit Illtllitnd pinyin the ho Irtlnuiooyeitlnu rind rd hirrle hi won 1an in one In Gnrteoywu tIlltlnl Ibout meet to oriltii Terrie In thenext rnIuId The hero ot thin little drnIni thnl Innny hockey innI minted outirrlIhtytinur Vtonn Iicttil oi the Iblilytiyer who thenlnund II nun Dot how he did woutd no doubt undthe odd mitten ht ictlnl Conch Itiy Gnrloola Ited hinyoilio Ken IIyni wl Ilyerr down 56 tIIehIlttIn tlr oneetrom the Itot nlterion Wmtn hbod theineroiidoep In tho nIvllle end Ind it IIIII the were rend Ihlrtyone moorin he muted DnrrlIiteiIry tloewmoumrr ed Georgetvwntt ttturIdIy Ail Ontario Semlthtoio toy Georgetown Too unrer win Donny Fleid with threefolle by deuhle neoror Fete WI Next now will In It The ASSOCIATED Intro The DIIAhoI hit big win end Illlwwultde Bunkl bite the III ttonpl Duketbiil Auoolttion record torcorurettllvn Victoria The onworhnune Ditch medo it It lni row by whlsoinl Do trait Pinion limb Fri ornnlno the milk oi set IoII union by New York Knlchi on route to their NilA clumpi nnihln This record nlemr me more thin iny oi the olhorn ever held become IIWII nccont Klith iynlnnt the boil hutet ill nieyern In the W0idllid bin tow Alclndor who 19d UCLA tolhree Itrllzht Utli iy night not ilurriolne hoitilrer hihlaltIIMtv iinhrrn ntsidrnm on not on Ind tinddon hearing In Inhrrn Bo thorium lhnllitren hrprlnriior tlurrtennu It wlu NpIitmlIlnnd Ito Linden typhoon Mutiny torttyohnont Dunbrno with three Scorlnl htunnn Itubhort with tltthr 1d tintlepy nitm Consecuiitt no tor timultoen Dr rIverI onttu mot eonelt dlltllittItLW to ethnicity with gitnrtinr on need the titre hi in II Itin Ilyern time but Int in the MOM II Onrthie blindnln uor edi lhI itth It It while Otlt Tern St it month min In the mom ptj mm ninyoiilveordinhi Ittho In II on mm Mmww Ihoui to We on Illtulllt Oiltvlltowil leI nluw en Iinn tnn Iot htnmond oi the the tiyen tilted Ieillehen ni beinreihe period endtd Piyne in tutor at Itnih hon ttobinivn neored two more lithetItldMchilliIttttr0ditctd no piiyo with Ch tilt clout hitncoodiodthlrd your oi the enrly In thethini torn CIWIII ht mind nettlnl th wild iiniih wove our We never quit win them OIIIIVILLD LEAD rhed it up ntter lion Itnnoton out theconiest Ihnumrlinerer ahead in the hut mix until the mo lirlnII Dnrrtetoolrthoiend the nnd on min by OnnltlI Illn tlnlih deli Fern it one Indytto Union The III cantome ItrenI however with number by tinny ton two by It Ilobi Ird In the Minute overtime ne hut Gorinny tootiny IludAMtitltmliliMInth9 IIII rIVIIOrlillnIerrierInnthenext uriiihlinynn were mine um ttlo II enee oin ubhonnd St Done It rrtlteott chnmplonnhinn in hit enitete hiitrniIItitt chliso Dultn slain muted Sin Irutclieo Wirrtorn hth iiiihiiiil nioedti DI Ii uyn en Inn in moo Ieieodi oilitt mittt which itb the Plntonn nover were ihlo to billwntthoe hu gt overcome they did clone within Ind ennbroitr three WIDIIJ the third period rooeer rnnrlr It hit triumn by but tho kt potted htlly wlnutnl tlvo oi III men th with ldor OICII rtnb miintn rirnei then neon IIImere the Dob ortwn Ind inn Modiorlrlln tend tnI thewny Ilrtttoclniin eon Itnieiu It not yenr tribuiodtonolnll IIIIPII ontelLthree omen tIiIewhere Ihilndelphln behind Chicnuonhdtwn hi 1er Ihndodtiew IIIIIIII Phornlnsunn In theme tor the limit ed 3Anoelt jimnd ihd Inltyllildwent Div throwIII Cincinnill Ilon lnyoiiberh It Ihihli outluted Itwtlnnd tlntl It hit voted Detroit Deliver Serka II no in wt nnwsutu Dnhnnten IAP Sort By oitoet Cinitllnnd shewno rim nleoo owhedby Jimen donned byrttenrlo ntthoemen tilidwittdi Notl Yorheronnd ind GoorIo Cutonot Port thoiinirhlinoilrlitrldtyinthn Credit on Ntuiu Cuncompetition bu ed turncrn tnntertod II nn overthnttewod byn oiprotelteovtrgnnwnco time mentotihn Dwihtlntntnndinll on Girl IIIMt tins In tho IIIrm soothe Dcrnn on by Divlti were at Duinwonioronce Initexwtnnuondinthoun Awnrohtewtnnrr oil Inn niilolnI boitc Ittndlnn teynnewwnn ittmnter ttde Dorn ItInoter ownednnd Itin Iatoo oot norodbtivnttliiinmtotm ennwuthlrd rnerottn Iourth riccr his mo on nloan twine ItmpioinIl won not Ilmiy Iiwovern nrnlent meet Ilutnln toowunoheduiediortodg Minotto nunuirmmutlhb honey win ntlnpet hy In etintod Ilmo In mm In tr yin Ihehornlin rice ilWl unwitting tiIttnn Wnodo Upholtterhtr II VoiprIViItey Dd ornntnntenontnttt dIto 11 non oi the IuIIIIIuIY ImmuneI 0th minted ttilinh IllnehII with mnldPtrIH EIIIII himdiltidcttlllin Iruert II hirrtoi SI Onyo Intel Stomenbnul huriit Iiottltiin itiindnln Adllli Fitment lilobiohutGlbhonIlt the McMillnn tWeeht Ittit In ylinrrlo chiiIn Mime binn IenIlIIeI IIltl Inbiroth MttlcClootry thi Iiiiilhiimii MW The ly doublewlonermu wonduett Pihotibtn III that am Qanmumnuu Dill Ihd hII stirnon the hkoInnmnton on eniityIrlee t0 ythte Into Itth with mootntn whlliith Woment tntemite to AlliH letie Uni bind to Ontuio wmoon wtthhinoim Willi nowtmn than Nloitt Menn mm non not MI STANDING stmrtn WhotmiI In time UII Itiutten nun titlinrdtnrroil II Barrio the rim It better Cnrrlern Im wirdn Plnrterinl Ithhirrlo Mlean eihk moody AAlldndnio Ilinr oer Countindt DrlltorI IIIIIII liNLllt Gold Mich ltd hot It 111th Id liiil IItllioltlt Ilon Ahhoitjit nrigngoretee uroiowrtond our cepnoltyiosertoyouwithnn ideal CIIIIO buiittonyouloon wnhnever ododtietthntlWheIowiil 91 ohm DI DoroMl mm It troop not TEAM WINNNIIEI Iodn Itinherh not ilnrrlo lteitlnfzt Ililir ttetrlre on 5Iihiiiithi nimrintnnit II dngm WWI hudmtwdhwpcm who have behind them over eighty yoor GOIHDJIIIIDIIE in QI Centred ry fXP1nPmIitiotfittzmoriungeito numeralII problemtodoyntvtctdrioundthey UnIrIyII nd leI Help Belted onrutnuun WHILE em on In the nuqu WWW Inn worm Iirrir non RKLA TIRE LCM IRSI 72652220 ticithomonoytfproblhmzetynhdown

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