PREPilREs TO BECOME WOMAN RABBI rnhbi while In the tenth grade Incl her rabbi permitted her to help in services She ex ports to be ordained in June m2 During the week howevlt er miniskilled Miss Pricsand attends to her studies he doles horse races and 0134 ms my other college coeds do AP Wirephnto Sally Priesand 24 Cleve land coed attending Hebrew Union College Jewish lnstl mm of llcllgion at unclnmitl dons royal blue robe every other weekend and enters the Jackson Michigan Temple Beth Israel as she prepams to become Americas rst no man luibbl Miss Prlcsand said Ella decided to bmome Long Look Gives Head Gear New Status With Women Now signers with skirt little below the knee the hat create balance Gone are yesterdays ornate huts wllh flowers gimlclu cur liqucs like lruiu frosting and wierdo shapestho one that prompted all those Whit Is It jokes Also gone is the tough mllllnnt chit of the 605 Today the doll tailored look has taken over Big brlms In Spanish nollorl guucbus sweep Ilc Ing cnvallers swagger shapes short skirt at Its height pudres and bretons help curry the but look rldlculou the longer silhouette Crusbntile Charles Rothcnberi chalr alaucby elourr nnnp brlrn of the Mllllnery Institute of lulu cloches knitted cnpli and nice cooperntlve of but nueden on also good or els ulacturnrs unions and NEW YORK AP Hats milth In the shadow of the klrt for yours but the long ok has given head gear new us Retailers report that fashion soles particularly In wide lmmed styles such as the upho have Increased this tall men are buylng them to with longer skirt or plants ts Fur hat Mlle are down retailers are generally opt M171 SIZES 816 PRINTED PATTERN SIDE SHAPED The new mood for soft lluld to Pleaseprlnt plainly your EXAMINER SATURDAY NOV 1519 THE STARS SAY raml SIAECE to APR Aria All new meeting With your rweethem bu very happy otxcnzne APRIL 21 to MY ll Tum rutA caliber ya have In the past will lune to ornate MAY 22 to JUNE 21 Gemlnlt Cantrol resumes ioday It could get you Into trouble JUNE 22 to JUL Canter hdembors your willy may turn down trip you want to make JULY to AUG 23 120 Dont indulge in misp laced ide ollsin or waste time on lost Ulises AUG to SEPT litres Concentrate mare on fringe benets than straight earnings SEPT In OCT Ubrl leave well enough nlone Prym2 eolud have an unhappy outcome OCI 24 to NOV Scorplo You and your will fall under the lpell at vivacious visitor NOV 23 to DEC Swimsu lnniMok for favorable out come to condential dIscus llon DEC 22 JAN 21 Caprlv contA rnposltion you thought iry at rst could Ith rent profits JAN FEB Am InnYou my have chance in help friend having an cmm Llonnl upset FEB 25 to lllARCll 20 PinealYoull come out on top In battle at words hub rival ASIEOSPELlSJlhere may be sortie contusion during the euly hours so ntlck to routlnc untll the air has cleared Lute afternoon will be it llood time In which to enter negotiations dis cuss business with supcrlors to generally advance your Inter ests Evening social functions 2on prnve especially delight New Group Formed By Single Parents group for single parents has been formed In the Allislon area The organization Singlc Par cot Associated of Connda Is sclfvhelp organization of pnrcnu devoted to the needs of single parent Ilntlllel Interested In thn general welfare and atnbllity nl lumlly me In the community Friendship uclp and personal yowth oflored throllxh program 01 eduontlonnl projects nnd adult nodal events won ill children and lamlly dcllvlt or For lurthnr information of the not and Its actlvltles cull us an utter pm Breast Cancer Can Be Virus RALEIGH NC AP Breast cancer may be caused by in virus and sslhly can be trented with now being produced experimentally This was dlscloscd Thursday by Dr Frank Ruusclier chlof of virus research lit the No tlorlnl Cancer Institute He SAld recent research hns Isolated virus in monkey breast cancer and lound particular enzyme Withln It that may cause normal cells to become cancerous Dr Rauschcr presented the findings to conference spon aorrd hy the Council or the ML vnnccmont of Science Writers He sold that If research on this enzyme and possible drug treatment to successful at tho yery least we should shoot for rnduclng breast cancer by hall by 1W5 Rnuseber said the enzyme In polymerase member of group usually associated with transcriban genetic messages within the cell Research indloates he said that this polymerase is essen tlal to tho continued propagation of the virus and thcrclorc the contuluod maintenance at the cell as cancer cell TASTY DESSERT Servo peach halves and Illl the centres with grated pineap ple and seedless grapes Gurr nisll with mint sprlg and lines is the inspiration for this stileswept shape by Jennelsc Decorative buttons dosh down the shoulder and one oldo Printed Pattern M171 but It tlps up the buck Ior last ins and outs There are no waist gt seams sash It canunll comlartnbly as on llkcl Challis to wonder so are knit blends linens crepe Printed Pattern M171 is avallr able in NEW Mlsscs Sizes lo 12 14 16 Size 12 bust 34 requires yards 54 Inch Inbrln Send one dollar plus live cents Ontnrlo Sales Tax for Printed Pattern Mlll to Ihe Barrlo Examlncr Pattern Dept Bl King St West Toron nnd DRUG nmmnnnumnnv FOR CHRISTMAS PORTMIT FOR PROFESSIONAL won SEE us SOON Photography 3v Jamw so Maple Avenue 723549 suom name address style number suoPrER 165 WELLINGTON ST BARRIE PLAZA Open Doll om to l0pm Sunday CARDS AND WRAP Kill servo with cream cheese dresb lng MART em to pm LIMITED TIME ONLY wr CHRISTMAS By an LTON Welllnuton Plum 7235M SANTA suoessrs IDEAS Personalized to Give Special Pleasure Hur Ir gift Idon that luv that special personal quality so much lpprneltnd gifts that 80le the problem when you inst cant think of who to buy for the person who has everything For Your Own Holiday Entertaining As well As our Giving 44 mo mum mm rum loo ewzmrrs 33 new on Lulum msmcusmmmmmloosnmsmsrmm lwmrum Dinner Napkins um llzt whlfo tissue Hill name 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ForALostlng Gilt Personalized Playing Cards Imprinted In gold GUMMED Name 8r Address Labels 175 We suggest you order early Please allow 14 days for completion of your DOUBLE DECK 650 SINGLE DECK 350 300 zinmrd labels name Ind lddrul Imprinted In black Ink picked ln handq plutle box Choose from datum of dollgmv order Imprinted with your name and chain of marsagm All items listed come In wide range of qualities and pileoi We logos you drop in and ask to see our catalogue before deciding on your purchase Visit our Commercial Printing Dept Second Floor lie martin Examim PRINTERS PUBLISHERS l6 Hayfield Street Quality Duratorle finish in variety of colors Initials or monogram Vfolephone 7266537 CKS ill grow now Is Incl lo area might rctllrc in Bill ir uttcndcd ll my what to out to nm he ROY is mnk ire ol the Prcs int theatre and as it holds for lit