no4 Bargains in kisses wore the ordcr oi the day at North yes Several hundred North stu dents paid 25 coats each yes terday to watch or partici pate in United Appeal day activities broombail game Reiused tcrday Steve Thompson got real hiss lrom Debbie betwch teachers and stud unis picklmating itsu pond and kissing booth also raised money Test Man Fined $125 Ciiliortl Dusomc 33 of Toron to picadcd guilty boioro Judge it Foster yesterday in Pro vlnclni Court to charge oi tailing to take tho broathalyzcr test and was iincd $125 lie was ilrcstcd by an Ontario Provm cial Police constable Oct In connection with tho mauncr in which lie was operating pick up truck on llighway 26 near here Mr Dusomo said he wa out counsel and chose to ropr scnt hlmscli thndudgc Foster asked him how he pleaded be said guilty to lailuro to blow The tcst is run by the suspect blowing into machine which analyzes the amount at alcohol in his blood innislil Council Rejects Shore Acres Assoc Alulzc chairman of iho Shore crts Bench Association II liskcd limislll council to liL ct the use oi the beach hour Shore Acrcs subdivision Lake Slmcao to property own ers in tho subdivision Ill also asked thut the town shiii corislrnct permanent dock in itle ill the channel or rcsltlunts ol Shave Acres Ilppeals Beth at his rcqucsts woro re jccted They said that the beach was municipal property and there ioie could be used by any township resident lteove George Burton adam antly opposed dock construction because it would create ha zardous situation in tho chan IIQ Request To Be Studied ll Wolib asked lnnisiil own oil this week iur ii grant to iiiu development oi the limitk community centro li Webb said tho total cost iii the project ls sum or mu tci He said labor will be rhino by residents Township clerk Richard Gr oh told Mr Webb th ii in provincial court yesterday as dul iii makes it wish Elicia omng ange lbc rcccivo 25 per cent of capital expenditures on the project lrom the province lhc matter was rclorrcd to committee Upset With Garbage Collection Cook complained to lncll this wool that garbage collection in ltallydawn Beach is being nog Iottcli llc said ho has put garbage nut many times and It has been nciilcctd by tho collector Cuuncll acknollvcdgcd that has rcccivcd several complaints ahuutrthc contracted agency hired to pcriorm the service Members said that Mr Bax tor the contractor has boon cautioned time and time again Thoy sold the complaint was noted Council reviews the contract in March and candy Wayne Edwards is Norths plckln champ nu cicaacd up The Indians Didnt Throw Garbage All Over The Place he liaafr Exaiiiincr CITY NEWS TNDAY OCTOBER 23 GIRL WAS KILLED Man Convicted Impaired Driving Roland Carriers the drzler ci car that hllcd image girl pedestrian in Bradford and rs counttic al impaired driving In connection with the nccrdcat in county court Thurs day The llmln oarnomad jury dciihvrlaicd to minutes beiore reaching its doc rr Camera at Tomato uremauded to Nov to await presenlcacc report Moot at Lhe evidence gicn Thursday centred round breathabrcr test on to Car ricre approximately twoanda hall hours alter the accident on highway ll up the outskirts oi the town at Bradford lhc jury vas retired ullilc dclncc 0unscl Living stun oi Barrio ulicmptud to ar gue that the rcsult oi the breath alyrcr test were inadmissablc on the grwm the Criminal Code section dealing with the broalhalyicr states it must be given within lvlo hours alter the allcgcd cticncc occurs lint the evidence would be prcjudicial to his client since thorc was question at hctiicl lhc evidence as obtained im properly Ilc said Carritrc mingst alymr test st two hours had pa ol the allegcd ellicc Crown Attorney la Thump soil and that any evidence that is relative is admissablc even though it may have been obtained improporly Ilc said he with Mr Living mcnt ii the breath uiyzcr rc ll alone were intro duccd as dcncc not he said he iniundcd to introduce an ex port opinion ily lnttlprct ihc rt suits pl lhu irst given hryonii the tunhour limit County court Judge Clare ruled that the rcsults the test were ndmlssnblc am satisfied the evidence is not prejudicial in such way as to exclude it he said Ilc said it was not an instance at any improper conduct by the oiliccr llc said In View oi the acts that the police oiiio lr Livingston also argued Brenda Clur Appeal had trouble It eating coutust But so did almost everyone else eating the pickles in tho pick er was am at mamurpcmwmrmusrhrgummsmuuu zitcidcnt and was busy investi gting it or more than an hour and that Coupled with other dc lays and the fact that Carrion had to he drivcn no in 35 miles to Barrio to have the lost IA ministered he would allow LIE Crown to admit the tests The jury was rBCJIICd and Constable Lorne lllsluy oi the Ontario Provincial Police do tzlcllnlcnt at Barrie testied he had administered two tests to Czlrricrc the night at the aeol ilrpi soul rcadi iligrams of alcohol in Iilltrcs 0E blood lr Thompson then called Rita ll large dills and received plrldus as prizes lluumiuur Photos chocolate bar and jar at group oI Barrio elementary the boards anti pollution cuurugcd Io po school students went out so their tigators and rllscdrtr lliulr nll and spokesman quustlpns and then go ahead answers dug up some history this month lcnmcd that mp mums and iind the answers ircm any ll Du all said his The students lli irom Grades and ii at St all over the place he said Marys school are involved 11 i1 5t smcwi NEW APPROACH lCoulltysEcdldiunsl 00 prlllcipal MF Duncun said the dis This was an uuempt to tell them Joe Duncan Mk mg to was part or the discovery vitr make history come alive lor is re site or longwamhw my ientcd approach to learning those students he said They role in oi them didn ms throw me garhanc source available botks lms the process is to serve as peuplu outside the school ur rc guide Search trips Ilkc thtrlndlarl iI loge excavation The Barrie Agricultural Sow ruty come to me or uns icty yesterday rejected location ours iiu stud but wont at new city ice surtpce at llls role he said liiu lulrgrounds tricied to teaching them the its to ind tuttr awn ans Vulnge em perkinsrmd when that ho luvors Students are on were allowed to become hives wars they systematically unearthed clues to indian cul fuhlcmbcrs oi the Simeon Coun ty Roman Catholic Separate School Board this week bout the expedition irom some at the clucs and heard Mr Duncan and two oi the students who took part lnthc ulp iso Cadcau and Frank mans PIECES OF HISTORY The material rcsuiis of trip included bits or or garbage dump Tom the board he Impres constable of the Ontario Pro ed the test April die was OPP detachment 510 we padMon Denise vlupml Police noticed swcrv lincd 5125 sold her iind was puttury driving stone tools and animal remains uncovered lrom mldden Street was fined $125 While on merit oi the OFF Breathalyzer Charges Provincial Judge it res riie constable stopped the vuli Thornton was llucd SKIS In tcr yesterday dcalt nutckly iclc and determined that the connection with an accident all lIIII three people who plundth driver Doczi was under tho ni Highway 400 in lnuisiil Town guilty to having blood alcohol notice at alcohol Ship llll Aug 21 the content oi more than lll while Mr Doczi was taken into cus Mr Robson vas artcsth lady and lailcd the brcathaly tittcr car sidcswincd anoth Charlcs Doczi 38 at hayllcld zer lost at the Barrie dctaclu or vehicle causing $300 damage in that car llo lulled tho lost patrol on Highway 10 Sept 19 Gilbert Cameron 26 iail udminisicrcd ut the Barrie About in minutes was spent am mg vehiclo proceeding wcst Stephen John Robson ill of all each cusc piece of pottery Everyone was very excited she said Careless Driving Fine Is $100 came back with an answer that brought an approving chuckle Angus Man Was Killed In Mishap hp lcarncd irom the Will Study trip Robert Loishalttn this risked lnuislll council or zon lng change at tho inters oi lllgluvriy ll dull Cuhcossl oi the township to cnablo to build apartments urea in tic also mado roqucst permit to construct plcx unit on the property llcovo George Burton thatlt was time the council consldercd more than slnglelamlly dwellings in municipality liu said mom development Tho matter was re committee tor study cred cctlon tuwa near the Quebec burder bgan to slide illla tho oncom iu Specially appoinlcd Crown defence counsel Allan hillicr llc struk im grow prosecution upon thu testimony dolns car did not impress turn lng area must consider apart oi thrco witncsscs French spanking Canadian when vehicle later idcuuiitd Lonotd Coomhs oi chdalc to the exact locution at the aclt listened through llll interpreter as being driven by Mr Bcnu illc Crowns second witness citicnl tic oi the condition passed him said be was prucccdiilg south oi the road is good but that it Judge Ii liustcl iounti him As he passed me he stilltlll prior to the incident on was wet He testied that about guilty oi careless driving llltcl to iishtail and it got worse luvily ll when lip noticed it scvclllIHclltiis cl I1 mile south Well twohuuc trilli as he proceeded on by MI in tile tiorthhuunlllailevig the accident on the right side Roger Bcaudoin 40 ul llltlt llulbert said llc said the lll it the road going north there is the car was coming warning sign cuutioning ino on was ned sum and costs in con tug southbound Iano it hit and in sidcways out iii control he torists that the road is slippery him motion with an accidcnt which caroencd all one vchiclc and iiu SilltI the vehicle the when wet the occurred Oct l91969 on into then it crashed into another some one iduntiiicd by Mr rial The dclencc elected not to cull way it near the Highway till southbound vohielc bort struck him on the side oi any evidence in the case ior extension an llalbcrt said that il was the drivers door and his car In their summations before went into it spin endlli the court bcth dctcnce and the ilicr south in the Crown asked for consideration oi northbound truths of tho dclcudants circumstanc Mr Cuumussuid hi lid not gicggsgrmii fgigxxug soc what happened uitcr the car Judge F051 Mud mm the accuscd was not driving in DE cordaaco yith circumstances at our The accident resulted in tho not raining at the time oi the dcilth oi John Richard Elliott accident but thc road wus wot aid at Angus and slippery Bcaudolii pleaded not guilty Under crocxamlnation by tho Attorney Paul llormlston based said that the speed of Mr Bonu ns overlylust Ile said ho ho ROAD WET Charles ilalhcrt oi Oriliia said tlccd nothing unusual about Mr to he was proceeding north on Boaudolns driving until the car sinblc Thompson thu in loss driving as dellded undoc ilighwuy 400 near the extension started to lishtail vostigatiug oliicor tcstiliod all tho Highway llaltlc Act Ontario Provincial Police Con2 the time and was guilty or cons Chacbuts vino has been un gagcd in the study alcohol and its cliccts on driving at the Fan icncc Centre or the provincial attorneygene als departmcilt or ll years She tailiicd that any person regardless oi tbcir tolerance ui alcohol would have their acui tlcs allotted sum dogrec the reading was more than so milligrams ol alcohol in 100 mil llues oi blood Under questioning by Mr Thompson she said person with roadie too would pm higher reading two and hall hours previously but with only that information she could not say uhat it was Earlicr in the day the Crcuu ultcrtd evidence lrum the police uiilccr who had drivcn Carrier io Barrio or the breatbalyiur lust and tram an Emorgcncy lcasurcs OrgthlllJLIDll constable who had assisisd at the accident sconc EllO Constabic William Fiel der testied he had directed truilic at the scene and later sat with Garden in rt police cruiser lur hall an Iron He said that while sitting tiih Canine he smelled strong odor ol intoxicants on his breath so strong lhdt had oich windows at the cruiser to our the Iumcs out II also said that Curricrc had atlcmptud to ipc the rear door of the cruiser so ral times but was unable to since he was pulilt ing on the arm rest not the door handle He said Carricrc was drunk Constable II Boll oi the Bradford Town Police tusiiiicd tic had drivcn Curricro to Bar ric or bruntnnlynr test Ila id in the cruiser he had no cltl simng smell or hit cards on tho icrmclls hr hat he had killth or ri malty While entering the Barrie OPP headquarters Carricrc grasped hand railing and inside the gttulion he staggcrcd and sir ed while he ltalkcd Constable Bull said The dclvnce oiicrul no cvi doncc sci Mr Thompson said mnlc denition of imllaircd driving is that the ability to drive motor vehicle is adversely aliccled by alcohol Ill said the Oowns evidence showed that Carricrcs driving and actions that night ch not the actions at sober and ra tional marl ir Livingston argued that the cioim had not punpp that Car ricres ability to operate mo tor vehicle was impaired at the mo of the accident He said there was reasonable doubt as to impairment and that he should be acquitted Society Rejects Surface They did not say what spec ilic plans they had in the area Mr Horsey said that its up to the city council now as to where the location oi tho it suriuco will on In study made by the city or the location at the ice sur lacc the location at tho lair grounds was the rst choice Second Choice was an area on Grove Street near IS 51V low sccondary school Thornton Youth lIuri Yesterday 1vo accidents occurred in the immediate nrna ycsitrday re suiting in snoop property dam age and minor luiuvlus to the driver of one car Donald Gilpin 30 of Thornton was treated at Royal Victoria llospitnl cstocday and released alter the car ho was driving was involved in singlecar accident on Conces sion II at Essa Township near Simcoc County lload 23 Damage to his car was $550 l3ni accident io involved in an accident at the intersection of Duiilop and Frances streets yesterday at 734 pm Driver oi one car was Sherry Stundcn at Stroud She was not injurcd Damage in the car was estim utcd at $230 Rosario Ftrrcri ol Pool Street drivcr oi the other car also cscapcd injury iiis car sustained $100 damage Fire in Butler The units irom the Barrie lirc Dcparlmont responded to an alarm at about 1110 am ycsterday at CanadylctClosun cs on John Street tire to butter wasios tlngulshcd by the businesss sprinkler system boiorc lire fighters arrived There was no csdmatooi the damage