mm NOTES Console Sewers For Trailer Camp 1115 BM EXAMINER FRIDAY 0mm In 15 Angela Davis Radical Shaped By Early Events By IDLE will Newslenlrurs Wrilcr ms trident bird ur kzuvv hcr Angela on in she was Common and Iacca Throw her school day lsilsl uhlzc luu she had iiisod in po hid vnd nwiy lrnm sinus gffgm he dcmonsurtuors intrimp dais 2x Hr not autism were hr dad Licnds notes yet he bx cages and she studum had to 33=fi scorch lor me lflClsc uord he bitd to an me her as fcggug 03 hx Fifimi black rdcils or the New M1 Shu iris roiol pcnk ta mm ins pnliltgtd Iler plrunls btltli mlitc Erdduulca lClt LED DEXIONSTILYHOVS wrisddrvd oil for llr She no only pumtpnttd in minohom All blocks and demonstrations bile led Lcm load in lut oi the builtr mid At length Angola dltflass black nciolihomoodi hunted dawn as one it tho litn llclSLll became FBls mostuvontrd rugiuvcs causeoi cd from her teach accused or purchasing tour post Ion ior adm guns used in List Augusts not Communzit iiorin County courthouse rod dorttlc communit in lixdlllollllu that resulted in IL LCIVS unr lllc oaths of our persons fqualllcd StnCt hi diys oI din hot pushed this glamorous 013 oli ring cl th2 black noun That no shock to all uho gems lo the outer limits at l4 Lll political Spectrum ti in Angola Daviss War Act Has lissassmated Canadian Political Leit background Ior clues ono din covers many but by her own WINNIPEG ICP Lourior LaPlcrm director of cnch assessment and that of others who knew her in matcly sev eral incidents dconIy inllu ended the course cl her life Canadian studies at dicGlll Uni varsity saldntursday implemen tation oi the War Measures Act has assassinated lcitwing polt lianl thought and endangered democracy in Quebec Mr LuPierre told teachiii at the University of Manitoba that the democratic pmct might be denied in Solid municipal election in Montreal because of remuka by Regional Expansion Minister Jean Marc band linking party opposing Mayor Jean with Quebec terrorists On Sunday tllcrc will he the elections but tiicro are no civil liberties some OI the candidates are in jail literature can be de cilircd seditious and Mai nil has accused liurly oi hui front ior tile FLQ How can you Iioitl demo cratic election under that kind of thing he saill llr Marcharid roierrtd to the party the Front dActiOII Poli Liun as trout or the Front do Liberation du Quebec in it intorvicw Wednesday with New Westminster BC radio station lit told the Commons Thurs day that he should not have used the word front but should have used French term Youve got ii all Airan Ionian ure the most p0 effui stimulus could have So mic George Jaw black Evolutionary accused of murder lax spring from NJ louder merit11 prison to Angela Davis the young woman whom he called lbs tender experience At 15 Angela Davis did in deed seen to have it all She was brilliant Mama cum laude and Phi Beta Knppa at Brandeis Univer sity dissertation away trom doctorate at the University or CaLifumia philosophy in ruuctor at the University or California at Les Angela She was attrllttlvc Tall slender Wili chlseilcd Icav tons While she was studying in Paris men often lifted with her on tho street she paid them no mind Due black pa By The recreational and Common lty Services unset chairmanship at Councillor Don Romanians are considering the inshllann of sewer system in the Township part trailer camp This is being put to the Department of Pro vincial Parks and Mr airislun director will make decision soon as to the past hty of that department making mint to wards the protect it they do the engineer has been instruct ed to draw plans and ten dais to install sewers on First Street mid back of Second meet in the camp HANGE BUILDERS WDE The National Building Code permits studdirig to be spaced at 2+incb intervals in walls of buildings This In the opinion of Councillor Blake Constable is wrong and he suggested that lnnislli should change their buil ding code to require that utud ding be placed at 16inch Intu vals lie all that this would in uio that better and more solid nstnicuon would be realized no that purchasers of homes DulLi get better values The allot was Iclt for Ii roport cl building inspector WAN OVDIPAS The bridge crossing the ratio only now under construction is do be named nit lnuistils scn oiiicial John Cawa mud pcrinthIdcrit for over till years Cownn agreed to allow his me to be used and accepts memorial to his long serv whlcli may continue for me years yet Some discussion as given as to the name bclng mit them to erect and dad small boats aim the minute to the marina lo cated up the creek mm the shore The collimation its that small bOaLI dockzd there might contribute to neddenu with the larger cratt going to and from the marina The speaker ell that small boat owners were be in diuirnioatzd against and that angle slim mild not later are with traitic $3000 PARK The work completed last year which placed retaining mill along the creek and allowed tha dredgings lrcm the reapenlng oi the watercourse to be spread to run bcaulilully nished park lit cost about $31 is ior use of the ratepayzrs of the limit we have had only series oi complaints slnce Reeve George Burton remrkr ed in the delegation continued to risk for small boat mooring privileges In the newly dredged channel Share Acres residents felt that residents from Ii new ly developed subdivision south Ibir properties might bring Odd ed users to the park The matr tor was ion in abeyancc for lie present RUSSES IIIEETING CouncillorRussell Stewart was absent from the regular couri cil mooring on Wednesday night following in accident on the Ilth lino near Harrys Fruit market in which his cur was badly dam aged Councillor Stewart was taken to the emergency warp lit Lhe hospital and later he was released lie resting at home Meantime his council duties are being done by other mem bets Councillor Koopmuris read the nancial report which he had prepared Three clauses were agreed on That no no tIon bu taian to assist with the Sudhury relief fund That letter be sent lo adjacent prop erty owners on Otamabeo drive advising them that consideration is being mlido to close the street and tell the land and that half of the street abutlug on private properties is altered for $650 iri eluding all costs and legal fees borne by township That Lbe clerk prepare by law to establish township li braryboom under the Public Ll brnrlcs act and this is to be Iollowcdhy appointing board Lllc xow Democratic Party in the 1963 iodtral election iid implementation or the War llci suns Act ltns resulted in Iiit lu lcitit pillicl itLnIty in Quebec The lult ulnrc come train has boon itsnminattd the people on UN luil alL either Iii hind btlr or forced to curtail uiuir ti iiitius ilr inltcrrt sriid he does nut support the kind of violence cm plumi by tautlice terrorists hut Ilir violence be avoided the system must be Changed The political lull in Quebec must regroup ill said In initi Itc peaceful rtiunge and head nit violent actions by radiml elements II is from the Icit that tho stem will be changed The lctt ipaiilu oi doing it and with out violence RARE BABY MONKEY baby slumplull monkey struggles In the bands or Dr David Shatter ol the wattrim Luihcrnn Umvcisity psychol ogy department on is arrival mm Malaysia Dr Shactcr sliys the species is almost cxtlnct because the Vietnam The Problem In Quebec Stems From Term Conquest CHARLOTTENWN CF Frenchvspnuking MP5 so out Thursday night to bury Lllc 200 yearold dobutc ulor Lilo cum quest of Qucbcc by British troops on the Plains of Abra burn The joint parliamentary c0m mittuc on tho constitution mcet lug next door to the building where the Fathers of Conlederzi lion assembled in lost was told by Martial Assciin PCCharle boixl The concept of tilt conouest no longer exists at home His Views were echoed by not to hchnnce lsFon thine Gilles Mnrccatl tLLti poirttc chided Prof Graham war is wiping out the monln cys nlitural habitat Wircphotn Hair Stylists of Distinction Dunlap 7134111 Qucbccois did not feel that vowels to the icdcral govern they were equal partners in merit the Canadian economy with Mr Marceau said that If Mr Englishspcaklng Canadians Dccnrie is touching his students This was not the fault of Eng that French Canadians Ilch Inle lishspeiiklng Canadians it was rlor and want to restnct them possibly the fault at French Ca solves to Quebec this is It dan nadilirls for not taking lidvan serous approach age at what was ilghtlully People across Canada should their in Contedcration be able to learn second lati our Engilshspcuikng Ellugo he sold friends must realize that the Mr Dcczirto expressed doubts greatness and prestige or can about people evcrywhere in min resides in the act that Can Cunadu learning second lan ndn is constituth by two launl gutlgu lug nationstwo nations which iii alsusald he sees no way oro the envy or other cuun ot maintaining other Ethnic out tries lures in Canada ih cultural aspirations of French Canada had to he rccng meeting and this was resolu don ro Mr papn who had complaincd of the construction ctpass or bridge Councillor nstablo Iolt thath brlillge1vzas are appropriate ut in ion wris that it be the John an overpass imION NO on 10 sidcroad past his prop erty was adding to the ooding or his lands MoLIon was that changes he made in Pin mm the not Shore ActEs property owners represented by Mr Audzn po scntcd brlnl in protest of re The one thousandth motion went through council at the lost fusal nl township council to per CANDIES re ad oo Iur Is tn to nor re dly Health din smoked Pot Only Got It $5 Headache TORONTO CF The Guelph medical oliiccr of heulth told public health meeting he smoked marijuana with his son wanlodto find out what the hell it is said Dr Dale want to tell parents they shouldnt be so panicky it cost no $5 and wu smoked together Dr Dale said fin ished with Ii $5 headache Dr Dale told special session of the Ontario Public Health AS sociation he has turned over most of his duties with tho Guelph unit to tin assistant so he could dovote his time to the communitys drug problem thn he learned his soil at university student was smoking marijuann he risked him to bring some home Dr Dale sold Guelph now has dropvin centre and when he requested help he was sent two Company of Young Canadian volunteers He said he has the full sup port of local police because they know he will contact them if he has lnlormolian Iilluut drug pushcrs Dr James Anderson an an tomist and anthropologist at McMaster University told the session healthy users of Illegal drugs generally go undetected Tho Ill people are the ones btought to our attention virtually all those had problems that predated their use of drugs Ladies Got Lost In The Bush So They Shot ll Pair Oi Moose MAIIAWA Ont CF What do two women do when they go partridge hunting wtw they shoot two moose of course There was third mouse in there but we were only ul lowed Ono ouch said Myrt Dixon one of two Mattliwa housewives who dropped charging bull moose when the hallIon monster was less than 100 Iect away The two had got themselves lost low days ago in the James Bay lowlands mom than 100 miles Irom the near ost road with the compass icit behind in the cabin in somebodys purse When they shot at second moose search any was nt tractcd hy the log and two rnen arrlvcd on the scene lost In time to help tho ladies clean tho trophies and help puck out tho moat Mrs Dixon widow who operates lunch bar In this town in miles cast of North Bay and her chum Mrs AI bcrt Morin sot oil for an alt crnoon of partridge hunting at lcmagliml 50 miles north at North Bay Bosldcs tholr shotguns they each packed b3060 carbine in case we rlin into hour They also bought moose lic onces Just In case At Tomugzlml they found the woods crowded with hunt crs Tilty 13th north ill utlicr IUIl mitts tu Coohlano btilt too many hunters to suit them PLEA WITH PILOT II seaplant basis they plotldctl vtth tilt plltlt to tuko tllcln to umolL isoluttd loom tion They toro down his million and sunsot found them Cn sconsctl in tiny outpost cabin at Ii lake in the James Bay lowlands Next morning they went hunting By lo tun we vcrelust in swamp with no idcli when we were said Mrs Dixon Our compass was back in the shock in one of our purses Later amid tailing snow and ruin they iound them selves at another lnkc They decldgd to spend the night tiltre and gathercti rewood and used hunting knives to make wisdhreak and bal snm bough bed They also neglected to bring nib toool We each had peppermint tor dinner and saved the lust peyperml at to divide tor breaklast They took turns staying up tout the tire Were they scored Oh no we both like the woods But them were my nervous moments as rotting moose bowled and crushed through thii forest Next morning they decided to try to got back to their lake Suddenly we saw bull and two cow moose The hull sow us at the same time and headed our way at gallop We started blasting away The rst shot ltiL Ilim lit the lieutl and Iurllcd him tom us no took three morn bullets and went down for good Ho came too close tor comfort Mindful of their other lIc once the women turned their ctiIhlllos on the nearest cow She went down with slug thruugh tho heart and one through the neck Dccario of the hi ory depart ment at the University of Prince Edward Island for tnlk ing about FrenchCanadian inleriority complex ProIDccaric had told the committee meeting at the mod ern Confederation Centre that French Canadians feel humili DtEd by the memory at the conquest Quebec had to hit given some sort of special status in order to wipe out that humiliation We arent living in 1753 when the English won the battle of the Plains of Abraham said Mr Assolin think the prob lem in Quebec is much deeper one ruled in new constitution tlr Assclln said He asked Mr Ducaric whether the problem of the conquest still exists inihc minds of Marltimors The professor rcplicd that on the surface It docs nut But when emotions wart aroused the view that the British had conquered the French comes out especially among older peo plo AGAINST SPECIAL STATUS Mr Lachancc said he did not agree with Mr Dccurio that Quebec should have special status Certain powch should be allowed to all provinces Those who wished could delegate these Niartin Tells The Senate Govt Took Bight llction OTTAWA CP The govern moot took strong action at the right time to combat Canadas present crisis but it has always bccn concerned about taking mcusures intoricrring with citizens liberty Senator Paul Martin told the Senutii Thurs day Sanator Martin loOntario government louder in tho upper chamber said in debate on the throne speechin outline of the governments legislative plans for this session of Parliament tliat Prime Minister nudcnus leadership in the Quebcc kid napping crisis has been up plauded all over the world There could ho no substantial argument to support tho View that tho prime minister was derelict in his duty Senator Martin said referring to rc marks Wednesday by senator LARGEST SELECTION THE AREA ROOM GROUPINGS PRICED mom 59995 to 99995 Low Credit Torin Available Evening Appointments Arrnngeil FURNITURE The Nations Lending Homo Furnlsheis I18 Dunlap Ill ll0251 Our Location Doors up mm Toronto St Jacques Flynn IPCQucllcci Opposition Senate leader Senator Flynn had said the tcderal government was guilty of inexcusable dorcliction of duty as regards the question or revolutionary activity iii Quebec Senator Martin said no one has expressed Canadian llJ tlanal ambitions more forcefully and persuasively than Mr Tru icon The use of violence by some people did not destroy the act that most Canadians wanted the countrys unity and democracy preserved Snug as bug Probably not yet if youve just moved in Perhaps your Wellt come Wagon hostess nun halp to nose the confusion CtrIl her today Mall Sentenced To Six Months SUDBUBI CPI Garnet Edmunds 21 or Sudbury was sentenced to six months impr onmcnt and three years proba tion when he pleaded guilty Thursday to reduced charge or dongomus driving following an accident in which three per sons were killed Mr Justice liuinos oi On tario Supreme Court The iury disagreed at his rst trial on churge of criminal negligence passenger in Edmunds car and two occupants of another vehicle were killed Nov 16 1969 when the cars crashed ligation on the liiglvay between Sudbury and North Bay It was his second trial before icrrc Cnndidatc or JOIN US DURING OUR FAMILY DININGOUT NIGHTS MONDAY T0 THURSDAY LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT 155 Dunlap Available at Eusdeiis Rexall Pharmacy 48 Collier St 7266434 ALSO EosdeIIs Cosmetics I4 Dunlap St 7285959 Hiram Walkers Special Old Canadian Whisky wins on taste wins on smoothness wins on popularity Make yours Special Old You cant lose