is the car stolen from house Dr Victor pm eye surgeon along with others jam last night The oc PIlGITiVE mrro cupants the car had left it on the tracks and were prr paring to set it eiire when the train came along The sus pects led the scene and are being searched or throughout the area by local police AP Wirtphntn lied Canadian diplomatic when he told the legis Tuesday pposltlon Leader Robert man had asked it Ontario 11ml be represented when edernl government sends Ade delegatlon to main China You inean Sun Randall lmlnlstdi of trade and devel opment hasnt been there nl ready member inter jaded HI probably has been then and leit said Mr Ro botts He said the interests of On urin would be represented 111 any negotintions by the gov cmptnt of Canada with Red Chlnb when Elinor Sophn Sudhnry questioned the use oi the term Red Malin bms said Are you going to say that since weve recognized them theyve ceased to be Red kits be reasonable 030 STATION By MRS CRAWFORD late summer tour was en joyed by two oi oi our young lei Miss Gaye Durbyshlre at nt at Geoer College ud Miss Todd Darbyshire RNA werecn tour to Ex 90 which included tour of Japan This tour was to sup Ert the Forster Colleg te Bandpf Windsor Follow ing the trip young people mostly from Windsor and De troll spent the lung holiday weekend with parents of Miss Gays and Miss Todd Mr and Mrs Ronald Demyshire SHOWER GIFTS Miss Marsha Shelswellv en tertaincd for Miss Aila Ruytcr who will become the bride Ranger Shclswcll Oct 11 at personal shower at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Ev creit Shelsweil About 14 iriends and relatives of the bride nt tended and the evening was brought to close with dnin ty lunch NEW NEIGHBORS if you happen to be driving along the Lnkcshore Drive here around 730 am you may see Ronald Darbyshirc jogging long this scenic route Mr Darbyshire is former Argo player and has suilercd heart attack so docs extreme ly well to jog each morning for three miles Mr and Mrs Dnrbyshire bought the Lake shnre residence inmlerly own ed by Mr and Mrs Percy Leek nnd we welcome them and their family to the Village Mr and Mrs Percy Luck Dale and Dana have moved in to nnd are enjoying their new home which was built lllis sunlv mcr STEEVESBOWEN Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Peter Bowen rice Palsy Bolmnl who were married QEL 10 at Mitchell Square Bilr Church by Mrs Eastwood St Andrews Presbyterian Lhurch was iillcd or the nnni ersary service William Nich olson the student minister brought an inspiring mchsage thanksgiving The girls Mrs Mary Williams of Toronto on her Both binhday Oct ll Mn Williams is the mother at Mrs Chillman For the occasion there were to lamily members guests came from hifrdand Save 796 899 TWO HOT VALUES MENS WINTER FASHIONS Special Likc liudsur Toronto nd Sutton Mrs Williams en joys good health and was sporty en ough to have motorcycle ride with her grandson Randy Chill man Purchase style 30 hipster corduroy olive and whiskey shades or Sizes 36 to 46 Style 34 pile lined corduroy car coat with warm shawl pallar ston jacket with deep plle lining Ailailable in suedlne brown and alive BARBIE Ltme El WEDNESDAY OCT Fewer Iobs All The Tillie For Workers OTTAWA Unempiny nut has awn must rapdly this yea Among otlice and pm midnhl Worm and those em 910M in the mm and were 1110 industries An analysis Employment ilguxu compiled by the Domin ion Bureau Statistics show that per at 47 the average 55 Worlds who were line employed mm July August and September were in the in duty may generally classi ed as servim name include community husineu and personal senices public xdmims traLion nance insurance Ind real estate Kur mally the senice industries employ about 35 per cent In the total labor font Unemployment In the senIce industries equals the dome oi unemployment ln the second largest industry groupmam lacturing But there unemploy ment seem tu be declining 0nequnrter oi all the unem ployed in the nal quarter cl last year re dram 1mm the manulacluxing industly and the rate oi manulacturing industry unemployment reached 65 per cent at the start er ml year it nulv IS down to SJ per cent The lowest rates at unemploy nlcnt during July August and September were in the primary industries agriculture lurestry shing trapping mining quarrying and the oil wells Ordinarily 2495 to 2598 FREE DELIVERY JOHNSONS BABY 55559 881 Toothpaste rowan 77 lg $1J9 Reg $l29 AGAROI NOS CEPACOL is $169 88 Mouthwash Reg $135 Rs5L 71C Metamucil IAMPAX BROMO 199 133 SELTZER Reg$l29 88 BA ARRID ExtraDry TONI HOME asst45 =rz 93 Permanent 144 DRISTAN TABLETS VEA CREME Reg$l59 99 BAYERS molt ASPIRIN llQlllD 16 Reg$335 Deodorant Reg $139 BENYIJN Cough Syrup Momma Parameties Res$205 hail89 93 ytvBNmwwos we ch one and whiskey Sizes 36 to 46 ornnist Mrs instills Coors owers and vch Iiirsyenicrlillwoman Dmgs Rexu Pharmacy CUSDENS COSMETICS nlltrllDAY pm Essa end 1181323 Dunhp 123s 118 Polishing Si 726SIC7 Vockencl celebnntions were eld at the homo of Mr and Thomas Chllimnn to honor