EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation untitled Ahaum mutt All of mam 106th Your No 244 Notables Gather For Funeral Of Pierre Laporte MONTREAL CF One of the heaviest concentrations of politicians in decades is pectcd in Montreal today for the funeral of murdered Pierre La portc Qua cabinet minister who was kidnapped and held hostageer wcck before being slain The funeral in historic NQlXc Dame Church at 1331 is to be private and simpch with the pumic excluded But delegations mm the federal provincial and city government will be mm About 100 members of Parlia ment were xpcctrd from 0t lawn with Prime Minister denu The 108 member of the Quebec national assembly was to attend as well as the full Mnntrcal city council Policennd military ofcial have been working roundrthc clock lolny down security curtain for the visiting savem meat loads and politlciniu PlncefdArmu squnrc In front of tho Roman Catholic churchwns Med to bccomo Vin military operation prior to thelat aftuuoun funeral MAKE IN SECRECY lruvol plans of politicians have been cloaked in secrecy to avoid any Incident Route til the funeral proceb slim to Cote dc Nicer come tery where the body will be hurl led aka bird not bcun uncunctid by if can Cameras wl not be nllowml inside the dumb but television crews were stationed outside tn provide coverage on the CBC English Ind hand networks hfr Lapone 49 was kidlt hopped from outside his subur ban St Lambert home Oct 10 His body was found in car trunk early Sunday in St Hult bert few miles South Of his home Set Protection For Diplomats WASHINGION UP Cuna diun official in the United State nrc being given special protection and the Canadian governmerl is providing added protection for US ofcials there the ILS stale depnrtmenl snid Monday it also was announced the Wnshitiglnu governman ha sent in sympathies to the Cantor dinn government and to the family of Quebec Labor Minis ter Plan Lapartc murdered by his kidnappers in the Moul rcal area during the weekend Tho US government itself has find experiment with kidnap perx and with the assassination of alficia said John King state department press ofcer We deplore all such action Econo Couiicil Waming Iniiilioli Will Continue onAWA up no Eco normiiiiy confined to omen liumic Council or Canada war tharnlgtrrurtrntltiffiitlbdfdii persist in this docdo unless basic social problems are tille viaicd Ilia istions economy is all ing significantly below its polcni tiiil and government spending at alllevcla is needed over this next few years to rcstnra high employment These observations were in cluded Monday in supplement to the councils annual report rclcnsed month ago The BSpnge supplement ann lysed development since tho mid1950s andmadc some spe cific policy mmmcndalinns for the period through 12715 Among proposals Improved coordination be tween federal and provincial governments The council sug gests establishment of perma nent secretnrial to develop and analyse interruption wich cm ployces rotated at regular inter vnls to nvoid building up of vhnt might be termed new level of government ie Bank of Canada should regulate the supply of money In the economy approximately in line with the underlying growth rate of potential output when tho central bank de parts from basic policy setting it should make Hoar public statements of it reasons When interest rate am lured announcements now are snw staking PullAswan mien careful unquiry is needed into the decply turgli canstruo lion industry when it appears that industry unions and gov ernman am not worklng well togothcr to solve critical pmb lcms The council endorscd current government efforts especially in funding lawin come housan Kaunda lingered By llS7President UNITED NATIONS Reuters Visiting President Kenneth Kaundn of Zamha who ex changed angry words with Brit Ish Prime Ministor Edward Heath during the weekend also found himself at odds with Pres ident Nixon today Knundn was re urtcd infuri ated when Nixon ecided at the last moment to call off meet ing with Kuuridn and the five nntion delegation he heads from the Organization of Africon Univ The Zambian lender sold to have considered the rebuff discourtcsy to Africa was portcd by several different sources to have told an African delegation oetin Monday night but Nixon did not want to see our ugly faces om Mr 35 CAPSULE1 NEWS Convicted Murderr Shot Escaping CHICAGO AP convicted murderer who bonsled that he would never dirt in the electric chair was shot and killed by police its he held pistols to the heads of twohastagcs May Use Troops ldlreat Sewage IDNDON Reuters The government lssued today an ulti matum to strickers ta mlum to work or else troops will be sent in as fears grew of an epidemic caused by polluted rivers ILS Deserter ls Released 1011on CF United States nrmy deserter Christopher Minuet was rclensed nfler questioning Monday making ii Supreme Court hearing on the validity of the War Measures Act unnecessary Business Reporters Need Experts OTTAWA CF The Economic Council of Crinada suggests reporters on economics should make greater use of exports in writing business and financial news She Wouldnt Like To Dance Nude SYDNEY Australia Reuters Ballerina Dumc Margot Fon lcyn says slip is glnd she is not starting her ballet career today bcchuso she might hay in dance in tho nudo She told reporters hero Monday that the trend toward nudity in contcmporury ballot might be hard to escape wouldnt like to go nude sho said Kunstler Urges Help For Indicted KENT Dhln AP Lmvycr William Kunslicr greeted 1000 hp plnudiniz students with clenched fist above his head and urged them Monday night to help 25 persons indicted by Brand Jury in connection with violence at Kent State University rmm5mmu ONTARIO policechcck incom ing cars at tho Quebceotm arlo border after Quebec pul Reqfrfn Safe GSSage Offer Cr SS Kidn Wwwuunultmmw ncnr the st south of Montrcni Virephoto lceA isucd warrants Sunday churgitig two Montreal men with the kidnapping of Quebec Labor Minister Pierre Lapor to Mr Lapurtcs body was found in the trunk of cm Hubert airport Saturday Innd Harold Wind Vancouver For Jame GEL 91L the proposed mndczrots Tho pavilion would become territory of tho Oman consulate for the refuse of the 49yard trade kidnapped from Tlagor stur u7 mt up MONTREAL CP Tho reiterated by Premier Robert Quebec Labor Minister Pierre Lapcrtc had been killed by his captors It then applied in both cases but warrants have been Issued for two men bcliovcd ln valved in tho szorle kidnap Illfcigi of can passage lo all or tcrrorst kl angers In British trade up Joints Jasper 0055 hits bccn Emrassa of Quebec Thu offer was RSI made Sat urday night before it was known another kidnap victim commissioner his Montreal homo Oct The curlicr oiled had specified Cuncdrdia Bridge which links the Expo islands with Montreal Uildur the offer the lgiililllir pets would he Lukon to hlontrcai International Airport within an hour of Lhcir arrival and flown Cross would be Red by the Cuban consulate when they arrived at their dcs nation N0 REPLY There had been no reply to the safeconduct offer from the tcrrvrisls of the Front do Libero ntiori du Quebec Meanwhile checked and rechecked the area around downtown Nalre Dame Church as government leaders prcpurccl to come here for thc iuncrni or Mr Lapirtc at pm The hunt for kidnap suspccls Paul Rose 21 and Marc Car bunncau 37 intensified Monday ziftor Rose was idcntiticd by neighbor as the occupant of housc in nearby St Hubert in which police believe Mr 49 NO man in Inc Qucbcc government was slain Saturday Renewing th Slmnduct oticr Monday night Mr Bomb nssu designated this Canadian Expo 67 paviliian on St Helens lslnnd in the St Lawrence as Hilton Uses Hccklers Tdunls To Strengthen His Campaign KANSAS CllY President Nixon Is fashioning the taunts and jeers youthful hccklcrs into port of his politi its he campaigns for Republicans battling tomo ovcr key Democratic scatsjn the 175 Senate Nixon also toldreportcrs that the lawlessness thatch the death of Quebec Lumi Minister Pierre anorte is symptomatic international distase wehnw gut toslhnd against that He SnidfhEhd sent note of Slinme to Prime Minister Trudeau Shouting knuts of protesters provided backdrop for the Nixon lnwnndbrddr mc5lt sagc at every stop so for on his sixstate campaign swing and the president is telling voters to retort with mpubllchn ballots in the Nov elections Nixon declared in Columbus to Brian Ohio You dont have to shout tourletter obscenities Nov in the quiet otohepnlling booth consider the candidates consider their record the your around and it the candidate bns given encouragement tn has condoned luwlcosnoss and viol ence and permissivcncss then you know what to do CANADA NOT ALONE Shortly after he tDld report ers The thing we have to hear in mind is that what happened in Canadathe issuetbere hap pens to be liberation for Quebec is not limited to Canada It is an international disease the disease if you have cause you use tiny means to bring about that cause to air complish it and that the cause justifies the means That is the principle that we must stand against CFAP Saw Ofce Fire Soldiers Testify FORT HOOD Tex AP Dvo former soldiers say they saw Sgt David Mitchell and lst Ll William Culley Jr pour rifle fire into ditch crowded with South Vietnamese women children and did men at may Lat in 1963 gt seen woman gel bittho side of her bond blown off Aer that walked nwayJ Dennis Conli 21 Providence 31 truck driver testified Monday Conli and Charles Sledge 21 Sculls Miss employee said they saw Mitch ell and Mitchells plntoou leader Calloy fire short bursts of automatic fire from their ll 16 ries into the ditch 1th weaponry security forces of an luggage plant Industrial Land Report May Be Commissioned Lillie diam Examine Bonn Ontario Couch roady om 10 mo OTTAWA In the wake of Pierre airlines dcalh the federal government Monday was given massive parliamen taty support for invoking the powerful War Measures Act in an effort to hunt down Fm ter rorisls with government promises of mpiaccmuif lcgisiri within month Lba Conservau Opposi Uim threw its Weight behind use til the act and the supporting vote was 150 to 15 The 16 opposing votcs cum from New Democratic Party mambm who hnvc expmcd fears about possible abusi at the sweeping libertyvllmiting powers or the act But our ND members broke party ranks and supported the government mo tion calling iar npproval of its actions Frank Howard iSkcena Early Mother Sur rcyl ilax Snitsman Waterloo East in mammal debate on the issue Saturday many Comma dve speakers asked the govern ment bn bring in special legisla tioa La deal with the crisis as heavy opposition was voiccd to tho sweeping powers of the 30L Leader Stanfield Called for day of unity in binding his partys support for the gowrnnoont motion Alter the government snid new ngl5lt iatinn would be introduccd within mouth Conservative motion calling for replacement of the War Measures Act by the and of this month was dropped Prime Minister frudmu said the Fm terrorists will not suc cccd in destroying Canada He was applauded from all sides of the Commons SEE PAGE NINE For Copy Plain COMMONS SUPPORTS GNY OWER Vote 190 To 16 In Favor 0i Invoking War Measures llct This is le state of man today re per forth the tender leaves of hope famormw blossomsShakespeare has no mandat but tcmr no policies but via etlce and no solutions but mun der he said Peace and lib crty would come through Them Mr Staneld said the killing of Mr Laporte must become gt milcsltme in the strugng for Canadian unity New Democratic Parw Leader Douglas 53 iwho thwart the rtrst of Canada should up toward cementing the unitr the country Credit is to Leader Real strongly sup parted the use of the War Met sums Act from the moment was invpkcd said FLQ mcm bars should be pdt before ing squad and forced to disclose the whereabouts of tho kidnap pers and murdrus lf denloo racy does not defend itsclf he said it would face further kid nappings an murders Choucttc Diseslablished Canadians Hale Our Guls MP Says OTTAWA CF Liberal Steve Otto York East told the Commons Monday that lot of Canadians hate our guts hlr Otto the last speaker of tha day in the throne speech debate said Canadian Society is both stratied and ill with 65 per cent of its citizens in deadend situation that left VlD lent revolution the next stage We have two factionstho established and the disestzh blished Mr Otto Said and Parliament mprescnis only the established In Toronto he said man say dont naswer iiikind Rdgers Gromyko Meeting Makes Date FOINixon be given it White House appoint Eut the Secretary snid he at specific nnco to the meeting Hosniii Gromyko did not lndfcnto whether he was bringing Nixon message from the Krvmlin Theres no urgency Rogers think he just thinks the meeting Will be useful Weve had two meetings which were useful think the conversation was usefu Grnmyko told reporters after the dinner at no rs holcl suite The meeting nearly three hours The Middle Eastan likely to come up when Gro myko visits the White Himse hnd Berlin were the main topics discussed Basic differences ll US officials said and they lie knowlcdged that no compromise formuln is in sight to brcale the deadlock blocking resumption of the indirect Artilrfsrccli pcaco negotiations at the United Nit UNITED NATloNsikpl meetings between State Secretary William Rogers and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromykn have concluded with date for Gromyko to Sec Presl denl Nixon in Wnsbington Thursday Rogerss dinner meeting with Gromka Monday night was de scribcd his more cordial than their first session Lust Friday Afterward Rogers that Nixon has accepted Grainy kns request for meeting Rogers said the Soviet rtplc senlallve is the only one Df the many foreign mlnlsters nnw ab tndihg tho UN full session to inched import llrticle Snags Bachelor cook TORONTO CPl bachelor cook went on trial for perjury Monday because polico detective reads womens section of Toronto newspaper nvo days lifter he testified in frtiud case David Arthur Boydon 37 of Toronto was featured in an article on how to capture girls hcnrt through vcnl scullopini candlelight DobSgt Harold Jikcs tolcl ludgo Rogers and uh nilmnlo Jury Monday that he thought chzuidclicr in tho accompanying photo might be conncclcd with the fraud case Crown counsel John told the court Boydcn had pleaded guilty in September to obtaining furniture valued at smooby fraud Ho was placed on suspended scut cnco with probation and or dcrotl by Judge Whiter Martin to make restitution announced Gromyko Special Service To Ottawa Troops PETAWAWA Ont OP Tho Canadian Forces base here has started special service to fh cilltnle communications be tween forces personnel on duty in Dltown and their families in cases of emergencies it was un npunccd Monday spokcsmnri at near Pembroke said the recent movemch of troops to the capt tnl for an indeterminate stay becausc of the recent kidnap pings in Quebec affected 5000 dependents At the some time us offi cials gave brighter picturp of the RogersGromyko soundings than they did last Friday when they rcpdrtcd Gromyko stood fast by Kremlin policy on molar issues UNITED ARAB Republic Foreign Minister Mahmoud Rind left center with Soviet Forcillii Minister Andicl Gromykn right and Soviet who mm kf Ambassador to the United States Anutoly Dobryrdn centre at meeting of United Nations General Assembly Monday Earlier US Scorc could work all his life lo reach salary lcwl of $9000 year and have to spend half of it for do cent ticcommoduliori He hates our guts lr Otto Said Can you blame these people for being ready tngrab at bay llNorthwest said the govcrm mcnt must change its attitude towards the rights of the nuliva people of tho North He said treaties signed in 191K between Ottawa rind the Indian people of Lho Mackenzie Riva valley area disgrace manifesto Bud Orange Territories bury of State William Rogers had sought Gro mykor aid in casing tension in Middle East but failed tn make progress in tinting