Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1970, p. 5

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llnu tIomInn IIInIIw hltIIInn IIvInly IIIIIIcIIIII IIIIII ArrIIlvon plum II wall lllv InIvail Imtmy howl Mil by TI limit IIIIyo IIMlInIII 1n County Museum Relics From Indian Villages ll IIIIMN MIMI Mllllllllhi WIIIIII It Inlay not NiNII In no InullIlu In the mutt mum nlllunltl lav mutton IIIwII IIIruvaml uml altll lily lllItIIltl on IIIIIIIIlInIIM nt Inplnullnu oIIIInIIIo III IIIIrly Mllw IIIIIIIIII nonupotlm Impuritqu mumu XIIMy titlllil III limo ttuInnnn run IIIIII III hIIIIriIII VIIIIIIy Altmulln unit tuoltmu MI IIuIIIIoII who tortured ax Ionnlwlv on early unutllnn III inn onhamvxuv and who pm or touch urtInwnlnulml nxuv ulth Mlll Itolllwmk In IIImu at In in lIIImuIIIIn ImtIIn vil Iago lilo IIIIIIu tlIM Ivor ma luvs oI lNlIIII lIIllllm vlllnuon haw lwn Itwgulml in Math Suntw MM hlIhIIIIglI tInIItn hunt to uni In IIIIIIV orIIIIIw II Nolllult mm to RINIAN MN on Na owl bon he nook slum humus in tuttirm gnutmt no ha ha shot hum this site my mxvoml Home plum inehxlm vmr lino pottery Incur and arrow points IIIrIo howls animal and mm hono Innlo merits Alana lmplumcnts IIInth Imtl rapprr The largo number at Indian vIlInKo xltos ll accounted for by tho not mm the Indians wuro nIIIIgod to mova In now loon tlnn wow llll In in II II when lhnlr leIIIIrIIII hotanus too dirty tIIn IIIIllllllllllll nynlomt IInIl ulwn ttIII null or urIIIIInII mum and lhn wunrl IIIIIIIIIy unva tlllli lllrl nl llllmll lIIIIIIIn vlll Ill IllaI IIrII thquIItly lIIIlchII ml by gruvm nl IIIImIIrII an II In IINII Ittk IIr IIIhIIr enu vanlant vntur Iunply nInmnII ly they built null vuy tll llIu nldn II II hlII lenro tiny IVrIIO ImlNlN Mun lIIn mnvnllinu IlnII llllll VIIINI may hurt II tl look out Silva III llItIr IIIII pits alum no oil Mira grrrn usan In II xrulII crop In AIIIIIIu due to the llrtllllln value potth in tho mltm IIIIII Istrn rlno or brown tlIIrlnI summer drought An air nurw Illl Illtll xvml tile xhra nothing ls lehlo Nut Inc rmunll lllllll boring that soil amunulstos at shout an Inch century The mms maul bx IIIIIIIIt lIn lain vlllouo ulm Iomlnu III ICIIromunI wan ItImIIIIIIlIll lnny Inmo NIIIIII Illmcm while In InnIt Innund AIIIIWCIM are low at IIII IIIImIerA III artiluct runI tIIu Khnvain thIpcIIInvI Ilte ll IIIIIo IIn Annular III the Mun lutxl IIIIII IIInIn llrarrnr kotl atIIIIIII IIilrrI IIIIIII III IIImI nro tho most human ImlutIItIIIn ot Villtll Illa IIIIII MOIIIIII Iho ItuIIIlIIuIIl Iuatura III III II up to tho the nItulIt ho In InIIIIs count up to no tool with and ion toot Inuit IIIIII1II III lnpllniIJl hunt ovur Iltl rIIIIIth with IIurIt Ilka nuxIIIIn qunnwl wIIII 1anqu and rncll IIIIInu Illtll IIItIa IIan row III run down lltn eIIIIlrII II II II wIIIrlI tqu IIIIIIIIn tnIIIllIIs cook wl Itlkl llvrxl urotuctivo unl lllttlt unIlINNl IIIIIIII lutur Vill nuiw III nIIu II Itlllivilllltt ll hiltklltlwl ll UNIHill ill II IIIIIlNl IIIIIIIII Iv IlLOthtlNl IIIII lKul IIIIIItLI ol 1th muml hIIIIIIcII muwlul IN II tIuIlIIIIIIII Illlu quIIIIII Inth thluII notional to be the lihIUIIIIN III tho lnIIIntu luuthmkx Ihwo Ilnl 0th up would NW allowing ammonia no MirnaMount arrI masxdrlg an IUQJ utxumlctvi Ith lIIII extsnlkuu IIIIIInus strum tinIr Icott nwuy lumpec arILv ntul llltll held Nut oi tho loud in Illltll tho nccuIIIIIln tlou oi tho thud or Ihn Inst rlszht or In yours wnn DIIrlNl In Inn nrnvn Ono Inch hlInuIn hone nit Vll Illscoveml In lint rlo In tho nllu of this old Community Home on Toronto Strwt yrnrn Inn Itnollwr IInun pit III VIVIIIIII IIwnlln rxcnvntlon mutt nIIIIInuIr iIIII most nttlulnn IIIIIIt IIIIIIIII IIIova wnII llltnVNNl IIt lilklllhlltlll In IIIII hummun HIIII III Wlllill Ian lInIllIIIn vuIu IIIIrIuII IlIu tinIIImnnn III In Inlernnl III In IIIuI IIIII IIIIInI III III llllll WIII wIIIInIIIIIIIl IIy tIIII Inurtyr lIIIllIIIr lllIIIIIIIlI IIIIll Mttmlotl in In Illtllllll IltIltIllIInn Illlltlll lllr CIIIIIIIIIIn Now IIII IXtll VIIIIIIII YIIII IDlllll Illlll tlIn hnnvnr IIIIIIII III Wlllill Illa lquon IIIuI ltlllll wrumnul IIrImurvotl llll lIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIn IIIIIIIII IvItI lllu lliIlItllt lllllu llllllll nl lllIlIln Illtl IIIII IIIIII Ill not IIvnn ll Illa ctIIIIIIxII iIIuIpIIIIIIIIlII IIIIIvnnlr IIIIIIIIIIAI VII Itlmuvuruil on It IIIIL lxntlo III III lln III II hull Iuvvml will our lIIIuII nlulm lll IItIIIlIIIII Illilllll III llllll tIItIsIl vlllI llslI lIIlll IIIIIIIIIl units IIIItl llllllll lliINll uutl IllIttlly war the Lkvlvlnu IIII llklllm uIIIxIn No hrhntd storms qu III wls ow ttll explain this Sportsmans Show Flamed By Base Borden Gun Club mxc momma msrsso scsxx has two tots no in class It list in Ra and 03 up Eve omit $1wi an our xa ui 092 at and two up to turnd Matias Probe At Ccingncc mGEKVL imp no or the xxxus as Gem Wm its in Elszx hr shaman smu arm ratr of Lab utc LN umzut at rd LVILV IIIII Iron comp met hunt my 5k uncut INdl and tutt ms tutu vaxio 111 or comes RLK um oi munor iqultnwill will and alltor aw home LICK outboard mob was on tws urxxs bodily Nun asst otsxt outdoor chitin xvx out be shown sod vs cremutkohs will path twang furs cum Including huge howl prmumably med to More corn and other tibia needs Pho to by Brian Mort luw arlllutln oI curly 8000 1000 IIIC nnmnndlc Lnurcnt Inn lmllnnn who lived by hunting and llnhlnu were mod on Illin mIIIIK lllll III II LItmplllci From lnnlhlll lawnhhlp lta warn recuvnrod curious handler IlllIlKIl more at block volcanic IIIIIIIIIt wlIItII waro believed to be uml lnr buildinl dunnut moon and Ilrmalnt liver and other an IInuIII klllcrl lot out 11mm In IxInn nro cullcd IIIa loIIIIo Pm plu An earth tIIrmuIIon In lnnIIA III has been Illptttlrrl nl bolng IIn InIllnn IIIwont mound llIu erlur Im InnIIIiII rusld oIIl hruldnu llntllnu nrrow lltDdl IIIIII on uIIuIIIInlIy thIclIIat hint Inl IIIIIuI on tho lnrm vltnl III lIIlIIuvuIl to ho Ilia llm Iotwh IInIlII min In hn npnrlul from South Simeon INDIAN NAMES Many ul our rIIIIIIlyII co naIIIM hIIvo lIIIlIIIn roIIIInctlnIu IsoIIIItln bmutliul IIIDIITllllIH Nunsuh Wit or our myo aulclny truss luca to Now htUaIII NIllll Iluuant of Manhunt Hm 1k It Mnr the name Evrn on as early hcttth IlItI lIIIIIIIIhl Ill IIIInIn lnilIIIIII Illh sulerut hair ltIukNI Ilko blillrlltllill Milt IXlll Inuit at tho IhIIIn tron UL whom tho river lurks lnIIIrlo lllll Intk IInIl hllmlsomo lIIktI llltItclIodIInII IIIIIco Hill In llIIIIko Lilo lmlluns of Central mIII South AIIItrlcn tIIII lIIdInnl of thin IIroII did not use Mono In Olmlllltllon III Ilwlr VllllIKli IloIvovnr lluiy worn vrry nklllul In IIIII mnnutnrturn at Ivmipnn lIouIIn nIIIIIo ll oIIuIl IInII IllnI IIIl uklnnlng ItIIlIvII Inn to IIIIIln Iorllllly lIItIIIIIn IIIIIIIn nl nounxlnnn wIIII tnIuIII III NotIII IIIIIIIrm Tho llIIInnII warn IIIIrIiIIItnrlIIIII vIIn uruw mm In nxlnnnlvnly tIIIIt IIIII llIllil IIIIInIoIIuIIuII III llltl onrly Irma rmnntkwl lIIIII It nun Illltlll to not IIIIII III IIInIr cotn tlukln IhIIII III tin II II III IIIIIy tIlsn IIlllVlIlttl II II II IIIIIIIIs lllllllmvlltl nIIlI tnlIIuItI IIIIII nlsn riIiloIlul IIItIslIroIImI IIwIIIs IIIIII wild lrnlls ltnrthnnwnrp nturIIItu Iuwlu Ill Ni vllh tIIrhnIIIANI corn cnII ntlll Ito IIIIIIIII ltttI tho NIIllllt ll tIIo lIllll4 Inh IirtlIIIcts IIs trntlo axes Itnlvus ttlssnra IInn IlIIIi llN slrlkora plus IIIIIIILI and copper cooking IInls botnuto rIIInIIIoII tlIIth Alkl ullot IIIIII when rmII lIItNIlIIMI IIIolt tnl whlng Iota tho lIIIIIIIIu bunllnltlx rla winging tho lM tnM piloting tench total at 256750 Ines were pimtcd on count7 amt land with rcloreltLtoa oi MW ly purchased had continued Since 1021 an average of 15 too tree have been planted on county lands each year by the Ontario department In the 68 Mum totald at 150301 were Ionic ml outrpm Allow Molant growing upaca In the crest ltnndl longing operations at carrlrd out periodicHy whea Iver market In avnilahlo tho material rcmoved sold either on the stump or at the roadside MANAGEMENT luminary the report on mannemcnt ot Slmcoe County torcst Ianda by the department or ma leIl your commencln April 1069 and cnding Marc 970 was given the county agricultura and Morastntion committh hcudvxl hy Dapuly litova Carl Doron ot Velpra Sld Is district forester or Ihe Lnko Simcoe crest distrlcti Ila Is responsible or this ad ministration or all dcpntlmcnt activities In the county as wcll on those In the counties of Du Iorln York Feel and Ontario Sinca July 1967 manage ment and protection oi county lorcst land has been carrlcd out In tho townshlps oi Tiny Toy Modanlo Oro Orillin and Mot chcdosh by Iicld atoll worklng mm the Coldwntcr oilica Mun axcmont and protection or county torost lands In tho rc mnlndcr oi the county Ls carried out by the Ilcld stntl working from tho AngIIII ultlcc Jock lovcrinno xnatny atolls area II Men or Inn Colmlllllr olilcc The Cold VNIltl rleld stall was Joined roe mItIy by Kim torcster who Ia nctIIo In tho Immng oi onmtlnnn on county crest lundo In IlInt amt Formerly dlrtrlut supervisor gl timber and IIth protection lIohInIIon hm assumed new dIIllN In hood atilcc Flcld slnlt cospnuslhlo or thn monogr Input and protection of tho Ihu nutty Invests hIIVo received Inurh VIIIIIIIIIo Iotlrlnnco lrom Mr uhlnsun Llurln Iho Yrust III pmlInII as ESSALR mlea tn KJIL ll hrlnxs to In Illsrlct many IIurx oi Ilcld oxpcrlcnw CLOSE LIAISON The county ottrknntura nntl rt lormtntlun coInnIltlrc llus mulli tnlnod clone liaison with II Nnrrnwny Dill Irwin Ind lilchIrc zono lorcaler DRAPERY PROBLEMS IIIIIy non ha IIIIIved III tho DRAPERY STUDIO 71877 ll COLLIN AT IIIIIIIIIIE witnry took no Iltlll Iolorltunt rIIItILV read 10 months var swam Inn on JX WNN1$ citrus at was snowman at Luau it II saw rowens one new low price age steam cm County Forest Area Gets 345300 Trees 11 III2 WIT the mom you Wmmmh unmountedmo wqummmuu expected that market tar pcl uvriou and other will again be taken advahtm of dam tag the year man PLAN 1Wo an new in the ninth year or lunar planned oper ation for mat Wt and wood prodHalon on Slmcoe county Forest lands laid Am he pm of the mm which no swww mm DISTRICT NEWS 10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY OmBER 13 1310 Opening ALLme Stall One oi the Allistou olllclnls currently busy with arrangements tor the ctiiclal opening at the new municipal building Whltcslde ls nearing the com plction pl 20 years as town clerk The ceremony is to he held on Saturday Oct 17 at pm lol lowing civic luncheon at the Windsor House Hotel Mr IVhltcsido was appointed to the post In 1951 utter serving seven years on the town clerk lie succech his brother the lntc Whltcsldc lilolong resident at the area he was born In neighbor lag Essa township Ills other the late Joseph WhitesIde was county warden In tool when he represented AllistonEssu an Toscrcntlu on Slmcoo council member ol pioneer Essa tamlly lllr Vhituido is do mndcnt of Thomas Whileslda of Hall Set At Alliston who settled on the 8th conces ainn In ms Itter coming to Canada Irom Vestmorc Lancas land mixed Slim member or Allistlon Lions club he was the iourth president having headed the Club in 1940i See The SUPER BEETLE TDHNEION MOTORS Your Birth Volkswagen Dealer Gown and Essa Roll mmw Emulate mmumvmmmuwhm mmmmmwgnratdmpdwbu mwtcrmchuaueaohe mudmmwamit Fromm mm ATTENTION CORN GROWERS Demonstration Of Chemstor Application Will Be Held At Rockynol Forms Ltd Colin Elliott 6th Concession Of Flos am To pm THURSDAY OCTOBER T5Tll CHEMSTOR IS THE NEW LIQUID PRESERVATIVE EOR CORN AND BARlEY Dhmonstmon By SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP pleasant place to deal atsun announces the 1971 ooonomydrive Nobody wants to give up power pedomonco and flair III save money on Ination and maintenance And nobody has to Dotaun I200 Moor Fastback and Dolsun 1200 21km ction am lost luncllonal easy to handle and may to nllnnl 50 ll youre ilIIw IIIIII ll ulna Snot Elonnhu on economy clnw em ll any cl 50 Dolsun lllllll nouns Canada Datsun lmn1975 More space inside than anything in its class More utmost enhos loo bucket mots padded dosh whttowulls locking gas cop and slooring lock trcnt dIsc brakes independent sltttMypct from suspcnncn telescopic Slklxtllahltllkq stwriuq lumn and unibmtiy construction And you tie up to 40 miles fmm gallon at gas which is xth II chomy drive is all obcot My Nunxw Dotson 1200 Fosthack Imam Just minute youtc wanking you dont have let evulytxxly know And It with dunno IIIIsun I200 tusttxxk theyll never aef look what you get 69 hr 54min IM ml oil the ltil mlms Ilkt Sudan cones IlUS Iodiniun bKQAClS tumors and tolddotm but hour tnlsnu 1200 Its not vow much money but its witch lot of the momFonyounmoney car as it an In mmwa QBtYomxuverMmM MWth mum LiwaIIIwnmwm lIItIIl II mums an REDLINE IMPORT 363 Bayfield Smut Barrie Ontario Tel 12$8ll There are more than WOO Dotson dealers across Canada and the UISAI

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