11 um mm mAT mm 121311 Lakeview Wins Church Meet With 80 Win Over Waterloo Home nu by Gary Jamey In the sixth inning xava Imperial IJstrnn the tin 810mm Emmm Fastball lever mum it an llh yesterday in Harrie 15 terms vied tor the mehii Mobile Rom Annual fastball tuuranmeut thumpicnshlp with game starting at 8111 at boll Mnl Park and Shear Putt use tans had to be up early Ind were both park haw In good crowds mm tho open ing pitch the high1 succes iui tourney Likeview Dairy oi Barrie backed by the strong 114mb out periormance oi Loo Belmurt won the grand chmplunship in the nal game at the til at Queens Park dmpplnz Willar ioo Chymeis lro Noumarket Rays Gull took the grand consolation round with winning Ii win over Chumh Mobil Homcs oi Burrlc in game also played at Queens Parklnit night In that one the Queens Park Inn had it chance to are VildnWidmcyer oi Fergus In action One oi the low Indy um plrc in tho slime oi lasthali Mrs Widmeyer and her husband Slide hundltd gumu in Shcnr Park durln the day lakeviaw lock command at the championship game early as Gary liincs hit this lirst at two homers olt starter DunRio oi Vatcrloa Corbydnms followed In this first inning with single Bill Gruntsuiglcd nnd both scored Georgi Cliappel doubled to xin Three more Dnlry runs cross ml the nitric in the second CIIULkMnCNICOI rearhcd on iicldcrla choice und lllncs slup cil his second homer Thnt lin shrd stnricr Roi and Bill Holth klss cum to the Waterloo mound Adnms grcolcd the reliever with in blast over the ccntro iitd fence hlnchcol got another run or Lakoview In the fourth When his singled and rounded the but un nn error to the Waterloo cuppel wand the nal lake rlgw run in Lb lth when he Imxltd and stand on George Boomul double Leo Eekom went all the way or Water strtkm out 17 while moving only three hits it struck out it oi the rst men to face him LONG GMIE Newmxkzt Rays Gull ran up agaim the tough Inn at Don hiandden in the grand consola tiun round but were equally tough Iith Don Domlnu on the mound Both pitchers liiawed only two hits In game IBM stretched to 10 Innings Newmnrkct nally scored In the top oi the tenth Peg reach in on walk taking second on wild pitch and scoring when 11 maiwn singled Jim Edwards saved thn day eariicr in tha some or Church when hi leaped to grab Bob Frnser drive In the seventh preventing possible homer Following are the Uneamms oi the days games FIRST ROUND QUEENB PARK um Wayne Norris scoring Collin vood Dwe Real Winning run run scored on an an to cm on Winning pitcim hicAiiistcr lasing pitcher804501 Errors accounted tor Coiilnzwood AiLttars runs Chuck MINka and Bill Grant had homo rum lor Likcvicw Winning pitcherB Lunney Losing pitchcrvw Tasconl Eves had sham run for Zephyr in the first with him on King had homer or Yamh Hunting in the second Lunney had 12 strike miLs Waterloo 0000i C009 000 00 Winning pitcheriiotchkis Losing pitchrr Hodgson mg ml Bmdiurd FIRST ROUND 1min pitcher Carter SHEAR PARK Guise had two homers It gt Rut ping Newmarket my Gull inew 3011630 BEE WNOII Church 30000230 winning pltcttcr Beicourt curmm oooooo Losing pitcher lson Winning pitcherMcFadden lasing pltcherVnir Dairy In the rst inning Bci tars out at is laced court struck out batters RUE Claire KIWI 000N030 Yanch OIDW Io0p 001 Ix Zephyr 30001 Winning pitcher Harmon Losing pitcher Hodgsnn run 91 Coop in the third In pllcherCnse Church Knobhili in pitchcrBoyd Charlie Miller short ctntrc cntchcr on on nttemntcd pick uli play Losing pitcherSkoichcr RUE Newrmrket 000 01 Iiutchktsa won his trim saint ImpEamnn 331 with homzr In the titth with Winning pitcherPayne Los Nick Owen and Jim Thoth son had backvtohack homo runs In the first Ior Imperial cctl two out SECOND ROUND QUEENS PARK RIIE Zephyr 000 in Coliingmod 000 000 Winning pitcher ll Lun ncy lasing pitcherWilson Winning PitcherWalker Lo rcguiuriy at Drirnin oi Barrie playing lor Toronto Knobhlil soured the winning run utter he singled in tho tlrst cxlrn inning and came around the bases on single by Ken Brooks that fell into and handcucd Churchs Jim Edwards us he at Evcs and hilly hit back to back triples in the earth to no count lur Zephyrs run Onhuwtt 000 IDI WalctIoO 100 1x Winning pitcher Ru Los ing pitcherKonopacki out almost had nomr lor Waterloo Chymors in the rst The winning run WIIS scored on SECOND BOUND SHEAR PARS can Imam Winning pitcher Donunis McFadden struck mil to bat Pctc Lander had home WNSOLATION SEMIFINA 11 Yancit IMW Church max winning pitcher Boyd Los Iniz pitcherHaley Fer Andertun doubled to drive in two runs in the rst to give Church the win Les Chaison hit in barrier with two on in the fifth to give Rays Cult Newmmkdt the win Duminns in pitching nuhlttcr struck Ullt eight summm ItIIE Zephyr one lot Lukcvinw om oo to Vinnlngnitchrr Dykstra busing pitcherB Lunncy WINS RELAY CRYSTAL PALACE England MU Kunyan cum bul terctl tin world record lor hc twoniile rclny with time ul 7115 In an international track meet hinndny Bonn II Ny amuu Saisi anti It Ouko cus tcmptcd nhocstrlng catch cm II II II Brndiorti not 000 Iiitobhlli IN 000 Oshawa 0000i Imperial 010 mi Winning pltchcrxKoncpuckl Winning pitcherFrcchctlo Losing pitcherWalker Ily uutdistnnmd Britit Lind West German rivals UNTIL TONIG nLSSEu Ciiuncn oi spun or coach John Fellis Waterloo third baseman Iany Plait traitrim conch mi horutop Pete Brill who ncuiies the runnerup cilcque rum Church Mobile Homes Thariow tExaminEr Phutul munch sur oi yaterday instball tour naman presents cheque to Gary Inc of Lakmiew Dairy alter the Barrie team won the grand championship on over Waterloo Chymurt Fnon Lian Dun Dyblru helped his own cause scoring the winning rein nitnr he singled and Chuck nac Nicol dnublui in the third WNSOLATION FINAL Ncumurkct Church Mobile llamas lr Church It ii It ii camp rm Newmarkrt oou on Imperial out on mu Co0p 000000 Wntcrluo mo ox Vutcriuo 00000000 Adm $3500 5d $2500 500 winning pitzhcr Dominas Winning pitcher lluichklss Lakmitw xii no x3 wing pitcher iiodzson Losing pitcher Payne Winning pitchcr Buicourt Wm or phn0 Arnold Ziogior RIIE oooDuuthIlzi Now Austin gives you choice or 23 IImts who had two home runs szcrlew Winning pilchvr Dominas Losing pitcherMcFadden nominas had in strike outs during the game Losing pitthcritni Belcourt struck nut IT Gary Iiincs had two hunters yhtie mowwooozo Corby Adams added another the winners Barrie Flyers Senior Season Tickets Now Available RESERVE NOW Take advantage of our 10 discount by purchasing beiure October 1970 Cost for 10 Flyan Home Games baton discount coach ltni 205 Garton St Barrio 7288242 BONUS SA on everythng in the store including loosen departments PM HIT New Austin Mini 1000 Deluxe Ono oi tho worlds mastcovolod cars tor more masons than Its low low price Join the mom than 2000000 other Mini owners Mnnulactutorl nannoniod rointl ptico Haittox Automatic tinnamlnalon upllnnll cxtvn All Aurtln are backed by live Billion Loylnn SIMCOE SPORTS CAR CENTRE 94A TIIIIn Struck AustinlBOO America Super Deluxe $1695 mos moro builtIn extras than any other at tho prlca Montreal aunmnton Tux license nnd Ivnnnnolinlion coals ii any mo mm hucknt stints cnrpuling leathercovered staining whunlmndmoml One at tho wavldn amateurmakers oarvlnu nll Canada pom depot and 150 donlcm crust to court son the dealer neuron you mm 7281 505 non