Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1970, p. 28

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smurf tlolu ermm unismm um mm at um hands from Toronto Argpuams onu EM Tom Wilkinson 19 and starts run Saskatche wsn Heated the Argos 3644 rlzstor Nichols Has Long Waitl But Takes Richest Meet CUTIDK NJ AP been long time belueen my Nichols Its been long tilde betan putters loo Um than ss putter ml nmmoum N5 Q9 wasnt worried Doug burgh at Vancouver said Sam day alter winning the Caoxdisnl unlm sell championship in was rclcrring to the six overpar 74 he shot In the Itmrth round The British Columbia Junior champ had ninbstroke lead in the Whole event with one round lottand his closet companion was having bady day Borough 18 went over per on ve straight holes on the trout nine He purrcd the back hall ol the hrlghtwood Goli and Country Club mind and tin Boxburgll Wasnt Worried In Drive To Iunior Title he Wasnt worried about luing three rounds nal round Rave Paul Davis oi Don stills Ont the runnerup gosllion it was the lowest round ol the week hmi school student carved six birdies in the round and went was one uokr par It the and used to use the 1m Prolcsl maul collars nament Nichol Wk in lolootzr on the lath bola Sun day to blrtiis or the $00m hm pm in not richest tour 1115 blew the strokes away he said but honed that He had roundsalss Blinds nodwaseevnparllleftherst threeunderpin 65 In an vii an 13yearold lbrontn owr par on only two holes lie nine holes and be that twoum der area the bank ulna bed will 718 10181 Ill stroke better than his nearest competitor Richard Brooke at Lakewood NJ In second place after lri He sald the key to his round was that he was hitting the gmnfns hit is at the to greens in ultllm three rounds he in Canadian Football loa guc game Sunday CF Wire pbow Lancasters Sore Arm Em Quarter back Ron Lancaster who led Saskatchewan Roughridrrs in as win over Toronto Argo nauts Sunday will be given XEIL Head coach Eagle Keys sold following the game that be will start but Weiss at quarterback whcn Whinipog Blue Bombers tnvcl to Regina Sept We eel Ronnie need rest laid Kcycs Well start with Wclu next game and hope we dont have to put him Lun caster in Keyeslsid Lancaster who hits had painlul throwing arm Ilnco early in the season will have the arm put in cut Igaln today Luncneter threw ora touch down panes Sunday and tho wln gave the Reugltridors tourpoint edge over second vIuce Britlrll Coiumblu Lions 1n tllo Western Football Cooler mc For the Ar as it was had end to nu western tour win In the west would have bro ken their mouthpiece tie with Hamilton TigerCats In the Eastern Conference but they lost 22 against Winnipeg Waddcsduy Sunduy Saskatchewan led the Argo 1M alter the hull and the teams were tied 1411 site the ilrd qunrtor Then Saskatche wan capitalizing on some brooks exploded in the nal quarter Spcody allbncir Bobby Thompson scored two spectacu lsr touchdowns in the llnal in minutes one on 94yard pass and run play and the other 51yard end sweep MAKES BIG CATCH Gordon Barwcil made leap Inx cnd4onc catch in tho Iirst quarter otter Toronto dclenslvo guillhack Claip Barrett tippcd the 11 Nolan Bailey caught Lan custer pass or touchdown and linebacker Don Scumun scooped up lumhlo or another Five converts were added by Jack Abendschun and Al Ford kicked single Den Jonas who called most ol the gum or Toronto throw to Jim Thorpe or the Argos only touchdown and booted two field goals and convert while Dave Mann added single on boom to 77yard punt Toronto wills dolenllvo stal wart Dick Thornton and anker Bobby ruylor sidelined with hp Juries sullcred In Winnipeg rolled up 271 yurds through the air compared with Saskatche wans 234 However they gave big edge In rushing yards to Roughrldors 195 George llcod still recovering hour lled Injury carried times or so yards for Saskat chewan Kcycs suld Ilecds knee rumred another setback In the gums and the lullbltck may not be used ugolnrt Winnipeg Jones was replaced at times by Tom Wilkinson Torontos best paswatchcr were Mel Prollt who caught six lor 110 yard and Thorpe who got our lor 105 Snskutchewans Thompson caught lhrcc lor yards and gained Illivyards mhlng Painful For Argonauts EON LANCAST Ell gelling rest CPL STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eastern Conference Pt 47 69 73 Ci 0100116 01 all Game Wednesday Montreal at Ottawa Western Conlcronce AFI 01410 104 12 160 12a DllZ III Montreal Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Sunk KC Calgary Winnipeg 75147 Edmonton 70121 Genm Tuesday Vancouver at Edmonton Als Coach EtCheverry Faces Import Decision MONTHEAL CF Couch Sam Etchovcrry of Montreal Al ouottea secs and at the toughest decisions of his rookie season at the helm oi the Eastern Foot bull Conleronco club Sometlmc today Etchovcrry hos to motto up llIl mlnd whether he wants to keep Mike Delaney lul Import kicking spo clalLrt ot the oxpenllo cl noc ondstring quarterback Tony Puasundor The nlxdoot two Inch 230 pound kicker played last year or American International Col lege in Springeld Mass He has never missed it Hold goul lrom Inside the towardlino Surprising Nlianli Dolphins Stop Colt Winning Streak TIMiuml Dolphins surprise ol the National Football hustle dxhibltion ecnson continucd un dolestcd Saturday rllght behind armrka Bob Grlosu dowrlv gnnltlmm Colts sou Joins The Vikings MINNEAPOLIG APT Dov fonslvo and Carl Eliot ended IIII twwwcolt bolout Sunday night whenllo nod to mo Nu anal Foot allianguo contract Illl Mlnucsota Vlklnglt Terms oi the contract were mtalulmd or had minded to report Aug 16 alter recovering tom 31qu surgery and had been tilted 200 it day while away tram Minnesotas training site iblhoro menu announcement other the line would be paid There were no new develop monu In the case ol quarter lbaclt Joe Knrp lsrrnorly of British Come Lgmmzndccmc Stumpcdcro Shirl Football Dengue who has 3reiuscd to report vllllo rocking as live your $125 million can trust it was the Iourth strulght do cltlon for the Dnlphlnn coached by Don Shula who Iclt the Colts during the ouscnwn to bumno the Dolphin mentor The loss mapped the Colts exhibltlon victory string at 11 unmcs In other Snturday night NFL action New Orleans Saints rul lleti to down Boston Putrlolll 20 20 Cincinnati Bcngatn heat Clcvolund Browns til24 Atlunlu Falcons upset Kansas City Chlols 2247 St 10qu Cnrdlnuls routed Chicago ilcars Mu Houston oilerlt thrunhcd Dulllm Cowboys 3721 Lon Angolan ltums doloutnll Sun 111mm Chargers 16414 and San Fran cluco Ilkru downed Denver Broncos 217 Gllcmlll ztvyltrd touchdown pure to Larry Scipio guvo tho Dal hlm 141 secondquarter Tomi Tho Dolphin quarterback directed another iouclldnwn drlvo In the third uuurtcr with Jim KIIclt cupping it with twoyardlrun The Colts dldnt not touchdown until the third ultrtor when Eurl Morrall row twyurd ncorlnu plum to John Muckoy utter loaning Ml ynrds to ddle illnton tn sot it This boy Is going to be scorer sold Etchovorry Every time he ltlcks the ball we would be almost ccrtaln oi plcklng up single point That could mean lot over the course oI scallop Delaney would have been limited by Nutlonul Footllllll Lcnuo tcumllust year but he suliercll knee Injury into hell vcusnn llc had an operation and the knee llvilne nnw Dcluncy drove to Montreal on his own Friday and alter 19 mluutu trial the Al were con vluccd they had unmctlllng ll Etchoverry decides to keep Dolnncy he will huvc to cut Publiiindcl lonvinu Burttoy Allen all thcNa allan cullcr The alternative Is to give the klckinxl lab to George Springutc the Liberal mumhor of the na tlonul mulomhly Ior Mantrcul SIC IInllOl luv is getting better every suld Eirhovcrry lulu hell Vtry kicker llc lltliltlll huvn the range Do my has but he 15 Cunudl Robin Hahn Best Advanced Rider MONTIlllIll CPI liulln nI iicllo Plnln won the utlvuucull division In tho Euulcrll Cllnlldllln thrclullny rld lnu climnpltlilblllli which con cluded in nearby Senncvlllo sun tiny Sullo Pnyntcr ol Stoullvllle ONL on Muster Mutt II won the llrlltycnr preliminary lliVi IIlOII cumpclllloll lllc Lliltlsllily tvent lellillrcll iiulliu llrtuutugl mnwotltiun llildlly emillrunm cvrntu Saturday and stsdlum Jumping Sunday days third round trod nil overpar 77 leaving Eaxburgb with little million for the shot 7on and 72 and music with natural Daniel 17 of Belocil clmltlslont crown his rst InIlve yearI of national Junior competition MISSED GREEN Ruxhurgb who attend the University at Oregon on gull scholarship ioolnl stroke on the par loin um hole where he missed the green with his second shot and lin Iahcd with seven He took lvea on the out our holes All par ours National Meet Dates Announced DARTMOUTH NS CPI 1ho Royal Canadian Goll Asso ciation announced dates Satur day lnr national poll competi tions in 1971 The Canadian Open will be at Richelieu Vuiloy Coll and Coun try Club at SimJulie Quo July The Canadian senior champL onship Is scheduled lor Kano walti Goll And Country Club at Cnughnuwaga Quc July 2123 The wtilingdoo Cup lntcrprolt vincial team matches will be held Aug 910 at the oakllcld Country Club at Enilcld near Hailing They will be lollowed by the Canadian amateur chum plonshlps at Oaklleld Aug 1114 The Cunudlarl Junior Intcrpnr vlnclut team championship will he played at Vlndemcrc Gall and Country Club in Edmonton Aug 2324 to be allowed by the Cuuudlan Junior goll champion ship at Edmonton Aug 2525 National Gull chk will be held June 1220 W1 hole tulal pl 294 Gerry lilac 209 and lid Dumcah ill at Liv erpool due took plnco with zoo He shot miteover 72 Satur day and had an eugla on the par live lath hole It was the second eagle scored on that hole during the competition and only the third scored throughout the wool on tho Brightwood course Bobby Email of Southampv ton Ont had 281 tor fourth place while Michael Hogan cl 85d Deer Alta nished with 289 or illth Bobbin Jackson iSycurold lrom the Royal Montreal Coll Club at Ila Blzsrd Quc wnll the juvenile competition and the Jack Bailey nophy with 12 Mlllun at Kingston NS was second with 299 Jackson Wear Iuvenile Crown DARTMOUTH NS GP Robbie Jackson at lle Blznrd Que shot an llovcrpnr 79 at Brigittwood Goll and County Club Saturday to win the Cann dlon Juvenile goll title 15 mm Royal Montreal Colt Club won the Jack nullsy trophy or his 12 holc zul over the parso course lit put togclhcr rounds 01 72 Hill 71 In the rst three days at phy and hud to rely on the clgh stroke lcltd he picked up alter three rounds Gerry Macmillan 19 01 Kingston NS was second with wns lhlid ill 305 tled another nament the $10000 Dow Jones nat gave him 63 for the day and lcr the tonrns mom one stroke better than hmn Harris just hadnt been putting well said the Myuroid Nb choir whose last Indltidunl vis Wyautbrmcmelnm gured might as well try the old puucr Ilrr taken ll apart and put II together dour times and It looks like dog chewed on it But guess it still works GOT BIG MONEY Harris took home cheque or 541530 more thsn the with net makes in most tour tournalt menu Vancouvers Wayne Vonmcr was the lone Canadian in the money lie finished at 288 with 68 Sunday and earned $1111 Torontos George Knudsoh and Billy Writh Jr OI Edmon tan failed to survive the cut liter 36 holes Friday Harris and Nichols had started the day tied at 09 two strokes ahead nl John Miller and Larry Hinson but with It least nine other players Includ ing protournament In vorit Jack Nicklaus within reach oi the title It turned out Dan Sikes who just made the cut hiday with an even par 144 had 01 Saturday and 68 Sunduy Sites finished third with allowed by Hinson ut 2317 Charles Coody st 281 and Miller Bruce Devlin Orville Moody and Homsro Blanca at BOBBY M01015 clutcs sl tcr nding the 360000 lint prize in the Dow Jones Open 411 sum 1me MONDAY AUGUST IS an at Clllton JSundrly ercphoto Only Two Records Beaten In Disappointing Seniors ViNNlPEG UP No Cos nndiuu records were beaten and one tied at the Canadian scnior track und llold champlonshlps chr the weekend but the com petition oneruily lulled to meet expectuions With many of Canadas lap athletes and record holders on hand the twoday moot ut the Unlverrlty ol Manitobas Pam AM track was expected to prov lde numcrous Canadian records and some at tho llncst cumpctl tIon seen among this countrys athletes this year But while Jill Pcliund and tile 86 Internationals relay team buttered oxlstlug Ce nadlnn rccerds and Yvonne Sounders at St Lamhcrt Qum must events proved disappointing 01 the 15 events run all come pcIIiorI manung better results tllls your in only it Including the three record pcriormanccs Bruce SlmPIolI nl Scarbors ough 0nt commonwealth rec ord holder in the pain vuult at American Boats Dominate KINGSTON Ont CY American yachts swept all but two at the nine class events which opened the sixduy Cuna dlnll Olympictraining Regatta Klngslon CORK In heavy weather Sunday Only Pcicr Butcman oi Eng llmd In the Fireball close and ltcg While 01 England in tho TornudsCnlumnrun clss man aged to stop the American onsv Inught Canudlans won two seconds In thoSnI ond Sollng events cumo thl In titrco events and lollth In nix More than 455 yachts had rcgv NEWPORT n1 III in trepid dclculed Valiant Ior the 5th klralght time Sunday In the Hunt lrlnlrt uull vml nllmcdl to dolcnd tho Amcrleslt Cup ugulmtt nlias Gretel 11 utnrtmg pl 15 lntmpldn aclccilnn wan un nounclui iollowlng the ruco by the New York Yuldl Clubl Amcrlcull Cup cmnmlitce lnllcpld will be ihu llrst to til lend the cup lor two slnlgllt times lllllco Columhln In 18m lntropld bout llama Puttle oi Austru lil 40 in 19717 Intrepid won Slmlinyn race by one minute seconds It was NOT nlnthmlrnlghl Ilnnl trIl nl litl Istcrod by late Sunday night or the class eventsStars and LIgIllnlng start their races to day1nd most at them wore out on 11m our Olympleslze courses on the Pill day Tim main source 01 excito rncnt was the sinking ol the Sol lng owned and captained by John Caluch oi Wllmlrlgton NC with Sprunt and Nick Buggies as crew The Kingston yacht Gnndull captained by Dr Larry Wilson of Klngston burn down on the American bout and punched 11 hole in her just behind tho bow slut sank 15 mlnuics Inter and Intrepid To Defend Cup Alter Beating Valiant erml unulnlt only hvo dclcsts since June lnlrcpltl dnlcntcd Valiant Sub urduy 234 WE CARE RACHLIN Driveways tour Store lurklng llurnyurdx etc All work zuurnntccd In Writlnu Cull Youll be glad you did 105 Anne KL 7251 llurrlo WATCH FOR THE Barrie YMYWCA Fall and Winter Schedule To Be Published In This Kingston CORK Regatta her crew was plotted up by spectator luunch Gandull sul lcrod only minor dumagc We dldnt even see him com Ing sold Coluecl whose new yacht went down In about 100 lcol ol water In Lake Ontario Sollng ls worth about 57500 when now Dr Wilson blamed tho colli sion on jammed muinhhcct whlch prevented hlm lrom heaving oil and coming in be bind the Coluch bout Other ynehlsmen were ill troatod by the winds at up to 25 knots which rralsod Tourloot waves on the course murkodout on the in Javelin SST AMX ls ch Inches won the event at an evenl Iect Gary Salmond 01 Vancouver threw the hammer I90 loci in Inches three Icct less then In 1009 to win thut event easily Juy Duhlgrcn ot Vancouver who hull bocn throwing the luv clln consistently around 160 lcet nil yearI llpparcnlly pulled in muscle In her arm and Iinlshed third this year with it best throw at 132 Incl Inches TWO RUN BLOW Penny Wcrlllncr or Ottawa and Noreen Lelpcns oi Vuncuu vcr both run one at their slower 1500 metres ol the year Mlss Verlllncr winnlng In no4 chI all her best personal tlmc pl 21 Mrs Lclpcns is the Cultu dlun record hpldcr Miss Pullund oi Vllnuouvcr outsprlmul lollowVuncouverilc chay Busch In lho ZOOmetre hurdles nishing In in returd brcnklng llmo uI 218 seconds Mum ilusch shurtd the previous lQtmd at 279 seconds Th lntcrnallouuls 4x400 womens relay iculn run away Irom the Held on the third lap and puccd themselves to gold mcdul lmd record time at 3493 The club hill bllshtd the previous record at 350 in last yours championships Miss Suuntiers It nllllve ol Ju malea cquollcd lrcno Plotrows kls record tlmo oi 543 seconds In the dmmctrcs She pulled ahead of runnerup Norccn Lul pcns midway through the race and slmnly outrun the silver medallist IlIC rest at the wuy ly it Ilcltvy luln hullcd Ior about 15 mlnulcs DHBUI BRILL VINS Debbie Brill l7yctlruld high jumpan at utlun lrom lllmey liC won the gum mtviul with 01 live It ll Inches She sod In three attempts ut six one Inch which would hllvn iscd her existing Clmadlnn record oi six Icut Vs Inch Jerome Druyton oi Toronto wns one 01 sovcn doublewin ners capturing the 10000 metres In 29371 and the 50110 In 14 to Doug Scorrur HOT ONES BY AMERICAN MOTORS 0W Iloli litpom on you From on tn Nit to Iilutttvlhlg I00 111 VII with rulwnir lntlucllun Automatic Ill optl wllll 1111M Illlliati ol Perth Ont came second the 5000 melrrs Miss Saunders was the top medal winner with tour eluding two gold She won long lump gold with too loot inches to go wth 00 metres victory She lialsllqd second to Miss BrIlI In the Jump and anchored the Quote 4x400 rcluy team to third other double gold were Patti Lovcrock ol Vancou ver In the 100 metres 1116 200 metres 21m Murlcne oi Edmonton In the discus throw at 131 letl ulx and In the shot put wlth Ni 45 Icct our inches and Wcrthncr who won tho metres In 21007 and the metres Joining Druyton among mens titulqu vlnncrs Charles Filllltfl ol Saulborough ONL winning the 100 metres 11M and the 200 metres and Emu chs 01 Toronto turlnll the 800 metres In and lht 1500 metres In 32 in other mens events PoWell oi Toronto won metres In 1178 Mlchcl Patmum Si Lumhcrt Que won high Jump with leap Icol eight Inches Elli llclukklla oi Toronto throw the Iuvelln cut to win the gold medal chutl Mason ol Scarborough took the lung Jump selling col ill inches Tony Nelson Luvul 0110 won tho ticmetro hurdles In 144 Brutc Flrno Suskuluon look the shot Ilcuve or as ctt ma and tiny Vuroy ol llumllton Lghc sowmetre steeplechuse ululuy John Konlkuwskl Suskutoon won the triple ui ll letl ll lntllrh Iiurringlnn ol uttuwu throw dlliclls I71 cot seven Inthes win George Smith oi Edmonton cupluled the tuumotrc in 529 the mens cum Central llturlu won the mottc relay in 415 Eth York truck clubs 400 rcluy won that 11 AMERICAN MOTORS Winner ol the load Amcrluln TransAm listen at Elkhart Wisconsin July Son the complete American Moron Line at 3U$TIN MOTORS Sorvlno tho Burrlo Area for over 30 Years 2325 BRADFORD 5T BARRIE

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