Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1968, p. 4

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so Vansu senting vote Walls Publlalur The way Canadas electorate will vote on June 25 is good guess right now It is extremei difficult to forecast the way the vote go summary based on the strength of the various mimic the last House of Commons ght give some indication Ontario is the strangest spot with Conservative provincial government en joying substantial majority and Lib eral federal government holding 51 of the 15 seats with 25 Conservatives and nine in the New Democratic Party On tario gets three new seats The question in Ontario is has the Conservative farm element been weaken ed while the labor NDP contingent was strengthened by redistribution In Quebec the federal situation is sim ilar to that of Ontario with Liberal preponderance of 50 seats out of total I5 seats in the last House and eight Con servatives nine Creditistes and two In dependents Quebec loses one seat in re distribution British Columbia probably the most English of all our provinces furnishes the most inconsistent bunch of voters who cast their ballots to the four winds Out of 22 seats three to theCon servatives seven to the Li erais nine to NDP and three to Social Credit Newfoundland has been to the pre sent day absolutely and entirely Liberal with seven seats out of seven Will the last ructions in the cabinet cause reper cussions in the party as whole Nova Scoiia to the contrary is defin itely Robert Stanfields domain It ap pears disposed to remain thus with 10 McPhonon Munsine Edioor DAY HAY 11 Elite hectic Examiner William Tailor General Manager ma $1108 Vote Result Uncertain Now For June Election Conservative seats and two liberals out of its total of 12 Prince Edward Island has also remain ed solidly Conservative with its 10 seats distributed on the same basis The Prairies are also Conservative stronghold Manitoba loses one seat in redistribu tion Out of 14 seats only four escaped the Conservativesone Liberal three NDP Saskatchewan suffered severe am putation of practically 25 per cent of its constituencies in the redistribution losing four The rovince had 17 seats in the last House ad Conservatives and are more than likety going to remain lOrles Alberta on other hand whl gain two seats at last count 17 seats were oc cupied 15 Conservatives one Liberal in bledi ne Hat and one Social Credit in Red Deer now that Robert Thorn son has joined theConservatives it is as to assume that the latter party will retain its predominance in the province in view of the fact that all three main parties will contest practically all the seats in the country it is difficult to fore cast with any degree of certainty which wag the majority will 50 ne party usually ries the constitu encies with com aratively small major ity the rest of contestants that is the opposition usually getting between them total of votes exceeding that of the member elected In view of these small majorities it is hard to anticipate results since few votes one wa or the other can upset expert prc ctions DOWN MEMORY LANE ill YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Examiner May 311958 Im ressive showing at first annual inspec on Barrie District North Collegiate alr cadets affiliated with RC Commander of squadron was FL Douglas Kettle gt assisted by PO William Lemmon Capt Howard of Grey and Simcoe For esters wns jud of drill No Flight led by FS Tony urger won Griffin Trophy Barrie Examiner Tro by for best girls flight won by No Ellen Leach Principal Hamilton ex pressed pleasure at performance In specting officer was Group Capt Cameron of Clinton Earl Brydges appointed viceprincipal BDNC Bar rie Harbor Committee recommended Town Council seek CNR permission for access across tracks at foot Maryst to reach proposed bayfront park Two big attractions for Victoria Day were do show at Barrie Arena and first annua firework display at fair ounds sponsor ed by Trinity Church oy Scouts Barrie Hungarla decided to remain in district senior soccer loop after threaten ing to Withdraw over poor officiating Further suggestions came from citi zens re future of old post office rather than demolishpolice station court house art gallery museum Lloyd Fisher recent grad of Ontario Veterinary Col lege deaded to locate in Barrie Coursein Civil Defence started at CGE auditorium With lectures by James Ross AID FOR MEMORY Dallas Morning News Alfred Earrs 71yearold Briton got so fed up with antlAmerlchn talk in his country that he decided to cast his dis Ee took the slogan Im backing America and sent the us embassys240 to help out just couldnt stand it any longer declared Earrs people have it in for America and after all theyve donefor us People have got to understand that backing America is the best way of backing Bri tain If America isnt doing well were in real trouble too Were touched said spokesman spokesman for the us embassy We are going to see how best the money can be used The embassy people in London arent the only Americans who are touched by Barrs gesture We have not received much tangiblehelp from our Britlsh cousins in recent years We have re celved great deal of criticism second guesslng and denunciation which com ing at time when this country is hard pressed is infuriating to many Amer lCflnS But if Barrs oneLmnn campaign works to remind theBilttah of what Americans have done for them perhaps it will also serve to remind Americans that all the favors have not been on one side of the book Not so long ago Britain stood battered and alone against the on slaught of aggression whiio Arncrlcn hastily built units own weak defenses In the latter half of thelitth century the powerful British fleet maintained the freedom of the seas which allowed the commerce and industryvof this young country to flourish despite ourlack of large standing navy ourvdlsaglccmciit with the British tot MBE chief warden Central Collegiate held Epcotlon at arenaColonei Perron in nston Binds won Ma Trophyfor best drill Jack Garner Trophy for rifle shootin Ladles Aux nated new car to VON received Nurse IreneEdgar Mana Mitchinson lwelcomed more members CGE visit to Barrie Governors heard application from fCKVR TV for maximum power boost Channel ed by FS County Council an ciety ended with dissolution of 30mm ber board of directors For time beln work of seciety will be adml President James Wright of and Miss Dnrtha director Mayor spected Barrie civil town hall ming pool famed Canvassers led by ter set out to fipproved for Barrie Collegiate Director of Child We solution of board ChildrensAld Society unconstitutional Memb carry on until settlement reached OTHER tenors VIEWS day lsa family argument not an etern al vendetta will cool tempers by reminding citizens on both sides of the Atlantic of that fact WEIRD VAGARIES 0F VOGUE WORDS Each generation distills the English mnmfiammmmw OTTAWA REPORT Ottawa Has Become Itinerant Beggar By PATRICK NICHOLSON OllAWA Is the Canadian dollar sick Barrie District 58th annual in Commander of Borden was lnspect officer No Platoon led by Lt jor Rodgers won by Eric Adams aryto Lions Club do erJohn an 500 Quarter CenturyCiub on Works CBC Board of Threeyear dlifiute between Sinicoa Childrens Aid So nistered by Collingwood Jackson managing Willard Kinzie in defence wardens at Lions Club outdoor swim project for funds launched by oronto instructor Gus Ryder Chairman Harold Fors raise $75000 Plans Bands Ontario are declared dis uropean tour inrAu st era agreed to It may be that Barrs gift Ottawa Journal rattling its tin tor around the Thus last week Finance Iiiinls tcr lienson announced that he had borrowed Italian Lira worth about $100000000 tUSl from the Italian Exch and German his $62000000 US through the Deulscho Rank Further he is arranging to borrow $100000000 in USA Those lira and marks will be converted into us dollars and the proceeds will be added to Canadas foreign exchange re serves significant and even sinister fact about these loans is that according to reports here both Italy and Germany insist that the loans should be repaid not in Canadian nor even in ILS dollars but in lira and marks In other words those two Euro 10 pcan countriesformerly with economies imade sick by war time defeattoday set more faith irilhelr own currencies that in ours This hints at pending devaluationof our doi he lets and perhaps also of our neighbors REFLECTS INCREASE Our lorclgn exchange re serves at the end of April stood at $2416 million This rdlectcd an increase of $17200000 dur ing April Thu new total is high er than that at the end of last tak year or even at the end of 1066 Yet it is not judged high Conservative Leader Bob Stanfield hos lambasted the Lib cral regime for five years Of gross mismanagement which has brought the Canadian dollar to very dangerous position He accused the government of notable lack of frankness with thoCanadlan people about this danger Some substance is given to by this ion by the fact our Ottawa has become an itinerant boggar cup in capital cit worlds Everywhere you go languageand comes up with newtlords or new varieties of old words Insthe 205 andaos many of the new words were slang derived from the Great War For examplepcople didntget hysterical they got the sereandngmcenies term derived from the sound of Ger man mortar shell whistling to its target In the 405 swingers were hepcats In the 505 they became hipsters and now in the 60s its hippies with slightly derogatory meanin The 005 however turned away from angmAnd we find curd selves liberally sprink the language with economic or sociologic jargon In this lexicon people dont have faith they have apriorivalues The new men on the job doesnt get the hang of ythe place he is orientated Getting ahead in the world isvertical mobility Most modern have anEthlc This is not the same as ethics Canadians gen eraily havejthe Christian ethic Darrin that we should at least have the Wes tern ethic If we find ourselves without an ethic then its time to synthesize our ethics and polanze our conceptualiza tions Robert Stewart writing in the Finan cial Times calls the newspeak paraca demic language and translates des cription of Mr Trudeau Ilis charisma has been the catalyst forhitherto periph eral opinioneven thoughthe erimeet ers of his policy concepts are still diaph anous WWW 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class ange Office rks worth aboul cream Examiner matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa andlfor ment of postage in cash Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly 52600 yearly Single copies 10c Ontario 51100 year motor throwelf 315 year Mail out side Ontario 514 year Out sideCanada British posses sions $l5 year USA and foreign 532 year National Advertising Offices to tTEal Memberful the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations Tbe Canadian Press is ex elusiver entitled to the user for republication of all news dispatcbes in this paper credl ited to it or The Associated Tree or Reuters and also PHY ston Ontario By mall Earriemoq yearly in University Avenue Toroni 540 CatbCart St Mon the local lnewspublished Who was it few weeks ago whosaid therein they speak lousy Wenchin Quebec in cialiy high figure boosted under heavy piessure ve years it peacelhne deficit in our history Yet these have started in 1561 through those gt By BDBBDWMAN In the olden days khigs were not apt to eat humble pic but XIV of France did so on liiay 31 1680 when he recalled Governor Dononvllle from Can ada and asked Count Frontenac in relllnce him The king had rc called Frontenac in 1082 when heard some unfavorable sto rles about his conduct at Que her but realized later that the stories had been colored by jeal ousy on the part of several offl cials In any event the prestige of France fell low in Canada while Frontenac was away and Louis was manyenough to that he had made amis inc admit was atrium humble when he asked Frontenac to return DRUGSTORE COWBOY enough lt ls anyhow an artill ths swap deal withUS which gave ll $250000000 and the st muitaneous borrowing of ties 000000 from the international Monetary Fund late in January when our weak dollar was Basically the unreliability ol tion to the outbreak of the First our dnliar in the eyes of the Gnomes of Zurich and other in ternational bankers is due to tho wanton extravagance ofths Liberal government In the last has consistently piled up deficits totalling $1016 million This immense total in ciudes deficit of $808000000 last year which was the largest been me years of the continuing boom which CANADAS STORY King Louis IForced To Eat Humble pie omen MAY si EVENTS T0n the other blnd Iben hilceal eTeetcd compromisde vs carefully and con sidered problem and arrived at decision which In their opinion serves the greatest com mon good they Ire often bitten and vocally so when the board finds it necessary to vary their decision to serve what the considers to be para mount private rights In other words it recomth there are occasions in our society where private rights it moulds and greatest comma good smut be respected hirrently there has been bit of squabble in which hlayor second is to be aiclcreo in variety of matters from changes in official plains and mbdimlon In mum to uproar Bentley of barrio has arbitration charged that one of the mem lhls mean tint It mu bers of the board was pompous lions of all seamen at the and overbearing towards cit community can be mad at employees He elicited lurlhci pugran 3y comm that the board was insuring that am Ib ye been lmers argue cases beloroit particularly blasted by local WISH 01 luminosity councils whnss decisions have not knowtng the circumstances been reversed And builders and is be my comment dcvclopers also have been more But on lbs second charge It than annoyed wilhit can be said 1th seems to he Unhlppily some of the louder Wile Misdirccied The boar and more crymumV mum has not been legaiLstlc in fact have tended to give the board NY Mr Kennedy od black eye in the public rnlnd Mm hearing With orders to And it doesnt deserve this PIN lo get together and The writer Win an Md see if they couldnt cut down on from his at least unddetached 19 Menu legal costs observation point has found BIBLE THOUGHT over the years that it has been And whosoever shall offend fair and courageous and has definitely ncted in the overnil one of these little ones that he llcvc in nae it is better for him public interest that mlilstonc were handed JUDGE FAmNESS Its fairness can be judged bout his neck and he were cast into the sea lilarlr 942 from this comment in its our Unless you are prepared to go rent annual report up against the Almighty dont Frequently when it is deemed just to approve the dc interfere with any person and his faith in God God is not cislon of the local elocled repre mockcd for whnlsocvcr man scntalivcs bitter reaction re sults from the minority or hidi vldunls who may suffer from such decision sowelh that shall he also rcap AROUND THE WORLD Sees Impact 0i Television As Reason For Violence By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Afflila Analyst new explanation has come wdrld Way out in New York for the student The red flags of warning rebellion and other disorders flying Ottawa simply mm sweeping the world and it is like continuo to spend moneyover 1y to be taken seriously as and above what it is collecting 01th Pronouncaments by the from us ln excosive taxeslike autiwr of this explanation have sailor on spree This is the been taken limit by My second time this year the gov The author of this new theory ernment hoshad to set up sand on current human conflict is our bags against attacks on our dnl own Marshall McLuhan tho Jar but those are not true forti medium is the message man flcations they are the Hills who returns to the University of Dutch boys finger in the hard Toronto alter year as Schweit tested dyke zer Professor at New Yorks Fordhem University in forthi coming book which will be published in September under the title War and Peace in the Global Village McLuhan attrib utes violence to television but not in the way one would ex poet The young and the Negroes are shown the image of rich and exciting world by TV world richer and more exciting than the world of everyday life Because of the contrast between the TV world and the world of reality the young and the Negroes riotthe young be cause classroomwork is much more boring than TV the Negroes because theirreal life is immersed in poverty whereas the whites they watch iltn TX ismBonk of British Comm mg mm Y° bla received royal charter lieLFenians raided Canada No GDAIS at Fort Erie Ont Generalizing McLuhan seya isntRailway opened be that violence is directed to tween lruro and Pinion NS lawErantford rated as city JAMSouth African war endedxAbout 8000 Canadians hhdservcd must strugglcfor new msNova Scotla abolished image take this to meanah its Legislative Council leaving though cannot be surethat years the government should have been reporting surpluses to pay off part of our costly national debt Instead we have had the Pearson prndlgallty his total deficits amounted to about six times the net deficits throughout the first half century of our history from Confedera simply because the contrast be tween the TV world and real life cnrages them It would be mistake to dis miss such theories entirely For instance it could he argued that the young and the Negro actlq lets see in TV new form ofox presslonof exposure of making themselves seen and heard The young and the activists have ni ways In sense had stronger drive for being noticed than other segments of the populo lion and often do extraordinary things to be noticedthey mekl spectacles of themselves With the possibility of having the whole world as an audienae the desire to be noticed becomes even strongerif you are the type who onion making spec lacle of yourselithe larges the audience the larger your enjoin ment But when all the oldfash ioned small lence are merged into one by network it means that all those who want to make spectacles of themselves must compete against one another to be the one whose antics will be chosen by the film editors for present itch to the whole world The ragc that McLuhan weeks of would be good ex planation for violence if the riot ers desired the things they see onTV but McLuhan in effect says they do not have goals they dornnt seek afteri cog thing prefer my expanaon to his have seen TV reporters get activists to top one anoth crstbrcats just to appear on wards flmagemaklng not TV was incorpo goals The Columhle students and the Negroes have no goals As long as we provide them with new technology they ionMartin Frobisher began voyage in which he discovered Hudsons Strait imlirltlsh merchants at Quebec asked for new laws JessFather Gavazzl of Italy held an antiRoman Cathollc meeting at Toronto ITS EXPENSWE South Africas Nationalist party hnsenacted zoo laws and spent 34100000 during its 20 year rule trying to make racial in Montreal and attacked La rstormxlt is said that thepeopls of Lachlne who were killed werv about 100 prisoners back to iess to stop them ltonac and King Louis knew it only Quebec with two chambers Prof McLuhan thinks the segregation work United Party listEmergency Powers Act Negroes and students are not member Eric Winchester told expired riotingto obtain concessions but inrliament and saldl send you backtu New France where expectyyou will serve me as well as you did are ask for notlilnsmorei Kilfig Louts himself wasipartiy nine or Frances osro prestige in Canadallchad asked Governor Denonvfile to send him some Iroquolalasgali flaywaves alitd Dgopyfllle un wse comp ed cep uring mom4m gt some Iroquois at what was sup WA Alto posed to be friendly reception at Fort Frontenac now King The Iroquois hit back bard They massacred French settle merits wherever they could and finally gained the upper hand to suchan extent that iheysnade Denonville dismantle Fprt Fron tenac Late in 1609 just before Frongt tenac returned they conducted one ofthe worst massacres in Canadian history at Lachine just outside Montreal They chose an evening when thers was reception foerenonvitla Yth sraereo FARMING i943 NTN BLKMETS Now emws 5WD POUNDS oF BEAN 5W5 WEEK Fan 11 amass moo 01W 8471 was WWIMW Sooner 0F DULPwoeoiu Banish cotuMetA chine by paddling acrosvaake St Louis during thunder Thrown oi years 1k ocear WATERWAVoF all we has seen analog mrlueace or OUR NARDNAL fortunate MA Isnn man is 1in clinic The Iroquois took their villageslginsthe Finger Lakes area and tortured them nF Dcnonvilles soldiers at hiont real and Lachlne were power shim MAE FEE61 mgraFMZZAlMo cremeMm New France needed lironv

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