loHMVIANTED MIInstr iaAumoumé Aucrrori Ankara will Add or Ill 1W SHELSWHJ irnJlnblonRevitiï¬rga 0r OVHIMPI Saturday June FOB ruse BY MOB OIL COMPANY LIFETIME CAREER NO CAPITAL INVESTMENT ONE MAN ONLY willvba chosen tor an interesting LIFETIME CAREER presently open In the it road condition Gnome table and duh Dining morn nrileWritin desk TV net an old ï¬resterlieid and dim Gill Scales PLATE Vacuumciunerrie auteurran oat n1 novrr baht ruin More Servicemen BARRIE AREA Nut masom as aFlELD REPRESENTATIVE vmnre wow=w mu Bax mews wmwmzmm ï¬eï¬nm BEAUTY SALON mmmmvem of OP 53d agar Ins 1mg goal 003 in FOR is AUCTION SALES an mm new We °PS pZrIrrlJiiNTZiLnï¬NnwiIr Large Canadian FinanCIaI Institution an °°d umm mm aria MUSIC mechanical and electronic rar which stands M5 among wonw LEADERStnlLr new AUCTION SALE main our many other ar mm mm INSTRUCTlON with the most WW Only ANBIIIO MEN with CAREER azimuth may fflmï¬ryw 31 gm ï¬gment Id mm in mind win he considered es 25 to 45 preferred one cm ma 33 more moon 5i XI1th nAsic nanninariams The man selected wi be offered opportunities CONSEWANEY Recent grade 12 graduate 7th Avenue Oakvieqv Bead rm Law on on with Finest training Complete welfare OF MUSIC angoén good physical con maï¬iigrgaflgmmi at Crest Rard mar rrndmzum needed Excellent remunera gum danndangemon HINTFOKTHE are pleased to announce they tion With no manmum REMUNERAIlON BRIDE AND GROOIII ware store Sale at all household furniture rm Your thud than in very clean vulmlll0m doorxrglgl nod tins moor rim or term mom rim itM EnSI nlm no er run mon nmtrinfwmattdn kle is crrxv Biron spore mountain hr are rhod mudiiloll nndla tan brine lbprie fro2m Won lass rivA vAuxrrIu riust neu Immediatnry Imrnn rnr amend Phone motor Bent orlzr ms BUICK mrinnut blur door mutton automatic power Itflltnl no hum ndto brocrr Ind in no heat Ir um pin mow Kim Ill rottennil rem nrim one owner mm rm crrsv IMPALA door hard toriaszz vhnaiow mgfue wnlie win no or never and other urns Tellwhom new ritu pan TRUCKS FOR SALE WATIONAL mm to Snowstorm YIN ll Older Telemann HIM flméiglrwdrrliin for Miler lnlornrntkm Arno REPAIRS AIEXANnnns GARAGE Repairs done on cars trucks Lractors and farm machinery REAFDNAHLE RATES Concession 13 just oi Hwy 90 7258196 CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTSI PERSONALS MOTHS ARE PLOTIING to destroy your furs blankets woollens other winter valua bles Beat them to it Cali WRIGHT CLEANERS today Our cold humidity controlled ï¬reproof vaulu giva lull safety 7736531 in Baytield St Do You HAVE neer amb iem with your honor can mom or Real Errata vanroar MBYODMVOA problem and want Rely Illiona any ï¬rm moors 12mm sunmm everrind student Attendtril st Germ Camnus Unlvcflity or In makes ride to Toronto muggy ntIoWedrieSehyL 32011 car phone have extended their teaching program In include DRUMS Necessary starter uiuipment loaned to beginners Fully qual lliod teachers Free aptitude tests given in this home For further iulormalion call mom or 7786014 MUSIC MASTER OF CEREMONIE lor Bowling banquets nodding receptions parllm dances etc ROOKNOW Reasonabio rater Phono 7260618 alter pm lO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRL FRIDAY Clerksecretary capable of ac renting moonsibllitv tor gen eral insurance company Service oliice opening In Barrie in July Must be competent lyplst and accurate with lixures Gencral insurance experience Either with company or agency help ul but nnt essential challenging position with in4 tnresting permanent employ ment ldeal working conditions Attractive benefits Write fully stating age experi Ence marital status salary desired to BOX Clo BARRIE EXAMINER SALES CLERKS Mquired for lull time employ ment in ladies wear department day week also parttime help required to 10 pm Apply in person to Mrs Morri son TOWERS STORE Hayfield Street BARRIE mm needed for 5911 cleaning IS MS it Also some omer cook reievnnnzmemirs Fan HUMMER housekeeper rar 728IIRVLIIPIVIAIIII Liv in Toiephonl Housman ren or with school are ddldren mung September noun nan to mm Monday lhmultr Nd Telephone visaIna LADIES ma per hour Icrvteinn nuier nstonrern For interview warren mm COOKS Hm required mu ttrneI emigmednt Annirinin Blearraflmnesuuaant Emelilulstreat agreaner garmth Must be war war or to road into ab work in iiim minim rd etc State are and one to Box coo Blrria WE HAVE oumnunitv in the SIZES one DOUBLY SMART ny ANNE ADAMS Doubly beautiful The wonder lulhyiisnll belted Vneckdress puts on jacket and turns into suit for jaunts tar and near For knits linen Printed Pot em 4967 New Misses Sizes IO 11 14 iii Size 12 bush 34 dress yards 35inch jac ketfllr SIXTYFl CE NT 65 centa in coins nurta trips please loreabh pallern Ont nrlo residents still cents salca Burk and Win am for it vain bugJymetlnz tn pub or am am nint ti which in Incl Dim muslin Ind W11 Whflm For interview tele phone Blrr Gabriel MW TEACHERS WANTED snucon COUNTY IOSSDRONTIO TOWNSHIP AREA PUBLIC SCHOOL noAnn requires THREE QUALIFIED TEACHERS duties to norm menea September 1965 Kindergarten leacher$300 al lowance above schedule One senior teachor and halllime teacher SALARY SCHEDULE FOR 196869 level 1M600toSM00 Level $5000 to $7400 InvelaSslflototddno level $5400 to sum In applying please slate qual ilicauons experience age name and address or last in spector your address and phone numbers In RUTH HAW KENS SecretaryTreasurer RR ALLISTON Ontarior lastIint plainly arza NAME MME 3r FEMALE HELP ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER vSorrd ardcr toiANNE ADAMS cure of The Barrie Examiner nnunnun new or neural need en rnr yneirt club Mhuunl Must rn exoertorimd than order enex rnd willln to Tle DEPL 60 Front St armament Fm Torontnl Ontario SPRINGS NEW LOOK is soft pretty lemininelMako it your 11W look choose from over 100 styles in our new Spring Sum mer Pattern Catalog Get one pattern free clip coupon in Catalog Send sorcents at every wo Ind burn sud rnr free on In Home Research AI snotu Avm Tomlin ar TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7237414 NATIONAL REGISTER SlmrltiJJummmfIllimn EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED SALES SERVICE 126 Penetang St Barrie Ont salvage Sdflsgasjzézxdjlisza32 mus travelling chance his lite opportunity for time without capital promotion investment All inquiries will be given ve careful consideration Send jresume of yourself wh eh Willbe lield In the strictest confidence to Box C44 Barrie Examiner Level swoon perllo Love it $600M per Mo Level $100$800 Mr lilo home is sold JERRYOOUGHLI Watch for lull CASH For appointment IIIRS TAYLOR 7284195 lor farm and rotting nn tannin rnuiuunmrt Mint MiranMen BANKING smrznermemriewa In ooze onunmen rottruer Vltlanl Dobson Utwin éï¬hfflimflgiml fiille aee Iliudy lintuition an Telwhvn 437 um 12a gnaw in or ml It Ev can mi er 0X nxrxruxmm maroon Itltrlrcn no unin Imln 726 3591 mumm ALR men on mt lirlifllmlo Lean rélition yolan mulrco immediately Top wuss irnrtirandooounumbuntnnr Anmrlloria MAI2 lo nan or 716 mi nil it to rammétneluoraaWï¬m vlcu word ad rater gt Mr TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS any EXAMINER WANr ADS relmen rawre 11m mm Innsnmaana Al There ExtraLow Frieda Compare and Save From Canadas Top Makerl Comb Screen and Storm ALUMINUM mils roll iOOROLLS $1298 lOO ROLLS 9435 BAR POSTS 98¢ 36 GATES $1095 42 GATES $1275 Also For Fencing Good Seleeliorr of Cedar 4x4lx2x42x6 Comparennd Savell FREE PLANS All Material Lirledi Phul New Amman ITILIEW canine MIMI BAYSHORE 384 Sq Er s654i SHERWOOD 5605q Ft 897 FERNLEIGH 640qu Ft s1022 gt CARTIERHss SqFl 1176 $1251LTRENT 532 Sq Ft 1401J I4 DOORS $2245 Sizes Above Piua 30 70 Yr pm Filed Al Interlrlr Ta ï¬lm In JBEDNOOI SOALEO HOMES Elllll APPROX In or more $1647 Last Call Before increase llrermaiiirre INSULATION BAITS SOLb Cartonrl No Canada cannon NAILS masaswsns 26x96 PANELS 1495 iirnniili 3U $55 $5957 41 NM 5240 EACHII mu For Woodl Famous looh rourr PrestonTomi 53 PLASllt WATER PIPE 34 $782 3th IilIlIIOi Uiiiilliiii liarueiiri SEILenrnmrn Sane nAtLtlil Spullll 30 Coppuhllc Hill iriiiiiitirirrns 92 BEZ FINISHES Imian Cm TC Slnl Sn Shh IIIIIInE 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required our Urns lei rtudrnt nreremd Aoniy in person 72341492 Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for terriï¬c turnlture and an pliance bargains SERVICE DEAD on canrnap trouser cnmr noes ror 1nAya NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE mun anion DRY CLEANING snmr SERVICE STORAGE rrorn PRODFING WM RANKIN NUSERVICE CLEANERS mun FARM EQUIPMENT International SalesServimParls MILLER Hwy mason INSU RA NCE LifoAuloFirn Harry Prom no Berti miior LANDSCAPING SedansPlanting Pruning RIDGEWAY LANDSCAPING Ridge Ronii PRINTING 24 Hr Service on existing tornan etc COMMERUlAb PRINTING OFFSET LETTERPRESS Ion Au norm PRINTING NEEDS SIMCOE LlTHO 67 union mIm PLUMBING HEATING GLENBRAEJ Plumbing tr Heating 246 Sunnidaie mom SAND C7 GRAVEL Sand Slona All Sized CLIFFVARCOE LIMITED 71051 STONEMASON nmnrnaéns aAnnacunsf Puma amemnrrs nnrvzwusy SHANTY BAY STONECO 11 Hwy Amino TRAVEL SERVICE gt Moron concri rnira ru mrAWA MAY eoao NMGARA FALLS MAY 25 MANIA ms WORLD JUNE GREER TRAVELS LTD JZHML