out or THE PAST who were in the city to pro mote the nincday Klondike Days summer festival in Ed T0 DISBAND large crowd of Montrealr ers gathered Monday to sea Klondike Kate and Lt dancers Lutheran Haven Is Topic 0i Meeting At the regular meeting of the Mary Martha Socloty May is Fastor Joseph Molnor is dismis sed Lutheran Haven home or dependent children retired Lutherans and elderly people in need of care located in the small rural community at Sa vio Florida it is owned and Qt erated by the Synod oi Evnn clienl Lutheran Cbu clues women viewed slldcs they became aware oi the many ways in which they could be oi assistance lp titrligven lp iprmaliun pamphlets were vailable inventor utepnvilni as request had been made ioi support The president welcomed the to ladies in attendance follow ed by Psalm and the singing oi hymn accompanied by Mrs McConnell The hospital visiting commit tee reported that ive people had been visited arms the past month and Mrshetarnan Volunteered tn undertalre visit in responsibilities during the next month From May 1416 the ladies of Society served the Arsenic ton of Municipal Electrical Guys and Dolls in group oi iinquit unro dancers marked their clos party at the Hay lott St Vincent St Monday evening For this group the par ty was an end andd guisbegiï¬i nieatiwsen digllllidTEllFImBltly oi the wi on senor cu Belles in the felt there wli join the inlcriï¬cdlnlg gran or enter who wt mes ednorday evenings at the ayloit Dance loaders Lorne en gol tyHny were assisted by urolp brown in gelling tor the Monday night dance party guests in the seven sets at dancers included nliegibers oi Urillla square dance SPEClAL GUESTS at guests par wateihree couples tit the Beaux Bellesciug dwhlrz have cor sist iyathe sen engined no is 332d the Tentative newer dancers Mr and Mrs nns re made for tea and Ross niechmuqt preslllcnts pi spin tall and women were the Senihrtltihi Mr and hrr hcnnraged to bring handlgroits Albert Grain and Mn and hrs eachziuiure meeting Cbarles Lucas inflow WiWWmeni limb Following the evening of done was served by hostesses llirs tag luck Wm Mlle lira and hire Koch was rowed tTiie next meeting be held The party was New lit 29 WW will Pl event ior one couple Mr Riml htrs John Hoptun of Puget gt who will be leaving the clly in July to take up residence in England ngeeiva rigging ipornas any red on irom the classes oi slittanrc lilies Instruction were presenlgd to the iollowingz Ir an Mrs Livingston Glam tilities of Ontario VVDorraine Talks To WMS iMiss Dorraine Ross of freston Ontario was guest speaker at the May meeting at Womens Missionary Soc ety of Emmanuel Baptist Church Miss loss is graduate oi the hltlrsing chool oi Welles ey Hosaial Toronto and oi loody Bible Institute Chicago or number oi yea she has gen associated with no Attica vangeiical Fellowship Mission cc Zambia in Central Place it rtcantli VSlitd slalxddllldrensio ronto Alert and interested in tile mwfihrn liver pie er in we and ti Filtiiil Hub lllrec registered nurses who arc gtathned at the hos pltal there work with about too people day including over 150 bed patients They have train and are lralning many more of native women to become pd lliese are periorm reg nccdcd service 1The hiss on operates day school tor about 400 young girls The Mine people who eteeni sLa are very snpecgtlliolls gads aile poor to YEW esgity alyisï¬lelise eigengsivély Idiottut slides of tits in Zambia and the hospital work at Mulr ge were with none on by the speaker lilss Rosswas introduced by Iris no 12 innpav an no wressed ap predation oi the lVii on to in pass or teï¬sttqï¬ address it Hilltop 151g oriyiiii rs eera gave lllg at it citife the law£333 iF hv ggumbg oi the ladle mire septh lqylillss toss Reiresh enis gnawed with time of ws Ruion hoops sweet AND owning szrrrsrme TO GIVE COMM 491F51le ltaxiylor inst rm tnyaï¬omon lholip masher been author ieedlby the Vatican to give corn menion it wasannouncedhere chsdqlt Tito ï¬lliilfllllailon al ready granted to some nuns in linealshort areas at Latin crlcq Alileaand other parts tllevell was granted other Mercedes superior or hogpiial lop tubereninl children Bulk Wiéners as liiiuï¬Ã© portly dosiisiyieï¬ by tire earlier this Wilda ently with ashow vt sci uglier the slogan ï¬r tiling Guys and Doug Finale Marked and Mrs John tow raises Einllliiiihi ViES MEAT Minuet BARRIE Ready toilet items Round Steak Roasts BACON sorcmilzme in NO EXTRACHARGEV Short Roasts E7 Hinds qusl ow lrnpwn Ind Mrs Gordon Nmoham Mr and Mn John Rodgers Mrs June HIM15¢ tale and Bruce its The pres out also Introduer the secretary trcqrnrer itlo Robinson and club pru Frank Vyse as Stephen is aim dit ector oi the Ontario loll ISM iolion Retercncc was rm brighten to tuture dispos on at the present course on Sunnind lload and possibilities oi developing the new location on St Vincent St NEW limmeRE Although not all were present new residenl members were introduced some are tormeri members returning this roan son Drr Atkins Mr and Mrs ill thlnsen Baldwin Charles Dcesley Mrs titled ilrs Mr and Mrs Ga pron Donald ll Chit uck to Count ward Dobshy Mr on Mrs Mrs Margaret Geasnn hlr on Mrs Goo bend Mrs Gloria Graham Mrs Margaret Gray William llnrgrgivu Franklin Hersey blrr Mur icl Hillier Charles Mombasa Mrs Gladys nsen Seymonr is loner old bar lrs Stephvi monton Six oi the dancers diipluy their talents al Mont repln Plano Villa Maria Plaza liopioo Mr and Mrs Ron liar bottle Mr endlii Willa Mr and Mrs Jo Mr and Mrs Oriel Alon and Mrs Geoli lpilng and Mr and Mrs Lawrence vagins snob Mr and Mrs 31 gt TO WED AT COLLIER UNITED The engagement oi Joan Lannl daughter of Mrs George Bridger of Barrie to Arthur Allison Jacknian in flickering by to mm elrst tile 50 if and hi rt Torontiis Oglilir Sttliltllierl Church Barrie will be the oitln fo th to bride illeddllig Jilin £5 qei nioill bride oclock Photo by qt center trtoea Egzea qRDERï¬ FOR WMPWNE are ET zero Mike Widdrlngtoe 72864i it Palmer lam Mar Mm Margaret Sarlunt Doo nid Spencer Mr and Mrs Thompson Dennis Wein Joseph Whelsn Mr rd Williams Ronald son Murray Wiltse mm in Non midget Willlpm lain re workhoon ti itemi an Gr eon Siewrt birds Ewe Non £er by Ina member Doe it Comp ENOAGEMENI The engagement oi Miss Marlo Evelyn Smith to William Mil icr son at Mr and Mr William Miller at Vermont it been announced der clects parenir lllr not Eugene Emlth oi too The marriage will take place in st Augustines it Catholic Church Vancouver on Mar 31 at oclock GOLDEN WEDDING On the occaiion in their 50th wedding anniversary June Mr and Mrs Arthur Davies oi Diego California will be guerts oi honor at on open house rclt caption commencing at pm at the Grove St residence oi their soniniow and daughter Mr and Mn George intone Outotcity gums will include the eeiehronts son and daughterin law Mr and Mrs Robert vles and son David oi lo ltn poles Calilornle as well as their son and daughterindent trons Lively Ontario Mr and Mrs Bruce Davies rancnens honoree Miss Flor than or Miss die ow retinal err so at tori given by on hostesses Miss Doris Kcariis Mrs All in party was to Saturday Honour and ammo at the home limited ï¬nite Ilve Over filoan looted to ten and extended beat rs av Foster and Miss Dorollw film tint on em mains idslii an men doll mil mm WM roomshsorloeoif it flew other errors iiwuthil into it is old mo tool ed Will whit IODE To iiootet Visiting Students EDMONTON CF and has been fortunate locaavo Lunchlot this oxident unrcist that as ago noun rel imperial OrderEr Bannister the Empire was told niesday Mrs Hutchinson of To min more bars at Comm wealth rotations iary told about 300 mom the ordare national meeUng that Canadians have prime duty to help students vie tting from other countriee The mceuog approved reso lution to oilpr $1690 seboln ship to student from the vcrrity oi the West indies tor work toward master oi arts degree at Canadioii unlverslty during 19681969 Earlier Mrs hgn it trencl 551mi isolated moi at him Port Credit 0nt ncat on see retary said $102131 was spent tor ed ltppal services other it arshiltiifl 1967 gt prpvlncer How school nmalaq lion but there ore stlii rm school and new schools ironing to hill ll be oi ii iii in lhiiDlRS Preion Elopemeni To Double wedding mannhovloleed the whet ems ovate secretary Mr loot company flame in niiiimmmmm iollilmi never new one monomer postulatith viii ll small arr will inilothlpe in to ion on terrth in not so on new lion loi in ea it my centre lit at drivers at it will iiuprowt J19 or me town on in wool on minor two erasing ht pal Wle some rim to oval em to not ion up mate rupr under ladder When salt and pepper to no it an ioiiii it her and diluippm the in slum tones Viwiiioii in we til mm ï¬nin ovei bit on should econ he pp up on it but me or 5th mo tzi mine were remain or comment team was on tho no flow ï¬tlliilelttl not ed is Last night we were walking insi it world iii parlance tor uiniall down the street and Aaron was total not to step on crack was not pleased but usually he apes Nope with what more Into cause it would break hLi mom hark til moths ed ya year pa you to this levitate an tiutt lope unstable min or is unknowns it hilltopu near Geraldine Supersti on make my mm 59 it bears no relation to stabliiiyor mghi 5° intelligence From your descrlplt hearislck lm ready to call off mama the wooden And stripeGun Conï¬dential to him Advan fused on Dear Girl bride shmrid not 01 0m on WM raised these vegetables Your have to share the sEotllgbt with mm mm thud are elimiilnfliy will be techie tho have with your dammit In ask never ad to accept any respon io speak to your mother li riblllty Your husband is preto your Iinothci wants to re morry your lather tor scntl Em Iowan an as ye unlit lots the megioi rental illaqtiiflllihd do on crowni up on are and 0H WWW ii hippitoio ï¬elder clinics Fashion fabrics lasth THE QRiGlNAL MAMOTiiQï¬g REMNANTTABLE Dioelrycnri Dress Materiel End All Going Ar no no SEMIANNUAL MW e37 lonesome DeniiVticbisoppointed Get Here Early mm one tension wiles arrow at room and Astorsrpen wooiwooruo patent