Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1968, p. 4

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on iiarritfizxatnincrg Walla Publisher McPhomn MAIIIinK Editor William Teller Genorcl Manuel WEDNESDAY IlAh ill PAGBI AFTER You MY DEAR GASTON THEY WERENT SO POLITE GOING UP mmmnmn suffered too my mother lost two bro thm inthc Secdnd World War but where would England have been without Canadians of all origin it wasnt hut British subjects who went to Englands aid Vol unteers were French Pollrh iswldlih and even people from German descent who wereihen lCanadltn andthe many other nationalilleathlt make up our great country who went Canadians to fight for free dom of Canada and the world Canada is no longer British colony it is country in its own rights and has prominent position in the world today it is time all Canadian developed netlonalpride and realized wasnt one nationality Ihll built this land of ourr but many There have been many great Frenchmen who helped to build zmmmmnmmum Speaker Seeks Election As NonParty Candidate The decision of Commons speaker Lamoureux to seek reelection to parliaj ment as nonparty candidatemay pave the way for legislation establishing continuing Speaker While the proposal to permit Speaker 4t0carrylng an immune 1nexthas een talked but for several years parliament never got around to drafting or passing the necessary legis laiion The Oshawa Times notes that Mr Lamoureux who has represented the rid ing of Sturmont in East Ontario feels his constituents have not suffered from the fact he was the nonpartisan presid ing officer Indeed there is evidence that in terms of persuading cabinet nunisters to take care of his ridings problems he has been more successful than many backbcnchers But it is also generally agreed that the voters and the party organization in CStormont now known as StormontDun das should not be asked to adopt non partisan role indefinitely the Times jcontinues The organizations want to put up their own candidates to support ithe national policiesof their parties and leaders And it was clearly understood lthaLthe present arrangement would be binding on the Conservatives for this el ection only There are no commitments to give Mr Lamoureux an acclamation shouldhe run in the election after this This knowledge should stimulate ac tion to find another means whereby the Speaker can become truly nonpartirr jsan member elected to the Commons only by theother264 MPswho are chos Down 15 YEARS AGO lN TOWN BarrieExaminer May 29 was Tor hadohit0ntario last night leaving tra of destruction in SarniaLondon area Some damage done by high winds around Barrie Sea Cadets inspected by Lt Cdr With RON Local officers Lt LorneMcGibbon1 COltev ilames Ferguson chaplain uh LtBob Cunningham executive officer Sub Lts Charles Scotty Taylor Murray Veitchg James Ward Pu iisoi Barri Dance revue Can it apers at colle giate auditorium directed by Misses Lola hose and Terry Johnson Orchestra conu sisted of Elizabeth Wildman pianist Bob Livingston trombqnef Jack Mathieson bass violin Barrie Citizens Band uir ected by Joe McNelllie won si er ip at Grey ountymusic festival held at Mean ford GNB museum train arrived at Allan drew more than 6000 people firstda At official opening number of local girls appeared dressed in costumes of 100 years ago Town Council and Chamber of Commerce arrangediunch can for CNRNparty at The Studio cod rington St ayor James WAHart sided Murdle Campbellof General fElectric won Dixie Corbett Mem iirophy for rollinghighavcrage ng eason at Barrie Bowling League Barrie ilannin vvonitehmtrophy Members were Jack Garvin Ray BurgessSid wood parliament to the en in the traditional votes Mr Lamoureux will not be opposed by PC candidate in his ridin of Stor montDundas but an NDP candidate 2+ yearold social worker Timothy Wees will run againsthimMr Lamoureux is as sured of election but the NDP refusal to withdraw its candidate is logical the News Chronicle of Port Arthur believes Mr Douglas says his party will not agree to depriving the people of Star montDundas of theirfranchise which would be the case if thepermanent speak er were to run there election after elecA tion without opposition There is how ever remedy for this situation the writer suggests If Mr Lamoureux is elected he cauld be chosen as permanent spea when Commons assembles Before the next el ection is held special constituency could he created for him by fact of Par liament This could be Parliament Hill itself where nobody lives therefore no body wouldlase his votelhe Speaker could be nominated in the regular way in the Parliament Hill constituency and then when nobody else was nominated he could be declared elected by accla mation Having to rpresent riding and still preside over the often tangled affairs of the Commons without taking any semv blance of apolitical position is an ex tremely difficult task The pointment of permanent Speaker wit adding all of his own that would make him re sponsible to no constituents offers prac tical solution way in national ward George Greenside Graydon Camp bell Fred Greenhalgh Vic LeGear Harry Kerr Capt GS of lnnisfil Notes left for Lon England to attend Cor onation of Queen Elizabethli Senior softball will return to Queens Park this season with William Garner chosen lea gue president Gord Brown vice3president Bi Noble secretary su ceded Roy Christie as coach Bar riebaseballcluh which will play in north group of South SimeoeLeagueu tching staff consists of righthanders Bill and Jack Lackie southpaws Bruce Sv nott and Neil Hurtibese Butlerson of Mr and Mr acts Butler Barrie chosen as one of 24 Boy Scouts from Canadato attend Jamboree in Cal ifornia July 1723 ll nt in Chamber of ldeclaredJune on can holida graduates of pital awardedriife memh Alumnae an gtsh William IieLdElma1e Campbell atham Mrs Torgnto rMisst Dorcas MCL Scott Newton George Bouchey Elson Ronald Mijs Evyllna Kine oyal Victora llo this Country such as Gov Gen Vanlcr Sli Wilfrid Laurier and St Laurcnt QUEENS PARK wonderful Youre indy Mrs Smith 50 Cormiil lid Palaswick KHAN HAY INDGE Dear sir read with some interest latter in recent issue of your paper This letter wmpleined about the location of proposed bridge over the railway on than be ly Bay Road The proposal more in me ltlo thoumuu approprl on aquln ty valuable land when another lo cation further east Would not We do desperately need strong reinfoer guards It each side oi road approaching the present bridge on Shah Bay Road Three lives have en lost here over short time These at attaches should and must he re ilt It once The county coun cil reyr it is the rnilwnys busi ness and the railway does nolht ingSo WILSON The Woods Shanty Boy Praises Legislation 0n Lower Courts By DON OllEARN mnomo They talk of doctors and sclcnllsts not being able to agree with each other Here we may be seeing that lawyers may outdo them all No of Die brightest men in the house are Elmer ha of Sudhury and James in rook of Sarnin Both are really exceptionally bright Bolhare good lawyers Their opinions when voiced scorn sound Both are Liberals And they can end up Just about as daily opposed to each other as you mind possibly get BILL IN COMMITTEE The house put the bill to set up povincinl courts codprovln clol hinges through committee stage Tire bill will do away with magistrates making them all judges in future And it will also considerably upgrade the quality of the lowcrcouris One of the points ebated was what should happen to those men on the benchnow who are laymenwho arent tr in lawyers Mr all rook said there should be no more of titemAt least not in the handling of criminal cases ARGUED EVPECTXVELY He argued mos effect The utoiiiegcneral he had ensured that nobody would he iilllll legl counsel through his legal aid plan Jut nsw he would have it that an accused couldnt have the proiccllnn of being judged by man trained in the law He was indignanl Then came Mr Sopha He too was indignant some of the best magistrates we had he said were laymen Training in Lra law didnt nec essarily endow those qualities necessary for wise Justice Whats more the attorneygen erai he declared was asking him to approve to enter into wholesale firing of magistrates and this he refused to do Which would seem to leave at least one moral that you had better lihd out Just which way your lawyer thinks before you hire him This new actseems to be fine progressive piece of law it really should upgrade the lower courts Perhaps most importantly of WW Elite bottle Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class all it establishes judicial coun oil which will first scrutinile up pointmellts and then will have the gone to review and there curb the activities of lower court Judges This should result in more pubhccordldence in our local courts And in at least some areas of the province this ll needed SIGN AGREEMENT italy and South Yemen have signed an agreement for eco nomic and technical coopera tinn aimed at increasing mutunl trade and giving itoly larger role in developing Yemenite rev IOHICBI Inrsnrnrrinc THE News Australian Premier Milled oi Censulted Bombing Curb WASHINGTON CPlAs Prrsillen Johnson with Ham boynt disrecrrd for protocol hescned to We and dine virile to Prime Min ster John Gorinn nstralia his countrymen at homc were repnrled increas ingly concerned about what might come out or the two had ers private consultations in the days when London was the major port of call the Aus tralians had word ior ii To be duchessed was their way of conveying the idea that lenders who returned defending brilirh policy toward Australia instead of the other way around had been overwhelmed by the social glitter oi the British elite Still it is unlikely that Go ton tough Second World War pilot will be swept off his feet by the Johnson enthusiasm which led to the Gortons being guests aboard thepresidcntlal yacht 20 hours before Mondays scheduled redcarpet welcome at the White House Nor is it likely he will return home as did his predecessor the late Herold Holt proclaim ing all the way with LBJa slogan that aroused considera ble heat in Australia where up position to the Vietnam war al though less volatlle is almost as widespread as it is in the NEAR cnossiwnns To many observers Australi now is on the edge of an impo tant crossroads withils foreign and defence policiest toward matter Post officaDepsrl rnent Ottawa and for pay meat of tagc in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Single copies 10c By mail Barrie $500 yearly Dntarlc $1200 year motor throwaoii 515 year Mail on side Ontario SM year Dut side Canada British posses sions 315 year USA and foreigo 532 year National Advertising Offices 425 Universitylhvenue anon to M0 Cathcart St Mon trc Member nftlie Canadia Daily Newspaper Publishers Associaiion the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Chculntions ex clutively entitled to the on for republication oi all news dispatches in thispoper credt ited tolt orThe Associated Presriorficuters and alto the published lion on thee Mark how for shouldgo booming and London influence no longer matter of concern in Australian afiairs newfecling of confidence andindependence seems to be sweoplng the land Many Australians are anxious that pressure from London not be replaced by new pressure from Washington Still Australia is country of £131an THOUGHT nolhut saith unto him Go horrid tin thyirlendr and tell them how mat things the Lord hath done Ah hath ha compar Have you taken the opportun tity lately to tellwhat He has done for you Can you act lly hinlr oleuything that you one for inasmuch as ye lhnve done it hate on of ihe Jessi of these ya have done it Liberal Autism snort Central Provinces Voting Battleground lg YANG mcaouou drawnm blueprints the election prepared in and if om strum can he regards either the decisive areas or the major iuun Reactions picked up at this early clue in party headqu ton in Ottawa range from rea soned qrtlrnlsm It the New Democrat lo mums the word with the Liberals am not playing the num nm Senator John Ni chol all campaign their man declared wireiy wont talk about the numbers of reatr until election day We will iight hard in every rldiot but am not rpecuiltlng on the out come Three blocks away from ihe Liberal heldquhflerr the voice oi the NDP had thir to ray We will make some gain but there is great number of imp onderahles in this election espe cloily on the Prairies Thl only iirm conviction have as yet is that hIeIre is no possibility of men it any party Clifford Section the NDP campaign organizer expects his party to hold the seal it had in the lust Parliament and add low in British Columbia and Oninrlo it should make brookthrough in the Montreal area where the partys vice presideni Laurlcr widely remembered an In inter lnculor oi the TV program Seven Days is given good chance of beating the incumbent The screamingmecmy scenes provoked by the prime minister dont impress NDP workers and comparison is drawn with the similar uproors provoked by the Beatles Imong theteeny boppers of Britain and 115 CI nadians mature enough to vote they sayregard this as good TV entertainment but not mark of the responsible states manship expected in govern ment TWO FACES in ND eyes the Prairies could he the most interesting battleground Saskatchewan lo instance wears two political laces All its l7 seats in the last linusa of Commons were held by Conrcrvallves yet in the last provincial election that party only 12000000 population and Southeast Asia is turbulent anss where she cannot hope to exercise any substantive inllul ence except within the Austrae lieNew ZealandJJnited States defence alliancedominated of course by the us PM WAS ltlIFFED When Johnson made his sur prise announcement thal he was curtailing the bombing of North Vietnam in bid for prelimi nary pence talks now in pro gross in Paris Gorlon conceded in television speech that Ause tralla had been advised of the American movenot consulted He left no doubt that he was rnilfed Soon after that Johnson extended the invitation to Wash ington one of Gortons main prob lcms in assessing us future policy in Southeast Asia is the fact there will he new man in the while House next year He hasexplessed interest in talks with as many of the presidential candidates as possible Presurahly Johnson will as sure Gorton that the terms of the threecountry alliance will remain policy no matter who is president For ihepublic record Gorton so for has said he wants to draw Australia and the United States even closer together But as one pundit has put it this could be interpreted as meaning about 95 per cent of the way withLEJ gt it new rilli rm or HELD oven TONIGHT esoawuetu vn nu cent for ihe NDP small awiogcouhlcinlheNanuny cells hearth in in mm cPrIiriaa thin BInIthrnimeotlrnotm tinting ForinnncrOniario has Conservative provincial flvetnmenldoi mil to election llrtledeul with concern Union Nluonelr provincial gov ernment Murncd Liberals from it 15 federal rldlnu Conservative workerl are len airid or going oui on limb with their cryriai balL One spokemun admitted to rm that the fluid plcture had changed in the past week but now smell the likelihood that hir party may win minority victory Going acrosl the count he is confident that Bob Sianfielde Nova Sculls background will hold the lion in the Atlantic all in the Elsa HELD OVER including it PR MindinNMoundlmd are so olitr ritual415 an ARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE provinces with perhaps tingle New Brunswick nulnhlnz one loss in REL and one olhniiniod seat Scotia The West will hire rennin dominantly Coo firstlve it rm possible rin Victoria Ind third in Manitoba Alber ur two new scan will almost balance the elimination of four out In the Saskatchewan Mlle lrlbotlon The real battleground this Comervotlm spokesman pre dicts will be the central pm lhces Hi1 party should add is to their previous 24 um In Ore torio and is to their prevlotu in Quebec llia armament courageous but necessarily fluid at thlr alrlycllgr his the Stanfield led national eel out in front of Trudesur redominanil rreochcamdirn rel party VSPECIAI CHILDRENS MATINEE Eillililiiillillio Joby Elliott Win It uraniumstunner 1° TIL FRIDAY BREAKING AL RECORDS WINNER 0F EAGADEMVAWAHDS BEST PICTURE or rue venn BESIAETDMDI STElliEli arsrrnmornnrnrnnwsnn rtsrstrtgpguysnrunosu irulnt ncumscroonoumnnh SIDNEY PUITIEB HUD STEIGEH ilNE NOWJEWISONWALTER MiRlSCli PRDDpClIDli INllElEiiliJFllE morn snow men urn In tron STIRLING SiLliPHANT omuNURMANJEWISON rotosnnni WM wruuwnscn

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