Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1968, p. 3

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DOYS track scoodltlcldl cham pions at North egta were presented with trophies during ensure Halonmy leIt Joni girls track and field champion at Barrie North Collegiate and intermediate champion shar sermon girls track and field champion Sisan Murphy poses with James Greenhalgh who made the presentatio Th and Kennedy Contractors of Barrie have been given the mechanical and electrical con tract for the new addition to Al kindaIe Heights Public School The Barrie Public School Board last night accepted their con tract for $65401 CONGRATULATIONS letter of congratulation from Barrie City Council to the Barrie Public School Board for providing quality education economicall was read at their meeting last ht The Mayor and alderman told the Board they were pleased to accept their mill rate for 1060 3v not ems The managementand educa tion committee headed by Tru tee Thelma Coekburn has rec ommended that grant of $100 he made to the Royal Ontario Museum The ROM has asked all Ontario educational institu lions fortgrants since it came independent of the Univer ty of Toronto chromosome The enrolment in the nine public schools in Barrie num bered 4011 pupils at the end of An This an increase oi iii lpupilspver April at tool so is scheduled for Tuosttéyluoe an assembly at the school to day Posing with their awards are junior Harry Morrison hora Keith admire their tro phies with guest speaker Wil ilam Fowler director of phys ical education at McMaster University trophies were presented during an assenle yesterday morn ing in the auditorium Exam iner Photos scoOot Boson Borers AWARDED comma WRITE EXAMS it was also recommended by the management and education committee that the policy of per mltting teachers to write univer sity examinations during school hours without loss of pay be ap proved senior Dave Cunningham and lntcrmcdlate Dale Mldwood No Negligence Ruled In Death TOBIONTO CP core nets jury Tuesday ruled that acre property on 25 Will as Group To Raise Money For Golf Club Aid Dorian Parker plans to spearhead cltlunx corned tee to raise tends to buy the Barrie Gollctlflob propcrtcu day aim ty Cots as would not alter to the 7D als ltd Ald Parker who nitl she didnt think the entire 10 acres should be set aside tor land has urged interested title sens and service clubs to loin the committee to raise enough money by public stdoscrlption to Web the land She said that the city was putting the dollar ahead of mm ID MC in few years well have to go to the townships and btw land for park she said Ald Parker cited Torontos High Park and Riverdlle Park as ideal examples of what could be done with public land She said Barrie could have minor The Barrie area will be cloudy tonight with showers ex pected again tomorrow The temperature at the Barrie Ex aminer at noon was 51 degrees The ovemight low will be 45 with high tomorrow of 55 synopsis cloudiness will per alst over southern Ontario with widespread showers today snd isolated showers likely Thurs day across the upper lakes Further north the fine sunny weather prevails over those re gions since Sunday will con tinue London Windsor Hamilton Toronto Lake St Clair Loire Erie Lake Huron Niagara Southern Georgian Bay Cloudy will occasional showers today Mostly cloudy with chance oi few showers Thursday Contin uing cool Winds easterly is to Sault Ste Merle North Bay Sudhury Algoma White River Northern Georgian Bay Mostly cloudy with chance of few staff of the Northwestern God are Hospital was not negligent in the death of diahettc patient Mrs Fay Michell 47 of Toronto Mrs Mlcheli died April it after day and night of pain and nausea but the jury was unable to determine cause of death Dr Bernard Liebel said he believed heart attack caused the death but the patients se vere diabetic attack shortly be fore her death was contribut ing factor The inquest was held on re quest irom Mrs Michelis hus band Edward who said he felt his wife had not received ade quate care New PubliShing Company Launched TORONTO CF new book publishing and distribution company The Hamlyn Publish ing Group Canada Ltd was launched Tuesday The company has been formed by Thomas Allen and Son Ltd Toronto publishers and distributors and the Ham lyn Publishing Group of London Britains largest book publish ing organization and part of the international Publishing Corp The principal role of the com pany will be to distribute thro ughout Canada books published by the Hamlyn Group The Eritish firm sells about 35000000 books annually Paul Hamlyn chairman of the Hamlyn Group said the com pany will have an annual turn over of more than $500000 with in few years TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Candidate May ithdraw Name But He Loses it acandidate wishes to with draw from the federal election he must do so not later than Yam Thursday June to by fill ings signed written declara tionwith the returning oliicer This action takes his name off the ballot but he forfeits his $200 deposit The deposit is given when candidate ao nounces hisvintention to run in riding Nomination deadline is Mom day June 10 at2 pm local standard time in 243 ridings and nominations close they 27 at pm in 21 large scattered rid ings Advance voting takes place Saturday June 15 and Monday June Voting hours both days are from am to pm local stgndard lime General voting szon Deposit 25 from am to pn1 local standard time Deputy returning ofticera are supposed to wait until pm local standard time on general election night June 25 to start counting advance poll ballots In the last general election in 1066 adeputy returning officer in St Eleanor PEt counted ballots earlytandlost his tee Post ofttcesin all ridings will avs notice givlog the loca tloosoi the advance polling sta tions Another way to iind out is by calling die committea roomsof aipolltlcni party Location of the advance poll of givenpolllngdlviaioo in the an arcasls provided in the prellrrilnoryhllat of voters that will be in tho snail by June Aboutioooooperfons mora tun light showers today and Thurs day Ltttle change in tempera ture Winds easterly 15 Temagami Cochrane West Mllr Bread to ise in Barrie Barrie residents will be paying more for their milk and bread within the next few days HW ever theyll not be paying as much tor milk as shoppers in some other urban centres in the province Willard Kiozie operator of Lakcview Dairy in Harrie said that the price increase of cent per quart is half that of other areas such as London Were attempting to take care of ris ing labor costs and other an penses without increasing the consumer price unduly We think we can do it Mel Smith at Smith Farm Dairy in Barrie was unavailable for comment Recent price increases of two cents quart in the Toronto Hamiiton area are not expected to push Georgian Bay area re tail prices over the stated one cent quart increase This means dratthreequart jug milk will sell at 10 cents out oi stores and the halfgallon will go up by one or two cents These paokages according to dairy spokesmen represent 90 per cent of fluid mills sales By products such aschocolate and buttermilkyslrhnrmillr and other preparations will also increase in price by one cent per quart BREAD Directions ent matter Stores in the Barrie area report that recent whole sale price increases announced by Weston Bakeries in Toronto will be entirely passed on to the consumer The Mounca Meal tyme and Lunchbox brand loaves sold by Weston will go up two cents lost in polythenewrap and one cent lost in bags The Wand soceot brands will remain thesame Weston said the increases to go into effect next Monday stem from rising costs General Bakeries brands said decision will be made in few days on whether to raise prices Canada Bread makers of Toast master said price increases on some brands are almost no avoidablebecause of higher costs spokesman for uClillSiie brown and Co Ltd said were in the same tlon as all the bakeries with reasing costs than onepcr cent of the elec torate may vote early this Lake Ontario llallburto Buthread prices are differ in st hwrcnceCentre at the Artsonfllmidaiefludandll someotlonedaocnirelorsem ioruttsens AldPIrhraaidthsthylm thePerksundltecreatlooCoua mission maypurchasepartd theiand lrealiseourllnenctaisitur park tionlagrlmbutitweputour heads iogcthe and get interest ed citizens ujrviee chug mating on pro cct per We can save the land from dev elopers she said Mrs Parker said she had been approached by represents tlvu from the Brenton Held Naturalists Cltlb city musical associationsihaoddyouth about purchasing course She said anyone lntcmtedin loiniug committee which would meet with Barrie Golf Club Ltd officials should con tact her an ivsws THE HARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 18 DISTRICT WEATHER Morer Showers For Thursday ern James Bay Sunny with few cloudy periods today and Thursday Not much change in temperatures Winds light Ottawa Cloudy with some sunny periods today few showers this altornoou and log ntght Thursday mainly cloudy with showers Warm Light winds Montreal Sunny and warm today Increasing cloudiness to night Thursday mainly cloudy with few showers and condu uing warm Light winds Forecast temperature Low overnight high Thursday Windsor ease St Catharines Tomato Peterborough Kingston Trenton Kiilaloa Muskoira North Bay Sudhury Earlton Sault Ste Marie Kapuskesing White River Moosonee Tlmmins Owen Soon 3533833 gaaéaaaggassnrwgsaaaaaaa 11 arena Spry Chapter Held Assembly Masonic Hall Spring Assembly of Spry Chap ter ofriiose CroixrScottish Rite was heldat Barrie Masonic Temple last week Presidan was the new Most Wise Sovereign the Valley ofBarrle Illus trious BrotherRayo hop Degree work from the 15th to the iathwas carried out in ef ficient mannerwby teams from Driliia and Barrie There were z5candidates The banquet was held arse Andrews Church lecture hall Mainspeaker was Iilustrious Erothcr Rogers of Harn iiton an active member ofrthe SupremeCouncil of Scottish Rite Masonry Officers duly eiecte for loss of Spry Chapter Ray Bishop MWS James Wilson 1st General Magee 2nd General Armstrong Pre late Levering Raphael liars Miller rand Mar shel Donald Tooling Regis trar Roy Christie Treasur Eldon Greer Alanoner Lloyd nilford organls Marshall Captain oar William LintonCaptaio Ar nold Clements step to Ma sonic Temple Oo anstees Alilso Chittlck Tupllng it Christie Col And partmont for ERNIE BARNESHAS TCLEDTO WORK F0 ALMOST HALFCENTURY Hes FSeen Many Changes In 60 Yearsv As Printer Veteran Barrie Examiner emA ployce Ernie Barnes who re tires June after 60 years on the lob has seen greotchauges in the printing trade since he began his apprenticeship One oi the big handicaps when Mr Barnes was first at work in the press room was the press itself it was not autom atic and bad to be fed hand it was flat bed whlc print ed one page at time instead of running all pages continu ously from roll oi newsprint We were always short of materials is the earlydaya he said especially after trans ferred to the advertising com COUNCIL nous $90000AddifiotApnoea For llllafndale HeightsSchool The first charge against Bar rics 1968 capitalbudget quota additions to Aliaodale Heights Public School has been approv ed by the Ontario Municipal Board The additions two added class room wings will cost $90000 Council decided lodelete the cost of new public school in the Cundlcs area 5450000 from the 1968 capitaltbudget to help bring the budget in line with the OMB calling at $1000000 for the citys capital program POLICE DEPARTMENT Barrie Floor and Wall Tile Co Ltd will supply and install floor tile in the general office of the gauge department ata costot sssassiranr nsrsnmnur Alexander Construction Co will soundproof thegrapho type room in the assessment de sass council de eidedeondayr canoe tiresome meeting of zone three of the Georgian Daylteglonaerevelop ment Council will be held at the Continentatlnn May 30 it was anifiunced in council VMohday mg Vllnited Kin position department was our big problem We had lino Th type machines to cut normal size letters but for ads really large case figures are needed This was our maior handicap But now automatic equipment has made our tab is ten times easier Mr Barnes employment with The Examiner was broken by military service inEurope dur ing the First World War On his return to Canada in 1910 ha worked in the Colilngwood shlplt yards steel concern in Tore onto and for short time on the railway line section ianar rte HXED AWNINGS Council has decided to raise the minimum height of fixed swhtngs in the Central business District toelgbt feet one concurrence Threememhers of the City De vvelopment Committee as yet unnamed have been authorised to attend the annual housing cone ferance oithc Ontario Housing Corporation dtthe University of Waterloo August 25 and REPRESENT QTY Aid Fred Smithwill represent the city at the oilicialopenin oi the animal shelter built by the Barrieand District Branch 3f the Ontario HurnanaSoelety use gt yore FOB harbour EDINBURGH cs The in fluential General Assembly of theChurchof Scotland voted ov erwbelmlngly Tuesday forVScot tlsh selfgovernment Heedless of spirited protestiindged bya visiting Canadian churchman the Presbyterian assembly called for an effective form of selfgovernment in Sc otlan it within the framework of the gdorn Since rclurning to work at Examiner in 1920 Mr Barnes has ridden bicycle to work oirnostevcry day There was time when had car not much as cars go todn but it was lot oi fun stiilyprc fer the bicycle though Now grandfather of six Mr Barnes met his wife the form er Edith Lawtn Barrie in ms lhcy were married in June 1926 Mr Barnes 75 says he is glad to be retiring as she has been after me for some time to finish and have rest He will have plenty of things to occupy his spare time crack shot he gave up hunting some time ago and took up tar get shooting He says he got lot of cn ioyment from roaming the woods whcn he was younger al though he hasnt been out as much lately as he would liketn have been lll start right where left off though says People wonderbow ican walk the same stretch of woods over and over again without getting bored but no matter how many times go itsnever the same twice firmed Forces Day lit Borden Set For Iune nemir proof quarters of Canadas troops living in the Arctic will be among the Arm ed Forces Day display at Camp Bordendune The Arctic display will form only one part of many itemsrof modern military equipment on show for the camps annual open house Life saving equipment will be suspended in midair by parachute drifting down and landingronly a1 short distance from spectators and troops will demonstrate para landing techniques as part of the sched uled airshow Children haveuit been forgot ten They will be treated to rides on military vehicles Live demonstrations are scheduled between pm and pm Statlc displays will be on view until pm everydayromances or jiiiYCllS 1F 00 rnssu Po Kilrocus PEAMEALJaAcoN SMALL LINK PORK SAUSAGE rBuyonolbget one lb tree CHOICE FAB BEEFLIVER COLEMAN CHICKEN MACARONI Cr LOAF Che leefFro CIoic Bee as Choice Beet Hamburg Patties couNrsY STYLE sausas Groceri $10000rdersanrl Over monitors armour Kercuur YOltK CANNEDBOLOGNA COLEMAN sotosNA WHOLE on HALF for 95¢ 12 osftinBSo 25 lb 9519 on

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