Early Slimmer Savings peeial SPEClALleoH REDUCED CAMPERg AMFM Radio 3988 BATTERIES Batteries Hand lantern over soloo Regular Eah FOR Raéularufla Powerful angugose lantern with red flasher and sealedin battery sound must complete mu shortwave band Your reflector poly case with waterproof head even AC plug 11 card for home llslenin Great idea toperk Features tone control AFC Distinctive styl 00811 Dull 01 upaportable radio Cash and Carry SPECIAL Poworful 16 TRANSISTOR BONUS COUPONS lgyPgigr 63 Battery aimPower GVolt Battery ing With batteries 1x7x3 lenliglttn for summer 233 mmxag 129 Rea $269 Rea $l45 Reducer Easi Spray HOUSEHOLD jumbo l4 Aerosol 101 Home Uses Dressup for summer indoors AND outdoorsl Ideal for rejuvenating mowers appliances wrought iron and furniture etc Quickdrying easy applyingl For use on wood plastic metal plaster etc Handy pushbutton apraybombpenetrates all those hardtopaintplacesl Choose from decorator colors grey or red primer or flat black Professional results with no paint brush streak or messl REDUCED l25 capaeily famous flsï¬rawEdison Safe ICu Ft Garden Garden HOSE REEL HEDGETRIMMER ijEHELBARRowV Regular $7693 Special Salem Regain38 Reel handy for gardenersEfor carwashérsl powerful Way to trim god gardenittg lumbo 31 23seamless sted tray No annoying and cumbersome hose bothar tubular steel frame D150 wheel nylon costsl Heawduty motor oubleedge 12 gt 516 wire ms 14 812 reel cuttin blade CSA ap bearings 10 175 seint pneumatic tires Holds 125 ft of 12 hose prove aluminum housing 99 Reg $769 flposiï¬On handle Salient Natural Beauty REZWood Finish RustPreventor Paint Brush on the warmth of wood Apply over rust Penetrates clean 1y indoors or out Choice 01 through to the metal Dnes to vgfnut redwood cedeI or ma gloss overnight 101 uses hogany PINT QUART QUART Reg $312 273 94179249 mus weeos FAST savsinoo REPELLANT PROTECTIVE lAWN Reoucsni lawnhaster LSIVNCiLETUBE tAwN Wéedex Barf ScentOff Edging Sprinkler Soakeérf EpARttttio AVAILABLE FOR OVER 1091 cARs Regular 79¢ ilULL 1YEAR GUARANTEE vspégialirnspuoueripe Ele Knife Shower Kil Indespensible in the modem Great for infant bathing in lotchenl stainless steel home or apartment Flexible blade Molded plastic handle plastic hose and head Snow and trigger white design eastern 88 gtztgreiéï¬m 377 71 20 Roll Ideal retention when in stalle along contours of lawn flower beds etc Wont interfere with mowing Nonrust green plastic no nuntoe pr wesr eziol sat Price Gentle watersweep ac tion You forecast the fallfull partiala1ef or right up to 35 x65 aiea Runnerbase Regular$l29 20 lt long Perforated vmy tiuhe provides thorough soak iug action 12 coupling Extra addoncnnnector with end cap anowu arm LTD BARRIEIV fBuSIstsASjlusuAL DURING °RMA°R EXPANSIQN ropepull applicator Ragular 44191 Killsbroadleaf weeds deadil Impregnated with 24D Covers up to 20000 sq ft Ilandy We ambit tight to limit quantitiesan allsal lt 99¢ Pkg of 12 577 Realistic berry design Simply pin to shrubs flower beds Ilawit furni tureetc watch em run No offensive odor APPLY ion AHANDY CANLCHARGE CREDIT CARD oeeuifluksuav FRIDAY TIL19