Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1968, p. 20

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tmmmmvuran butan QARTSJOISALE CAMPER Diicosertle datudoorllm FOR THE OUTDOORS lurid sAuroMolIvs CARSFOISALE chRRRHE THE WORLDS FINEST new TRAIL BLAZER CAMPERS Models PRICED FROM $349 KNOTTY PINE SPORTARAMA It 21 blidhurst Ontario CAIIIPING TRAILERS Soil and Margo us low as TILSON TRAILERS Highway Tl South Midlnnd Open Wed Thurs and Friday evenings until 5267502 ARTICLES FOR RENT LAWN ROLLING EQUIPMENT Manual Power propelled Various sires clinch TILLERS 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 43 Dunlop St Th Arm cAnIN tnllen ten and ummnt ronlnmrnt Tcril and wninr uutlrid snd cunotnr Equivalent Special me to or molt necks uric Soot Ltd Collier simi 72a FARMERS MRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled critic and boner Small animals removed PHONE BARRIE 72am Collect lice For fast Icrviec or not let NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours any days week iut Foxmeod Ontario License No NC Nick Montague Prop PASTURE FOR ENT loo Acne oI nesiurr Ior rent with water lvlllable Telephone AltW67 llicr mm PAsTlrhlc tor rentGood tor nit tie nltnty or nsizr Ind nude Ora station tinsoot martini nvrilthie Ior nn to so head or rattle plenty ol shed and water til Concession Illenonie Telephone 728035 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ilolstsltt Helicon tor Ale some both or due soon Telephone Psncock tslast stroud nmtsnmi standing slurI EIl Thunder reristored Appr lgosa llren boarded Home on on FARM MACHINERY USED EQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL Ill bushel Spreader PTO CASE 95 bushel Spreader VAC CASE tractor with loader and post hole digger iJOIIN DEERE Harvester with pickup and grass head FOX Harvester wttli pickup and corn nose Sevenal DION Harvesters hilly equipped DEMONSTRATOR PT 10 Hay Sivather JOHN DEERE ll loot Cultivator All equipment has been serve iced and is in excellent condi tion MOREAU FARM EQUIPMENT RR Minesinc 752m ELMVALE HANK BROWN Delaval Sales rvice DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line or Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 meals CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies ll Service JDi Can New Holland avm town Be it 176 BURTON AVE limit CASH TRADE TERMS zoo GALLON gls calrd with Also II run Massey hoe drill 55 mrrow linsey drar Henson able Toiepll notifhrm WN Innow ploum point hi Mme lid with urine viiieel row com plant sort hi utnn 424127 mm mm AUTOMOTIVE 3214 house rosin Completely 11117th II model Also dance with in to Tern at mvclosITbettgeenddwzri Ind mo mm MOTORCYCLES IBM BLAC UZLIKI 150 thIIe 728454 alter CARS FOR SALE DALTONCOUGHLIN MOTORS BRADFORD 55T Tilltdfill Where our wordis our tee and ive would soune than bicker rnlvAIc l96i am sinndlril DIIDIIO ASEW Emailing Ls coll on Ii power tomnttic wIliItLivaifis ndlo Only Tclepbone izshli 50 1904 VALIANT newivmuttzd mo vinyl ion Ex II nhunc 42 mt condition Tel ter and cm Bbclync Ic zoou mane VTclc Sabre In excellent to Chev mote any time at rehlrottomrmhlnelt lea romp nudton or rule in non condition Also ml nteon VI yrs My minded Tell mar1 mm Ebb in ucelllnt Lgdilnkll condition very ood rim wui ceu remntbly sir phone mom between Mid ans ECONOMICAL lea vim auueJ Irruoiv deluxe lId lamp him mm lfltt mm EVMm moor Mn Vv 1min lmu saunas meg Connor 001 new gntttslilon Kim CI Ci Cursed den lb ITOml CADILLAC Ml ORION with IT Cadillac luxuries PH 1573 olu ENEMY Br NRO mom Our cylin Serulutomadtwdtfi lira run it illrsidreidr tillertor sine Coll Juh Miller mml it inclrose Iuiml marl WWI brakes electric denual ntueullilsh inunrculuto wndltion aim Call Ilm DI mnol Im FORD Gnuie too convertible Va automate power sleuth noner hrslrcs Prairie bronze wit black ton rxcellem corldltlon Llc men 3179 Call Brut Walker mm its cllsvitahnT nixnyne senn ntlnder automatic radio new tim economical tnmwrlltlvn clean lhroumoui secs can he VIIIllrlx modal 1m mom or rule out after For mrthrr Inloimlilon tele phone mum alter our loss VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe with has It er excellent condition Iiacd Ilseconodwurutot mag no buy rd Hood Teiennone mm lb ran lunch Wagon in very clurl wnlilon door ndin rood tires vs motor seen at at Metro or telephone nsaiw 1961 METEOR or sale door doe Girl cylinder 00d running Wri Illon For turthtr Information belt phone UNKN stmt murmurs Elli rill mans urn Lin belle Phone mm Beeton D65 VIVA VAUXIMLL MIDI RU Immediately Influx lorDIulurd Pbon WSW But 1961 BUICK ShedI Convertibl Iar Dale Telephone mills IMP on I966 BUICK Diplomat blue door hordbop automatic were Elenibl nxoner mgeasrtgio bl nd rn iifees iiiwhitcnaii 190Wudnilee one owner motel 1551 cnlzv IMPALA door unru began at low vigille opus all R0 or I1 see my Ind other extras Telephone molar III mm TRUCKS FOR SALE Efi lsso mumnotion yard box Alan 1957 Interrultonrl yard bar both in need working order Telephone ran7582 leis Torin nkltllu truck with old American motor and dapeed auto matic trnnsrrllnlon Phone moose alter mm CAR ACCESSORIES cooKsroer AUTO WRECKERS CHEV Vii motors CHEV motorszoi 235 240 FORD Vs motors 332 352 FORD motors All types or transmissions and dlflereniials Standard or Automatic Open am to8 pm DAYS WEEK DELIVERY SERVICE Phone answered until in pm COOKSTOWN 453420914 AUTO REPAIRS TranSmisSion Lid Atiiomaiic Specialists diDlIlIop SL 7284141 PERSONALS annuities he won want your fortune told by curls Teluohono new car Ipoolntuicnt 11 You navzhr gcrégliilll prob with your on anon bllller Real Btntl718lbbl LA IF ran have dflnlthl problemno want help Itan meets ruee525 SURIu zvlllilll student likndiflfl St George Callous Uni erslt I7 Toronio requires ride ti minim on liondry Ind Wednesdty evm Inns till llela shsmwrzsisiill WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government chartered School Tborougb trainingln all bran cbes of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL lZWORSLEY 51 mass nrmwsy window Orirtnai nmi mm mm NATIONAL censmvnmnv or trust Keoqsny flatter equipment loaned beginners hilly curl Ilied teachers lree aptitude tests given intbe homer For further lulormation call mom Im I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED DO YOU LIKE TO SELL Then be rucccsslul sales nomad with AVON COSMETICS For information please write MRS TONI SMOLUK POon 18$ BARRIE Ont or phone SALES CLERKS required tor lnll time employ ment ill Indies weur department day week also partlime help required to to pm Apply in person to Mrs lioni SOIL TOWERS STORE Buyficld Street BARRIE Hm WM for film IDIIM CIHHIM Yldll club MW Shot Old MR TEIEDIWIIB Jim WAmIESINIMIRd MY Nil lint employment kflfll sAopiv Plrrertl Imuitro iiiictiiiir ant ice lin nun snd Poll summit housekeeper or aide Mil IIOInIn UN to Telephone ncuhuu Housekeeper want tar 110 R012er fiihidbls III OW WC leolionc TII966O Iltu mom cArAuu WOMAN renulred lrn medirtely tor housekeeper Dill Fear old child Cmmorr Live In or Interview teleohcno esslul more nDI MATUILBIVOJMN mulrcd to baby rli in my own home dlyl week roi 2K catng chlldlen No house wot Adm ma run porttion provided ewes DUSEKRPET MEINC IN Indie wlIR NROOI nae CRIME to This bid Dimy IV Hi ya TOW 7156736 Minn ml per hour servicinn Puller wstcmen For Interview mom COOKS and wall required run time employmfiit Apply in person between Inn ans Hay ltactr1 Rnuurini Hayfield street wt HAVE An opportunity in the Barrie rind sunonndlnx nu or re noonslhie lady run time or part tlml who cnloyr meeting the nun lic Avoiieznt selected wul be trrined Ind nuallilod In our sales service oraanlution which is most rewarding Must hlve nest appear ulc On For appointment RS miles TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL timel or nisiil Inletmotion as to duties elc may bcchlairlod Irom the un dersigned at the Municipal Olf IIAN Anciv In new to MindIo Ilrrdwiro mum rnonuCB MAN renttree lenced need onlv Apply road IZnn anon cLzaIt requikd our required Immediately Blhbom Motor MWLEIGII nusmus no open in Barrie Trade well embitghed hr ecilent opportunity lhwlcm out Richelieu st st llenry Montrrll II LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS 15 to ill then shall have had notice DATED at Toronto this 21th day of May 1968 IOJHELPWANTID 12 IMLEK£LP OPPORTUNITY garTn REMUNERATION Level stowed per Iiio Level meson on Mo Level mum per bio level mom per Ito TAYLOR require Assistant Building Inspector Applications will in receliied by the undersigned win pm Thursday the 5th day at June 1960 for the position mist biiilding inspector lparl the Township or In Stroild idnm in la noon Monday to Sainrdayl ppllcarlLs to apply In own handwriting stating experience ny qualifications and salary expected it GHOH clerlr Township oi innislil SIIIOUD Ontario rort ctrnut Intf Gcnlrll mlM hntuo to lln In Nannie Ilad exper Illnr es imludin boneliLI Aonu ony Cnnoidl Buohler urns Ion st mt Wm Anniy in am PerilIn xiiiher shoes onnlon strut on wart Rllmucel Apply lroiel hurts beneilts Full time write hiltloo iotu AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DORIS IIIEDHURST housewilo deceased All persons having claims gainst the estate ol the above mentioned Intc of the Town shipol Essa Simcoe ulsh nary 1968 are rcqtilred to file prool of same with tile under signed on or before the filth ny ill July 1968 Alter that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distrib in the County of who died at Pcnetang one on the 3rdday il Jon the esttite having regard claims at which he PUBLIC TRUSTEE Intiqiies for mnchlnirfl 42Drlye belt for wililu to km good selection of body parts mom FEMALE asolrlreener exneflcnced once nieastnr persontiny and own transportation For Interview telee phone HI mbrlel HEM MALE FEMALeIIELP ed tor yluht club restaurant llust he nwertenced short ordecooolr and nixeeciun Telcv phone Lidlire or Lehlldreo in my ownhonre Telephone molar man sonnet uldulle retéulrlnn mu Inna societalill much shorthlnd accounting business ma citing end maths Plus IGIEDIIOIIG evolution tuu rat or books lncludlm trill d9 Tu at of Home Write Ito within is aminer mu AMBITIOUS MALE to year or use sceki position vtlth ounortn ntty tolerrn and to advance Two years experience as oilict hov nood rementer Telephone Izsooet lo HELP WANTED MALE HELP OwNNoW Training program for young men to become fNCR ServiCevmen Here is an opportunity to pre pare ynurseli for Iiielime work and advancement You will be paid while being trained for mechanical and electronic ear eer with the most outstanding lirin in its line BASIC REQUIREMENTS Recent grade 12 graduate and in NATIONAL fCAsH lorl vonnoichlr toraalc door viell notch Il Innnr IIIPo ii Its TheSeason merino su REGISTER VSALIXT salmon lzfild Pcnetang St arrie OJII 7268591 RELIABLE person or couple neefl EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY on Night care lvilllble tor wine hrianee seekinn steady position or good physical con 145 Queen St West TORONTO ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE OF SHERmFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF Writ of Fieri Facins to me directed and issuedout oi the County Court of the County of Peel wherein POPULAR FIN ANCE CORPORATION LlMi ITED is Plnintilf and LAWRr ENCE HAWKE and DOREEN HAWKE are Delebdnnts have seized and taken in execu tion all the right title interest and equity of redemption of the said LAWRENCE HAWKE and DOREEN HAWKE in Ind to the following described proper ty namely ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parent or tract at land and premises situate lying and being in the vil lage of Coldwaler in the County ofSimcoe and be ing composed of the north ball of Lot Six in Block on the north side of Gray Street as shown on plan duly registered in the Reg istry Office 01 the Registry Division of the County of Simone Plan Number 390 All cl which said rlgllititlc interest and equity olledelnpv tion ol the said LAWRENCE HAWKE and DOREEN HAWKE shallolier for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House Barrie Ontario on Wednesday the 12th day of June AJJ 1968 at the hour of 130 oclock in tbe alternoon DATED at the City of Barrie in the County of slmcoe this 29th day at April AD 1968 ROSS HUGHES Sheriti County of Simeoc I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE pm sharp for the DUDROPINN on Mosley Street between 4th and 5th Streets WASAGA er electric stoves BEACH West of Brewers Warehouse Sale tJI household lurnilure e1 eclricel appliances such as in loot commercial display deep freeze foot reirlgernted meat show case loolmcommerclnl dairy case propane water heat McCldry woshing mochilie complete fllior Gladlron trailer dressers chest vi drawers beds etc Tcllfis cash No reserve JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer snow blowers Vessot grain removed until settled for Buy liter Int luacrtlon In order at Contrlct ecuTin Contract adsOno Vibratory Contract SIBOne Omanoh stain Wm proposal 201m Clerks Gilles COIIIE Street AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING May 31 1968 Household illrnitun Indudlnl MISS EMILY GARDNER and HR is MRS WM EDNEY nt iNAIOIIR Street Bredlord Ont at Pm Terms rash No federve IS houses are sold ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer Watch for full list May an AUCTION SALE so head purebred Shortborn cattle Yorkshire swine Cheviot sheep loll line high class farm machinery baled lily siruw some household cilccls and In lidncs The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at but zI Con 10 lnolsill Twp mich east oi Stroud Saturday June lot at itzou Noon sharp Tire following property belonging to the estate ol SPROULE so head mg Shorthorn cattle twine Reg Yorkshire boar orchard Volley Britishcr yrs old mature brood sows law with first litter 56 chunks months Cheviot sheep 30 ewes with lambs hay and straw quantity oi square baled mixed hay quantity of oat straw quantityol wheat straw MACHINERY David Brown 880 scleclamuilc diesel tractor power steering power lake oil it point biicb equipped with loader nearly new international No 31 brier PTO tlike new international No to semi mounted grain drill ill run point hitch nearly new International Cll culti vator point bitch nearly new 20 teeth IllCbintler It cut Massey Ferguson No in men ure spreader new Massey Fer guson No 31rear mounted dyna beinnce mower it cut Massey Ferguson bar side dtllvcry rake Massey Ferguson No so iiiurrow trip beam plow point bltch George While unison cubic foot Closiry refrigerator 19in ya me dre ditl ero Inn threshing machine Mayrnth to foot elevator and hp motor grain auger 21 it and motor Rubber tired wagon with rack Sweco bale stooker set sleighs sections barrows and steel draw bar sections burrows and wooden draw bar steel roil er drum slnglc lttrroty plow chopper buzz saw sculllcr fanning mill set 2000 lb oatn scales sets small scales elec tric sheep clippers stone boat electric fencers Burdiuo Scotcblt an collie oiier latioo oulilt bay leeder 16 it pig troughs zoo gallon water tanklndders three 45 gallon biarrcls barn rope l961i Dodge fleeiside 100 truck it It bolt with closed Tacks pony cnrt pony cutter lawn mower cross cut saw Swede saw buck saw bolt Chile pers brush critters quantity cattle chains with numbers Household cllecls dining room suite Hoover vacuum cleaner beds dressers rock ing choirs odd chairs piece bedroom suite Ashley thermo static wood bunting heater good as new kitchen rangekitchcn table childs crib ploy pen high chair baby tendn commode chair antiques spool bed lamps dash churniron ten kclv ilc iron poi mustache clip loll et setcbiila cabinet antinue dresser several cracks vblliiel bowl and ladle box stove chains forks shovels and many other articles Terms Cash No reserve as the larln is sold Nothing to be mi from distance must be able to prove identity to the clerk if paying by cheque Estate or auctioneer will not be responsible for acccidcnls or injurylo persons on property duringsale day ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer Telephone BAmtIEVIZMilOt noon on Cumin All prim trauma orders In litth IS convenience till ldverblser Therefore the milled riirlimnh Tumour ve to crn their advertisement immediately my error or muons my be re ported bolnrl in order out sms my reclined toy or lob lowing dm mlblloluon Tin or via Exlmlnor Ls Inpondble tor only one incorrectly printed Im tion or my advertisement run then only to the extent oi portion ad tint Involves tits tauntint Emm or not club In ulus oi Ihs advertisement in not eligibl for correction by gt mikegoods ms Harrie nxminsr reserves the nrht to clout revtncr reiect InI went rd zlwnnn ammo LLAssmnn ADVTRTISINGCllb Discount thcs leI plld with In dull Steals insertion lb per word Two consocutlvo tnrsltion Mo perrvord per inrertlon Three comerntlve Innrtlonl self word Der Juleriflonmtchl lune Six mu ve Illa our onnr Insertion hill MM Idnlfipll mettle may bl ordend milled to cancellation when mutton lulu obtained IV DI cent Id dlllnrlll charge ll nql nrld withln CANCELLATION mo us to mi hr and GI Nil cra insi er 50 tell no IE Kni Barrie lowest or Inypropoui not Locumi1 weep Stratified City Clerk 13 AUCTION SALES I3 iburner electric range Valiant door 19°00 blues vacuum cleaner electric clock electric washing machine real good condition electric motors electric lamps antique bed table filing cabinet quantity ot tars Rug villa in reolgood cen vlce at wordlill retell Jllf crocheted soles are perfect for travel home beach Washable comfortable Pattern 1400 sizes Nicotine by In MIor Harm Gorilla CavlkOne Hydraulic RafiHoe Ii yd ConcreteMatt Saw CINE InubeDthipodIttbeW tsrl AUCT ION SALES AUCTION SALE lm Valiant door hardtop ee lpp co etc The undersigned auctioneer bu melted Instrutilo MRS KENYON at 7th Avenue leview Belch Straight back of Crest Hard ware Store Friday Evening my 31 EM Sharp to sell the allowing cubic loot Frigidaire refrigerator in msphone 23 antique records chesterileld and chrlr to match day bed chairs Inthuo sideboard chrome kitchen tulle table and Let choirs bullet oil burner rntique chestol drawers bed qulnlliy ol odd ltress and spring complete ssing table Hollyuood slyln mothes and spring metal on wall us In list Terms cash no reserves as the gt home is sold Nothing to be re ved until settled for Owner or management Will not Mr be heldrcsponsiblefor vacclt dent on the property day of sale FRANK WEBB JERRY COUCHLIN auctioneel clerk FARMERS ATTENTION osml TRADEor swnr Livestock household articl inrin equipment or our mirror roltee My table oval table elrd tablet garden tools and many many other smaller articles too nurn the first fish fig r7 Egg is Mr and Mrs Stanley Robln son IIII Debbie are on boll yt any in Switzerland allure JCTIEIUAICUEI Moer Minty Mrs Sam Allen attended cousins innernl In Dmdulk Jenn Barnes and James Blunt were weekend guests at Mr and Mrs Burhes Achievement Day was held Saturday for til glrls Supper Club The llnlt lntbe fell will I50 Needle Craft iiIIII EWIIBT By one Misses Carol Illil Dlnuo Kerr Donne Kerr were coniirm ed ai St Pauls Anglican Clutch with their minister Rev Mr Haldenby and bishop Calvert oi Calgary olllclrilng Mrs Johnston has returned after vacation in England Much credltrls and to the lirehgdlterr at Bell Ewart and my or their response to the fire at Mrs Tmnhleyr no lire damoge residled It is gteol comfort to have this el ticlent protection Tom Bartynrd Mr and Mrs and children Base Borden were recent visitors wlih Mr and Kerr GUTHRIE aylims CAMERON Congratulations to Mr and salohn Daniella Midi on the arrival of it oonKlrk May II The son Gregoryris visit ing hisgrandparents Mr and Mrs Campbell Mr and Mrs Charles Sand arson spenttile weekend with Mr and Mrs Howald Drink waller ut Beardsle Mr and Mrs McCilalg spent the holiday weekend In the Tobermory district Norman Stoddartn new house In progressing rapidly It was all closed In and the root on last week Attending the silver wedding anniversary or lilr and Mrs Slessor were lilr and Mrs Golden Culdncll Mr and Mrs MelJamieson Mr andMrr KeiLI Sanderson endJiir Mrs Duncan Cameron SUMMER Sensuous The Presbyterian congrega and lions will meet together for the summer at 1030 am Service will be at Central Ora for the first four Sundays in June June 30 and menthol July at Guth rie and at 9th Stationfor Ang ust service Rev Guergin is the minister find there will be Sunday School let all the chil drop for June land July during part or the Grinch ser vice The social Cillllnliuee of Sim coe County Jersey Oiub met at John Sheardowns Thernton land made plans to the annual picnic Saturday June at 1030 ant put the farm or Duncan or shine HOLLOWS by man commit Visitors last vvcck were Mr and Mrs Mervin Shruth Toron TRAVEL Ry ALICE spoons Friends sister mother aunt everybody loves these new 1cotton riig yarn slippers crochet slippers with included rm cams coins tor each pattern the stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needle it Dept 60 Front Street West Toronlo 0ntario0ni Irln residents nild cents sales tux Print plainly PATTERN MBER NAME ADDRESS First time Jumbo 1968Needle Catalog hundreds of de signs dIrec patterns includes designer sweaters instructions de Knit crochet embroid Sll cents Book or 16 Jilly Rugscom plete patterns inexpensive easy to make 60 cents Book No Drltute Quilts 16 completepaiternn Send cents Book No Museum eniiis patterns forla quillo 60 ts Book no it gains in rs days Living New exciting col lectionls complete patterns cents 00K OI PRIZE Alglllnl chochot 12 afghan docenln to with Mre Fern Gray Mr ndMls Cliff Reed Weston WitbiMrs Ida Cook Mr and Mrs Milton Bowlm and children MountPleasnntat Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernons Mrs Todd DUVHSVIEW arm and Mrs Arlt chieBatbgates Mr and Mrs Keith Cook and children Wer ton with Mr and Mrs Roy Smith Mr and Mrs Art Holi ton Isllngton with Mr and Mrs Jack Policy races at Woodbine and other an countries tor iclrr gtMr and Lailmefl spent the holiday weekend in Toronto with Mr and Mrr Bob lbody and attended the Mrs Bub Patton and children Visited friendsln Toronto last week At meeting at the Junior Horticultural Society plan were made to put entries in the sen lor flower show and sell borne msde candy Mr and Mrs Marvin Patton It Pattons Pond inalifulmur have entertained malty visitorp Im TRETIIOWAN Friends of William lretbcvraii were curry to bear oi his death In his 915i year its will be miss ed in the borileultural society as he was willing worker lllr main Interut was his gprdcll and his flowers It prim Ills kindly dirposillop gained him marry friends He is survived by his wife and dough ler Ann Mrs Albert bulmenl ol Beeton and son John REAR Trenton More than 1000 0pr of All ages attended the onion Lightt loot concert of talk rock sciee lions nt BMHS The Orillla born singers parents and grundparcnls were In the sod lence and met him In his dress ing room alter the concert Next year at BJMILSI new ryslcm will be inaugurated which will allow every pupil to proceed at his particular levtb In em subject crown lilil ny rims CDUNSMORB II Mrs Gordon Atkinson Mn Miles Hickling Mrs Norma luck and Mrs Harry Wright attended Simcce Kempenlelt District annual at Thomiort lllny Iii Miss Jeanette Wilson of lien rrowshire Scotland member oryunior larm exchange visit ing In North Simcoe ls tho guest or Miss Diane Tuck Mrs Evelyn Gough accom panied by Mrs George Hubbert RR Barrie Ielt Thursday Io attend the wedding of Miss Con stance Newhouse and Carl Grcagor May 25 at Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Church Wyandnnch New York TRY wEXilMINER WIINT ADS PATTERNS Cameron byline pro rail There are two new homes be log built this littlebhmleb dillone ny hillsyu SAWYER Gillord community held shower in the bailMay ill for Helen Sawyer daughter of Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyer Chilt cbtll Mrs Sawyer entertained at avlroussenu tea in honor oi her daughter on May 25 Miss Savi yer will marry Marvin Myhre In Gilinrd united Church June Gilford vnitcd church held anniversary rvices May 26 CaptCrart of Base Borden preached at both services in the evening Lackie Jack sang two SOIDS wv Some vi ors at the anniver sary were Mr and Mrs Reh ert Hughes and familyofllein burg and Mrs Hamid Couttso Bradford Mr and Mrs George Coulis oI Midhurst Rev and Mrs Pngepl Woodville Mr and Mrs Bob Goodiellowand daughters and Miss Olive Rob erLson Barrie Some from Gillord who walk ed the Zomlles train Bradford High School were Nancy Bell Jean Sawyer Nancy Kneesbaw Lyn Hughes JulianneSturdy flhd David Lee from this Walk goes to Dr Jim Evansin Airice tube used to bitv mattresses tor ilflSJlai iGiliord WI mct al thehome of Mrs Ewing May 21 Girls The money 4728 sizes as BEGINNER By ANNE ADAMS April showers bring May flow ers and the mcrriest nimnlcb mates for outdoor fnn Midrill lop skirt jacket shorts are be ginner Quick Easy lo sewl Save dollars Printed Pattern 4718 New Childrens Sizes Yardages Inpatiern pl entryFive NT 65 cenlst in coins no stare pr please for each pattern Ont ario residents add cents soles ian Illt plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Sendordcr to ANNEADAMS caredt The Burrlc Examine Pattern Dept on Front St Wy Toronto l0nlario SPRINGS NEW LOOK Is Still pretty feminine Make it your look choose from over loll styles in our new Spring sum mer Pattern Catalog Get one ynllcm Ircc clin coupon wr Catalog Send 50 cents

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