Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1968, p. 19

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BOATS AND MOTORS monumentsans MWMIIE common Im mmi Now We or Jinna FREEZER SPECIALS Lle from 23CUFT79iLBSCAPACITYI fizfirfigfifik SPACE 50 RENT my 3mm mm Ds III VAdlustable Divider ell Out Basket murmur nan1mm OFFICE ACE ARTS FOR SALE sunny nu ant 1131600 urrPooitI mrmmwsee FORRE iscu FT52o LBS CAPACITY mu mflmwink flu mar an Office space oonlnining two mu alum rim 33 3qumai 53$ Joining oglmuldesl torI illffllr kflqug Sesamiandi Separate Fast Freeze Compartment Two DIVlders No we us mar Kellen in en ammo mum or rust Enfigfifiw ADS Purposes illin tlrcel location clean used iurnliiire ii any bonny ma munr TWO 585k on inr ur inc burn new mmfi at mgdalwgml in Allmdnla Runnable mi and SELL Estate estimator Bairdemu W1 or anyb Inn so unto Avenue rum lid team at Apply to llierriclr 91mm mull mgfifime mull ml ROAD 7284891 17 PLYWOOD BOAT ivulsnm mute 40 inns tziifmrsfitrfilfitsfi 535nm WE F°R NORTHWAY RUG nemtnnmiiwnfifil nmnm $152 hhfififitm mm mmwm x¢w£IIr°lnIiIIgmix CO LTD Emmr magkrfimmfl tsunami manual to mm 331 3m Ww sum to srirnno new 17 mm micr mommr tack noun Anna untsamhmrmntwfn I°° noussnc AND maxrim Ila mmtrrelmrtnwl mue uirnnom nuiu film mom bliu was more mum in rfimxitmtf CLASSYFHtED ADS new on in 80 Dunl Store Hours on EXAMINER WANT ADS fiffihhmfilyjhrfigm s1 collier St entire mull cm op outbound iler ai PHONE mull gimmmmw 11 WILL BRING RESULTS mum om ma Tull tilt fiflfiififififikflfifivfifl To daly WI 900 PM Friday Hilfimifs°rli 32mm AUTOMOTIVE CARS FDR SALE Khan um im an arm DRIVE 68 67 pRICES Does PETS cousr MACHINERY AkricLes warnen reilrnl Conflmon and mlrlnkefl Teieohnnc 11360 fimuafltug Mm oonm Liber Retrieve In men no munkd rm more an remunlor wanted in siren nic mile punbrvd main old truck ram ran on my in 004 zonditivn Telephone page flflggflvfi 3cm In pom MN mm mam wits mums Toiaohono mum nuns uirr mm fem rrni Awnlnl mom mg 423 grim sumo rnrniiun slam mi nulan niru inr air now lmgfl afiflr ililn 1mukrifim1tvrflfi GARDEN SUPPLIES ascend hngfigén Wit ndiilhni Tole hone numuur $5391 lsaifillllnhnlni hunch mm mm mm mun Too sail eeliuna ow mg 5m ChlnflelAleri um EC mummid for an or 3r ms or Menglbslilfil Wmflml Mimime onusn we Wk NW runun cnlru Dom numn rennrr Mulunx mun me mm mm BM snennua mine week old hluk on no nnnion iv cm vicn mum unit tool coll Cw MIMI do Wm Ian cord All in new usual on hie WW MW lam Wflfiflfi llvmd ny dIlmu our turn only Ion sinIiru ri ii irl ls lcl Big SemiAn nuai netsIa En If an NW or Ill If 53 rollch Al fill on me In ma wholl firm my mums WANT AJS inwmmtéfim gar nuirnlnn on non wunzn antler used mow CARS FOR SALE um Mm mm MIMI new rnnd rm Teiewhann Ennmoilm Bltlertu nil pixel gt Anlhl nllh Denier Inch PhImuCB Duxilon mm Get remen 0Us avmgs ew ars EIIigIr¢CIIIITg II Barely Broken In By Drivers Who Care nonunion an your sotnsntsu$snrn RETAIL IDSCOUNTJ PRICE Illulillumisbsuisns Ta es R15 OUT Simul ol nirrie memo 1968 LINCOLN CONTWENTAP COUPE wmam wnnmuo Mnhlnu or Hospmi Green autoifintic air conditioning AM fi3wgmfloll llhf gt rs car sea spea er wer an enna power seat nnteri glass all round white wally I513 $11513 um mm 1m rim mi Ind Phone mean ware gemer uc 735 poor TABLEIler sale net mm mm med car In MI you was COUGAR iratiffiile$ii2°hitioflifl II cadiml NI 39 him engine performanc In We the courtesy and on our custom in handling package hill width iron seat lute uszn newmo aiming ruilv In In nummwled Wm way $2996 use up Twolood used rip find me Ivailnhi tor your mutation side walls Mer disc brakes power steelinn mum SIM Em radio decor aging remote control left hand mam ma Wm cqwkuc my DRUM II fld Ind iii All lull Open Letter to Used Car BUYER I1er CcholiGAR Eflbodfirwflmyflfifiylfnmfil May 29 1998 IIIIac any 802 Va automatic emirtesy lixht mm In wnn walls mm W42 $543 $3599 airs usensnnnunu Li Wm Horn ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED will Lliiuii ibuhseilnunmmh Carhea slunmvs to ti II mm mm Phone 7234272 iimlipgilssm side wnififspnéggmfirufiifypofl $4444 3546 CHESTERFIELD kilcncn Mlle can 176 Bradford skeet steering radio deluxe wheel covers L12 9mm mm WWW now Will sell mt Telennan DE Used Cal Bu em ioon MONTEGO CYCLOM Wm 02 v31 door iaslbncir Augusta Green bucket Qngnaglu 51 isnlim bu in used seals sportsIconsoie sumac power wing Here are some ideas on how to take the gamble out mile power lransier axle wide oval white 34552 $632 atfifli$nii°t°tim£fiérfii gawerdisc brakes radio mt make $4235 5585 65 titt rfi xiiqfireiinfinfiz iiit car First let me sayJ that believe the right used caris often necial appearance Zlmlp Deluxe wheel covers wannmu Gown Ilse i2 comlt better buy than car If you buy is twmyeuold bar at half the with spinners niii ll AL mmI ori inai sellln rice and can be SURE of the car you have saved Iguamomvm 221 iifremggiflmfiwa mm Emple of 11503531 dollars For example You could own 66 used Madras Blue 302 automatic new 2sz $3 925 12mins or 51 Intinue In car for $200 the some cards original owner paid $4500 to own st Power disc brakes radio 715x14 while side walk 3504 iinnrlii hieerifgidvienzclrgtilricng dellxe wheel covers electric clock Lic SL5 Televhone nHMl Herein bow to do it Checktbe reputationof the dealershzg laugh VOLKSWAGEN nod rull in with other bu ers friends or revlous customers of Orv liar IBBEMETEOR MONMALM CONVT ifihhiiéfiirhcéigfiiza Olgserve thede ership display is there big selection of makes and Wm WI b1 Mir 3902 barrel WM 545 Kay 55 modeis Ask for the history of the car you select Ask what was done to WW 995 Pm d1 brakesv WW $4996 $862 134 we mm build the original safety and performance back into the car Finally ask 134° Memo mad pgufilggmmm tags yoursalesman how long he has been with the company because Road gt Windshield visibility white side walls our wheel covers Lie sign companies KEEP good men 1953 METEOR MONTCAIM $33 MI Kittie léfiihni dnothsnitnp Saxony Yellow 390 barrel an USED CAR and if yoii do we will do everything possible to take the mug 45mm mumImus Wm wan TYPEWItXlEIt in excellentcoildl gore steelbails pgwelr disc brekes rear $4397 $957 fifnifgwulfiegfiifitfilfifingéy gamble out of yoqr Winn 9055912 12 rear seat speaker envy CI In signal1 pre duty suspension Lie zsle 1968 fifglvfik gnogflmn Bvmoolnt Mantis 302 v2tn3IFBE Inn $3 36 ntmnmmnsn moiitiimny MOTons mam inherit nearing radium wheel covers $4006 $645 mementos ti ic runner nmlmlm 1968 MEiEOR nmniiu II Ittififa tffitic°tlltnnia doorflileihngton Bilie302V6 automatic retire 33I575 $571 chair to inch btd mllkess And el panel mouldings remote contralldt handmir 53 nir minas MAKE frar power steering tuii wheel covers shoulder harness seat hem 515x15 aresI no 35mm enecmm guitar mui twin nickIll sndIvlnmnr nrnn Also wall Kulr 1968 monnmnnu 50o uses it cnnysnnn wIiNDson Moor sedan door hardtop Black Cherry 302 Va automatic slum son as cylinder automatic power steerinIIpower 315315 white wall power steering radio deluxe 096 $645 brakes ra white wall tires finished ill gt We hope you will cometo ORV HARDY MOTORS for your next seat belts protection ro re let hand mirror iuil whee c3 113393 5mm um glistening Sahara brawn With matching in terior Licence636M gt ionsnAmonmunA Eels IfimErBIntyk°terrL°i door seasi iveuinginn alne ya all vinyl trim mm Mm MH in be LAURENTMN Noor sedan sn Burl Examiner gt ponm atom white walls radio inii wheel coverl $3340 $276 titttztfifimh Emuéauri mum mum speed wipers and washers Mn mm mmfi 11 tires An excellent lam 1968 EALCON FUTURA fitCYfllinfaéoggiehmMa msgegain flawless huddle lanwilll tubing interior Dome 634 SWmJCmP Candy Ame Red black IM wanna LlIi Zfltndl wneslnicyria ma rva augmatlit visibility group white walls II $3799 $477 $3322 Hygmxmj firm ammo on sedan mane mlyewrheetlzegngehrafigr dual rear seat speakerI gtI VI nn in to cell ielcnainm Hm am speed wipers WNWAI deep rand mggI mime£33m 1965 white waiitires in Immaculate condlllou $i295 $95 $3894 Innn Flinn gent II Beadumyammied in ebony blackIwilh WE ALSO HAVE DEMONSTRATOR In II um vm Ii doofisutglmmfifi III MA sinnt innlnr engine MERCURY V2 TONS BE SOLD new and $945 $45 $2921 uhlmn mans attics um err bite wall tires Finished in flawless Can ior Licence until Innuennrwisn in mm mm mm um LiIAi THE SAMEIISAVINGVSI DONT MISSIHiSIOPPQRTUNiTY To OWN 68 MODEL IREPRlNS 1963 fiiiifmlfiliileaiglécfi 3551 mull AT 67 PRICES AT It you wouldiike to have re nf nny new pictures appointed msieammgbludx with radio ESSA RD 728 5558 II 15a III We MIMI ma love terms su at on us men osui younpersona get OMORE UNITS OF HE SAME HIGH UALiTIYIAND FAIRP ICE Goodwill is the mend only assetthat competition new pIhm mg WE ijRADFORD STREET IBARRIE 7281272ng to Thin ingI ansPrice cannot underseil or destroy IV BARRIE EXAMiNER III19 Héma oft Driving Mans Cor

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