Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1968, p. 18

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IREAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENYS PROPERTY FOR SALE 0R RENT ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL Nfllgfihgmfli RAM flumuu umml FRANK NELLES Fm MILEWW Verse to count this um dinin mm mm Cantu Emu lea monuzlylncllidu uxeamedloLCailmwdt gt SM comma EVENTS wvm swoon humor new mannammond mm min WW mm BIRTHS Wmldflm on Maegan magnum 725669 Gee mom qui nrrr in lot Reuanahi nu run mm mm Cull lone nayKl tee Cavanuh 7mm present vclmy nisunnncn APARTMENTS To near mg MSMBQXX wondrous nrtididhihfun audit HANK SNOW Rm it mvnllsous nm NR Maesmufriic mm my TERRACE BPlNDuV an and sin Dolln Em RURAL PROPgnTlE MORTGAGES Solndiev on Burton Avenue Bu and mums BEACH Corner Queen and Duckwortb no on Pion to announce the burn unlaslNGiooicre farm so mum Modern bedroom maisonette trust Sunday JUNE ppm MIS REAL ESTATE nonmncn nnom gfiepgrmmgm Icrgsblfgrndsiglggws lst and 2nd Inflowll room mg HIM anc ua urgent Tickets at WW WNWM mm siltl gm WgaglmWfi All unfitin it snow on am In ommc toilet numr It link on well trlvtiled road only timosmmsmtmnw Adults Balm bi °fi trim JACKS Rm 100 Ronnie blah lot cad inner mm nilrte tbedroom 40 or momma PHONE 7284752 flare$9 nirnilil 109 Dunlap Em sq hfxlgngg 111 ignwtslfom home barn to 60 give ihed If You Need Money and beg Prlc to sell on Banana ruminant um wfififlgEfififizéfidh gloom um flm Child Ls giggflhgugom Wham with mom term rmrmhfln bl ID bid In Dollid Si WM in now SERVICE STATION snack finf ufil lime in me 331 mm NM adieu um 00 Chum droorn lit storey in menajgafnsfitggi vam BM bar and allay saraae plus liv or Phone ml for young couple or older couple Please call Mrs Atkinson hum m3 mm mm in quarters situated on well Rpm DEATHS NE 9196 No ssaa fireplace floor in Ming up an PM Mortgage Mills mm TRACEY Albert Lrallo Sudden REAL ESTATE piece bathroom kitchen fully um um Term this nulll Victoria mul 353 THAN H000 DOWN will set you in this newly decanted umlshcd utility room not Habit rule on mudy any and 36 PROPERTY FOR SALE bedroom htmc with new gas lurnace close to downtown Carries cold water garage boalhousil mumlmfm 110 353lhamfiyilmfiddugha WSW Ninth Principal and Interest Priced at some Call Mrs electric marine railway 102 NMTAWASAGA RIVERTwo nrulrrr Amen 31 muggy mam Gm La 77157 202 nicely landscaped let miles from Wan Beach 20 ml Rm room mm Anlhbll Juno timid noln of Bane run Peru in all bi man nmwml it Sign go Am 10 PRIVATE BEACH um beam mm plank and vate road $25900 Contact Ed acre loin heauilfu breed with an all to purchase lama mm awitlevenlendycninomvon mm Scotti dear broom oi llaman 09 an REALTOR lined three bedroom well appointtd cottage Lake Slrncoe Call snnw 51mm mam high dawn mug mannanllmnuu nonna Mm othy Colbourne Strand Hm boiderin on well travelled Mr And more altinge unid akifflfifi maximum lo com 51 72 Mrs Sinclair 1287370 No 12m Ohlidlm heme cu mer roads dro on each lot or Liliannon iiorrill o1 numbsci Athena arranxmnrg mono use my no Robert of Utopia fleflinl at VLA LOTS lVAlElIFONi CUIlAGE Kempenlelt Bey three bedrooms tum BIG BAY Pom Pm fn mm nmmmn moi so 200 bed placed mg M1 Estate Sale 300 ateriront xviier of I15 useI Jennelt lunne al llnnre In ii ppll it hl en W495 No 8560 Mm ale bathroom and largo 2storey fleldstona and FOR RENT 135 5° mi Exaggfitflgamw lauded Elefiiihllrncuféflniimfii infl ateng glue fagnonnitl noun BEDROOM BRICK HOME in excellent conditlnn located stucco house living room gm flfflwmflmjflflg mumm 16mith 0h in 0W YOU nea Bell Tie hon Contr ii in stone fireplace edroonia mum ammo mm Enigmatici would be Call 725nm ilnrlon Newman liverfirepincee sgpargte oinlnn1 on 1M WM kitohun dining room sum year lease PHONE 7mm hathmndflaornoaiMwh¢ clean and healed Rikw nsnrnornnm nanucan FOR IMMEDIATE mme morn sunmmn guesthouse mm Bus OPPORTUNITIES valkw monthly mun we 33 Junoltl Neutrons new floor could be finished tor additional La gara Also imam cottage mw ££E=¥ém lg azimuth mm Egbguemn Rd quick cash mile or mortgage could besfincifngedrfioke an appoint goodgweli ClfltplgsslllEfi docks fillwgw Jung meat to son is valuable pro Cell file Sinclair mum 000 0n It Snow erllfrltlflnlllidd hilt It W11 mm atrium mane or Domini Col mm mm FOR LEASE oi Welland Ewmd Roy ruin Velma anxious Make an offer now hourne Stroud tadL331 133mi debautmislér 72W kl BY MAJOR on Germany ey ninelsl Home so lilonley pl LEONARDS 3mm silent name sumo tile nv Charming tbedmoln bungalow from Central Water Executive summ cotla Servicestauon ill and location close to new plan in Ideal gmgmwrugflgmfltg on benuulnl landscaped lot in Tmsh 7mm send residential area Close to kflmgsaogyg figs be mwung mum schools shopping etc This 119 Dunlap St East 72mm or 72 423 mm noulor WWW 15 Wm weibbmllrinncvévruuzfifir cam bomb has many features in mgmm piece mm mm wmmy MODEM Sosaeliuzilgwdwngm fencing melelysmggluslgd CA inflished neoplasm semi mm and um mam financial assistance available ii required or responsibia ty room guet house too gnu Ha lihfiaéfit mihitbéaéermgwggtfllgfi mom nuns REALTOR shed garage new hnalhnuso mm 113 amigo Also stations available in Gravenhurst Orillla and Ceilian 33 mm HIGH 51 has mass 7mm dammit WM mm booths table and chairs walk NI on ilenh InnMd railway new inbomi WWW in cooler inwa equipment areaslor personal interview write Box €45Barrie momma gm uxdfieelxydlmgnmigdrfi sum PROPERTY BRXCK BUNGAmW with extra largollot circular drive bed boat 150 hp motor hydraulic mummy back bar dim rose mm mm mums modern kitchen combined dining room and living room controls nicely landscaped int it fly your summers here gt and many other items Ideally madgluflmmgl flfigfiwfi mung mm complete Full basement has Iinlshed recreation room with tireplace 100 seawall circle driveway lowed dam from Maw dock $36000 Willa boat $31 500 moldmvggbnmldfi ly hedged assures privacy BRAND NEW SIXFLEX near General Electric completed June 15 Mum but All sand bench 1B$ymfiig Vlc usualWallerM Spade 3b0idm0m minim now renting Featuri cable television all services underground Contact Ed 5mm Strand the 71 Roso iané iii g3fllloueufini 33 mm Le hm Wm can Fred Bils or Dorothy Calhourne mus quar lune mm lung mam us show you this beauty Call 21 l969 home late possess on family fully modern patio exposure Call ior inspection Rulerat Chanel Alluton tor Whom comma Union gt Charlie Read vianil align nlonrnan mom bedmmxgilvinsryom rim mAOwsliSI 71820 germafrflrrixla3rvrnf°5 Mamas ma Dmr Campbell mow Dim cedms mg con SALE nlcnnlima Mun look at all features and Du Fred Taylor mulls Ron Allan 4555543 kitchen topiece both large an Th ed no the inml morn Hospital Wm gm mm my Paul pennian mom Smith Campbell 72am closcdslmmomihnnlate glass mm hfifiirln°cilrlintrlofld 5150 mm wiur fireplace dining mm 71W dm mm mm mm ENGRAVNG INSULATION it pm May list 1958 at the 353Eifl¥flinfimm mm modern kitchen 4pieco mom laundry tubs new Fry m0 Wm mace elenmc Township Office tor MAIme man Initiation fifinwgluflogfaoi yam humus am ma ne railway seawall full THE SOUTHERLY ACRES ENGRAVING msg15250 or mm mm Cm urollure included 15 minutes or the swy 10 mNCEs wt in of no Sn est sand Nameplates signs electrical mums in grimd1 ggfiiéfikecasfimm beach on simcog comm SION snflnfigboflrslgpfig emu symbols and mqu CARPENTRY chlldm Mu rteueltnn is resting 688 Snow Stmud 3118 or Dnr SUNMD engraved in Plexiglas various tdulheuflnmknm qmskm friendly agent llm HIEEIHSOH ALTQR 67 UNLOP ST my Calhoun 5mm 4351337 DWELLING THEREON colors lit plastics or metals ovumlichen by timeserved trader rgartgagynrygdmgligrm mm 15o ncnls Well located large acreage on second coneesslon or we WW MUSCHTA 26 Shannon St mm 150 LOTSEAWALL be accompanied witha certi almost Smimzcreek Ce £JS4££mgenrgzmfisgfikgg lag lsgleieciirior quick sale telnun necessaryFnr particulars call Mammy mg mm fir fled cheque prawn ms or Phone moral day or eventng och lace to ceiling heniolalorg the purchase price ENGAGEMENT hulng and dining room mu 53 kl ape mm COTTAGE REPAIR and will also untilalmodgfin kitchen Zlbatlis lrggni Smogh Reset by mum VIy pickup and drum mom alach leakage close to all fully furnished double gar Upon apeeptailte successful Mcqu comiAGEs BUILDING CONSTR miners nmlumgfgaleSanng in age boaumuse elemin marine Edd 1111 5° Puffin Insulating and winning Mm mm lot 60 liq To inspect please Kenneth Miller 4361314 Percy Ford 72mm mm 5a may bead NE mm sew Tank and iiilnifcéEézili mm mingleme call loe Dlrracolo 7260567 Peter Manlon 723m Sammy mp3 mm Pflme Md $3000 Contact Ways him Docks Plumbing and electric Ed Snow Strand 4363116 or Jusunems gt am May m4 ea is MORE LOT niagfiewelnng m°ril$éf2nfff 93131 132 C°°°15° 433 Wm made 355 BURST Hawkestone NIT SERVICE Strand sadism 11 7mm in nonranng amyahtgnhllz Harvey op Anna 5mm 7230155 mGE SPLIT LEVEL bedroom home for executive ype SOUTH OF EARRIE 7123 even gs These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On YourJob Immediately aved to be liinl Will be returned immedint IN MEMORIAMS margin 31 Harvey Weber 4368315 Emory Miner minor Poem qerbmasmn Telephone 0m tillam mama to mm per Township oi Sunnidale LAslERING alum no in gamut shims 5231353 CARSON on gin him Afagiglrililevsnn 53 cammufiiiy Full Price $4509 3mm NEW mWELL Ontario flamfiume 51ml Hell Filom MiS REALTOR 4351337 WP N403 Sch in Zimsilisw me is at mam mm 58 wonsnny stunsi muons 7mm McLean Elmvala mill it MLs Realtor Madmen w°r°y£ riftI Severe MMacleod Barrie W75 WEED coNTROL wintmbn Phone mom 33tllésihmfihtfiifilhfilihf SERVICED BUILDING aor 13° DWI0P STREET Snow Stroud nosuo rm surrow pl mum wimp me blocks 01 Emma land Sound value lntdils beautiful well kept home substantial cash ljerv Wood Oro tut2479 SPECIALIZED PAINT $mled by We Aim And town med esidenual in qulred Possession end of July Arrange aninspectlnn by calling Slander jhomton 4539211 LAWN SERVICE mu titer details call Vivian Garner man SW W1 We CW Wm 109 Bayileld st 7231071 Weed control Aeration Ferti WW NEW ERICK noun NEAR sallools fiiafi$6hvgl rpm Wm WM nation tflqilidl root feeding WANT mm FREEDOM Price $19809 with excellent terms bedrooms living room dining TORONTO 12 mum FISHER Ellngrkmlsg firs fif pumama Plum We mm mm mm and you can have it hm just 10 room and kitchen Call Russell Carson 7266481 PHONE 87 33 mg Efigeflmflm Wlm mu with ma more minutestrain name with all Now 5mm mm Rm Camn M61 33 spray semce Itlom the pain or ii we tread conveniences at hand 0n paved Em Emu mu 3269163 13 mun fitfigommma mt Tiidiiiiiimmiiml°mo has small Wm plan Wrist Elmme pump on seasonalesnat nu or in an arrow gg$fimn gfilggebmgagffineé figs BUILDING ran and and lo um oxidizeam mmgggam mom viz 90 00 ree COMING EVENTS old Many lealures including NEW HOME iflfimmfiflmm wm RR 01111 antiserum large stnna floor to ceiling fire Contact Peter Light 21 naimaplgfi unfit Gig SEPTIC TANKS MAYIIME TEA place and built ingasage Would BEAVER LUMBER Mfiii fit Arlith firhlrllfiflififiifiinle Rea Wm mm aims snrllc TANKS PWED RACHLN ia anartmencain am or nun $13051 c8141 Marilyn Jennings Owen Sr Bame ming Co HEN plus lots of morn in buUrl mm DALE In 7284485 éLRICK mfg filtr iuii mm as anyone house tanswilaln ifiwaeéiuriikby ORANGE HALL SIDE SPLIT marrow amass Attractive 25 mil 33m Tome mm of Georg Auspices Golden Star was This year old is beauty H19 and Park Village MICHIE mdifflfflifilifl mm 60 TsuBONE PAVING co bedrooms livingalid dining Hi Real Estate prpralsals airline mumdim mmh asrnoroiepnone7twlaa BARNYARDS Govt ubsidy HO mm when area has been souhron gbway ii to clty linuta or CNR tracks turn lelt Mongages 5541 mnmulomiasdn gt you humy so driven use newly decorated situated on aim 1mm Mme Avenue modal mm 49 00min 723 lame 1nd fem manila JANITORS KmQ GEORGE SCHOOL nicely landscaped qum are on the first road to the left smrlltleenuiduden st Call me gird 424153 We have homes under conflction withmndel honlea open for near saltto mug Bum Guarantee in writing 15 years or ins cilanva inlanei W49 REFARDEEI Lclgmnnu misc snncn ngms We JAmlgdmfi Telephone 728375 11 191 do Ilnnierusesiri way My 31 sists of 10 coine°ficll°£r SPLIT LEVELS 518900 Real Estate Broker fififliatfi £23 ohm Fm hm SMALL ENGINE OMMEHCIAL wini DOWN PAYMENTS $3500 nun up in mouse mm iNDUSlRlAL REPAIR three Zaringmfl Featuring low taxes aluminum storms and screens and finished and Appmsers RESIDENTIA 9s Dimlop St mucsn for union pale bed St 7mg x4 to NHA specifications etc my in as Oron lipidrainildiiliswid mamas are Seml Coms We in and slants la suns $35333ch Gordon Coutts 7287215 Walter Cnutls 7254311 on low mam WWW ghane coffin cola noran have Friday May 31 25 sum NEW BRICK HOME caution lawfulliar nulnstiia Authorized denialJr Yardman ghuyyonipmentiatandand BANQUET HALL lovely brick home in the An mm LANDSCAPE SERVICE Dam Torn Grave lawn andt Lfgion Hall Collier st ins area close to all conven gage MOBILE HOMES Sodding bushes garden equipment Ba Table Tickets 35 noun MARSHALL mm mev ms min Am MlS Realtor Mortgage funds available unoumrn nonunion gt 14 TORONTO bl mam Pu Cda Wag od coma RST TELEPHONE 72mm am mmogggsgl TRAILERS sidewalks and fencing snip Rm REFRIGERATION WlLMA BIIDWELL moan MAflZNMOIigllSON moons umwfi mnunn£sl°hzoro RUSSELL CHURCH naconmvnanna SERVICE mu ELAlNE NESON 7mm iv Wm moan BARRlE EXAMINER AT SUNNIDALE ROAD Telephone collect 435715 5TAN BRYSQN Moor fFHEW Pfingstgm Llama living mm fin law REFRIGERATION sniwlca WANT ADS £gs£éoril°nf Ganeral Glendale WWW PM nouns sr R1 limp bedroolnsbafliaundeok1ovi iravelux Gamma GARDENING or level panellediamlly room Parts and Service Arrhnlsans MMaGAGashaums bedroom bath worlnoorn ny our Teamg up weir Eggdins and gagging Mm Iowans7541 17a5u3101u AVE layzoom sashJuana in CLAWRED ADS uni Mackness fiud°nifiiimmm Mam mum MOST VANYTHINGV wm BRING RESULTS Russell Smith nonmma Richgpafiayum mus fifty unmounleiepnmm PHONE 7mm 4364105

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