Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1968, p. 17

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ThadSpencer Are Again D1v1ded Emmi mm mum CAGOlAPlhom more mm flmnwmummmn hahthfim mu 5J2llh$ lllllnubuiumalm adu hasmlwa on grim Sumo Morn WGWWWW hand min in Mun mornu at own on will my AL Residual Joe Win an two Amequ Both had been moan may he km In WW hr lt beaten In no norm rum nmnl twole learns mm WWII limb ma iihahilndxlnmu v9 lhe or Ar Windmill W1 learn World spew normative MW WWGll sodDon on wax who by helm hammer Monlml Dawning loan wllvlluhmen nhiofdmmzpmm Berle wow Em laukfllla Ky ms ex an mhnfim ended on even homH ma breakdown lame and Wield magnimlm ill ha all in KW 1969 ch dole 3c 15 um all the nul 91 Va Ol on ma II none on em an Eastern thllloivepruenled year Willi 35 biannualroad weaned will lh poulhlllllss lly acceple in In may by Bum Baill breakdown The laller will be alllmils gt NBOMO aroma Bizarre Astra Misplay $130118 Guistis Mgund ignillrhmlsga Dave lloualon making his £5 apélearlgnc of Ilhl leaning r9 sun mm to lay HAL DOCK them by lhn 1m 1qu holler bl In Ian Brook and nnlhlng The game Assadled Pm 5m Waller the order was liuhtil lbo sevenlh when hour Zl Mnululnlmflfarlf 55333Pmafi 1523 Jlm Malone made lha haste IMPROVE MP AVERAGE 11 Elihu mulling elsammzfimmflif ally scored lhree goal or ball do lrlc and Gaylord Ludo man Pele Rose hm 211 1mm llrooldln Perry lumed In some delth of our ol lhe hill and ralsed Nell Armslrong added two handlooi Eul ha and one ol languagleadlnaauluiglnx amaze fluwglg Ilka lflloh Do Davn ualla pllcos went ram Alo mm ems ruee arr through lapped hem all and Alex Johnson had three an Nan Mayer and Rah hartun had can each GM banged an Mhmk ouch wllh ohmn driving In CINClNNAns PETE ROSE inning ol game with Los An Bollom Rosa slld thrth the Paul Lemea marl lwlca lor mm Wm may em our runs and Halon lwo Vada mad or his headlong we gem up new uIa cm 19 III Unu Shag Crawlord Mississauga Rial Bissau llm manna Elmo soonwwouou want from on narration banm no llfllmfilul Nil ll mall gt an El on an gaing all mg om no arm um uth solpkg ticWEI Tummy Helms ann nu lhlrd Bailey alrelched tor lha hall Jlm lllaloney AP Whehllolol ran hadqoha each Mu may mm Iaiaanfiécos llrsl l5 holler MOE EAGjg NF£15 Cloclnnall nedr lllalonoy up by 311th game hurleduhem nnavhll hlanh mm 5742 llénfaflfiiéinabllriézhlfig aiiwhagcrhyggmf anEfiagksaooaop RPM llnlghocl wllh lwohlllor nil mad 7715 35 P545045 735 lh WWWWm mrruihéinfinfinnhor BENGALSW5 511 only other National amfingcflamaau hall £54 League games scheduledNew York al Pillsburgh mcmcm Perry allowed leadoll an Hardluck Dancérs Image lllnllififllérnm GOMEZ max the mm mm when NEW YORK CF The lwtrycanold champion In 1967 ankle have lglded ln its Fuller aa the co hlnallo of may Jachun and an Aaron lhoroughhxed raging career ol will he relirixl lo slug hecausol him OMS owner cal the culll fiosslhly opened wllh singles Glusll Image la over but of an hum In his nghl konl But lnllza same loreth ma and ohanco of hexlone flowered mob lance Torre mom lCP Jockey Peter mo slill plan to ankle Fuller he retireno nl inlay lewd bl Milan at was deallnrd nkmako thin 1mm Gama mums annealrlhethnrdguola my cows did me but ht would not alecl hls lo gnaw am aazi em Hill aoiasiewh lei hill whom in in speahaerac ream roaererar HEW uniflnfimabmfiig jockey who announced Fuller announced Tues day hls rhornlng will Dr ll chnel ghgrcglél Dawns wh dfiuflu Sold TNI all lie abnormal czd Egg dim mind Jim mozllh €203ng airbus not Dancers Image Canada edjca mfiuw arm Esme wll gm lolal and no Houstons lell fielder Efifiefmsfus 15 em7 he hm finned Sign greases ll could lhmv to Bob Asprnmonle the lsl 975 mm an was baseman Tuesday he now occapl lei nla at shburblll Woodbine NM mm Cm mag gnaw lam rag track starring lodax 514615 ERSTEIGAIED laxla hexagram mm safely Toma broke in see My doglor tells me that ll wwygsoxwmg or gt new HE ms and Glusll backing up third has 0383 he said 11 dalsavlnnanwrslmaaein gt gram54 lawman hillWarren base grabbed lVynns throw Men rang horses in nrgwwsgggr AkGWAMDED mer not er taut WW Rn Colllnmzanllche wnh dlsquhlllicll again let placing led ll con morning workouts lhe laal lous mnlor league baseball Shaina lid Eleorréqadf weekheaddedYeslerday mamamems MammwoarIE LAMED HIM on nae957N195 eon95 git owddtieagnndykmm Ha llulé THE orwdrm° ffifiagmakhy fifiafii fllfihsciqhm 512335 figmyghkpuygg ram214 gAe mm5 555 333 gm me We sail the commlsslon Immmtmw an cm in third run oi lhe liming actoss ll ill for rages wipmul WAIVER WARM963 GEE TBA There 911mg may was he affix Thé elévhfmhusfl Wu up W5 June 10 we to to Kw Db That was plenty to Pat Jar sack like do berm 52 77 55450 fie days about os eh WW9 KY lroll forllvo yuan and St Louis vls who pllched tourhillsi whenlsayllhmugh than we 11 $1335 Snug $1193 WW 1qu gt humanly and rallred la Asuos in row Six llmas Canadian rldlng 29 lb WM Tha huln ul wasCiscns Dancer Ml his ch chm mm The cl an In ill rl In 24 slhrls was five llmes second vflnlgheylkWho carrled 450 can lfliahgldnr lwo years gin fourth Ill season in wind ha gt gt hanclor lurncd in hls sgcoyd suc has mm mom and onco lliird for lnlhl aarnlngs ammonia 13324 G° qrhn°z°lnw National Dream angsgnggalezgnam on an fil32nli$°cgggig 55 REPAIR Pala on Silur gt slaaighl game mm sixhlllu ldc alruefoullo anal permllledonly em Wm WWW JWksf for nuchesler Slevo De clap mm in WM gelglalrlesmmng swarming an Mafia drag alammod oul our hiLémand $5322 was Amei or one ester gig and an gt gt gt lnnhz unansPalolToo Wings heal Bulralo Eisnns 51 9qu new gas WuonbM 13ng tifgugmslgcee lashes 49le Fuller raid the call will an exam eejnm sixl ml was moved loday lo his farm at ml lion gt was helile Wipe on th key la Toledos Victolrxi oa Nnrlh Hamplon Nil where worm mm swan PM Gamma Pepper drove in lhe first lwg Billet will conslder syndiaalioa New wk mm rams willyadlrlplo lhan are glass esllmaled al lo Phone 725ml mumlu oh la goa oa run on he oooooo Lmagmm 83 32 equalled all non lhe world come maganimus ulna l1sz tee Greens single Tom Shnpeyos Dr Gerard amongsizea Danc MNGERFIELDS aan Francisco 2515 5611 15 26 38 ehamplunsllo luv years ago thinksvmled Will doll lirsl homer ulnarell worm Image is ohxsically capable lama no sea Tneglamwrngzmuag mar have me feeling um al YlNNIPEG Cal mph mm by swam in me elmij the man1n Eulmonl Wading so Barrio hladélphla 211 la aga Mall Tneular Will he We by wile 10 lnsl lbls is la wln Blue 30mm lhe Western lhlrd gt ulna SamariumNew Vera an saloni nun 524 Washlnslon at New York and 0W 100M Mndon Ho uroaean muffins aalda mm WWW flange Chlcdna in 21 an as rain We 18 Sta av thal on player moi mm the slew Inc oi oi ll an an 93 all hammer on success nadinns and an 1m Us made 21 x4475 Clevelandl linen Bul Mgrlu can mamas TheCanarnaro arelackleléhil msgum 474 363610313 Manager Matt Bushys Man unlit avoid hell934s an Plans Ellen Wands WP noan In 24 442 Detroit Colonial 35353323135ng alleging €521 as near eerie or or gglgmefslf Maggy in gt gt fahlllcjgo at lhuavhlahln past finches pm xjfsmnfififlldfu 631955 ghewggnggllfiwlglvwg wllh manniversny alManllnha Ham law Columth la ll 577 lot oglllnileds suppoll waa chest wins amjhsohqlaly flora 99 Ansexoovincimuv augusazaeiln ragga 33 ill alien no mi Ymk Fillsllufllhx 9114 El ward wmbe filyyfug Malifill four seasons with lhqaknla Richmon 423 Vi fiaamauscnlfiuounl Jackson 15 21 73 Annual Lug Syracuse ill Jill mm mm mm gt gt lABAWS APINTMENT gr DELHI All Rocheslar Bulfan Balllmoro as 17 14 Lnulsvlllaolacksunviueo gt Cleveland 558 Toledo Syracusez 9Mhlnesola la All 253 Columbusal Rlchm Boalon ll 500 rain FQICBQWIWII 73253359 P1812911 Drivers Emilie woe lhflwilaaecenuynherehalh we 53¢ in la lha filanlay aggllavalflsgglnalfii 535a ééfi Refuse To Yield gt We dldnl yen qlsggas Divlswwell bin laquwle Mum himsol1 Tuesday as uanfildala ma ownan said gt Biol mamas Wodlscuss¢n play Milo $395533 him infill llzaifm MW ma anlalws Wu he made or pl ers whoma 1lg0llNGE sailed past when lo heallng now an an in lull lnlha luzhinaa aeanm cessqu la wigglsgdmlhofl mm mm Tm an 795 SAVE 75c ask esiwtraillhvlcflrybwas ondwvggrq gr 5500 in lg vo cfnlll and 32 thllll nlmf mt Mme llyjnined 35 51 ll nay Powarplarilsivegema yiean lhlldin 9h win no will qu will 7V mile 19 elm MW 33 law However he slimmer lhal ll adh er gallon 955 Hanover vie an iv wllh vlggflasla Snmhy in ma nrfkgnfldelrlfimbg lhe SlinonsIraap 2l $333351 Wale 1435 nxfié The 61 race alsovwas unique gen com certainly wohlq be We come Lunltnaa ovumr owever lhe cans nsua are Nan ln lhal iveeara led in just aa in lo succeed he Bla hnme Foyl approachedvlhallglsh lina lake tell is raw Plug mm adlwo canlM Man all when hairy lip Ounpnwfi ouna alelound Gasolina Alley avored oak game ln lhglh ah eelmypglagglsplns up uh era nnvenllma car and hem lhe only finisher oaled SL Lo hut an ll ln Hamilton aéuihqehataedw Only ll of Mutationwere Gun There is 3an QMW ausar woul lhe race unnlngal lhe chalollc and1 thishmfli gain and lhalswhemlligurel mpkhgnce fibrillng lreclgnol as one ye le onlrea leam nrl sea race at Ema als narla rew rhofillloiugl as anfiimsean nfianlllélmng sons imam flak filinmwuwulgiigg ywswmherwmnon wor onion won Bowaflalereawil ll afar an umecoclunled fnurufi gem llllnngffihggnqlsug an gMonsonas aroma naSales ax ll uls ha hoe In ngnlaxlnsalas warn fig gtblneénp 09 1490115511 gag Alh gt This is shjlclly huslnes he olfllieapaved mm piseflm 079510 09k an on roam nsela aura infilowmansald MhSo hl Mum mull and p91 NM ghnnln no $031 mon ago myaelfllavo lo dhaualv offline body of Jinn 91°52 Whirl ill land dlord rOrornll hay Thursday will nLaonanl and nexl years scheduling wllhlhel ElhleliCan Nnrlh Amarlaa TM mt CZfladian9m ha held lnglal lerand 1an runlnln Hill has tlianulslilaAliasl Cllhgaa N212 WIVES lhloleaellralblalfor angling cauailizfiohxisollcra will yq €flh races on ha on ens arnclll Jones had the only champlon lg uiL are mnhyifig Whack anal Alhégg WU rmewmlwdfl of nWian shrahChlh 961

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