Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1968, p. 16

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mom air Catches On Lake Simcoe ma CANADIAN PW The be fishing holes were in Northern Ontario tut leek as gourd started to bite Illa In mawning runs The weekly Ontario depart meal at lands and lorests report shows that white angling is In roving in the north fishermen in southern eastern and wart ern parts at the patina are ettln mediocre on Lakg trout in the Slate Islands area ol Lake Superior near Rossport are hitting near the surltitc The trout practically extinct in 1955 have been plant ed and now are as heavy as it pounds Lamprey the ecirhke preda tors oi the lake trout have been controlled and the trout are once morcbecoming prize at the northern shore ot the lake POUND TROUT The chora district ol the dc partment reported the best catch last weeka idpound lake trout landed in Crow Lake lilinnaws and worms were the most successful bait reported In thc Lake Simcoc dirxnct perch were biting well in Lake St John Anglers used norms in thc hiced district to take hcavy catches oi speckled trout Reports from 19 at the depart ments 21 districts NORTH ContinuePike and pickcrcl fishing in Little Abitibi Lake and Montreal ltiver good Nina pound lake trout taken in Blue Lake ChupieauGood or all spo clcs especially lake trout and pickerei in liisslnnibi Lake Minnow best bait GcnldtmPikc and plckcrei excellent throughout district Good catches in Onamnn Bur rows Twin Vild Goose and Partridge Lukcs Lake trout ex cclleut in Nipigon Bay and around Stole islands in Lake Su pcrinr Speckled trout lair to flood in Albany Konogami and Little Current Rivers Rainbow trout tuir in Gravel and Jack pine Rivers and Balancing Lake Fort FruncesPickcrcl good throughout district with best an giiug in Lake oi the Woods Pike has and lake trout lair KapisknsingPickercl and pike excellent with Opasntikn and Kapuskasing River best Ninetc pound pike and eight pound pickcrcl taken in Kapus knsing River Goat Rivcr good lorrpccklcd trout KcnoraPickercl excellent in Lake at the Woods English and Winnipeg Rivcr systemsand Eagle Wabigoon and Pelican pouch Lakes Two eighteen pound pickercl taken fromWa bigoon Lake Lake trout biting well in shallow water in Silver Eagle Crown Rowan Deer Williams and Forgotten Lakes Thirtyeight pound lake trout caught in Crow lake last week Pike and smallmouthbass fair to good in all waters Crapproa lair Lakeot the woods Livc minnows bcst bait North BayWest Arm Lake Nipissing lair for all species Pickerci and perch lair in Stur geon Falls area Pike and piekerol good in lake Nosbons ing Speckled trout lair near Highways 63 and 53a Lake trout and pickcrel fairvin Lake Timu gami area Minnows best bait Purry SonthLaké Nipissing popular lor pike and pickercl Rest of district poor Trout lish ing for all species poor through putdistrlet lu Mind trout in Mayflower and Arrow head lakes where all were taken in 28 tiath Loin PembrokeLake trout filth good in Upward iii Mm Wilkes Iniioys Lakes Speck led trout lair in load in Didaon and Ryan Lakes and hue Geek Pickerei lair in Ottowa hirer and lair in Petawawa River Only rmaii lish being caught Pike poor to fair in Otta wadiurer lair throughout rest at istricL Port ArthurLake trout and good in Caribou Lak Fis or all species in all Icrs lair Fishing pressure me dium to heavy Ninopound rain bow trout caught in Black stur geon ltivcr Ptckerei starting to bite well in Lao Dos hilltos Luck and Whitefish Lake Sluli Sic Marielake lair in Blind River area Rain bow trout and speckled trout good in all waters pickercl good in ilksimgi ltiver All trout spccics good in Kirkwoad division Pike and pickeml lair in Wakomata Lake Lake trout and speckled trout fair or most lakes in Scott Ste Marie dis kici Perch lair Sioux LookoutEnglish River good for plckcrii and pike Laka trout good in Vermilion Lake SudburyLnkc trout in to good with best waters Matutou Burwash and Alphreta lakes Pickcrel good in Lake Wanapi tri and French River Speckled trout good in Shufiy area and la in Massey and Cartier areas Pike lair throughoutdis trict Black files and mosquitoea abundant Swastika Fishing pressure moderate Pike and pickcrcl providing best catches SOUflI Lake SimeonLake trout fair to goodiu middle at Lake Sim coc Pickcrcl poor porch good whitriish lair pike and porch excellent on nest and north ends at lake Lake Couchiching pike and wbitcfish poor porch good catfish lair Pike lair and porch good in Sparrow Lake Pike and ptckerel good perch excellent in Lake John Speckled trout fair in Plkonnd Mnd Rivers Rainbow trout ell celicnt and brown trout pooriu Pretty ltlver Dew worms nun nows spinners and flies all good baits EAST KemplviliePike and pickerel good in theau River ranting Grenville County Pike good pickcrcl nil in St Lawrence River Pike good and lake trout fair in Charleston Lake Pike poor in Whitefish Lake Pickercl fair in Little Ridcau Lake Lake trout air in Big Bidaau Lake All species poor in Lanark County Perch excellent in Lake St Francis LinduyPickcrel lishing air in all waters Panfisb good All trout species tairto good TweedLake trout good in Vollaston Kamnnlskeg Weslemkoon Mosquito and Palmerston lakes Both live and artificial baits good Spockled trout good in Egau Creek Worms best bait Fickerel good in Baptiste and Paudash Lakes fair in Crowc Stoco and Beaver takes Live bait Pike fair throughout district Paniish good in all waters WEST lake ErlePickerel good in Lake st Clair and Detroit River Rainbow and speckin trout fair Bass improving in Detroit River Twins Manage Early AttaCk El scnuvuaii tr Assodated Press Sports writer Sonny Siebert and BillRuhr of Cleveland Indians pitched seven bitless innings against Minnesos to ivins but their combined el fort was sort of like locking the after the horse escaped Siebert and Bohr didnt yield hit from the second through the eighth innings Tuesday night at Minnesota but the Mus touched Siébcrt to three in the first when thenscored all of their runs in at victory In otherrAmerican league acA lion Oakland Athletics edged Bostonriiod Sox 34 DetroitTl gcrs topped California Angels and ti Orioles nipped Chicago White Sox at in 10 innings at Milwaukee The Washington at New York game was rained out Minnesota got its first four batterson basc against Siebcrt in the lirstlohn Roscboro dou bted and scored on Rod Carews single Alter Harmon Killebrew walked Tony Oiiva doubled in Carew and Killebrow scored on Hich Reeses sacrifice fly VSiobert thcnstopped the Twins until the seventh when 22hr took over to complete the GET THREE EACH Cleveland scored in the top ol the firstvop Lee Mayos single ticlders choice and Tony Hor tonc double Maya and Honda oach got three at the seven hits run Perry who washailed out of an Eighthinning lam 17 Wordiington It woo Worlh ingtons 10th save or thevscaaon skiing accident nibde ids ltrst appearance of thy season in Bosioo5losing effor ainst Oakland The big Red Sox rightvbandei reactivated last weekend came in with twu men on and one out in the sixth and got out of the jam He also pitched the sev enth yielding one hitand no HIDE Keir Harrelson homered for Boston in the second but Oak land cameback with two runs on Jim Pagliaronis blast in the bottom ot the inning it was the first homer with aman on base °al the Oakland Coliieum this season The Athletics also scored in the sixth on two walks and Joe Rudis double Detroit broke loosetor tour runs against Cahtomias George Brunet in the first inning Bill Frecban doubled in the first two runs and then scored on Willie Hortons homer by THE common PRESS gt Ontario Senior Brooklin 103Mississauga Ontario unlor Toronto 12 Mississauga to Long Branchat Mimico rained out onionE Senior Orangavltle 17 London Ontario Junior Kitchener l7 Rexdalcllv Mississauga at Al Wu rained out National Association ancouvcr 12 Portland 11 DlBCGilER carcinomas Asaph Hall at the United States Naval Observatory dis covcicii Miirs two satellites VPltobos and Dcimooin 1877 trail TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL livo pin bowling champions train the Monday and Tuesday night mens lczgucsnt Kemp view Bowl were honored liltin day withlrophy awardsloin lowing their annual banquet at Ithe Embassy itali Show hero withthe spoilu of victory are tell to right the top individ uals lor the 196768 fivepin ling season Anovp lilon day Group Gord tricks and Eric Roberts tied or season high single Ron Abbott sea son high triple lilck Foxcrolt season high avoragaBE LOW mutiny Group Bob tslare fifléon single eve or names aaoy season high ain le Don Ptailok season high triple Al Broadfoot season big avoragalEnmtuer Pho to Bob By THE CANADIAN PRESS The onslaught against the Ca na an Amateur Hockey Asso ons decision to peg the age limit for junior players at 19 got under way in earnest Tuesday ior league heading tor direct showdown with the CAHA The tutcom Western Canada Junior Hockey League an nouncad its governors have agreed unanimously on an age limit of 21 The CARA at meeting in Windsor Ont last week authorized an age limit oi to There was also an outcry from Tony Fraser general manager of Monctoo Alpine Seals ol theMaritime Junior Hong League undesaid the He league may in jeop ardy because the CAHA limit will cause scarcity of players And city council in Kitchener Onttnoirvthc first step in what may evolve into formal com plaint to the Ontario govern ment over the CAHA move Prior to last weeks Windsor meeting the CAHA recognized as junior any player who was under 20 on May at of the year son The new rule moves the deadline up five months to Dec Ill ollhesame year The West ern gu of moves seven months in the other direction The Wutern move is direct ASSOCIATED FRESS AniericanyLeague an RPM 156 25 mass 1501 327 155 21 donut 13022 40308 Howard Was Yaslski an Catcw Min Horton Del Monday Oak 104 12 31298 Home Runs Howard Washington is Horton Pttchi in Chicago to 00 Perranoski Minnesota 4411000 McLain Detroit 875 Nationnlbelgne Rose 175 an 366 Staub Hull 167 18 56 335 Moll Fl 10 10 340 Johnson Ctn 169125 55 325 Flood SLL Ill 25 55 tm Home Runs Aaron Atta to Hart San Francisco McCo étaub Hous ton 2d Pcrez Cincinnati 27 San Francisco 21 with Wutcm Canadas top jun following the startof the seas no LEADERS challenge to shortlived peace pact with the CAHA Several teams forming the WCJHL dur ing the 196667 season played outside CAHA jurisdiction as the Canadian Major Junior Hockey League alter the CAHA vetoed proposals for draft of players from other junior leagues The league reached ac oordl with the CAHA or last SERSOII The WCJHLalso annou ed Tuesday plans to offer touryear scholarships toplayors in or younger at universities and vo cationai schools Players stud lug continuously for the fa years would keep iunior eligib ity or the duration of liiEli cours But ill Hunter owner at Ed monton oil Kings and chairman of the WCJHL board of gover nors itold an Edmo hon news inc anon THIS WEEkS SPECIAL AB flPcI conlerence tho league will make no move to declare its independ once Then Gordon Juckes CARA executiyc director said in Win nipeg that adoption of the higher age limit by the VCJIIL would automatically force the league outside rganized hockey In Windsor Ont CAHA presi dent LloydPollock said if the league operates under the new regulations the league and its players will be suspended by the CAIIA and players probably will not be allowed toraturn to CAHAIsauctioned tcamat later date CUT GATE RECEIPTS Hunter argued that the CAHA age limit would reduce the WCJHL to an allstar juvenile and Gentle thorough cleaning in crystal clear soliients plus perfect finish you Jo garmont you aro proud to wear 7286441 terminus coipts in half The lower limit ncourage raiding by gas altering also might UnitEd Sta hockey scholarships WCJHL club Swift Current tes coiIc nmammmmmnv outrun CoOp Preserves Perfect Record On the Iron arm at itcher Hodgonn Barrie mullnues to maintain their the use Barrie and Dirtrirt in termediate Fastball ti night at Queens Park amidst constant drizzle the delend Iieid Motors by 52 count raia ing their strong start to per teet so mark Wblla lilo tummates placed the wood early to losing pitcher John Beans oflerings Hodgsou was an example at feciton Until Peta hloNnbh Fe blooper double into diort right lleld to lead at the home hail of the fourth Hodgsan disinlm idue consecutive batters sorranit SENIOR Notinwa hanastman Lakevlaw Woods RA Newrnarket Mondayl Score Woods BA Newmnrket Palm Gonna Tonight Woods BA lakeviow Nottiga at impEaslinan it Thursday Lakeview Newmarket 800 Salmon lmpEart at Woods BA 7200 Bar INTEMISMEDIATES rio Yanch Heating Borden Clarkson Universal Hayfield UE lIil anghis Score 3on Baylleld him Gainer Tonight Yonch at Borden 900 Thursday Clorkson at BByiield 700 CoOp at UE 830 Sunday Borden at Coon Fairgrounds 250 Claritson at Universal Queens 880 ONTARIO LADIES SENIOR Sunday Simcoo nt Barrio two gamut Queens Park icon pin Coghill Sparks Mattie Success ronouro ca an Cog hill collected eight points in cluding four goals tiesday night to pace Toronto lilarlboros laughs $3 to 1210 victory over lastplace hum winni Brandon Mississauga in the Ontario La Finn can Edmonton Iii crossc Association Junior an gum and Moose Jaw The same fies clubs minus the three Manitoba teams played in the rebel OMJHL in the 196667 season In Monoton Fraser said close to 100 players in the Maritimes Will be affected bytbc age Bob Chandlerrscorcd two goals Robbie Patton scored three Torontov goals Paul Suggatte and Bob Smith netted two each Dennis Grill added the other Earl MacNefl Frank Dd and limit He said at the CAHA each JoryMississauga Bah meeting junior hockey oilicials Gardner Cordflnlei Bill trom coast to coast favored McKenzie and Rick Dudley had an increase inthe age llinii one each tie Last ing playoff kings clipped Bay gained in Alteriwo were out in the some CoOp uprising Russ Granger espoud rep ed to lot pitch by clubbing uiatinn as top contender lor it oep into right field for tworun circuit clout However game was well out at reach by this time with C00 nursing so advantage DimMorrison ollowed up with single but tho rally ended when CoOp lctt fielder Jack Shannhan snared Randy Laceys line drive The only other Hayfield base runner was Jock Eiherington who gained that base through an error by shortstop Bill Bertram the stain QUICK BITS While Co 0p demonitrotcd strong defensive play they made no mistake on the attack on tatning their five runs early two in the first two more in the second and one in the third They bagged six oi their seven hits oil Bean during that stach including key Iworun homer from rookie Gcrd Mower after Dave Miiis oneout single in the opener Jim Reynolds who scor ed the winning run earned bloop riogieand drove home an other run with long triple Rfiltih Smith connecth or two es Next scheduled league action is tonight when Yanch Heatingl travels to Baso Borden for an pm date with the Fivers CoOp 221 000 05 Baylicld 000 200 04 Hodgson and Smith Bean and Dykstra honey NormanGains $300 Top Prize TORONTO CF Moe Nor man collected $300 Tuesday when he shot threeunderpar 67 to win the first tournament in the Hunt Trophy competition for Ontario prolessinoais George Knudsnn tied Norman ai 61 but ruled hirosell out of the prize money Norman and Knudsiin shot par 35s on the trout nine and 325 on life back nine Tied for second placé with 715 were Murray Thicker Bob Rose Ken Girard Ken Duggnn Leon Decaire and Ernie Nerlich They divided 3m Blitl spins ma Assocuirao mass PltdiingJim Maloney Rcds pitchcd onebitter and ruck out 10 as fincinnati blank Loo Angeles Dodgers 70 BaitingPete Rose Reds lashed four straighthiio lead ingar13hlt Cincinnati attack in the 14 triumph over the Dodg ers WIN mums MATCH SUREINN England CP Reuters Valcrie Ziegenfuss of San Diego Calif beat Vicki Bernu oi Vancouver 61 64 nicsday in the Surrey grass Icourt lawn tennis tolunamonts ere PLEASE CLIP MELiifli noswns foo ouNiQi saw glint PAllt or oiirssQOii cisjilii iitoui iron in pan cusroiiinit griuliiisoav FRIDAY sharply only okrsrurriiisdomoqrrf

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