NEWS BOUNDIIP Would Establish An Eastern Farm Bureau CIIATIIAM tu Center vative government would set up an eastern arm bureau la division oi the agriculture de partment to consolidate services and ctroperate closely With the provinces Conservative leader Strolleid pledged Monday At rally hem Mr Sianlield let out Mr partys Policy on eastern agriculture and said the Liberal governments progress in this area is one oi the most serious hints on its record lie said the Conservatives have no curetall for the prob lem oi eastern armors but at least have policy partial tut oi his speech was released bciorc delivery Mr Sinniield said an impor tont principle oi Conservative policy is in work more closely with the provinces in developing programs and adopting them to the needs of each area DALTON MALES Record 18 Trade WAEHINGTON AP Search mus April as both exports and im ports reached record levels the commerce department reported Monday The in compared with 315500075th illicit to March the first time in live yeara that imports had exceeded exports Gets Retraclion TORONTO CP Dr Morton Shulman NORToronto liigh Park got conditional retraction but no apologies irom Social Services Minister John Yoremko bion day ior having called the NDP member liar durin OVERCAST and rainy con malnder of country will have but St Johns will still be In mmmmrnurIunuxo DISTRICT WEATHER MoStly Sunny On Wednesday The Toronto Weather otliu forecasts variable cloudiness ior today changing to mainly many weather tomorrow in the Barrie region Temperaturu will re main constant low overnight win he ts Iiigh Ioreeast or to marrow is 65 Synopsis intermittent rain in southwestern Ontario will grad uaiiy peter out to low light showers today The cloudiness associated with the system will continue ore most oi the lore east district through Wedncs day loaded Hamilton Windsor Toronto Lake St Clair Lake Erlo Lake Huron Niagara Western Lake Ontario Cloudy with some light rain or driuie today Cloudy with sunny inter vals Wednesday with chance oi tow showers Winds south Whlte River Mainly cool with ocattered shown today Variable cloudinru Wedne Winds southeas terly is to 25 °Ihiiiihl sunny ay with sunny periods and little change in the temperstuns Light winds Forecast temperatures Low overnight out chanday Windsor is St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest t5 Winghom ti iiamilton St Catha es to Toronto 45 Pcterborough to Kingston ts Trenton ts easterly 15 Southern Georgian Bay East ern Lake Ontario Variable cloudinesstoday Mostly sunny Wednesday Not much change in temperature Winds southeas tctly North Bay Sudhnry liailburl ton Northern Georgian Roy Ti magaml Cochrane Western James Bay Mostly sunnywith not much change In tempera tures today and Wednesday Winds light Sauti Ste Marie Algoma mainly mild and pleasant skles East coast south oi Newioundiaod will be mild the middle tsa high that has lasted tor weeks llircphote iiiilotne 45 Muskokn is North Bay Sudbury heated legislature debate ast ditton are again Iorecast or week southern Ontario while re Gang Rivalry MONTREAL CPI Police investigating the lzth gangland slaying in three months are speculating that rival undcrA world mob may be attempting to move into the Montreal re gion gang rom Toronto could be involved The latest victim stiiltunl dcntilied 11yearold whose body was found early Monday in an alloy in the eastcod oi the city was the second killing in three days Late Saturday the body oi Overtime Pay TORONTO CF legisla tion introduced it by Labor Minister Dalton Bales will require employers In Ontar io to pay employees timeanda hall or overtime beyond It hours week give them seven Wm Competition BAGUIVILLE Que CPI Three days oi tough airborne competition ended Monday with 409 Squadron irom Canadian Forces Bdse Corona 136 car rying oil the Machrien Trophy Service ol the Order oi Canada ADD TUMOR TO BANKING by GovernorGeneral hiicbener MONTREAL CP The in private ceremony lioon flank of Canada here is They were among an Conn developing sense oi humor dians named last year as win can announcins It new branch ners oi the medal given in rec Ski Call bank the high ognltion at service to country ashton look It replies with gummy holidays yen and as an MS allweather president oi the Canadian Paru on compme new 1mg 01 to Plesic Association were present money fashions may be seen in SSWSQMPK war $5233de the CI ed Monday With the Medal hi my EXAMINER WANT ADS onrnewshnwroomz Thu new legislation expected to come into iorec next iall will also empower the labor dcpnrt Hlstorlc Slte GUELPH CF The Guelph Receive Medals TORONTO CP Grog Clark 75 one oi Canadas best known newspaper men and John Counsel 56 inundlng White River Moosonee Timmins aaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaa TIIY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mutt ment to collect unpaid wages tor employees up to total claim at $1000 Francesca Grade 33 building contractor was found shot iour times and sprawled near his car in suburban St Leonard Fishermen Drown KENDRA Ont CF hvo ï¬shermen were drowned Satur day ot Ook Lake in miles north of here alter their livioot boat overturned In 20oiootdoep water third man sworn to shore Pnllce were searching ltlon day tor the bodies oi James chamho nl Hoyt Minn and Elmer Anderson of the Kcnora Fixed Deadline TORONTO CPI Municipal Darcy Mc Koough sold ilondny he has in armed Lakehendnrea muniei politics that June tit deadline for receipt uI briefs commenting on report recommending re gional government or the area wontrbc extended Ailnlrs Minister Indian Trouble ow Democratic Leader Donald no ld area both 50 predicted trouble unless the birthplace oi Col John itieCrne doctor soldier and poet who wrote in Flanders Fields during the First World War will be open to the public irom ndd June Restoration is based on photos of the cottage at the turn at the century Sales Bylaws SARNIA CP The Ontario Chamber at Commerce voted Monday to study the question of legislation to allow municipali ties to pass bylaws regulating tire and bankruptcy sales In motion which brought the lASIEK 0F IAIABlYIIS ï¬nacuur WINNIE nu the float week oi Tlmhlynl hi Spcclltuile gin into summi 5mm We are ailerlng more bit extra Special this weak pitfl over 150 nla itenu Stock up now and live It Tamblynl DRUG STORES provincial government acts soon to deal with the problems at Our tarios native indians We have reached the cross roads In our relations with the Indians Mr MacDonald said demanding that the government come to grips with situation Illicit is truly national sean rnost spirited debate oi the day the Sarnin Chamber oi Com merce said bankruptcy sales across Ontario are accompanied by also advertising Sueh sales OUTSTANDING errant SATIN or coroutov COVERED FLAKED ram FILLED IN AllRACTlVE assorrro caters said Eddy oi Sarnla often ORAL ANIISEPIIC CK WRIT gitlmate businesses and there appeared no other way oi count1 20 or bti Reg L44 gt ering them Subway Bombing TORONTO CPI No men charged with illegal possession or explosives alter iivc sticks oi dynamite were inund near subway yard were remanded in mogistratcs court Monday to June ltlcanwhilepolice eontlnue to guard Toronto Transit commis sion property in the wake at three bombings in recent weeks Order New Trial VANCOUVER CF Con viction oi senior Central Mort gage and Housing Cnrp execu tive on charge at attempted NOMINATIONS SPECIAL wntts seam insist lly THE CANADIAN PRESS Following is the list oi candi dates in constituencies where nominations for the June 15 fed eral election closed Monday Nominations in the other 243 constituencies close June 10 5475lx Sta Korehinskt PC Joseph Zbitnew NDPI Wayne Zimmer Lake PC 3399xAlbert Cndieu PC Bert Jackson Carole Lavol lee Ind Elias Nesdnly NDP gross indecency was quashed Legend Liberal PC Monday and new trial ordered by the Eritlsh Columbia Appeal Court lean inipien 44 or Ottawa was convicted June 15 of at temptcd gross indecency with another male in hotel room Feb oi last year During the trial Lupiens iawy contend eti and be lieved the other man involved who was dressed as woman was in fact woman Plane CraSh TORONTO CPI The legis lature was told Monday that the crash of Turbo Beaver aio craft near Chapleau Saturday produced the that Iatality in volving lands and forests alr crait in many years Skeet Champion Protect Consumer SF JANVIER Que CF Paul Laporie 0yearold Montreal restaurateur Monday successiuliy defended the closed Canadian internationalstyle skeet championship he won last year and went on to take the Canadian open title as well Lapnrte had to win shootoil with Bob Rodale Sillyearold Allentown Pa magazine edie tor who won the ï¬rst Canadian open title held herelast year it Attacks Liberals VELLAND CF New Democratic Leader TC Doug ias said Monday night the Liher vole SC George Whitioybury meme 35 mm Wu tPCRttSIJ Paterson NDP work every momma ciee that will worsen Canadas unemployment problems Theyre raising interest rates and theyre deliberately encouraging slack in the chem omy Mr Douglas told an esti mated 900 at party meeting TORONTO CP The legle laturc was told Monday that the Consumer Protection Act may be widenedto include contracts that do not call or payment at 30pm p0 Paul 5L PM Andy Wtdrten SC interest such as load plun agreements Mac Makarohuk tNDP Erantiord had suggested the extension in view at the closure of Scarborough inod service which he said loit hundreds oi nanco companies housewives owing money to tie son NDP rag lmingï¬nngws PC Fox 60 managing editor oi the Loprise Cred Andre Lavigne Gerald Leonard NDP More Parent PC Giles PC Louis Riaux NDP Keith Penner Douglas Sly NDP George Wardrope PC NDPiijobert Simpson PC PC xFrank Howard NDP SC t58ilRohert Barrie snortLeboe SC John Powers ind Elihart Regler NDP Progressive Conservative NDP New Democratic Party Cred Creditiste SCSoeloi Credit indIndependent xmember oi last House znew seal Fi es otter constituency name indicate party majority in last election or byclection tvhere constituency boundaries have been changed by redistri bution majorities ore Io corre sponding territory NEWFOUNDLAND BurlnRurgeo MODDart ald Barton NDP xDou Jamie son Robert McGratit PC HumberSt Barbe 5697xiierman Bat ten Calvin Hillyard NDP Jack Marshall PC Grand FallsWhite BayLnbra tor 7239xAndretv Chat wood Ambrose Puddle PC Austin Scott NDP GanderTwiliingale L756 xCharles Granger John Luudrigan PC Lowell Patti Donnvista Trinity Concep on 5721xlam5 Tuck Vlctoria Times since 1931 ovnnnc so mm ColinJack at Ahttibt Cred 8566xGerard Manlcouagan 58tgtGostave lllouln aloud Boulanger Cred Jerry oiph Stewart KendraRainy River 3699 MANITOBA comma PC 5075Frank emblnsky Brian Koshui BRITISH COLUMBIA Skcenn NDP splatArthur ates Vernon Ctecono Coast Chllcutln new seat ortluy Dent NDP Gordon Prince GeorgeIPeaca Iliver Ater Runkle PC SASKATCHEWAN hihekenzic PC 10160xGerald PC Don Branigan Phil Thompson NDP cagno Paul Yeiehuk PC xDouglas Gaston IndPC Gouriay PC Searle Hornby NDP Collier Mabcrlcy Ind Sulatycky 579Harvey Kent NDP xlaud Orange David Van Norman PC lay Robert MeLa ren NDP xErik Nielsen PC ding 71 one at iour US Army Air Service completed Lie iiist roundthe world flight Sept zo m4 taco magistrate who come west Irom his Quebec home in tors few months to live Clark 102 president oitho Cochran BZDLJeanng La Farmlngtou bank who until two yEara ago rode bicycle to zanls 71 iormer president at Hnrvey Moots NDP xlohn Mantreals GreekHellenic Corrt ReidrtLlioward Webb munl PC ly loopsWrite for tree bro ALBERTA River tPC Baldwin Peace Athabasca PC ALDENTerry nderson NDP Michael Illac nullity Mountain 102861 gt John McLeod Ind Alien NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Northwest Territories vurroN Yukon re EMUChris Findv acorns By Tun CANADIAN PRESS VictoriaAndrew Leslie Les lieutenants who St Roniiaee MamHenri acerto 79 iormer St Boni gmAR when ids doctor said he had Thunder Bo tnewseatl Pannington Utah mosa MontrealNicholas Air Law Rainbow Speckled LKam ehure on stacking We also have technical booklet on building and managing yourown trout pond price 50 cents The hranklla Trout Fnrnt Mount Albert no Sharon Ont Phone 416 41373520 as More rip 129 £er oxv DIODORAIII rout ray For Aim akin Irritation DESIIIII DIIIIMEIII or Tube Nlli Fruits breath Instantly LilSTERlIIE errant sonar Ferny strum mm or Patrcotoit IiAIIt COLOIIIIIG rampant PRO TOOTH BRUSHES aw Joltnloua BABY Oil For lobln 5th at Sunburn MI amaze runwtthoywittoutiun 01 cuth TANNING LOTION 93¢ 99¢ 675 HELPS TD KKEP YOUR SKIN YOUTHYUL nullity ctm hold glouytinlth FLOUR WAX FotFlnuFalteruidootMuIl Iakarcu smrsa SPRAY more 21 not OFFER leova your uni roll of Him at Your mind IyTAMILYN onuc sron leeelv ass both oi Kodak Film the Sam sink Your More orrtamtturoi KODACOLOR Biack Willie IZO 620 l270120 620 127 126435 20 Exp I26 FREVLL DY Modern French Dlllln la Or Small Sin PARTY classs Qulik nlhflrorn gallrk Ilypuliidlty that trust ldeol For Travail th Hexochlomphine secular AND cxm note WHITE ItAtu HAIR SPRAY ramttynrtnvuwnu to or lvnt FACIAL nssurs not 29 isniItliiiiaiï¬sZir 5o ngulllfltMInI Flavour 83 TOOTH rm 9f inhalant an SUBS RETAIL 295 Comfortobil Around The House LADIES rsnnv more scum