In rant on nmw mm mu animus Ilium will no hr two billion mix or mild stu minimal kitchen Televhonc mason unllnbh Dell basin lat min SPACE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Ofï¬ce space containing two ud oinlng ottioes Ideal ior insur ance business or general otlica purposes lain street location in Allandsie Reasonable rant Apply to Merrick 7161 mi mm Pom an ummï¬mzor Barrio II reasonable mil For iurlner liiInimallnn nhcnl rduitna bustin hours mm GARAGE FOR RENT lman ipr redhusttlltigalilnr an rue growlallay Taxi Dunlap Street TelDuos mats ROOM AND BOARD WANTED pour on Board noutrcd in pdV Jltt hall or vounl mile Bell elcpnono canola Tclrnhorin 71 Mn ACCOMM WANTED rainstorm cmlme with re mnslbe flmiv moire bedroom Ipartzncnl or noulo by Iiilv Telephone Mr am 1mm col gtlrlcct mmo mum his and us nor my EXAMINER WANT ans SUMMER COTGES 7p conaces FDR RENTV thACIIAR LAKE gt bede 201 saw cams on Man 1le mam 111 17m miermr any hkrlront cot me new may eaulppea ind Lmucorivvelrileï¬cels Itvallnblglolum usurp ust 21 or mom COTTAGES FOR SALE DE Issoo unnnooiia with tire upon llvlril mom luuy inm Tnun yrmlgr VIIIlmhnldfIzst Espri are coon roan Telcphone John coir msoli ltepresentliit priory Miller neil Jhtatc TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS dim NORTHWAYRUG CO LTD llnbousc at line bmdloom 7r DOMESfIC AND IMPORTED fl BROADLOOM ghostinnit all sizes and prices HZOoIller St Phone 7mm CLEARANCE OF USED APPLIANCES Now is the time to buy your stove refrigerator washer tor Ithc cottage or home ROBINSON HARDWARE Dunlop St 7282411 ll iEg CAMPme airmorons aerator lo rust Int In In no rmllrut punl lion Taleoooau fitme ariu us asuuma t1 Trflnor nus Sawmill 53d flwriipï¬bulisf MC l0 5mm sout im mamlct ï¬lm alter 17111 Itmxtzmm lrtrtdm up soon nilhim aide slap door will mm mm used yun Mo flaps mm in par for nuflkulaas runner mm In and chain pli mt uilumu and chair tan bod mattru and druser law or eottm muons m5 spin at 2cher till flgh or arm ilr rim Included us new Bone 72547 alter Fn 19 Mle 10 13 Virginian Flagrant In un or ckPszllhbll at Iamc ï¬nal as pinu Moro Amateurs experimnu coinnleta rtrs nor can lcw All band Phone cw vlrts lubrr All or In pm worn bench wired no will 00 armtor om luv amps mm NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS sin an ll ism Hall chicken cocoa slutr curnu ran maulanaconda In Baills minor BOATS AND MOTORS Your 1968 CHRYSLER MOTORS Now On Display at RIDGE ROAD MARINE Ridge Road and Con Oro 4375102 lt nor as Telephonr mm mu sat in excellent cousin ll urban Rd llllv MIL IO ltB Johnson outboard Mr Bill Ooohtown sism1 10 Australia Sail Boat 1m inan el norms nuu aluminum cplis Dacron iiiii rro ecli white uil no Iclllfldlilllc moic2615 can anav 1967 in in De mien ships Askinl 31100 slimy nay Out 732600 F301 uluurtug Est anus dill3110361 ielepnénr music Il tar mm is com Plywood Runabout to 1M1 llhmzlblaltfuu toss Talc mmém itin pm ll 00 Mihollm and Hm asst lpr ale tool souln new $115 feiopliiIM 7266127 or my be seen at to Maple Avenue 17 FT PLYWOOD BOAT into Ford ard tor up leto win puuerfbivul 3a reasongblo nelepupm mam 15 FT nuwoon hmbout or sale as bullohm aidctrtkrl nut comp in equipment mo Neuron anavr nun Tandem miter till 5733 inalrs an otter bed new szol rlscn chesteflleld no air ex llcnt condition can no at any 51 propian JJEED ACCORDTAN or ula in ¢x uncut condition and summed Telaptloae mould ussn awNmo canvas 5c us it fillputs tarps or sale or nut has rte Tim and Awnlnl mm tall RAltlBLmnIrIs rpr sale sped ago1111mm Telnbonn moot utrr pGUflAlL Fender Mustang mus cuss Klan Irriuun unit as rmtTopii car is new can no es anoae mm nsnn macro an Filnuccl tar auiz In rppa condition rpr nir tlirr prioruian leispam no in Nor wanna Boiler used leoooo nlu incluuliu baseboard radiation ugh new condition Telephone EARN All HI All El Autb Zenith DEER mudgu thcl 55 Dunlou 7m oanann owns large suitable IC InlCX Issue Also overhead 011 HrsMu Telephone It Clemels Mr Milt 7W1 ECHlNlt Old Jewellery Hanna Lam Clocks Bunion nan Ra SINGER Zia21 meallea inopl a37 Spulal $13995 or pruatrst stitth iiipaling mu stiiurernli name 13mm climax rosns fna all paler All leuniu up to isobaric Assam LAWN Mowni Illnw LIWYPBW Lawn Mower El lalrphoau mom or timber pu tlcuiuu WluNGllt wasmNn Mrltlllul roi hair mrirumt size range track srpp corpora Mango rick Also necking ma lime ior lovely cs soul mm mu 751STON mt bani ii F017 Cloyam Boat with nilr tbmum deck 1N 1112 Chrysler motor speedometlr tack canvass gremrd¢np¢l¢eellflc trim elec purli ectrlc BY mono illids cruiser lilhollbv 121an 1117 an Instrument and applet totDran min 1991 May be seen Phonic WANTED no TRADE ll root ce du mp boat rm pppdiupp rpr 15 loot square stern rinse Telu nbone name after lo rt cum Cnilser or sale to Tap Outbollvl moldely recondi tioned ilecos lullv caulppcd 3105 Teleptoona mom or 11 tnpr parllculara mintle room Plywood Boat complete wlLb 15 home 70th Win motor killer ï¬ve ltle llthtl tank and in Rooms plates Price moon null Apply Bill Mc Pherson Moe Ono of Bhutan Mm Docs ms Gonna lamrs Rotslever fol lIle male pureprgii months old wï¬ï¬m with cbildna Telephflne our Fan sale hmwri female intu hture poodle timed weeks old Teleptuia tum ruminants upreristma Pinon in or ill pi es as gs 1m ¢l¢Dh0nl malls am pm CONST MACHINERY IRONT loader for hire in shape anuv lmuurolatclv pbnns 72114751 his BACK lion inorde ontwtml drive truck coop condition Tula thne 118109 Want Ads Dont CostrThey Pay MASONS Custom Built rlnnrmcns BARBECOES Plcrunnsoun rmos SIDEWALKS instructlnns to BoltYourself DRIVEWAYS EM Slnile Panels Designed and Gus tom out Delivsrcd wiiir lull iQCALL 7261009 BARRIE Ear Protessllmal Adiice add permanent beauty and valus and Pres Estimator on how you can lityour hope at minimalcost SIHANTYDBAYSTONE co sroNn DISTRIBUTORS BRICK AND BLOCK cousth HWY 11 NORTH SIDE ss lip 0m fugï¬mtï¬uaiupp Wintmen vols1 USED EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE Harvester with iced and1ls in excellent condi lsoansu mail 116 BURTON AVE 7234315 mo mum 35 NURSINGSTAEF wmmmmmm MhhmubdeYuriGamlflwtulflmn Winthbuflulelsflflsdmlehmw llonlyflvmhduï¬unhnlmw AUCTION SALE Friday evening May 31 slurp fr IRS KENYON 1th Avenue Oakka Beach WASAGA BEACH 3er but tbs Omit Earri nre on electrical appliances tools 119 TRAIL BLAZER CAMPERS Models PRICED FROM 3349 KNOTTY PINE SPORTARAMA an human Outlrii nuts hurt but ll calls son SALE na Num minim personal Melopmeat Residue Imminodatbn available within Hiking the hospital Please direct eoquirlel to MISS JACK Assistant Administrator Director of Nursing NORTH YORK GENERAL HOSPITAL 4001 Leslie Street WILLOWDALE Ms 12 TENDERS er with In dilhrcn TENDERS FOR pm an GENERAL CONTRACT HOME FOR THE AGED COLLLNGWOOD ONT SEALED TENDERS for the construction 91 llama tor the Aged will be received by the undersigned no later than 100 pm local time TUESDAY JUNE II 1961 at his ollicc at lit lorslcy St Barrie Ontario Drawings and Specifications will be available to General Contractors at the Treasurers Ofï¬ce and the Architects Oii ice at Curlew Drivn Don Mills Ontario on deposit $10000 on or after 300 p111 May 1968 Deposit will no returncd it Drawings and Speciï¬cations are returned In good condition uith in ten days of closng ot Tend CTS Bid Bond In the amount at at large country estate Terms cash No reserve as tho home In told Watch for lull list My 295 AUCTION SALE for JOHN MILLIGAN Int 14 Can It Wcst thllim bury Township one mile south o1 Fcnnells Corners on Highway 11 and 16 mile nest on SATURDAY JUNE at pm the following IMPLde ll MISIEL LANEOUS John Deere full type combine cut cylinder motor in good conditio blas uy furrow trail plp Per ruson Iuirow plow Interna tional nln med drill with tractor liltoili litchcn Harves ter 100 pipes elbows and hood Bearing wagon llsl rack International 15 run 5ch driU urnnlngham bay tcddcr Intcr national double disc Roll of steel cable Electric lance Steel posts Furnace slckir Quantity o1 scrap Iron Yr hp motors hp motor fans it rolls snow tcncc Blow er complcta with electric motor suitable tor blacksmllhs large Pony cart and harness DAIRY EQUIPMENT Laval 27 can bulk cooler DeLavnl magnetic milking up its with one extra pail naw condition Surge milkcr pump or operating units Pipe and stall cocks tor 10 coins Stain Inss steel strainer 12 Really walcr bowls tno loo gal wal er tanks 50 gal water tank 15 cow trainers Jamcsway Watkins logger Quantity oi 11y spray New Oster catllc clip pers Set at laundry tubs HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Norgc refrigerator Wcsllnir house refrigerator Studio couch chesterlield chairs pc living room suite lrilight lamp rugs pc bedroom suite Chrome table with chairs washstands lied chest at drawers Clothes ham pcrs Rocking ch Antique choir Antique wicker bassln ctte dressing tables Chest Trunk Humidltirr Pictura rallies old books Childs rock ing cha Binoculars pc Nippon china set old Coleman lantcrns Electric corn popper Copper vboilnr Number chairs Number 01 clocks card table and diatrs coal oil lamps Cottoe tobln Decorator cushions White special dresser Electric cooker Fryer Pedes tal fern stand Travel electric iron Regular electric iron Kitchen table arboritn top Me tal kitchen stool Earn lanterns Oak library tab lectric mon tel clack rad leclric mantel radio Portable electric record player Old tabla model gram aphone and records 3060 bolt action rifle Trolllng rod and reel Several braided and hooked rugsSea shells and coral School desk Old Singer treadle sewing machine pair of shutters sets at stars counter scales kitchen tar bios Utility cabinet 30 unlimil SaltMillard aslowae pi wmmn plow rusoN mum Mm731 Highway 17 South Midlaa am canan pppr now Open Wed Thurs and Friday amus until mimwmnï¬w 53750 1m couaan to sale Good tall GARDEN SUPPLIES l5 NICK dihï¬ï¬‚dihl norm GARDEN TRACTOR an tic PM RE i°iut°ir up electric rim cnmpttta with rotary mower vinyl top mom will Taic ONLY $1179 bbnm 1m roan am tor ir Irma mot can arias an mum IL mom HANDY PRO HARDWARE Alcoa Beach Rd M1770 Better LAWN MOWERS Molar blower and HulaEclipse ms srirouanii sauna Wllon EMPLOYMENT WANTED AND cyan IE Edaï¬iï¬iliui3ii RIDGE ROAD MARINE Ridgo Road Con 18 am ear copa moon mold DleI am VI wt 31311 wtth black 11ml top mun Top Soil sullyres by dump lnlcli lull only man um llI condition woo Wm Dow Malian or mum 1th minim mu or been ipuirxuiu uiri DIEM RONNIE study mlllufl Nupir on can Irrts unlnu Nmn stop Sou or sale rm gar Eiflonl 72cm ARTICLES WANTED norms can murmur nus PERSONALS MOTHS ARE PLOTIING to destroy your furs blauknts ivoollens other winter valua bles Beat them to ll Call WRIGHT CLEANERS today Our cold humidity controlled fireproof vaults give lull safety 7235531 loll Bayfield 51 Do YOLI Days pemnll prob tboursadaw Idaylawoel PASTURE FOR RENT 100 of nature or rent with writa labia rulernone newer alter par PAITURI tor rent Good for cat minim mm retention Tcloohonc iui cousin tor nle Mr par $6000000 will be required with Iv mm vac An mm Hewl mmwmly beds and contain Assembly on noon porriur mom and Insplnx equl ment Barrie BASIC REQUIREMENTS dcrs FARMERS MRKT Homas tor this Aged Committee Ilcpaiisï¬donc on cars trucks ï¬ï¬rtmflw We to $2000 this year in yollrsparc ele mmmm mu p1n asnirrioiis MALI so run or lus roan Gaston vs Autosmin epic position with oppolllh psi 11 showcasing oil Ensmmrram loss TIE commas up MALE HELP 1m app plymouth only pulp vexed py sump irurir ins only mmpmm or very good condition rpr timber lnromurioy 5W 71 Training program for your on my anemic tor air rurui door savingsaxe as Vlï¬rm ï¬r men to bccoma In Md Mam WWW each Teodor 10093 Pcrlnrm ALLL flyflwlfl ï¬lial nnce Pond will be equircd pt warrrnn Furniture slam Vs Sports mun equipped Telr the successful General Contrac S3313 hmlumlid Mm tor ml P1me tibia In excellent Tho Home will have accummo ghl Laura and coinsliars musical rpuaiuau my ood dation tor approxmlotay 150 cc u2wnlowmlfll 17 333 mm In pare yoursclt lor lifelimawork Roam 0mm mum Rooms Transmission Wanted and advancement You will be and mm mm mm CW mammalomx asking TRUCKS FOR SALE pald whoI bciriuz lirsiruui for mm be mggam mm mm memiic an cm wall and reinforced concrelc ARTICLES FOR RENT lino Imnlgmtgml in Wlh mm tsunami The Owner reserves the right lo an mm Im In accept or reject any or all Ton Id or all rent pus wzhilfll l2111 inmgï¬yndï¬gzgï¬a Recent grade 12 graduate MIGQNAlelllnLlllEslNoNEN Special IIIst ioiui or uiorl 53m Tilti pix 300d Physcal Con 61 Curlew Drive Don Mills gm mm Collier dltion OIIIano Phone 466m AUTO REPAIRS Reove MEL MCKEEN Ch airman ALEXANDERS GARAGE MR COLEMAN DEAD smelt lrcasurcr Sirocco Coun Wmmuum tractors and farm machinery Adminmlmmn Bunding PHONE BARRIE mm REM lABLE RATES BAR Ontarl Collect Concession lit just off Hwy 90 Iran Fortnst service nilalso or or PATTERNS NICKS DEAD srocx ZENITH 911 NO CHARGE SALES dz SERVICE 26 Penetang St Barrie Ont 7268591 FIGHT THE FALLACY OF FIXED INCOME can show you bow to earn up III Nutl PM time Write at once to George 13 03 lIlcCormack oo Napier $1 Col I1 grin mblrg and uni 319 papp Ls WW any time 12mm 72Mm lROltT 01mm om rcnulred tor year round employment Apply WWIre Rests ranm ll so negro will lplgiiiylii Shinyup It Contagion Medan II mourn insom LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SMERevclilngstiidentattcndtnl Getter Cumin Unlvclstty or 016mm cum ironic lblonto HORSEMAN jpu normal and ItVQdMsday 53 It you are intelcsted in breed ï¬ymwuf iigroilibiriflé rim womens COLUMN $550 quality stallions available or service Reasonable tees Bro THE CAP PERM For the Short TrendAt chure and contracts on request Telephoae 5265962 Midland REGINA CURL SHOPPE Experienccd Operators 61 nun mixes flicker cattle to nlr nor mm datalls tdephone 71 Dunlap St mm Doram1 steam for I119 Ioma can or due mu Televllonl Peacock lieions shops Romanian Stanth at null EMA Thunder mend APDI lm Mm boarded we is FARM MACHINERY Lllllll WI Dams mural lIIAN lolt Cleaning and General anilr InmmnilngharnédtoNlivo In pp ncrsoa Dlmln Alllnrlsle Hardware ms Road mobiles MAP trauma mur lump neeii singly 3mm is ac en 12 Iii50 clppipi auoaier am Duan st orrmmm 533 en Luann Sines nupiop street Grill and wattle iron aim chairs good condition ANTIQUES Eroail Axe Brass and metal large balance scales Large smool bell hand school bells and other small sléighhzlls lronstone china pieces Chairs and rock ers Cracks Captains chair Round metal churn Barrel churn Coal oillamps Small colimn wms ypuiur whom 12 dock Kitchen mantnl clack quln conscientious stuumos help Cows jug Dog slcd Oxcn min must Ehxuémmï¬dblust Mullapablc eani yoke 1an pots Reaper Sad hurtling cplape Equipment Atr irons Wood space heater 1w thlard Dohson moon 4711275 iron sap buckets Seeder Stea geakm mar trunk bash and pig loi APPLICATIONS urenelnr uce let sets inc trunks So ma spit drink Vela 011 pinesmall lflhics Arm chalrz company imp Denna Interested in yrnr rourul position on productloll Snow shoes pair Ford head lamps grinders Keg Pair Perms SPECIAL 5300 MON runs WED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON 4s Dunlap St West 72mm EARNEAIRDRESSING Governmentchartercd School Tliorougb training in all bran qbesjot beauty culture llnu Preference will be Riven lo rpoucpnis with previous smut1 Defiance but colliderutlon wll also bc rim to oersoru with me chunkll ability at tlilt have been Budlust withhod or oilint Iuto math pulllnl eflulment Send mll DEBWIN llAletEssthi aptiii 1n am letter to Box on SCHOOL $233 Wadi looks slim and smart day or 7754991 eveningLany wisps mh Is =5 New acypa erns 1129 TENDER exciting fashion Knit of sport yarn or synthetic Pattern TENDER 7105 sizes 1245 included DELIVERY lo ESSA FIFTY ems tcolnsl tor IllABKPPRESBYTERIAN each Pattern 10 SIaIIIPS CHURCH eHectivo September please IOAIIM Brooks care of lst1961 tor tbsperiod at one Tbs Barrie Examiner Needle year will be accepted by the mill Dept so Front Street undersigned until Jun long West Toronto Ontario 0at aria residents add coats sales 1J McLACHLAN in Print plainly PATTERN 19 Muslim Street NUMBER NAME ADDRESS PARKIE Ontario Firstrtimel Jumbo loss Necdle crnlt Catalog hundreds of SALE signs tree patterns includes The Dmilned 11°°V° designer sweatersl instructions otters to purchase until 400 inside Kn when 9mm pm SMayofsttf1968 scum an cents owns ip ice or Bnolr ptlti Illtyltugsr com Containing very useful Msomuy IOACRES plete patterns inexpensive assortment or well known the SWV LOT 10 CONCES easy to make 60 cents items for mother and baby 510 THE TOWNSHIP 01 Book No 1Deluxa cunts Yours FREE wasp you SW33 16 complela patterns send place Zday announcement All ottersvtn purchase must EASY KNIT SHIFT By ALICE BROOKS This knit isrldeal for your busy liiet 1t refuses to wrinkle DiannNmoNAl no bushel Spreader case as bushelsmarlrrï¬ VAC CASE tractor with loader and post bole digger handmade snow sleds Watch for road signs Terms cash No reserve as hard and changing his line of farming The nwnar and auctioneer riot res onsible for accidents or in jury day of sale Mrs 13011 Ramsay and Harold Andrews clerics ALLEN IHORNER auctioneer pickup and grass head FOX Harveslor Willi pickup and compose Several DION Harvesters fully INSTRUCTION MUSIC MASTER or concilon tor Bowling banquets wedding reoeptiona paltics dances on BOOK NOW Reasnnable rates Phone 72903111 after p111 10 1er WANTED wamnss re employment no Juli ï¬ml lulu is Mulnuter PIIIIPM DEMONSTRATOR PT Hay Swalher JOHN DEERE lost Cultivator All Mllplnult has been serv FREE From CIassified AN EllclHNO an Ril Mincslng 752M ELMVALE CHARLES CHURCH supplies Snic Case New Holland inavui am Realty Value in $250 FOB JUMIIER in $3 woman Waugh3312111113 ii sanzs clerk nor Hnuuwacel Ind WW mire unfit employment Apply CASH TRADE TERMS mm LIABLE Houeï¬epcr wanted or mbmdm WW uv mu pom ror nitturr Also is xble Ibisclam would so cents joi yoiu babyii nrrivuldn be hunkNo1 Museum Quilts ngtmkgglwmlumabsol accom an iv er 1111 fliuichequerepreacnling 10 pa em or so the purchasa price flap son atlula riri or widow pramm 51 cents trained Birth Announcor Any oller nor necossurlly or Telephone iresoon vlmtll Pm Manly pm plow limou nprrpy 79 Book No Quilts lulTu meal writer will assist you days Living how exciting cpl In wording your announco 1m1nn15 ample panelu meat and arrange toryou 59 cents to recelvs your lies Moth aoox or PRIZE Alghaas 13 lrom PLAZA Kltll£h0chpl 12 orgasms DRUGS PHONE 7252414 norrlo and District hï¬adudm CAPABLE WOMAN Illlld luv mediatehy lï¬ hoiuekegpar 0M It ABARRIEEXAMINER gm mm I10 WI ariau pm WANT ADS gt WAR momma yhil Upon acceptance successful bldderwiil be so unï¬lled nridl closing will be required within 30 any subth to the usual ad justmenta Unsuccesslld biddara cheounl will be returned immediately APOGUE OlerkTronsurer Township of Sunnldals thNal 1mm Iario or school as house work tr umiimtrm ppmuopuprpmerl cursors Imam um not money In yourspin upwspnimomerrior now household mommyt won woman needs Indlvuyl soup or aluminum BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for tenLil Valiant door hardtop etc JERRY OOUGHLIN suctisnaer sin tire and lube Girls bicycle matched Bullseye lamps Mr Millian has sold his dairy MOTHERS EAK mum mason IIAY rs in AUCTION SALES 13 AUCTION SALES Autumn lit MISS FJIILY GARDNER and MR AND MP5 WIT DNEY Bridlord at JOHN 37 stream north of Intersection or way 11 and rust two blocks Friday May 31 at 500 pm to sell the following HOUSEHOer EFFECTS lull ANTIQle Kitchen Ranr ette new lnlzrnatiunal Refrig enlorapartlnent rite Wood and coal kilnbu stove Dining mom table and chairs Side glad corner cupboerd cupboards Trunk Antique music no Hcintzirun piano in good can dilion piano stools bed roornsuites rocklnil chain odd tabl Roll scat hall mirrors 12 mg Occaslom al chair Kitchen table Odd chairs Hot plale Ironing boa lnbls scales Elcctrlc iron Vacuum cleaner tea kettles Kitchen utensils pots and pans Dishes Antiqua glass Silverware Cool oil lamp Quantity of leather pIL Ions Quantity of aullLs Balb room scales and mirror Fea Ier tick Cunain strclchcr Tablecln Cushions Card Pictures Clothes rack Iocouch Scattnr rugs hcndlc solving machine Gar den tools Dining room table and chairs China cabinet Coal and wood slave Electric stnvc Kltchcii table anti chairs Rclrlgcrator Chipboard Small tables Plowcr stands Admiral TV Couches Single bed Dou ble bed Bedroom snilc Small radios Dressers Washing lila chine Hall rack Livingl room chairs Gordon tools Slop lad der Quilting lramcs Cracks Dishes etc and many olher articles Terms Cash as house is sold Owner or auctioneer are not lcsponsiblc for accident or in jury on premises day 01 salo Mrs Don Ramsay and Harold Andrews clcrks HORNER auctionch RR Bradford 4384585 moss on camsnous pupa Insrum pram accosted canvanlepca to the ndvortlsor Thurm th cllssuled Advertlain Dovlflmlnl quires all silverum rp kindly Mbncl taslr ldvllfllumenl inimroirieiy prior Int insertion in nlduhmlt any error or Damon pray rs puma bplnrl am in ordcr that Illnl may no mullii for to lol lptpr rim publication To an rte Eamon is rerponslbls or only an Incorrectly prlntcd 11inch own or any IIlurtJaement and than only to tan rxiusnl poruop pl so can involves tn than lIihnlclrflilpmrgut learn ruin run rings music to nu correctl AD Dlzount ï¬atu am pullft In 71 Sing It musswuï¬mnm III clnbcllllatinnayhoen Mafia W161 Lions chm ll not paid withIII caflcnnnatlnus to am or luau as PATTERNS mun YOUllG LOOK THIS is the swiftly seamed shape you love because it given your figure slim young lads Topped by lace framing band neckline Printed Pattern 4562 Half Sizes 1214 14 16 18 20 Size 16 bust 37 re quircs 21$ yds abrlc mnmm CENTS 1651 cents in coins no stamps pleasellor aachpa rn Ont Erin ruidenla add it at sales In Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send nrdccllo AN ADAMS careVol The Barrie xamlner Pattern Dcp 60 Frontst Toronto SPRINGS LOOK IE spit pretty Icininln ake itvyour look pass from over 100 stylus In aur new Spring Sumé incr Pattern catalogGct one pattern tree cllp coupon in Catalog mutilation