mm more inmsrsn Trudeau connatulatea Ottawas Tulip Ntivnl Queen with ldss af exmnlsa rumours will fer crowning her during open Lq ceremonies of the festival on the downtown Sharks Street Qucrrrels Start Before Campaigns By THE CANADIAN PRESS Quarreisome constitutional debate marked this weeks corn Th pnlsuiirlg for the June 25 federal election although Prime tcr Trudeau and Conservative slender Stanfield have not offi cially started fighting Mr Trudeaus main political speech of the week was deliv ered to the Montreal Chamber of Commeraeriuesday Mr Stanï¬eld toured the At lnnllc provinces with time out Wins trip to Montreal to wei come as PC candidate Marcel Farlhault constitutional adviser to Quebecs Premier Danid Johnson As the week ended Mr Stan field was visiting Northern 0n tario NDP Leader Douglas campalgned in British Colum bia concentrating on economic issues Mr Trodeaul speech set the fighting tons for his cabinet ministers and candidates He said Premier Johnson and llll Faribault hold theories that itouId lend to Canadas disinte gration Ho reiterated that its Czech foreign country wants to talk to Canada there is only one ad dress Ottawa Mr Stanfield hammered CAPSUL continued sharp attack NEWS Brace For Offensive US troops reported frghting in South today as the country braced for on Ho ml Minhs birthday away on the theme that the prime minister is dangerously mishandling the Quebec issue are is tremendous job of re conciliation to be done he said and Mr lirudeaus quarrel With Mr Johnson lamenting his prospects of success in nresid ing over any fuhira federnl provincial negotiations Mr Douglas described the primo ministeras continen who did not appear con cerned about the threat to Cana ian sovereignty of Us invest ment NDPprioritles for tha country are industrial expansion and housing Not far offstage was Mr Johnson himself who said he might he obliged by the ra clst nature of the Liberal carn Kosygln Vlsrts Czech Capital beacon ChiSoviet Pre mler Aiexei Kosygin called on Resident Ludvik Svoboda of osiovakia today and they spent half an hour discussing SovietCoach relations the Czechoslovak news agency cm reported yTolVlailr birthday Vietnams northern sector expected wrdesp read Viet Con Sunday US Otters Conditional Bombin saraolv me talks to halt all bomb rnJeturn for freeze on Communis Foreign Minister Tran Van Do said today Student Dies In llhode lSlanngire Gsrown ni University of Rhodeusland trabc ent andvinlured eight other pers APi predawn fire at rnity house today killed one stud nos Bonc Begins Slow Mov today began slowdown New York To Mose wastluvoron Ceam between Moscow and New month million in British Overseas Airway Corgs 1040 pilots threatening delaysend eventual disz tion of international flights by the governmentowried airline owlligllflllisy Stall inauguration of direct air route York could come sometime next Manitoba Govl Retainslconfidence WINNFFEG Man GP by one oflk own Conservative confidence motion by the leer portth of Churchill The Manitoba government opposed members Friday surviveda non aiaaccuslng it of neglecting tha paign to set things straight killing to guerrillas in mail today The fcstival queen is Miss Helen Hughes of Brockvillepont ii ES ii FOB DEMOLITION TORONTO 0P Shfl don Rosco theToronto are cbltect who invited guests to smash up 860000 home last Saturday is being chargedwithwreching with out apelnrit city Buildings Commissioner EWelli Wood said Friday Mason staged the wreckin party because he wanted to clear theproperty for two town houses he will build Mr Weliwood said he re ceived protest letter from the Torontoliouse Wreckers Association criticizing the city for all log the party but the decision to charge Rosen under municipal bylaw had already been made New Premier Named In south Vietnam SAIGON AP President Nguyen Van Tbleu announced appointment today of Tran Van iiuong as South Vietnams new premier Thleu made the announce meat in prepared nationwide radio and television addrtefsl nioehours afterha accepted resignation of Premier Nguyui Van Doc Itll emergency cabl net meeting The announcement put ouldr end to the threat of long govcmrlent crisis which could have undermined the position of the US delegation in the Paris peace talks But it did not neco essarily heal the widening split between lhleal and his strong wflled vice president Air Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky Loo la closerassoclata if Ky mlniat who is opposed to the Alnerican effort to end the war by negotia tion and eonmomise Thieus attitude has been more flexible in his resignation statement Loc declared that South vici Ium faces grave danger from the Paris talks For the last three dayslfys ur friends have passed the word that Huong former premier inn is unacceptable to the vicepres ident would than Tax Incentives Stanfield Says NORTH asrglcel in his first cardpalgnrefcrcncos to re policy Conservative Loader Stanfieldassured lndue try Phiday night that he would hcepfax incentives as prima er ila said he would reject re commendation of thaCartar royal commission on this point although not necessarily on nth era Rolice Studefll NEW YORK AP Sequ hundred police summoned by Columbia Univ ersity early today ended sittn at univer IKYawnedï¬partment house by militant protesters demonstrat ing against Columbias expan sion in the community The confrontation which marked the second time in 18 days that Columbia had called on police to rhut hespaasers won overin less than half hour as the demonstrators sur no rendered without There were 121 persons arrest ed including 44 women On April so when l000polica assembled on the lvyvliesguo universitys Upper Manhattan campus to claardemonstrators from fivebuildings tilerawero 700 persons arrestedandaaboutv loo injured That incident was followed by many charges of no lice brutalib Columbia has an enrollment of about 25000 lt Blook ilNqiicnalisrs Threaten FSgécurity WASllmetoN APtD In tor Edgar Hoover of thereo cial Bureau of lnvevstigatlon says revolutionary stands taken by militant black nationalist groups and students of the new left in the United States pose threat torthe countrya security No its told Congress the black nationalistgroups he had in mind were the Student NonVi olent Coordinating Committee the Black Muslims and the nav olutionary Action Movement They are hes ct threat to the internal socurity of thanafion Th FBI dilef said the new lén typiï¬ed by the Students for Democrch Society is new type of subversive and their danger grea smeared before House of mrcsentativea amro prlations subcommittee Feb is and to onyWBs released tod lle cake approval of $91500000 budgetfor the fiscal year starting July1 glle expressed concern over re ports that biaeir nationalist groups are stockpiling weapons for use against the white man TV logs17 Weather He said these report could well be true because guns are easily obtained and in light of the inflammatory urging of such agitatorsna Stokely Car michael Ripp Brown and James Fromanof the Student ent Cerdinating0om Hoover also ed Membervshl groups like the Ku Klux Klan is dwindling in the Then will armadillo1 The lalrleEumlner Man on vrctorur Dav than will memoir OPl nre lands are dancing again in the majestic Wrenoe when Man andllls World flared his his Friday the site of Expo 57 The nswexposlt perma nent on summer ails opened with falling rain aodjmss pet als host of dancers zooming jatliners blaring bands and kissing assault on Prime Minis ter frudeau hy the teenybop tlack why duoyou newdrlnk ugly girlf lt has no chaser all weapons and alumni lion in preparation for revolution dn Monica and already has desig nated ataringaress for the voltone Imspcclfied area miles fro Laredo onlyafow seats apart at the Place des Nations mommy to thegcart of theexhibltion leaders in an apparent spirltof political truce later exhibits gethar in the come pally of MnyorJean Drnpeau fetherof the show and Nlla helium in racist in heart of as Co in arty has made plans to sin informauls said Ky suspects Huong of wiiiingncs to end the war by compromise Ky was only government member absent fromthe cabinet meet lie was reported at the South Vietnamese ailbase at of Saigon WASHINGTON AP Spokesmenrfor the Poor Peo ples Campaign say that even though its almost hroke it am to more than double the population of the US capital with 1000000membor demon straï¬n May 30 the American Mamorlai Day holiday 0nganizers agree that after oulyone week in We theyare facedwith on of less money and more people to care for than they had antici pated Beyon that however its im possible ï¬nd two ofï¬cials of the Southern Christian chader ship Conference who agree on just how big hole theLcam paign seems to he in and wire or tiléfinancisl pinch has put it any danger offoundeiing The sat twp machCanadian There were no set epeechct it dignitaries But lic northeast flew from some of ti FranceFaces Near Faralysis WorlrereSRévolti Spreads PARIS iCPt President Charles do Gaulie cut short stale visit to Romania today to fly home to country faring nearparalysis as wildcat strikesspread lnln Miic serv Ices DeGaulie had not been sched uledto return to Paris until Sunday night from his Roma nian visit but French sources accompanying the pmidcnt said he will fly hometonight to lie in close touch with the sliua on Strikers occupied more than loo factories as students and workers deï¬ed thegovernmaot in the greatest social upheaval irl France since the loud of the SecondWorid Wa Red flags factories Damage y$lilil In Highway Crash Orval Vincent llcule aged 21 of RR Midland was ur hurt cain this morningsln an accidént on Highway 33 at ll Damage was $1500 in the oils bap whictrwas investigated by Barrie detaeiunent Ontario Pro vinElal Police It 245 am Department of highways pro periywas also damaged to the tlnielofï¬oendthe ehicle had in be towed woodhuis ofResurrection City USAJhat new house about 500 demonstrators near th Linooln Memorial But whilehe named the est ed firmly believe that we will get everything necessary to carry thlscampaign through have given no thoughtvto failure cause we dont intend to fall GIVES ANOTHER FIGURE Lafayettes assistant Deputy Coordinator Anthony Henry said the campaign was only high moneyfigurehe also insist evident Another 1000 pcoplefrom the Midwest were due in today adding to the 900 who arrived from Neerngland Friday and them from Chicago Thursday Almost Ii were housed in area churches while wirrkmen build more tentshaped plyvvood yening ceremonies Friday tw ladies in national costumes tals upped occupied by striking today for an noted the breakdown denth illehreokdown of the talks thieesway Agitation seemed at peak is southwcstcrn France and around Paris The stats railway manage mcnt said early today that traf fic was stopped on most subur ban lines around the capital Subway and bin traffic in Paris appeared to be diminishing USE ARMY TRUCKS The government hastily put fleet of army trucks into action between the capital and the main suburbs Although labor union federa tions llee refrained from is suing general strike order workers went on strike sponta neously throughout the country Hardly an hour went by with out word of snow factoryth workers Prcmlcr Georges Pompldou called anurgelrt meeting with mhrlstcrs of the interior de fence and transportation along wllhftop police officials Thepostofflrs checking sys lcm stooped paying out mone in hlarseilic because of ash ago of funds and residean were reported wltldrawing money from the sine savings bank unusual activity in food stores indicaicd somehousewives were laying in extra supplies srtyv election campaign to lev on debate featurlng Prime Minister Trudeau Con servativc lcader Stanï¬eld not their ownJcader Douglas in telegram tilLiberal and Conservative election campaign ofï¬cials the NDP suggested the three parties get together as soon as possiblcin joint ap proacll to the CDC and CW networks to try to arrange sudr debate Copies ofIhe telegram which in talks Ftriday aimed at arranging Trudcalrstalilifld debate 011v were sent toVCBC dent George Davidson and ray Chercover Ctv pres the proposed CTVrlebate ern phasizes the Idesirabllit threeparty approach to BBC oftheTYlne emndsa debate with the des possible photo