Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 4

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elbow by Nobpapyr anyhow smoteiris canoe shard ProIOnged Talks On liar enlirhhiim gheesing FrompBad To Worse ha maximum Ycurs my truly Cooper Bil Barrie Is Depressing Prospect wasmNoiou torionus moor expectations here of longed frustrating negotla ona ovcr Vietnam peace are based on depressineg solid evidence The us andNorth Vietnam are dedicated to achievhg auila the other side may find impossible to yield Its the Welltroci Journal has put it Each is expected to bring home settlement that will was reasonably close to iontrigbt vlctorywangilng it fiom an enemy that has not reatly been licked and seems unwilling to admit that it can SPRING 1968 Diminishing II Return From Food Through Higher Cost in an interestingbooklet put out by the Canada department of agriculture tlielow cost of food is given some emphasis The booklet makes good case for its conclusion that food costs on relative Ehasis arenot high today even though many housewivesmight be inclined to disagree Food prices it is said have increased by slightly less than half over the past 17 years in 1049 it cost approximately $20 to buy enough meat vegetables fniits milk bread and other foods to feed family of four In 1959 the figure had one up to 324 Today it is $29 To make enough money to feed iam was reduced to 14hours in 1959 and 13 hours in 1966 During the period underdiscussion the total amount of money spent on food Wentup from 321 billion forCanadian produced food to $55 billion This would seem to leave farmers whose numbers were reduced by about one million over the same period in profitable position But marketingcosts rose sharply eating up most of the income derived from in creased spending And marketing cost increases were justified through igher wages taxes processing and packaging and similar factors Marketingcosts increased to such an extent in than it was in 1949 even though wit ily of four the average man in industry fewer rmers to split the In return works shorter hours for the food he individual incomes are hgzi 1liey are needs than he did in 1949 which in that those farmers who have expanded sense actually makes food cheaper today their operations and learned to operate than it was in 1949 In that year it re more efficiently on smaller margin of quired 20 hours wages to earn enough profit Under prevailing circumstances food for weeks supply for four This ii is trend that can only continue two hours of debate Town Cirunc de cldedto have old post office demolished Fourvoted against this action Deputyv iiieeve Lester Cooke Aldermen thB fhy ptto ham and Charlie Newton who felt building could heputtbsomé practical local use JPublic works cornl mittee chaired by Les Cooke brought in comprehensive recommendations urnig lBarrie uptirdate Thomson News papers Canada Limited awarded con tract lov Engineering forBarrie Examiner new offices nd printing plant Patricia Merrick completed XTCAstewardcss course at it now flyingireser po ou Macllacklcm Echo cc tor for Centre Simcoe guidedaround districtlllazharUI Hall of Westia tan who isstudying guidance at Ontario Coilege of Education on olombo Plan Opening stag Barrie Golf Club successful event arranged by mens icaptainRoss Peacock advisedbyWilmer Roiveli Ken Elackwrll and Al Thurlow gandassisted lag in Eddie Renick iMansfieldRub er Co eld erdanc for employees at Barrie ury Prefi isident Leroy Rosser presented trophy 3to champion plant bowling team captain ied byiiruce Law President Dr if Bills announced Viennaccho Boy had been ecured aslone ttractio next seasons Barrie Community Concerts iGerald 0Smtth ofBarrie elected Gran Superintendent of Georgian District No of Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Ma gsonsofCanada Grandprize win iner ofKlnsmeriClubs driiin car student Barrie North Collegiate ariolQiiebec oratofical contest sponsored by Lions Club Eighteen men grad uatcdas Wardensin first Civil Defence trai ng course in Barrie Barrie Le gion club has so much good material for senior softball leaguethis season Coach Al Thurlow will have to cut some good players Pitcher Patrick Poland andi fielder Steve lIines are noncommittal about retiring Cheque forr$500 pre sented by Mrs ClarenceCorhettofLad to President Harold Darch sw1mming pool project Harold Millareiected president new adian Travellers Wasaga village is titioned Province of Ontario to deve op beach facilities Wbrkbcgan on new transmitter site for ca station CKBB to 5000 watts five miles oath of Barrie adjacent toHighway nii Ewennnnsannmon Hamiltonspeutabot Marriage should have renewable ract clansenadvises university of gocloclr in the forenoon of thethird day of April 1073 LSoclety pagesf would annoimca En courtesyv campaig iSomc daily winne fact that the farmers share of the consumer dollar is smaller today 05m 9mm effect 1y formed Barrie branch Associated Can bc Each Iidn also basallies in kccp In mindthe 115 tha soulhcm regime which appears nnacceptabla to the North the North its southern allies the Viet Gong and the National Lib rarntlon Front The cautiousnms suspicion and delay expected lo charac tcrlzc the negotiations in Paris also are productsof old scar tls sun on both sides UNKAPPY MEMURT The US is obsessed by hi vKoreon erpcrlcnce Negotiations thcrc lasted 18 months while fightlng continued jbefore truce was rigned Charges still aregmada politically the US old out to Communism and cmories remain clear of tb Korean ncts regarded as calculated psychological insults Frcduently cited in the fact the oreamncgotlziiors at first sat at higher level forcing the represeniatives to look up Tho memoriesnf the North go ack ifuriher Ind tn circum atanoes amounting to cynical llouts at the bands of such ledandtnie friends as China and the SovietUnlon This time the North itself is at iiie conference table ruling out doublecrosses by its friends The North Vietnamese grounds for attributing betrayal to the French and the British as well Is their Communist alliu and perhaps even lo the us In past negotiation efforts The Viet tilinh led by Ho ill Minis were nit the French in had been pendent French 10 Mi Thcre aso Ficacli mmu auricc Thorc lack the fact it took recognition to Ho in 1964 at the Geneva confer ence where Vietnam was split at rthe 17th parall Ho Chi liinh was burned Americans such as diplomotGeorge Ball have agreed H0 SHORTCHANGED The Soviet Union and China in reached an apparent rawotf with Premier Pierre hiendcsfirauce of France that failed to exploit the terri rights that the North could have military influenceaod strong There wasno concerted Come munisl pressure to hold South Vieinam and the to the pledge of elections In fusselse tions have gone to Ho Chi Min the nth Tney will come to peace mcmhoring Elie flamirExommrs is Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario matter Post Office Depa Ottawa andforp nt of postage 4o Single copies By mail Earrte 57500 year Ontario $1200 year motor on $15 yoar llfail nul aide Ontario 514 year Out deCanada British posses sions $t5 year USA and foreign one year 640 Cathcart st lilo ailyflNevrspaper Piibllsbbra Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circulation The CanadianPress is cluslvely entitled to the which probably would iAuthorlzcd as second class ness what happened at Geneva it years ago forecasts David Halberstnm Pulitzerwinning tamer reporter in Vietnam for the New York Times We may imagine that some how we gave In he Comrmr oista there in 11354 Halbcratnm writes in the New Republic magazine They feel that they were about to take the entire country and were cheated out of it They ara not about to settle for very much less and suspect given their control of Ihppopulauon they will bewiliing to keep the war going until they get what in essence is vviciory When say unto the wicked Thou shall surely die and thou glvcst him not warning nor ipcakcst to Ian the wicked from his wtekedJray to save his lilo the same wicked man ahali die In bl iniquity but It tblnc hlndfl Ezeklcl 310 Every person who claims to be Christian ought to revch his responsibility to God and his fellow man in the light this verso Unto whom mm in given of him shall much be re qilii cautions STORY m1 homcnoatsmnrethanihc mean Nicholson OTTAWA arenga Ca nadianc problems of erahlp have long been appalling But today the average Canadian cannot qualify fos govcnr wentsponsored mortgage on the average home the avarage maxl rnisrn provided for by thegov arnineat mortgage am even it In interest charges more twicethl cost price of that home Just fifteen years ago the KitchenerWaterloo Racord can rled an editorial pointing out the difficulties of homeownersblp in Canada in that faded clip iping in my files now read The coldfact is that high building costs are pricing this country out of homes The aver age newlymarried couple can nnt commit themselves to pay $10000 for home and also buy the things they need lor tta atove yrasblpg machine re frigerator aicl On top of that high price the Kltchcnermaivn paper protested the interest rate on mortgageshad reached thetenlb1a level of bit per cant Since then thanks arger to government actionutbinga have gone fromvbad to harm The average homenow being built in anada costs over $19000 and the lntercatrote on those goverpmcntsponanred rt gaglea has soared to about it per can Tbn =aiarage alngIa detached homo started in jcanadn last year was prlcadat small This price was made up 01515net toi consolation 33560 for on aver age partlyserviced lot with paltry oofootfrontage and 3862 other costa such on vi Tbc prlcc ofiliai lot showed the largest proportionate jump from land most scandalous aspect of the victimization o1 iihe iinuidrbc homeowner Farm land in the outskirti of ihe aycragc Cann the previous year and ManitobaIsTernied Maritime Province non BOWMAN it seems strange to think of lianiinba as Emarltime province but it sso New bo rles came into effect for Manitoba Ontario and Quebec on 1912 and Manitoba oi seacoasi on Hudsui Bay ncludlng the ports of disco and Churchi ilmtobn and Ontario had squabbling about their boundaries infinite time Mani toba became postage stamp province in 1570 its area then was only 11000 square miles but was enlarged in tint The boundary adjustment in 1912 increased Manitobas area to it was Iii result of the bitterly fought Reciprocity Election 1911 when the Coiservatlves Iindcr Sir Robert Borden cndcd theulang regime of Sir Wilfrid Lauriers Liberal government snmcr goods lnva tartffep tectcd market but sell their products oughout the world Sir Robert Boideu ro iscd that if his governmentivere elected he would extend lita tnbas boundary build railway to Hudson Bay and grainrelcva tors at Fortijilllnvanrt thur acted eiiher Conserv and onlytwo Liberals though the Liberals linll most of the seats in Saskatchewan and Alberta The building of the railway to Hudson Bay began in 1913 and Oniailo 250000 square miles ln coiridor nlnng the bait to it could also have railway line to Churchill and Nelson OTHER MAY I5 EVENTS lowIroquois dclcaicd pow criul neutral lndlans lowColbert announced end of trade monopolies in Canada ionsFi so was ap bolnled love or of Canada mittArrival of Admiral Sivanton and fleet ended French attempt to recapture Quebec JudSpecial committee made final report no payments to United Emplre loyalists idleCanadian bombarded Clinrlotte libsSurrender of Lo markcd virtua end of North west rebellion ismToronto plumbers on strike until Septembe Hisioric Laud soclatlosi was establish imFirst gold llion air was landed at reign policy and foreign relations should ha campaign issue External Af fairs said arty feels that voice hduldrepreient Canada oul not minor ue audfihoul put lnfrnnt they can vote for the party they feel can best handle them Adult Entcrialnnient Hmuvitliiislitvnifloimi Inaoctnor First amie snowingsi ioiuoniiow through shrunoar Did you hear the one about The Traveling Saleslady excavm costs have become the Riel went dian commmay Julia for tsoo anaére today But when this do wed salons be subdivided that land installed services and taken his profit be may sell it to builder for as much as $20000 an acre namely as live fullyserviced lot It 000 each if you think land price in gauge look at tbeiesacy of high interest rates which the couples who hope to buy home in which to raise their aniliy in this Just Society Canada needs homes within the financial reach of workers earning the national arerage of $5500 Per year But the average hone built in Cancda last year be was bungalow of mi square feet costing $13611 which is above the maximum price cov ered by governmentspon sorad mortgage So large downpaymenl of 31611 would be required with tha balance covered by 11 The buyer would have to pay about Slot month to cover mortgage payments and municipal taxca But to qualify for such Nation al llouilng Aatvniortgage that buy must have an lncomn rt mu year or $166 week Whic is for nbovethn Canadian average of $1113 HigwoyCiiurc BEST DIRECTOR squadrons or mm you Mllnlm inn mastic second week Or if In is lucky tho new buyer my be lhla to ar nnge for mortgage with re paonenta spread over is rather than 25 years Then his monthly payment would be slightly in at $1506 needing weekly coma of 8156 to qualify in case his down plymentaod bla repayments on the mortgage over years would total 150 In other words he will pay mail for the house and sh ockinl 0367 in Interest charges on one historic occasion v16 outrageous usury caused the Good Man in throw the money lenders out of the Temple When government which was demo cratlcally elected by the would bomeovmers permits inter est rates in reach todays level one can only gape ln amaz ment at the failure of ang homescckers likewise to hurt tiiosc usurera out of their fen pic on Parliament Bill For such moriqage conditions con rututa lifetime economlc bond IEet FELIX FAREHOM tool of monument been pledged by countries to tha UN Relief and Works Agency to aid Palestinian cucca far short of the 7500000 8o GREAT NIGHTS MAY 15 To 19 00PM weo THURS Fat sar SUNDAY 100 PM THEsiiOYIii HEIRS ILLaonNIeaon DYNAMICJYOUTH TEAM yronouro Anna St cop Hwyz Admission Fm BREAKING gNowsnowrno snows AT 7254 ACADEMY AWARDIWINNER MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN Produclion GRADUATE anne Bancroft main Hoffman Katherine Russ Conic to tiieearlyshowV and avoid the natural iiisnocimiiiuiiiio TllflltlllEYllllB COLUMElA eicrunss PiesIsis arsenic

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