Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 20

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um gim emu MIMI bell nun nuns no at minim IN MC VIHIIMM Emd €59515 mm mom mm lam MWcouldnt ma Inn 13 human MIMIL 33 15 Tom Ira1m um um GM Nl rm munZlm om mum on ego urliu omnu Fe 35 IIiInfldmw mum woman moron And both mud floor elun new bed Dmlm alumna Inner AdulLl mlt Anlhhlr my monthly Tolennvnr Illmo Inn sno tun xmu nnnxoou moment un nlmlnIed armourInd Allnonl dlxum Anllnnie June Tole nlnn mm ovum lung 13 bedroom halted low not mm It d1 Mu klcnen horn on tree of Incl Wklnl on bun mule no on tIan lo chfldnn Writ301 hurt hammer APARTMENTS WANTED on lwloml tumult min Inr tdflxerhwr Ind ton WenM wan mole nIIn no chille Munoer by Jun 44 Ieleonono Tde altar nm ROOMS TO LET 10qu Mt mom to mm min hung Meonon ntXLor mo High street oriml elun room anmtor Ina hot suitable or rennin1 no mulle mom clue to Dollnlown olomlrhi when Tele phone 72500 for NITher Ilka lli runlsnm room lo rént linen Implied III to on Ind mtum HILL cemlemn mtemd Tele phnm now me 530 pm vmlhtslltn noon to rent linen Iunolkd Ilclllttel Avlil Close to Do tomI so Mm Slmt Barr ROOM AND BOARD In AND Bonn Tight it column me er owed mm lonthln mun Icililles manhunt mum COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT YR Isoo Mun m1 eommeyulI met slith tor rend nilIo pure Iuronouse or lint Indus idol 011 nmt unlng Located downtown nurIe Awlv Duh Ei IQCLIIC Telephon M5307 or mer min GARAGE son RENT BUILDING or rent nimble tar nIrenoure or Imne on 100 tut Apnit Voile Tul Dunlnn IItmIJV Te epnone mom OFFICE SPACE on sun tor rem In Downian oxen It relaun ItIlln 801 cu Barrie or MillardMormon ySUMMER COTGES Torrnsns FOR RENT ono bedrooms Imnnn filler romenitnm close to beach uoo nIInnIn nI sooo xenon Trlephonn mnlm onIu melon LAKBPRDNI corms In renl an Xernoellielt bedroom uv Inu room kitchen IIIIIInnIIInce nnlm blthmom Iunroom Prime 837m wlIn doom Teleonon 726 WANTED comers T0 RENT mam rum one nedmon cot Pib eor Antique and Sécondhand Store OPENING WEDMAY teaming good ilnehlhoooltdhnd tumlune Inn on old antiquu buy and Inuw 758AROAD rent III In In nu e333 Im rimI 14m Innma up Bluntin Ill ow lull paler Inn 333 Dunb ifim mm nu If Ir flaw32 Faté armhole or nurse kinda smog airTram kilnn unite odd RC 31 mil All minnmnn eon rot55 um nxma melonu in un tully mndflionod Mon not vur runW flair Blr no mm Geo llo 15mg nan Deflnuestul Juk VIM DinIO ME 151 rum mum on mm ll flitl uidili on new Ion ounInII no emu roan Ind nun notu nu lemmungup mt New mu use 10 Mus Genera Den trie to loan nmllent condition IdeaI tor use or Inn klkahun Telephone mu 1121 dez Allde among Eonéille slofm°sonannnu soon so mnlon stmt nunI whsnm Murine hindlin III we voltswmn lunarAxon used llIu Ina Nttertcs mu Sev fIIISI other Inna Tnlcpnvno noun null or ulo In and rnlttrrsa 1n rooo con man relenhon 12167 me oclock llfl 0mm numllurr duk nles mm mm soumen Dllnion UL ulrhlrmt tor ale nit nIInor hold with sIkes bottom am Am svlm strin rultr with me 50 Toleohom lmt cumin render tlnshnz hum nus 131ro Ionnu unindstlll tactful cor um eon on er nnone mom mm tonczn Al nIrmees tor ule In nod condition For fun PHONE 7284391 mm VEGETAILES urn momI own uIIIIn III Ina 10¢ en fin who ARTICLESFOR RENT Hm An LA BOILING WUIPMENI VAL Power propelled Vlriotu lily mm 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE tn Dunlap St TIN AND HUIfl trnu And emu Inn nInII Toot Ind nun $11M CAMPEIIS Discorer tho wonderiui world outdoor living FOR THE OUTDOORS THE WORLDS FINEST TRAIL BLAZER CAMPERS Models PRICED FROM $349 KNOITY PINE SPORTARAMA line Midhurst Ontario CAMPING TRAILERS SoIt andiiardésopl in low as TILSON TRAILERS Highway 27 South Midland Open Wed Thurs and Friday evenings until 5mm LEGI nmrulm ieleohong no true mum cm zoo oeLe in man Umi drums lower price Brut nurchm new drum ll slam monthly Eten nt lumntlrd to Yonn street north at nlooel ion onto nlennon mom vow Accomllw tor Mk In on HexIt eondltlan Ind mlrlntud lnlephone mom Illnn IIme cumu be 11 It Tents tor ale Irr rent hr md Awnlnl 736961 zucnlc nova tor ule 24 Inch GenetI Electric in xood condition Telennnnn tat6m ncn nnnmloxs Iona not model It Ine loweot III LIII yugmNu sdowillpgmenl Gnuk ur ill svlnzeipor nlztfiofirim Allletan 4mm nrruuznnm Ito tieid bedroom cominenulmds ovi llamhkwitun II etc an or arm 8114 arson IIWING Munlneo See our llu special from $33 ZilZu filIQN No dolln virulent 33 monthly Also umnrlter Ind vacuum clemeth innIllu nrlcu siner nt Burll Uston Hm ram Sneell rontll role for rtunentn Brutal Ire gleam ngmhmw urchin 90 nn org estimlits Stu Iynnvmtee co DIIIIIDp street wont altom NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS isxe wanted to rent or to ueelu In June Prater neu mien Telephone mlsll eveninu ARTS For SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD 5IIlehouae at tine broadioorn D0fEIiC AND llfFORTEQ BROADLOOM Remj Kali sizes and price 67 Goliler St Phone 7261311 nocxnr qummr averthan am used once rele amn pm Tlndfm Trailer tth nen newlira nuke In alter 6mm QLASSIHED ADVERTISING TELEEHQNE 72822414 Untitled ldvertlnemenu Ind not be tor mm tum mun be re lrirrd by Mn Ill pretzdlnl publication noon on Sntnrday msI meduéiqptlon eIt hclillnmeol ve enIen oil mus InlIy 1200 noon neeoedinx nu mono on condobluth All pom innernon mm ADQADHII eonvnnzence In thl advertiser Thoreton one annulled Andrew Doparmnt requires sun In mh Inelr Idverllunwnt fly 9d lontnx am publinuon IIW $23353 nlr exec don at my nuvoruelnont miller Anl tn extent of Lutier am all wonnwnrnu II IBIJ DVEZIIKISLVHuh or roIII oer Insertion Three consecutive lneoltlon lo we Iran insorliun lulal six cow locum Mountain Ilia erword or Innenlon totI not IIultlole Mort my ordnrvd HIM lostIr Irhll Inttsleulnw on mum omnlnon III per cent Iri IIonII II It not pud wiuun Six In Ieen tor ilnirll enteken woos mm was on road insulator 11 for use Plu tedeni Inn prutlnclu Apply umle number 1m PAINT Interiortherbr Mr noon liml mums ado min Safety Hard um fluW ieaLimnttelnr WHA Yogi maltreslu In nlrn gar me Iwn mmefi Tom 15 Bilzlln Barn Taiwan Mfionswm JTWI comer Comm Outfit for nle Zola Iron 35 mm mm needs to menu at second with trlood Iliah Itinduneni Inu um meter nnnn mittlor and tour and slide holdunud Aislsflltmu nm legume mes vum culmam PLANTS BULBS nocmr Hle Anon iwuhn plans grog xIolmxyvag tr on Wes exe niai roots golden 1111 vlrelhmln W6 mom sheet CAMPING EQUIPMENT TLVT 12 High will with helm in floor and zlumilmrn polesufm Ike small Ctnmlo tent er Tellphom mom Does PETS GEIKIAN shunned mod will Snaniel punDIS menu Did Mn 00 mile German shepherd nomad Irma Collie 10 Inonltu old noon mtdt nor Telennone mull BOATS AND MOTORS snmmrsoun 20 gulluble tor to euphm mmu 3i CIw SITIII Sud own no newmsn Go Horn Lott Morin Limited Manon14 8011 or tieI973 mt Ina InIIni conditioned mo mm ARTICLESVWANTED WA Bl quIIttuxe Io nuance nlshtl IAntI ue Second Inna shun It OLDLAM shxdee candellln Pilot inn Boob Ull oua cgfl czhtl Dunlap walnut iRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm luau noun 3mm or Ill on ma Tolophonl 125ml ll If Tedrwrelllwnh vr on moo all tannin on IMO from soil deli Nd i717 dump melt an only myow nu norm Cour MIDI III iieM by dump truck Inn on Idiom mum for role nth complete Athenmentn no motor gum cvndlllon Talevhvne 71F cousr MACHINERY Men on non ted wheel MN allot noonu condlttoll Telw ohmIo 721659 FARMERS MRRT DEAD Build or crippledluttlo and Small animoloremuved PHONE BARBIE 7286210 Collect free For fast servlcc or In Iar NiCKS DEAD srocx ZENITH 150 NO CHARGE MhouInony Mayoan 11va Famed Ontario Manse No £76064 Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Equinment Supplies Berri Holly Hwy 31250358 BonnSupplies Sorvlee Jul Care New Holland Dnvta Brown Buttv l76 BURTON AVE Ill2373 CASH TRADE TERMS Funny turn row nm tractor no sale ggw in roof mdltlon flammable Al en nee ex noon Woman on MWMIIII been Pl No no Also WellPI allowr mun no nsstv Telwhom mon Now nonurm Brier 400 New Holluld summer so lxew Hol land Iv nun ll too my neka ill Wind mo or ry alumnus and incentive prim 1mm mmjor uln heavy tyne IHy ho ll broke Trionhonn 72ml Kelli run nun wished Inne me bufnldlnl Rd nbbvnwin lilo muhim admit oxee en on mun9mm MC nnd7 Inn reap seen mm seed or In rown from Certified Cl clanII Io umflvyolufl IMHO 15132 Sargon POULTRY II CHICK5 lions rol mu sonenu Iueh new Vhar mt relenlmo utma GAAUTO MOTORCYCLES Im uwunlu motonyolo mt Ie condition eIeeIrIe uni uls Mdedyrlth um Ivor ml runnlna condition In uII oqu In strand Phono mend until 16 on 000mm ZAUTO um Transmission Lid Automat hiaiis LDtmloopfiw lain PERSONAL DO YOU HAVE ltmIPIIIiWNWIEL an on lflnliu problem no Ill In um 124$ mums tvw tortum told hmow fins tar AppointInth con momnut mt on vm nnnmlgdlngi Ilhtton duflu Ill IBM den IoIInrolI mI 112m out home Benin 00111th cli nndlrr NI NI unnamed IInmnx neexu womole coIuMN WWI Government Chartered SdIoot ihoroim training in the of beauty culture 1me mm SCHOOL l1 new so gt gt ITRY EXAMINER WANT PHONE my I0w HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WAN WRITE TODAY Leam no YOU pan eanIwlth Barrio one or phone 7266511 common smn so lay runlon snmIflg gallnvetzmmt or dollynu ru NK SEAN Bu gigsrgalwomm hugfifohog WAfllln Med lIeu maul nix II likeli Illnntfflimw 11 Km CASHIERPM wwwmgsnmwg MALE FEMAL rm In in eustonen hdlhs or Inn hr temew onone mum OPPORTUNITY GREATER INCOME The one And only mobile Association needs bershigxepmentatives urea to Home Won The meld who nullity fill in position to enrn up column weekly lulltime up to parttime npewal mmissionswithicosh boom trlps be your oppdrt tyv timet interested mom mum ant gird geeks um ungodly conIowan Kite Ion name mm In It in 99 Ann Stag NIooet prim norm ml EEEIgtIIIIW 1190 RAM DAVlMlgN that Ind Renaow Nerds 1de Collier ét Ell Ell tied HURON bade bun cléi incl It will vm chain 010kth Feminine Allure ALICE nnooxl Crochemllh Iemlnlne moun tlc drcunulohly oivs ply flouting ordresry yarn bow flouncu tlores mceiully you more Crochet dress in open shell rtitcll with lnry pine Ippie bandPnttern 7148 aim my included IllTY CENTS twins tor and pnttorn no stamps Plusel to Alice Brooks core at The Barrie Examiner Needlee migrath pléh ncieeut NolanNo men or this is Immunity effort No thing to in mm ed until aet Aucnonnpns pollinks lath Antillxentlemenn there ollood nril dint manyantique donated valid cause ilId ev eningwould be well ldhlted tngplte this pale PrInkWebeCierlt JERRYCOUQIBJN auctioneer mun none drool TamiIona samco COMMISSION IN TIIEMATIER at muons teiepnono Service in titrth served Ivy the Me donte Muniupalleleph oannot tend the adpmltétilalrolewo trait Dept 60 Front Street West Toronto Ontario Ont Arie resident Add unit Illtl In Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS First limei Jumbo 196 Needle craft Catalog hundred of do ligand tree patterns includes designer sweaters instruction lnslde Knit crochet embroid er 50 cents Book at 16 Jilly ling com plete patterns inexpensive nary to moire 60 cents Book No Deluxe GuiltI 13 complete patiems SeuIl or cents Book No Museum Quill patterns for 12 quflls 60 centn Book No Quiitl ior Iu loyl hiring New exciting cal leciionals complete patterns so cents BOOK 05 PRIZE Alxhlnl Knit thochet 12 orphans 60 cents PATTERNS FAsi IIshIoIIH main parts or slimming slamming sheath Iwitllgrunburst pin tucks radiating ironI necklineChoose DcronvltnltIineri Printed Pot ternioao Haltlsizelz 121ml In 1915 205s mt size 15 bust takes an yardsIBlnch nitric BIXTZHVE CENTS 55 cents ln coilIx no ta rn pl pleadell onjtnch pattern Ont uio lidentl Idd Ioents nlel IIIPIInIIpIIIInIy sun NAME ADDRESS NUMBER Send order MAME ADAMS are The Barrie Examiner Pottern Dept 60 Front Slaw Torontol Ontario SPRINGS NEWLILoox is salt prettyp temlninei Make it your look choose trom over I100 styles in our new Spring Surn lner Pnttern Catalog Get one pattern tree clip coupon in Ontolog Send so pants Waning pom run counter run Into411 uh Ill WmNDPmtihdfl$G 14 Other NOVAIOOIIA Cain Nerfibonnld swnmgt IrmaIlla Inu xJlic1luI qutnil PC trillionMyles Tomokhu LI LBJ EmuH Melville Corny bell LI QUEBEC LldllelleIuun ldmlund lalmlrie rinn Wuhan ntmconlIoxflmtnn BiouiniLL mannaPaula Dlgrerné lNDP lulrui Dover17 1123 Cliche NDPI on troll kilnx Raymond nook ONTARIO Fort Williammulled BodJ anal Binnlen and lb blindl Brendan McConnell NDP It In lieh Illehfl Bomon iNDPl Ir rmnnd Wilson mom No bertud InnaJohn Pnlt PC Oxhawmwlllihychhoel Sim PC Contrameow Menuill II PerthJack BishopNDP an IIIA10 Groom NDP Ronni gs MuleIi runny Anne Val iNDP mum Simone NorthPerri Rin iolii NDP snowman on mull PC Toronto IImavlowLRobem Sutherland Toronto Du VolleyDalton curmp PC orvnto MinionJame Layman NDP orlr CentreDonald ling PC Nun York Butxstoven Otto ILIIKeIcoIn WnngiPC YorkshncooJohn Robert MANITOBA PlgvolllnaGordon Bltohil unguInndlzu Al mom la PumzeeNeeplwlGerlld Cobbe LI Whnlpel NorthaltDAvld Orllkow ViNDPlt Willi Winnipeg Norlh centsJo seph Kerr PC Winnipeg South CentrH Junk McDowell ind FC inner Thompson NDP SASKATCHEWAN QuAopelie MooseMonn ggrxlmhard it Sautham anshtooIInIxnannnd Nasserden PC SuitloanllnnIlIoIIIIa xLewlo Brand PC ALBERTA Edmonton WentTevie Mili er Lib Pembinnxlnok Bin PC WatnflwinEeno Beluln Bnmsn column DunnoBoyd Shnnnon PC Kootonny WtflvITfld Brgihzrs SC lulu Boundaryx 11er 1th Pa unouver CentreD IKllgnur PC murmurXingu iaudo Britton PC Victorlnennrv Rich III NDP mold Yukonab Findlly lBob MCLareniNDP um tom errl Harvey Kent NDP xMelnbe of hat Home InNomlnoted pretdollgly oi Service insur ance Plan Donald Humanoid ieadeL 91 too provincial New gemwatic Party said htta ay 1wlIen iconlprehennve covei age In prowded to ev overoil medical poveruze IIIIIal iy goes up somelo per cent he told tederai nominating convelfitiotntgorthe ridin oi Sar nIa atvextra ndltn ll olrendyzcovemi at comm llns amour PITTSBURGH AP Vd eran centre EarlIngartield Inf Ken Schlnkelot Pittsburgh Pen lilins will underzosurgeryior torn knee cartilage the Nation ai Hockey League club snid fiescddoy inearfield will in gr today Schiuitol Thurs ltmnlts SIGN mmo GHANA CF The 0N4 Rough Riders ot the Conadinn ot to oil League jntlnoutlced iu that three United States players have signed con trnctn tor the 1958 neuron Tiny are Ed yn 23 Kevin Moron 20 and Charles Henry 21

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