Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 18

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ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOII CASE RATE timing and Delta Cards at Them lords additioni Ink toad In Emilia no vesseln V880 per om Harm Liberal Committee RoDm in BARRIE is situated at 88 DUNLOP STREET Phone 728d48l AIL PERSONS interest in helping with theelcction are request cd to phone or visit any tinelroin sin in pm Monday in Saturday VESPRA SCHOOLS Registration oi pre school age children tor attendance in Sept 1968 will be held at the iollow ing locations Forest Hill School ltlidhurst to 230 pm hilly liiincslng School Ito pm lilny 29 Centre Vespra at Grcniel School to pm May 29 RICHARDSON SEC BIRTHS nANcDurzui Mr sod Mn isrucr nanlmield or so Rodney street Barrle are many to ur nonnce the birth or drrrrnter lChllrIv Anni on may MW it rose rt the no or Victoria llosnttnl nsier ror racy DRURY At the toyI vicioria itarotlal on blond array 1965 son iilr run at Robert Drury or rut No Darrin Onhrin immune nir mu nrr norm lluilucriirepglmllgshlawmew Avenfie we announce sinn ran some Todd iltoooy Ibd on mind rim is less the item Victoria iiosoiui Hurts brother lor item and silly ENGAGEMENTS WAIJIILIFP Mr Ind Juln Donqu rune Yen item Lona title an arm to In hourice the lorthcomimr marriage of their deltahie Diana lam to 11 Rogerhlfigulhldam sachet an IE drill lays Itltonn Raid Merton The minute will take no on suture Julie 15th It nitv ctrper Canadian Forces arse Harden Ontario DEATHS iirrNam nerbrrt At one no Viclom Basaltn1 Burris on indir dnv also is loss Herbert Arnold Ianricriv or its Emerald street Itarric bclnvcd husband of manner Flynn dclr other or am Geno tails ll rucnudri soul Tor unto our mndrrtner nl neiiv rnd Ronnie Richards lusting It the Jennett inner21 Home 151 landlord Strect Barrie ror service on wei ricsday It p111 Mount St gangs Anglican Cemetery St re COMING EVENTS LADIES Is your man bathroom bari tone tenor bass or lead ENCOURAGE HIS AIIEND ANCE AT THE NEXT BARIUE BARBERSHOP CHORUS NIGHT WEDNESDAY EVENING 810 pm sharp Guest quarieu Refreshments ST GEORGES ANGLICAN BALL Burton and Granville Information call 7284112 no 5031 evenings RUMlilAGE SALE FRIDAY MAY 17 10 am to 130 pm TRINITY PARISH HALL Auspiees VPAULETIES ACW St Paul Innisfil Mr and Mrs SLESSOR 113 SHIRLEY AVE BARRIE wish to invite their iriends and relatives to OPEN HOUSE at their home SATURDAYLMAY 10 1960 25 pm an mole pm on the occasion at their 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY No gifts please tTIH SCHOMBERG AIR Friday May 24 and Saturday May 25 llama stamps Draw tickers Letterheads IIusiness cards Cheques Wedding stationery FREE ESHMAIES ON ALL PRINTING NEEDS EXAMINER Commercial Prin ing HINT FUR THE RIDE AND GROOM Watch Classified Ads for terrific furniturevand ap pliance bargains Rial mace REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE him GIEN HAVEN BEACH bedrooms living room stone fireplace floor to ceiling piece bathroom kitchen inlly iumished utility room hot cold water garage boathcuse electric marine railway 102 202 nicely landscaped lot Pri vate road $75900 Contact Ed Snow Strond 4369116 or Dor othy Coibourne Strond $1167 BIG BAY POINT Estate Sale 300 wnieriront large 2storcy ilcldstono rind stucco house living room stone fireplace bedrooms kitchen dining room bathroom sun room guest house garage Also one Groom cottage good well on pressure docks $57000 Contact Ed Snow Stroud its 3116 or Dorothy Colbourne Stroud 4361387 FARMLAND 25 acres level sand loam 27 acres under cultivation $12 000 50ccres is workable pond possibilities on paved road $25000 Contact Ed Snow strand 4356116 or Dorothy Col bourne Strand 4361387 LEONARDS BEACH Executives summer cottage bedrooms living room stone fireplace floor to ceiling mod ern kitchen new stove and re frigerator piece bath nicely inrnished electrically heated Utility room guest house tool shed garage new boathouse electrically operated marine railway new inboard outboard boat 150 hp motor hydraulic controls nicely landscaped int 100 seawnll circle driveway dock $35000 with boat $31500 without boat All sand beach Contact Ed Snow Strond tat ills or Dorctiiy Colbourne Stroud 4361387 SOUTH OF BARRIE bedrooms living IMmufilb place to ceiling dining room kitchen piece bath large er closed sunroom has plate glass windows overlooking lake uiil ity room laundry tubs new pump gas furnace electric ma rine railway senwail lull width at 100 lot Saiest sand beach on Sirncne Contact Ed Snow Silde 4363116 or Dorothy Col bourne Stroud 4361387 150 DDTSEAWALL bedrooms living room fire place to ceiling heatolators dining room kitchen bathroom sunroom guest house all iully furnished double garage boat house electric marine railway dock sale sandy beach private road $30000 Contact Ed Snow 4365116 or Dorothy Colhourne Strand 4361387 KEITH LID REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie 7185095 Colboiuno Stroud 51387 McLean Elmvaio 111114 Msclneod Barrie 7284759 Snow Stroud 4368110 Woodoro Ari2428 Spencer Thornton Assam Fitzsimminr Chhill 4562630 Ed Green Barrie 72mm 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 zins anspmlm Mmemo semidetached brick 4bedroom ms monthly on mnnthl rent in advance option to Muchse rulv rowan mull LARGE Hausa suitable or plex owner mm make Irnmrdirte tale For Immunn teknhon 7735197 WILL LEASE or sell nrw modern yelr round three bedroom home on lake Simone available July In slum W11 amour mortgage Telephone mam riuvnrs szrnoo wauimod modem brick bungalow lininlculltl condition bedroom specious xit chm with dinette iiviu room dining room clflmie turd blih mm psneilcd recreation room in run limolent smile largo imi semd imd lot close to schools our route moor necrniiy redec outed Availablellzilitv lmrierllcemnt mm momire ts tlxer Tclenhnrio 77ml Well Help You Write Ads wwwmn moire it CARSON MWSW mm iuil mNuthOflluilhemlrkkaIn Sign Amaummwwmm mmmmmnv sentiment ihplsx ballast lot some will handle millionin NormEyMmnu swarmmain snowmenmn enamored meet AP IIOWENSI wintry setting hu the advantage of large llndcc lot til Jane lectures include gt SmaldedCIblnelldividingHIdeen hrzobéispodrefluuwmomtimcwm This tauiiiyhomocarriel drummed moderate down payment For complete details regarding this opportunity direct VOID enquiries to Pete Bunion Kennel Miller Peter Danton John Cole Robert Dwelling Harvey Weber milled lovsgrovo Emory Miller 7161581 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 98 Bsyileid Street Film ILLS REALTORS Mortgage Funds Available Free Outerw Parting OWNER IRANSFERRD $26500 Near North Collegiate and St Muys Quinn built executive split level brick home with attached llrlge Attractive living room withllrcplace dining room Milly stud kitchen with mahogany cupboards Ind builtIn 1mg Jbodroornl and den Family room with doorway to well landscaped grounds Must be seen to be Appreciated Terms ii desired Cliltha Seundreit EVENING CALL magnum mm 31117 noon nnnonnrgrusixnoou Imam 52 mm more or us clan mam 7mm DRIP is low RITA SCANDALFIT CAMPBELL PROM 1118 names BIGH 51 mmr moon HERE is THE RIGHT HOME tor IJIris family Slmnldaie Road area Split level lust years old and beautltuliy tsndscs bedrooms iamin room with fireplace Ind recr room with kitchenette Large modern kitchen dining area shaped liv irrg room dining room Paved drl and double garage cirrus Read or appointment gt NEAR BRENTWOOD house and sues Art Fry 4W Cam Fred Taylor Paul Penman Art Fry M13210 FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 BAYFIELD sum ml wVELY SMALL BUNGAIDW for retired couple Excellent looe tion close to downtown low down Myrncnt LARGE OLDER HOME suitable or big isrnlly Ideal for duplex ing piece bath on main floorend place both on second floor finished and floor Make otter BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW East thing Well kept landscaped lot with pltic lemmas corn mom min Wllnerght menu new Gee Mills Aft511d macaroni Foster mum end close to every Stan Hammond Frank Nellen Mike Magus Leo Cavansgh SHELSWELL and WILLSON MISREALESTATEMORTG chosen TEN ACRES with our bedroom home and ship of Fine House and barn need model Call Keith Mellasier 4495 2350 FULL pm 515900 storey mo in nice location nrm bedroom recreation room lull basement oil heal Nicely lend scaped or more details call Mra Atkinso 7289196 No 895 SUMMER CUllAGE Only our years old cedar plank 30 fl beams completely furnished electric heat Large well tread lot and access to private beanh $11900 with team Cali Margaret TArbush meals ms 2018 119 Dunlap St East 7261422 or 7261423 ROGERS CONNELL Photo III Realtor DUNIDP STREETEASI At the Five Points Phone 723550 AI MINEIS POINT YIARROUNDDWELLING WIIIIWATER 52500 Dawn with single open snortg will buy bedroomirarne blurgolow with zcnr garagei Although lane exists between the house and the 1aketthero is private ieoced Iit strip to your privately owned doc Here is the opportunity at low cost to combine manner and winter activities in one handy location just outside Barrie CityIlmlts Call us IODAY to arrange completejnspectlonl MAGE EVENINGS CALL FRED EPLEiT 728m CHAS ROGERS 7358 COUTTS CO Realtors 50weri St Barrie 7282485 Highland Park Village Go south on Highway 111 all 3rd road after railroad tuttle Avenue and our model homes are on the first road to the left We have litlnes under construction with model hornesopenior inspection hYIppointmerit only BUNGAIDWS $17 SPLIT Levels 19900 DOWN PAYMENT $9500 ANDIIP Festuring low taxes aluminum startersarid screens and finished to NBA specifications etc EVENINGS Sandyl Coulis 7134283 Gordon MCoutts mm Walter Cantu 7232111 BlDWELL Mortdag marinara manerronn 7234430 MARY MORRISON IVAN BlDWELL 736321 nus Renior ascomnapr WILMA BlDWELL ELAINE meson FOUR BEDROOM HOME on to COLLIER ST hedged private lot close to wa thisJ to city Ilmlh or CNB tracks turnieit MARY VAIR 7mm EdGenge rnolonlsngiulon ROSE Armrseis homeless RENTAIS Jane lei minisltbldllllmis Insms 11 mom Rage11 ariltii lies moses Ridilld Raverit M1 HENRY It ELRICK MICHIE Resl Estate Appraisais Mortgages in conunn 51 must ONLY $4900 DOWN 2N SHANIY BAY RD Three brick bungalow with In the walla fitter 112111 garage ace rps our living room nil suits dining room Residential privacy with close to everything conveni ence Tssteiuily landscaped grounds TAXES ONLY $170 HITE Appraisals Listings invited ISABEL FISHER TIMSII JOHN WHITE mm WINS RAWN Estate Broker LI lot no 11000 natural wooded lot with strewn makes bean tllulsettlhg or this storey snd ball home on Edgehiil Drive Barrie Full dry basement forced sir oil but ailtable lor VLA bedroom bungalow in quiet secluded Rl area large beau tliiiliy landscaped lot with em ple privacy KEITH MARSHALL Realtor mom PARRY SOUND Drive to cottage sites on Otter Lake miles south of town llydro and phone available First time offer ed Contact LORNE TUDHOPE AGENCIES LTD 24 William St Parry Sound Ontario 7462173 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers SJ Dimlop St Phone 7282419 82 130 LOT in better residean area at Angus Price $2100 law taxes Convenient to schools and chur ches Cholkan 09 mo ins REALTOR ml ALOONA BEAGI $9000 Wortiievery penny Fur nished bedroom cottage on ter let us show you this bonu ty and try youroiler Call liar vey or Anita Swlit mores 51mm any norm Forthsrightrnanwithloteoi smbitionhla sfiravlgs stallionkhon Shanty ny overoo mortgages mum Kcmpenfslt 131 Extra building on low mm mm oitachcdjo set up restaurant buy your pmmm am or grocery stlIgreAll this rlor Magu only 318300 or urthcr inor motion cell Joe Dlrrecolo 726 iffifififirtfiqumgg 057 JANE iomdntilli MORAN mm Al 415 MillsMum nauseous Will den Well kept and large lot To inmt this centrally lo catcd property telephone Edger Carrier 7287605 LIVE IN ONE RENT iIlE 0mm Nice duplex In good area with all new plumbing Completely new on inside good invest ment forsomeone with sub stantial down payment For w°g rungs fingernail Aweoxi WNW are 35 so VIA tom Hie Binto menu so 200 with trees since ennnoonr Home with PLANNING ON BUILDING NEW HOW Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford St sumo on asan we Sec mory Miller Reel but 61 Dnnloo st w7rrrias1 stones throw lrom Barrie City Limits basement large lot centniJ lo cllkd nu calm rid I7Il newly deconttd TGIEDhom camp Bremen mm on bedroom bunn low withdoubll rum Ind ree an room Lonied on large wooded lot In Midhnrxt Village Leased until June 1969 317500 Cd sarcomas 031 TOWNSHIP um road storey home flawed burn mm midlife Twig 311 at moon newsz theory lull torsionSALE HERB ISL in lime son an tree pond Beenlooking leathersaint who no rerun creixsrna Four yearscld 3bedroom back splitFuli price $111900 Lovely homo hastmme th hand mancan overcome easily Lets look at ILCnll Ed or Marilyn Jennings7w0803 Reasonably priced Call 72o 8892 Marion Newman LOVELY brick bungalow in quiet residential am Paved drive to single attached garage For more Mmetlonoail Marg Wakefield sass INCXIMEHIOPERTY Triplex centrally lociud Gpod sinedlot Good clean condition Telepho mmly Yvonne us All IIIIm rum Am loucre lots riv 11000 writ mcilridnl ind nxcsnnshr Building lots ror Prommnde size no to Al nose Rullo 311 is Owen Street Burris INSURANCE Homilian Don orget to er your lNSURANCE undiffyou need extra coverage 01 any kind no STEVENSONS promos s1 mom MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH owns ms duplex home MoblteHomeS contains five room apart 1° General Glendale ltaveiux mentsyincome 1195 per zoned special commercial Pric ed to sell Downtown urea Bay Parts and Sanka field sneer magic no BURTON AVE moose MISRealtoru mssrl OnshorTeimsupto7lears ODDANY mun use omssmnaraenms 14410173 APPROVALS mmwtomm No MILLLwflunbw paintedy Pivnwt 111me Corp 101 CI Richmmd St some Out 36695 Em 23M IMIIBJIAII 11 and 2nd 011 no um 00qu no 01 VALUATION DO Yeynflm ll Nomi Rudy We will even ind on mmnkllflunfln IIflltlln 109 Bayfleld 7281071 our mt nod corran For no luv min Herold Mortgage Loan Anywhere entertainment Adults PHONE 7234752 HIDE mviniwieiemde resmin Emma use usiorrdgomwd and hctllilu Ill decorI AND 1111 lemfllfl MI mas msoosl um unilghmirléure Aural inspire REPAIR GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen On Your Job MASONRY NEW CONCEPT LTD Musoriry Division DEPENDABLE SERVICE in BRICK AND LOC WORK Au wolur GUARANTEED BOB TRERRIEN MANAGER Drl in no way corrected with any other Iirrni Days Evenings 7286655 7284232 ENGRAVI NG ENGRAVING Nameplates signs electrical circuit symbols and designs engraved in Plexiglas various colors at plastic or metals MUSCHIA 26 Shannon St Phone 7280651 day or evening COTTAGE REPAIR JACKING COIIAGES Insulating and Winterizing Septic Tanks and Tile Beds flocks Plumbing and Electric est HORST Hawkestone Mephone Oro 4875760 JANITOR SERVICE Loolmu Ion tiltn sisItal or times diam star17 moi Cleaning Service none JANITORS DELUXE JANITORIAL SERVICE Insured for liability Free estimates INDUSIRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENIIAL as Toronto St Jamie PAVING Rachlirl Paving name you can trust Barnyards govtsiibsidy it you duality Lots Driveways etc le guaranteed in wn is years experience Foremen Estimators 7108751 BARRIE SEPTIC TANKS some TANKsrullrnD $25 my sine normalisation 15 miles at Bsrrlo KEN WINTER CO Barrie Telephone 7260732 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR anvsmn SMALLENGINE email Authoer dealer for Yardman Davis Tom Crawly lawn and garden equipment zilonoirro sl Imseto REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 38 mannerton street RHONE mess Gmmnunacany Iiorl Ind win EA OWHIV St 7282510 teltrad co an or no At Aconl Belch lake Btmeol Contact Mr ox REPLIES My whno mry or or mu tc tomcat rggilgs Tents1x coouwlilc Ontario Telephone IIILmbIn lovthl IdlIflrIllr Al soon gt nmittélnm 32 mil or ill hmlo throngs olttur run rr3iilr5 Adm led wt 53 or in nuiiloneo or senmin miner to cumin Skins667 null anrrn commucirl PRINTING PROBLEMS Pflnttnxdlvllton The Blrrll ll GARDENING GEN rim to ill Whitman is es bed 19 Tel no 61105 DRESSMAICING nusslniilurm done in my om reasonhie ruler rai rump trier detslll telephone mews rr are Ready to Work immediately LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE SERVICE Sodding bushes and trees sidewalks and fencing DECORATIVE me seems Telephone collect 4357145 BUILDING CONSTR lIt Msxaoll migration iborn nd ex hi all Ind res DRIVING SCHOOL KN iili to volnunent Harald72582315 INSULATION Free estimates Inlnptud wri IllEntire Scott Idillr 728181 lRONlNG mammnner basis Imnlnx 50 17 mm and Pickup and deliver PAINTING 53 rimmed antheu Exiles and printinx interior rno exteh or Very film an utim cgu me risennoa me on Puncture lotus Comv our 411 nniuon Mmema roodmols Fm Estl Nod shone nigh 31 momma Ind Esveflxwhlnl are carterle Telephln INCOME TAX an vssh ans Adah Iconic Bookkeepinrservclcufmwdd menses nx mums procued Ifll hiatus Indi Kidd 159 mica SMEtSuEIGfl armehelepnonr mm or Ivenlnl CARPENTRV nmmnn AVAILAIILS Ru Glnles Cottalel Jillnu WW where 1282306 muons RemyNoni 11mm cometIon by meraved trilli err M6409 in PLASTERING gt HIRING COL KIWIID Roomy mews tthyuumw men men ween CONTROL sPEClAIJZEl LAWN SERVICE Weedcontrol Aeration Fertil izationlliguid root Ioeding lirningiusectcontroi etc TurfKing Orilliail Spra Service sales GARDEN SUPPLIES NEW CONCERT LTD RetailfDivision Everythingin Stone Pleirning something new to your spring planting We have full line of rock stone Flagstone rand Driwsil stone or your gardens walkso patios retaining walls sodas planters W0 WILL SUIPLY MATERI ALS HELP YOU PLAN IT ANDOR DO IT EOR YOU BOB THERRIEN MANAGER in norwsy connected with any other firm Days Evenings 7286655 728I232 TRY EXAMINER wenc nos rnona 7232414

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