THEY FAIR iUNIFoaM This is the unitorm which will ho worn by ltlnn and His Warld hostesses when the fair on the St Lawrence islands guides will be wcarlng the new unitorma designed by Michel hobiehaud who created the Expo 61 hostess uniiorm gopons May About son CF photat ii ELEANOR ROSS Hcres pride clutch of scavey of hints contributed by many kind friends or this de tpartment to help gct household ehores done one is the idea ol marking hotels with colored buttons trod for hot and bluet0r cold Even very child can 3then distinguish between hot Iand cold water taps Another reader advises that in polishing acar with dry ichamois atter sudsing and hos Ilitg it the surface should be iped with either horizontal or walisI ical strokes This prevents ris that show up clearly in ght sunligh Dollyourself ers with an art streak can for their feet small pai byrnumber When completed ihesï¬ mud he placed onthe floor on framed Just sponging oil on tensionally keepsihe rugs fresh jooking and clean Househoid Hints Help WiihChOIesf traydishes can be washed with the hottest suds and rinse wag tors and can even be sterilised attorsiclnoom use It the juice from berry pie has run over while baking or the oven of your range is long pastduc tor cleaning com mercial oven cleaner helps to makelhn job easier Remem her though that these products are formulated specifically for cleaningthe oven interior and should never be used on the ex terior Just goodgoing over with sponge oreioth squeezed out in not suds keeps outsida control panel and trim shiny clean Whed an room or it you are preparing specificau or building or re modeli tve thought to the fact thaL ood panelling is one joying renewed populdrity for both homercmodelting and com struction iWood lends gracious dignity to any room lit lasts lifetime eliminates need for 121 iirii as aid at El is it the bloom by bin Niki laternervrd retrflhments The next meeting will be held at the home at bin at Feniak at Base Borden on May 14 Members present were ittn Cameron bin list tarshy Mrs Biieski Mrs Donovan bin it Gibbons Mrs Giiiitand Mrs ii iii Judd MJ laveii him liter rettltrs blikita blrs Funk and Mrs Wattan rt airm was no on if um Witch you dont believe in Lonely the children were born STATUS or WOMEN Western Women Demand BeeEXamination CirBole SASKANON CPD Should we makeit easicr for the single girl to play around and encour age the housewiie to drop her bahics and leave the kitchen lbats putting it flippantly but those are the questions left with the controversial royal commission on tho status at women at the end at its ldday Western tour From Victoria to Saskatoonf Westcm women set up cry tor reexamination pi womans role andan overhaul of birth control marriage divorce and obnrtion laws And although not speciï¬cally mentioned in the commissions mandate these demands says Chairman Anna Francis will occupy large part of the seven commissioners final Nport Belore that report will coma hearings in Manitoba Ontario Quebec and the Maritime But the central theme at Canadian womens complaints seems al ready clear On occasion the nuestioning ot the moat role and career goals that society sets out for women has brought the commission fawtosface with open hostility in Regina one Khousewlfa grabbed microphone to say real woman could be tuttillcd by home duties and angrily suggest ed thalbetter wages for work ing women would Iprice me out of my status But hostilllywas rare in audt cares that averaged about too women and sprinklingof men hlost stoyed lotistco attentich and Join enthudastically in the lively question periods ltlnny ol them middleagcd housewives tbey ire about personal question hirtbicon trot and mornlity with vs public frankness that would probably have seemed impossible few years ogo The vdownetoearth practical approach to sexiwasset out in Vancouver bythe soumember Childrens Aid Society Its brief said majority of its members were in favor of women having irate of choice about abortion when faced with unwanted pregnan ues Unmarried and married alike should havetree access to birth control devices and information the society said it was stand bascdiiut on morality buton worries about ththis major howrdlo any home ia pointed away from people and pets Keepsmaliichildren away ninrctmairma Dear Au Landon know Hearts Clubrand neither do be butyoucoulddollotofgood in wor lino if you Ihcimpossibtiity at it nding adoptive parenta tor all of the 30000 lllegitimntc babies born across Canada in 1967 Useful Hinis ForiGardener The birch lrnt mlnett presents owners withbircb trees in their yard During the second iveek of May horticulturists with the Ontario Deparirnent of AgricniA lureand Foodirecommend that you spray birch trees with Mal athion iindanepr carbaryl for leaf miners This should be re peated in to to days or ade quate protection Practise power mower safety Always make are you have good footing Maire certain the rotary mower discharge opening from all lawn moiversPerspns have been kiiiedor seriously in jured by debrtssuch was rocks nails or sticks thrown by the rapidly moving mower blades Kiwi educatlo backgrounds ttbeap Persona al intrsvlevving lilin ome to make methane people are re apeelablaYou could ole ptythe same agemup reii obi andlrmanclal mitehpgo thinkntthe sumde oEtUitE Automatic Air outstanding voluntary toaster with vliadiantï¬ ControlirControls precisely the toasting cycle so whether the bread is thick orithin rye orwhite troten or fresh the result is satisfaction firsivtime every time Snap down crumb tray for easy clean vhixmifsua are supposed to help them not militia some otvthe line 990 zmpwho yearnfor companion Youroouid insist plieaatagcndrnierender from our 0n an heritablegoodness Kine ttiacirts agreed unanimously lhaLnlmnst without exception the secretary nbohas iambic keeping her boss ialloo has asked for it Also no salutary gets patted mom than onceum tossabe enjoys it Another point brought out by my ueretlriea was that every city has to uecutivra who are partrtima sex maniacs and no decent girl would vmrtr tor them Good Job are easier to ï¬nd these days than good secretaries taiktdm ucretanq cannulaador When pot pie units and nsk for advice you insult them Your answer to Up paniek the secretary who didnt Whilst to do about the arkld unarold tiri knows how to put an eighthood aunt in an placeit she real 1y wants to that 1a Did it ever occur to yoii that toms girls have to orkfor living They tuk UNCOVERS THE PAST Amheoiogists have been studying what may he the leg ebaoccon attending the boss endary Greek dill Oi Syblii and losing Iheir taband maybe with the aid of an electronic in getting hiackiistecHt he is struman built to study tha louse earths magnolia tiald see wednesday my 15th Examiner or complete list offline name furniture valuesu suutiim sun or onvainou sunbeam lexelusrve 36 steam vents inspeeial don hle rowgives youbeiier distribution of steam over the entiresoleplate New convenient waterlevel when the dining table is ahan mm for meals in iront of on tlV or for bullet supper or to accommodate bedroom conva cent the food can be served la rplanestyie on eomhinatioo platetray that has divided comA partments or food and handles liar convenience These plastic gaugeCompleie button oaks finger tip co irols washandwearjabricg de plus interchange able cord forleftorrighhhanded ironin Stainless Csieelian Suhheamlrons maintained in perfect condition with minimum careust use Slayc°91 41 that ubiquitous sudsy sponge Simplified design Soot anddusi should be washed takes years of off periodically with cloths constant 1153 StittBtAM Niw CONTEMPORARY fluent redewrimnr can ingt Cushioned toast lift Bright chromed finish drying iv Proschool and primary gra children have knack forget ting moregtue on themselves and their surroundingsyyhen they are stuck paste projectNow there is moth saver glue onthe market that comesin avsqueeze bottle and is guaranteed to wash all clothing as well as tiny hands and laces Big hands andfaees can be easily rid oi the giuetoo as many adults get rather fuogiued when they want to glue somethingland manage to dab the ticky slut everywhere but heretheyiwant it tolgot lowed by rinsew mg and controlled moto for lispeed Can euse able miner away from ndExt TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS large bowlfit heaters mix in PHONE via2414 In Sneudsettï¬ug stylingjthevultimat inkett gtip an and flip7lidsteam guard MEA MARKET tol tligleainlngrpolished at under kettle STARTED dross Deborah Barnes 16year old student at Chamny Couoiy high school wrote anlettet to the Russian weekly agar NewTimes aayin sheunder stood Ukrainians wereroade to speak Russian and receive their schooling in Russian The magazine published harrletter branding its contentsas iyrlies and invited readers to reply iDebuiahsfletter peration ReliableheaVylvdutyrnqtor rpcord Convenient heel rest and easy to tieagmix ea