in UN Success Is Dependent Vi Cntlmzed Words enca alfruinognmimeuniuiemmamnnm wilyadfldahafriaa flmm An him workshop on the eedr 01 sdolesceats made it imutin Eaten an rum PM iaJuly196G rm aloedthlicouatrys flunonalcmlmotthem ilva leader John Mrmcamdas diploi In ingeniouslylira tario Association of Childrens thbeyv Dieloaoaker said Wednesday iknrvkgnldthgul can mt Amka mmmmd MR innocence governmmlthnd gtgt oftenvtba western armer gt one thing could not be Wit ted to change uader Prime new er Trudeau Wuummï¬lllï¬on crow his blotenbaher raid in an in Maximilian wm be tervlaw massiic selling cam unwed pr Willkw name aim we in he ate in cu turpus grainynow reaching i0000ii000 Imediigl INA howl bmheis which it not sold would lower the price at wheaL llr Dieienhaker member oi Mfume Healthiiurvey mgmmw may new Ma tbe last Parliament icr Prince Albert said manufacturers oi larin machinery have raised their prices outrageously and are to blame iur increasing costs oi larm implements gMay Impair CBS vi to pennant CPI Gov licrnméa oductlnn oi Childrens iwd Society budgetathis ycar uidisubstantinily impair serv io neodyiiimilies the excc secretary oi the Ontario Aamu tlnn of Childrens Aid So cictlcs sjbid Wednesday ll ILbymond questloned the govettiitieiitcutbacks which he aaldlignoro the needs at iaml ties in was speaking to the as soclatlons annual convention whieh pened hem scxrvicnad new age plaidby ncia suit on gov mgenuon shared basis set oAutiinvthethe i905 Child cum Sorel sonaL Quit on Tite Sorcl city council has voted to In permit the establishment oi magazine with giveaway plan designed to raise money tor the citys budget Mayor Leopold Beaudry said Wednesday in an interview the plan calls or the publication oi an information ga which would sell for 5i Once month 11 names drawn from list at the magazines reagers would be elected to an on orary editorial committee The hnnorary chairmanfol the committee wouldbe entitled to halt the magazines net prai itsdnring his one month oi oi rflcei gt Dr Loo new mood alters medical adviceto one or 13 coal mnotm GP survey conducted by suburban Toron to healthdeoartirient last month revealed 60 cases oi gian coma 361 oidlabetes and as use of suspected tubemulask or quu disease nonem NIXQJ Opposés iiid TORONTO CPI Robert Nixon Ontario Liberal leader said Wednesday he opposos the extension oi public support or separate schools to the end oi Grade 13 lie laid the annual meeting oi the Elobicolic Liberal Asocla ilon that he does not ihclieve We can aiiord parallel systern IIDWt Nild Medicare so JOHNS Nfldi in Nowioundland will enter the na April 1969 undera plan which involves no premiums or iees atthis time and permits doctors to opt out Eascd on number oies sumpilons it is estimated the total cost oi medicare within Newfoundland or the iirst liull yelajr would be SltywoiWEgho SE Margaret admission age to homes orso or more Iv ï¬tment Wed mo legislature iWednesdIy gave aecond readingoppmvai in polls cipleto bill allowing homes or the aged and rest homes on rescrvds despite opposiilon ob ioctlons that the age for admin sions it far beyond the average gig expectancy oitba Canadian aiL Leonard Braidiwalte LE hlcokci said Canadian Indians havoh ltie expectancy of at llcnwich Broadcasters Head MonsREAL CPI Ray an lera oi stations CHANJV and CHEKTV on ouve was zsREEn IonicScam 3IIEIIIIIIDH Ail Mmrisis To ties in instants mer mahogany II noinriiiisiissi sï¬mi HOME 3732 GALLON THE IIYSIIOIIEInm PRICE BULLETIN SEBWWDvvm 3897 tin Itll nthml THE FEIINLEIIIWmi $1022 tints Caahvay hinauil GARTIER mm $1 in has an MAIL COUPON mowx THE TRENT mm 3140 omen sass PtANst Aunt Price All Materials To Class Iiiiiiliiifliiiiii 4x8 $133 swim With Gnuadl lflo 150Iallai im sheet iii2 ELEGTIIIG WIRE iii id run Imiuiui Utility Eudl Communal intone1 timing PlgMmI Comm comm 95 iiasnatiss iiiiiui wan SYSTEM 59 26x96 mm Napalm Protest MIDLAND Mich AP ll of demonstrators gathered in Midland Wednesday to protest the making oi napalm by the Dowlhemical Co but the firm said it would continue to make the jelllcd gasoline bombs to support American troops in Vietnam named 1Wpresldent oi the Canadian Association of Broad casters Wedneadty He succmdsjs Ritchie oi CKLVg 5AM and Windsor Ont radio waaRaymond crepaplt oi CJMS Montreal and vicepresi dent oi television Bill McGregor oi CKCOTV and 1ch lquhener Ont ZCPB Denial momenticr can otlicial Wednesday denied published rcportthat the CPR wilivprobably abandon the pas senger steamship business un Jess its twolineratshow satia iactory profit this summer on the Canada1initettï¬KJi in Man its for use know that spokesman could have beenone of our crew members Barry seen chiei of public relations said when asked tocomment on Montreal dispatch in The Fl nancial Times in London End Finite rs oi the Teamsters union returned towed Wednes day at National Grocers Co Ltd warehoust in Southern Dn tario alter voting acceptance tor thewompany The strike began Monday The unions previous threeyear con March at I967 GOLD COIN MINTEDAT THE ROYAL MINT an arid oi the ion aovmiimcotn hi muteer mad ml Elec edyieopresident oi Vw gosh on or new twoyear contract with tract with the company expiied iIEZ PRIMERSEALER $53 116 I6 Doublesoast Mhin Cartons Save On Quality woon sree unnsns 3525 $4735 0min canniny 0r Morel cantons sesaotnriiiii MERGE ooons Hilts 50 Dry UtilityGrodc Spruce Pine PREMIUM CONSTRUCTION IS10 Sttndald teraovco son tiHMZ 10 an inn $516 insulin iiHliiNEiS 32 425 liiiiiuiiiiiis 1493513 iiiifii mda 40 95 eoeh any quantity Censdlsa No mm IUDft laihl DreamTasted PSIIB WATER PIPE 95 CuITISIsni5uI iniiniiiiuidii thinning 5611 llilii DDS Reynolds Horizontal Sparkling White Spa ii at Ceï¬pamna ER Iiiliiil YUIIII Tililllk LOAD ii an gnuin this III nun not an truckloads oi soon in um mm pin in 1150 311950 $2900 Stetson 2x its in soon lesid run An with In t6 ID 12 PIIIE 36 ion nous slain TBar Posts 98 enyiinyi Chlot lVVlliYittiASS Pit Emacs lclh IMiiiitLS St 35 lilies SIMS or sum an anion lists 26 96 $240 EACH Iain $1215 tilISIiii MT 54175 itItalianWilliamson 31 5962 Iasixafl ItiinWaIihollriiHSZIo Bikinililting 51 Redmunnmwm Shuttlin Bond 419 $198 it to it no IZIIISIIihTIiIII BAITS ssnuisinstï¬iitï¬rtrnooa at IAGGER Apmr THERHAEIIRE savor Z8x68 zioisi Sin Aim Viiis 30170 éphorie and aaraee in contact with the men since Mandayaiidedicina is sent dowm scum aveinn breathing tuberin ilOorMmi athninvFeflsonemilef waterproof containers the the mute entrance Ho usesa Wirephbto ouiwnit earn ssrs TmYIiihi izrtininn tiflPPEii PIPE ra lnlmlioL 5r all rites Iilil uni entrain Open Weekdays Hit hi