oyrosrmmosotmltn Dear REM that been wondering or neck whether should he psychiatrtst Hy problem conclurnsrmy litr monlhoid bahyilt cry let on my nerves No matter it it has gocu good all day when it start Miami get aggravated and usually cod up smacking it in the lace or on the rearendltlbappentobe dlanglltg Ill diapers Atter doit am sorry but still do it am concerned tor the rnenlll health of mysell and my baby Can you help met You havercason to be con cemed but see this bright mu in the situation You are concerned Some hooybeatm show no concern except tour at being caught at it and the re sult is the battered baby sometimes dead baby Yes see psychiatristand tell him the whole story it you have any trouble reachlng psychiatrist quieklyand you may because mostoi lhem have much more worlr than they can doin the meantime talk to your own physician who may be able to shed some light on Mty you resent the baby so much in your letter you rcicr to the baby consistently as it Does thisperhaps indicate thatyou resented having the baby it so it still isnt the babys iault Start trying to realize that this bnbyi=is pcrson one who is llite as you areor anyone else Remember also that babys ordy expressions oi emotion are simple ones laugh cry gurglc Why does the baby cry liungry Wet Lonely Scaredi TELEVISION BUFFALO BARIITE TORONTO It HAMILTON rnunsmv MAY EVENING I200 FNHWS Weather Lltinvlr SD rt 7mvom coon sconventton Lsecrct storm Innv Tbva liPnoto mini mo ziterv crimn auostoe Town trrn Consequence 11lintltonea tzlo Il in they llPbyllh nittu no llllstrr no IMan nvm Uncle 71 Luv LtIGY llhlcvle leovta 15k Black Hones lIGtri From Unaia mo IyJSOer Gunmnke flu L1 ellNews wmtiér Sport IMovie In Henlenant Wont Skirtii liPicrre Berton can zNeu smo 1smnd 11 item tretmnpe LNews lThn Baron Jungle FRIDAY MAY lo MORNING AND AFTERNOON run than Zeridow On Tha world smendly unrise Semester Eeverly World 11 Local News uzon vnomtrnio 44m Grlmth ecnmn Kangaroo Wflh Mu ILSchnilzel Hour rmo ND dDick mu Boone sro Allan tCnntact tantalum an nonx 1m nmpfl Win 14 my LJenpanly 31W JNrwr Snort an nomi World suonurto Schools FNSWEVW aTke so Nillites snares Miss llltili Htsn runnement no 4Clirlldld Camus non tSearcli II nvie on NI3 one Like 7433mm Homicide Dnlniohs llZuu Bunny ma Nnn lMikc nounu aBnnnie Prudden Eieeret interm annv onus llPhotn Finlshr Lon LIIalfl orimn agwtn It Around Vm iTfutb or Conseï¬ulltcls 11Pgztlcolt Hmothm tiTamo tit thne nnm 4Men Irom Uncle firm mo saet smart MM 74nnsmhks MW Dinaks llNewr wamr spam liCelrbritv auo zichll Weather 25m Trek Sparta Lorene it is because oi such changcs IItlirn Chlvlnll 1nu nlrt tad no my Iflylltl Nun znnntet aonno Layman osur Trek The vunu llts Hanuenlng 7aewltcned zconcentntinn 1nlch Cavett 9th spenders 2Personallly 1° itttru onssun 3ch or The Week Tm 11an Sm 1Newlwvrd Gaul auncie noon Itutue Peooyln es 7Bewttched PM usnnshim schools pnunumu Court zMute nanntn oretictn Feynman Instr MAY In EVENING DNltvs Weather Its 4Pennto Are runny 7Newa Weather 74m prim Welther won it ante we lane racer gt EGQIDH rytn Yanle unnn For Your LII tianle Th noo glï¬lmol To China IiWuMot Dam nyx ram Hell Yes you need help You need help in learning in nettle reli on na your cm on It you donmat to llahlii be re one way or another the My its nervous distressing world we liw but the only way at improving It is or each one at us to try to makenur solves little better and rtahler than we are lm glad you recognize that you need help because with that as starting point think youll ï¬nd the help you need Dear Dr Mother had my tubes lied several years ago be cause was having baby overy 10 to it months My husband died three years ago lam now married to spe cial guy who lovcs me dearly and would give anything to have child by this marriage know there are operations tor nearly everything else can anything be done tor meiVJl Possibly Such operations to restore the Fallopian tubes have been developed Unfortunately there is no way to guaraan success Sometimes it works sometimu it docsnL nimindÂ¥andbecnusothe realm ration surgery may not succeed ihal take dim view of tying nit thegFaiopian tubes as means oi contraception There are uthcrplcss permanent ways to prevent pregnancy lTS TIIE BIGGEST Oklahoma City is the largest city in the United States Fol lowing 300 ecent annexations Oklahomas cnpitnl covers about 531 square miles PndGIIIIMS iWomln oi strrvur onuo Iiulln sun znrunet 1Peytou Plac 1Deln Mmlll 3ltu For Your Lilo Hi nsEii In undred itMcrv Grliitn uoo it New wmnu Sporta tLPierra short run zJonnny mm shlm Grilien libiovle Movle tnn Pane For nmn Scene oPenys Probe aitovle iIJn rcrisconei llllovlo The concreta izuo Lornyle Giant Home And Away Ulblliiel iMeet The Millhn 7Pericct Mllchl osrovie Young Lovers t1mn Dannie l4 Tbawnrlcl 1chdinr ram 2W0 nDm el our Lives tan In Many Splendnr Thing Dysn 2to Lboeton ertonse party 7Blby Gama Llenolr In Conflict uoelenoen 4Tn Tell The Truth flGcncrll Hospital sun ZYou Dont Say Fur 14hour or Night Lennonnon Tom fllts Your Mwl 1141mm Countlch lMDVII Ifthm1 Strum Junction snot 2Hoilvwnod snuam 7Wlll 50ml UrnMerv GlKnfl nmtnr mile 24m Sneclal on Voile IIZW 2441911 Nm weather snort lLPlerre Berton uno idnhnnv Clrann iLovIrln Gold snn Bowlt gm tMom Brice Frinlrerfstetni SMWII mic Hardlt They Fail ovie ya on 33 OK Still We North hat Pa 1N1 vh Opening leadlive oi spades Declarer generally has more than one reasonable method ot piay available at the start ot hand ills chlot task usually consists oi comparing the various lines oi play and selecting the one that otters the best chance or the contract bong experience and good Judgment are certainly beiplui in this regard but even so it is possible to overlook the best approach when an unusual play is required to attain the desired resulL For example consider this hand where declarer was in tour hearts and West led spade East won with the king and con tinued with the ace ruiicd by South Hoping to ilnd the trumps dl vidcd 1H dcclarer played the AKQ hearts When West showed out South was well on his way to detect lie cashed three rounds oi clubs ending in dummy and it did not matter whether he cnntihucd with on Just as much entitled to help in IVY MRS WILMEB WIISON ivy seed mill is busy place day and night with tanners seed Joe Wilson is taking three week course in Dornnto before chlusr cuuncn Ac ihe meeting oi the Anglican Church Women washeld at the home of Mrs Fredltachelder Mrs Elwood Jennett presided Reports oitmuai meeting in Toronto were given Ihe JA would like good used clothing tor small children Mrs James MeDermntt gave chapter irnm the study hook Women to We men Mrs Elwood Jennett read an articleon LleuteGov Earl Rowe and Mrs Rowe office force can be Aonoss 1Knlghts rotundnnt sstlmutus Dltiorc rational 105mooth cansnnnnu 1th 12 Hackneyed personified simmer 95mm utnezry llJaclng oilInwnunn glacier do direction bird 11 Sioux state abbr tannngemun snnkes annte 23Litile CMIdrfll 24elangint inaBahyl KO may tߢ 26 Pitfall Eyelashes aBExlstunt 4X Genunect IPerryn Penna Pun IOPIIII 4v mansc committesmeeting or Foster sisters ni Maple sang joining OPP thSault Ste Marin hun Smxrlw1itlnu righ ma Your last funny takeoff onllme to entertain the one ofme firing you only cnosswono dim but that should not stop you irom making it The really dilllcult part oi the hand is to think or the play once you get over that hurdle everything else ll neatly into place monnron Br MRS notr Miss Donna Jennett brldesrnaid tor her cousin Charlotte Ellis whose marriage to Tom Scott tookplaoe ln Lynedochflnited Chmch tiny Others attending from Thorn ton were nlr and Mrs Jennelténnd Verna who also Spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs William Ellis in Delhi hire Cecil Brothel Mrs Bruce Cumming and Bill tho mas oi Cookstown represented Trinity Unite Chum at the charge in Cooks lown moose Inrge crowdiattcndcd Sun day School anniversary in lrin lty United Church May The and the message was brought by Mrs Robert Watson Wood nrlige Junie and senior chairs also provided npproprlato musicFlowcrs were placed in the sanctuary by the in memory oi Elvin Pearson May 12 will he observed as Fondly Day to Trinity now well has been drilled on Robert at LIe iormer Kehnsrd property now owned by Rocky Valentino Thirty feet at water hasbeen acquiredat depth oi 61 feel Mrsltlirlnle hatterch let by plane May to visit hersis ter in Dover England They are the only surviving members in lamily oi to One oi Mrs Fredericks daughter accom panied her as DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA GRANDMA Mv Nt COVERED WITH suaesmoxsa TERRIELE BLONPIE We yerMI HOWCOME MEXIOAN HAIQLESS HES Has ALLTHATNAIR gtHIPPIE nonm In Girls nlme Eggshaped 40 Sign on objects WIDE TRA SA save pureed save on Tris cartons rtACE ropAYs GOODWILL uscnvcna lasiACADlAN c°iioa iimi iWnia uphillItch Wighred Black mm 100 LIA 51621 as In To gt Goonwll me 1295 Buzz vaen